So...whats for dinner?



  • I believe that in our constant search for security we can never gain any peace of mind until we secure our own soul. And this I do believe above all, especially in my times of greatest discouragement, that I must believe—that I must believe in my fellow human—that I must believe in myself—that I must believe in God—if life is to have any meaning. -Margaret Chase Smith

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Funny you should mention it, at the cancer clinic to get results. Not worried since it's been two weeks since MRI to my brain.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Melissa who posted the video the other day is a community director. It is her job to "gather insights from the community" so she should be aware of how this is affecting us all. She is basically in charge of what the mods post to us. It is my impression that they have been tone deaf.

    If they were just starting out with this new mission to get data from breast cancer patients and share/sell information then newcomers could make the choice to join or not. But this was an established community of women who over years had developed relationships and support and they trashed that without notice.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Go Disney! 'Thoughts & Prayers' to Governor DeSanctimonious (I do have to agree with The Donald on that nickname).

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I too have local reoccurrence breast cancer after 5 years. Devastated but not defeated! No invasion of lymph nodes, stage 1A Tic No. had a terrible reaction to taxol, switch to abraxane. We will always stress about reoccurrence but stay positive and focus. Change your eating habits and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Pray, laugh, love and live. I know it may seem daunting but staying positive is thing you can do for you and your love ones.

    Take care and stay strong

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 345

    dancinamyg, I'm glad you got an earlier appointment. You got the cancellation appointment since you requested it, not because somebody rechecked the mammogram and saw something wrong (BIRADS 0 means not enough information to make a decision.) While it is suggested to schedule screening mammograms around your period this is a diagnostic mammogram so that is not important. They will take as many images as needed to get a clear look at the area that was blurry. Try not to stress; with the earlier appointment you should get quicker answers. I hope you get good results.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Any updates on the new BCO site?

  • Just wanted to say that I'm in a similar position and offer support to let you know you're not alone. I'm 40, I just had my first mammogram this month, heterogeneously dense breasts, received a callback for asymmetry in left breast. My anxiety is awful as well. Hang in there... I'm trying to!! I'm really glad you were able to get an appointment much sooner for your follow up.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Vince redecorated Olga's old mansion.


  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I think you're right Carole.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Cythea - My Mother used to cook a custard base dressing for fruit salad - in a double boiler no less. Years ago I gave up on that and just use sour cream. For one apple/one banana/ 20 cherries and what ever little bit left in the bags of shredded coconut and little marshmellows - I used a big glop. Translated that was probably somewhere a bit more than 1/4 cup. Cut all your fruit first & sprinkle with lemon juice to keep from browning. When you're mixing it up - err on the side of less & stir in until it feels right. You can always add more.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I've made fruit salads the same way and the measurements are the same.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    I am making a big pot of Gigante beans with kale, in a tomato sauce. It will flesh out the last of the liver. I'm thawing big shrimp to pan sear tomorrow to go with the rest of the beans, which I know there will be enough of.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    Tonight is spinach ravioli with broccoli. It’s a hungryroot meal and a pretty good one.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Leftover lamb shank & veg. from a Greek restaurant dinner we had Fri. night. Came home to feed Happy and found he'd puked on the duvet--through the comforter & sheet right down to the mattress. He had the runs again too, and wouldn't eat or drink--not even his favorite treats. Left a panicked message for our vet. Wanted to take him to the ER vet--but we had almost 2" of freshly falling snow and I was afraid I'd never be able to get him & his carrier safely down the deck stairs without falling. Called ER vet, who said they wouldn't be able to hospitalize him w/o an exam--and at any rate, even though our vet closes early on Saturdays and is closed Sundays, I'd have to take him home. (Hospitalization is $1000/night, not counting any treatments or tests). They said to withhold food till I could talk to our vet, Didn't get much sleep.

    Vet's tech called next morning and said the vet says to try and feed him, and come in Monday at 2:30 to discuss whether to hydrate him or euthanize. She gave me a referral to Lap of Love, an in-home euthanasia service. He still wouldn't eat or drink. So I gave him some Mirataz transdermal appetite-stimulant in his ear--and this time it worked in less than an hour. Still made the Lap of Love appt. for Tues. afternoon, in case the vet says tomorrow there's nothing more to be done to prevent further diarrhea (the anti-nauseant shot wore off in only 3 days, when it's supposed to last weeks). I had almost nothing to eat yesterday--no appetite. And I haven't been able to shower till tonight (about to do that after his next feeding).

    He's still eating, but very weak and no longer grooms himself (won't let me wipe his butt, belly or hind legs which stink to high heaven). He still comes over to my lap to nuzzle (and to put me to bed & wake me up), but I think the end is near though it's possible to keep him alive for a few more weeks, albeit having to deal with his vomiting & diarrhea. We're going to NOLA on Wed., and I can't see sticking my HK with having to clean up after him for five days (and nobody being with him overnight). It may sound cruel to some, as if we're considering euthanasia out of convenience, but except for food and being on me, he has no pleasure left in his life. He is 15 yrs, 8 months and has had IBD since he was 12. (Likely lymphoma by now, though it would be unspeakably cruel to put him through a biopsy to confirm what we already know).

