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Survivors who have used only alternative treatments



  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited June 2011

    In my mind "alternative" is potential txs that haven't passed rigorous testing yet (and possibly ever).  Theories people make based on their knowledge of the disease and symptoms.

    Alternative seems like one of the entrepreneurs of BC tx.  While I wouldn't risk my health on using ONLY alternative, I certainly hope the field continues to grow, and the ideas for txs keep coming.  Wouldn't it be awesome if some little plant/food out there just BAM, turned cancer off?

    I won't demean someone who chooses alternative instead of conventional for a couple reasons.  First, I really believe women should do what they think is right for their particular cancer.  Second, what if they're on to something?  Granted, cancer has no cure, but someday??  What if the answer is in the alternative field?  At some point, before the tests and statistics, all chemo was just a theory...a theory with money behind it. 

    Finally, I gain nothing judging a woman for her choices.  She is willing to put her life on the line, HER LIFE, I don't think an anon. person on the internet will change her mind.

    We all want to be right, to believe we made the best decisions with the information we had at the time.  Some of those decisions may turn out to be cutting edge right choices, and others, er, not so much.

    I think a certain amount of fighting is healthy. If everyone always agreed without passion, we probably wouldn't have the cancer fighting agents we have today. Plus, in my experience, women fight. It's just how we're wired when in groups. I've never EVER seen it happen otherwise.

    Having cancer doesn't make us less likely to, imo it makes it more so! I've never been so mean as I am on rads. (And I feel bad for hurting Luan's feelings. She's been nothing but sweet to me on this site. So again, Luan, I apologize.)

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2011

    I began reading this thread to determine if there were things I could be doing to continue in my journey to health.  I chose to use traditional treatment and since have added better nutrition, yoga, meditation and reiki healing.  I wish I had incorporated the yoga, meditation and reiki during my treatment.  Trying to find balance for your personal journey is yours.

    That said, this thread has become like so many others....a place to bitch, throw mud and be negative.  Constructive input of differing ideas is one thing, but this goes beyond that.

    None of us chose to be passengers on this train, but because we are civility should be the rule that governs.   


  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2011

    I really don't think that's true, Athena.  There is a huge group of alternative thinkers, and there's a forum for it.  Just because we stood up to a young Stage 3 patient about wanting to go all-holistic doesn't mean we are "pro-protocol".  I'm fully aware that in my case it could have gone either way, and I've integrated a ton of new thinking, as I'm sure many of us have, into my own treatment as a result.

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited June 2011

    Patzee, I warned you.  You asked for it now here it is.....

    This is a lovely pm I received from our ever loving Patzee, a few days ago.  I had posted part of it a few days ago, but then deleted it.  Patzee I am a woman of my word.  You sent me another pm which I asked you, on an open forum not to do.

    With all the horrible medical problems you have encoountered over the years, as well as a loss of a full term baby, I cannot believe that you could spew such venom. But snakes usually do. Karma is a bitch, and you will, most likely get more bad stuff by attacking me. I have done some research on you, and I find that you have gone on the Alternative site snaking around there making fun of them. You have opinions on politicians in this country although you are a Proud Canadian. Ha! I shall be keeping my eye on you. There is no doubt in my mind that you will screw up once again.  

    Nice, isn't she.

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited June 2011

    Now, where am I screwing up?  If all my health issues are as a result of my being bad, then I guess, by the same token, and if logic dictates then we are all bad?  WE all have bc after all.  Oh and that full term baby she refers to, I lost at the ripe old age of 25.  I must have been born bad.

    Patzee, you and your cronies need to rethink things.

  • baywatcher
    baywatcher Member Posts: 50
    edited June 2011

    Hi TonLee

    You said: "Alternative seems like one of the entrepreneurs of BC tx. While I wouldn't risk my health on using ONLY alternative, I certainly hope the field continues to grow, and the ideas for txs keep coming. Wouldn't it be awesome if some little plant/food out there just BAM, turned cancer off?"

    I recently went to a movie called Forks over Knives. This movie was about health problems such as heart disease and cancer due to the a typical American diet. The researchers were able to turn cancer on and off with casein which is in dairy products. I thought you might find this info interesting.

    I had early stage cancer but removing dairy from my diet is one of the alternative treatments that I am using. I am not planning on any more conventional treatments for myself as I am just no longer a believer in them.

  • NattyOnFrostyLake
    NattyOnFrostyLake Member Posts: 74
    edited June 2011

    Would somebody please post the names of other alternative/integrative breast cancer forums besides BCO?

    I'm looking for a forum without trolls or bullies or generally mean people, a place where they don't eat popcorn while their fellow breast cancer patients suffer.

    Thanks in advance.

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2011

    Athena, I agree that those who use alternative only would hardly be drawn to BCO where so much talk revolves around traditional treatments.  I left other forums to use the complementary section here but I often feel like an outsider here.  

    Some of Dr. Burzynski's patients were stage III or IV, some combined his "alternative" treatments with surgery, chemo or herceptin but others didn't even have surgery and are so far alive and cancer free to tell their stories.  No doubt others didn't survive.  Until medicine can "cure" metastatic cancer people will always try other things and that's how progress is made.  Eventually someone could find the holy grail and it may be conventional researchers or someone experimenting privately.  I don't care who gets there as long as many keep trying.