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266

    chisandy - I am so, so sorry for what you’re going through right now with Happy - from your posts here I have seen how devoted you’ve been to him. I wanted to say Lap of Love here in Tampa is who we used for Toby, and they were excellent. The vet who came was very gentle and caring, spoke to us for quite a while and explained everything carefully, was respectful of our level of emotion, and we just got a beautiful handwritten letter from her in the mail. Home euthanasia isn’t for everyone, but I won’t do it any other way now. Wishing you the best in a difficult situation and thinking of you.

  • Last night's dinner was chicken cutlets (large boneless breast sliced into two thinner pieces) cooked in the air fryer. The cutlets were smeared with dijon mustard and lightly breaded with seasoned bread crumbs. Sprayed with olive oil spray. Not as crispy as when cooked in a skillet but still good. Sides were "candied" carrots and warmed up tomato rice dish. I simmered the carrots in water, emptied the water and added pat of butter and T of Splenda brown sugar blend.

    Since the Einkorn bread doesn't require the Kitchen Aid mixer, I moved it from the counter to a cabinet and moved the air fryer to the counter. I will use it more often and give the skillets a rest.

    Tonight's dinner will be lamb patties. Veggie to be decided and to be purchased.

    I'll have to look up gigante beans.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    Oh Sandy, sad for what you and Happy are going through. What a good life he’s had with you. No judgment here. Hugs to you.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Sandy, my heart aches for you and your sweet kitty. I do not think it is heartless or convenient, ever, to put an animal down. Gut wrenching. We make the best decisions we have with what is in front of us. Our little guy is 19 and 2 days ago, had only 4 bites of food...we are also talking about what comes next. Our boy's kidneys are starting to fail because of his hyperthyroidism. We medicate 2xday and have upped the dose 4 times some point, quality of life beats having him around. The tough part is, when.....

    Shrimp tonight with the beans. For those that dislike kale, I put it into the pot of beans for the last hour or so and it was wonderful. DH, who hates kale, said he'd assumed it was spinach! I know there are southern dishes where the greens are cooked for hours; also read a nice story about the value in well cooked greens. So happy with the outcome.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204 sorry to hear about Happy. THAT decision is always hard.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Thanks, guys. Wally, hoping you can give your little kitty boy as good a quality of life as he wants--and end his suffering when the bad days exceed the good. Our vet used Lap of Love for her own bunny rabbit. She says giving Happy hydration and appetite stimulants would be like "putting Band-Aids on shrapnel wounds," and that we have done right by and will be doing right by him.

    Dinner tonight (Bob's working late) will be grilled salmon (unless it rains, in which case I'll sear it with the windows wide open and fans going full-blast) and leftover mixed grilled veggies from Fri. night.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    Tonight is seasoned and seared chicken breast with tri color couscous, asparagus and a mix of red onion, yellow and green squash.


  • Dinner yesterday was unplanned as was having houseguests for the night. DH had been texting with a friend who lives in MN. He and his wife had spent a month in FL and were on the way home. They would stop by to visit. Little did we know that "visit" meant they would spend the night. It was comical. They arrived about 2:30. About 3:00 they went out to their car for their luggage. DH and I gazed at each other in surprise.

    We went out to dinner at Morton's seafood restaurant on the river front.

    Fortunately the hall bathroom, used by guests, was clean. But the sheets on the guest bed definitely hadn't been freshly washed.

    I fixed the coffee pot to make 12 cups. Guy was up at 4:30. The coffee pot was empty when I got up at 6:30. They both were dressed and ready to depart. They were on the road by 7 am.

    At Morton's I had a bowl of oyster and artichoke soup and a poboy with half shrimp and half oyster. I brought the shrimp half home. DH had a pasta and seafood special that he liked.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Wally, hugs to you and pets to your kitty.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Thanks, Eric.

    Leftover shrimp with gigante beans in kale and tomato sauce.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Happy is at peace and free of pain now. Giving extra loving to our dowager empress Heidi, now that she has our full attention at last.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Sandy, it will be so hard the next few months. May Happy bring you fond memories.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    RIP Happy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Hugs, Sandy. Hope you have a great getaway to NOLA. Looking forward to a report on your food experiences.

    DH had a woodworkers guild meeting last night so had an early dinner. I made him a salad on a dinner plate with romaine lettuce and additions including some sauteed chicken pieces.

    I had a ham and cheese sandwich a little later. I'm a real sandwich person.

    Wally, did you cook the gigante beans prior to adding the tomato sauce? I have learned the hard way that dried beans are not happy with becoming tender in the company of acidic tomatoes. I even wait to add salt until the beans have softened.

    Haven't decided on dinner tonight. Tomorrow night we have a reservation at the nice dining room at our club. I will use my birthday free dinner.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Carole, yes, I cook the beans till done (and gigantes always seem to take hours longer, even after soaking). I do salt, but not a lot. America's Test Kitchen said it helps them retain their shape...but I may skip the salting initially, next time. Once the beans/kale/etc. are to my liking, I add the tomato/acidic ingredients. I too learned the hard way! If you ever find your beans do not get softer, you can add a pinch or so of baking soda. Do not cook long after that or they will become mushy. Still, sometimes, a nice mushy pot of beans hits the spot.

    I'm going to add the last of the shrimp to our lunch salad and add some canned beans to flesh out the gigante and add eggs (shaksuka style).

    Tomorrow I'll make refried bean nachos.