    Let's all join forces ladies to defeat our common enemy, cancer!

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2011

    Susan, we are in it!  Click on the blue link.  You will find years of forum on a host of alternative topics.  And remember, they only stay active when we post to them, so you could revive some intersting topics for sure.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2011

    Natural girls is a good one.

  • rosemary-b
    rosemary-b Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2011

    Reported the post where Blue is called a bully for defamation.

    I am posting this because anyone with an ounce of backbone lets the world know when they report a post.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited June 2011

    The title of this topic is misleading.  First, the person who started it is not a survivor yet, I'm sorry to say.  And second, it belies the complexity of her case.

    It should read something along the lines of "Stage 3A young patient wants to go alternative-only".  Then we wouldn't be having arguments over whether there is too much discussion on alternative vs. allopathic.

  • rosemary-b
    rosemary-b Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2011

    True LtotheK

    If it had been titled that way she might have gotten replies from those who who were Stage III and had gone all alternative. As things stand I worry about her because she has not been a part of this discussion for a while.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited June 2011


    Thanks!  I am going to read up on that..appreciate it. :)

  • Member_of_the_Club
    Member_of_the_Club Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2011

    You are a survivor from the moment you are diagnosed, so we are all survivors.   Can't we have a disagreement without name calling and threats?  I don't see any problem with women who integrated traditional and alt approaches posting about how they recommend both.  That should not be a threat to anyone.  

     In my opinion patzee is going through some serious emotional stuff and while I've been criticized for psychoanalyzing her -- and i get that, on one level I really shouldn't -- it helps me understand her posts.  She has made a decision which is fine for her to make, but she is still unsettled and in a lot of pain and therefore is lashing out.  I think if she reaches peace with her decision, she will not be so strident.  I believe that is why she is so bent on convincing everyone else that her way is the only way.  If we can reach a point where we are all comfortable with our own way being our own way, things could really calm down here. 

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited June 2011

    I was hesitant to post again on to the "reality show" going on in this thread. This whole thread is so tainted it should be deleted. What is going on? Does it bother us that we hurt people by what we say? Do we get a thrill to see people squirm? Does it make us feel good to humiliate people, even if they are a little weird or simply have questions?

    Luan, I apologize for even commenting on the met's question when you had so nicely asked us not to. I think we should all respect Luan's request by deleting all our comments referring to her mets.

  • rosemary-b
    rosemary-b Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2011

    I reported the above post because it said"bullying me on these boards can be dangerous" which is both defamation and threatening.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited June 2011

    Remember anyone can block members who are a problem. When you block them they can't even send you PMs.

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited June 2011

    Patzee, I did not send you a nasty pm.  I could post my response if you like, but to tell you the truth, this is getting really old and your lies are catching up with you.

    You initiated the pm's, 4 in total and I responded to 3 of them.  The last one I ignored. I have no problem posting my replies. 

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited June 2011

    Lago, good idea. 

  • bluedahlia
    bluedahlia Member Posts: 302
    edited June 2011

    I guess you never heard about Burns and Allen.  For someone who supposedly has a sense of humour, you're actions and words show different.

    If your posts are getting reported, then there must be a problem with them.  I have not reported any of your posts.  BTW the pm you quoted is the second in the series.  The first one you sent me was threatening.

  • Janeluvsdogs
    Janeluvsdogs Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2011

    This bullying has got to stop. Those who defend bullying are going to end up with a lawsuit if you look at the terms of service. Your personal IP number can be subpoenaed. Civil or criminal action can follow.

    If you google breast cancer bullying it takes you to this link which has mysteriously been disabled by the BCO software program.

    I suggest someone contact the TV station and report that in the two years since the original expose bullying continues here.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012


  • Wabbit
    Wabbit Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2011

    I well remember those news stories ... the victims are friends of mine ... and what went on that prompted them.  Blue had no part in any of that other than supporting those who were being harassed.

    From the PM Patzee posted it is apparent that she is being egged on in the background by those who wish to use her for their own agenda.   

    'Ignore' is good ...   

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2011

    This is interesting reading (my bold): 

    About Histrionic Personality Disorder: 

    Histrionic personality disorder, often abbreviated as HPD, is a type of personality disorder in which the affected individual displays an enduring pattern of attention-seeking and excessively dramatic behaviors beginning in early adulthood and present across a broad range of situations. Individuals with HPD are highly emotional, charming, energetic, manipulative, seductive, impulsive, erratic, and demanding.

    Mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM ) to diagnose mental disorders. The 2000 edition of this manual (the fourth edition text revision, also called the DSM-IV-TR ) classifies HPD as a personality disorder. More specifically, HPD is classified as a Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder. The personality disorders which comprise Cluster B include histrionic, antisocial, borderline, and narcissistic.




    People with this disorder are usually able to function at a high level and can be successful socially and at work.

    Symptoms include:

    • Acting or looking overly seductive
    • Being easily influenced by other people
    • Being overly concerned with their looks
    • Being overly dramatic and emotional
    • Being overly sensitive to criticism or disapproval
    • Believing that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
    • Blaming failure or disappointment on others
    • Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
    • Having a low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification
    • Needing to be the center of attention (self-centeredness)
    • Quickly changing emotions, which may seem shallow to others



  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    Sunflowers:  I think that is what upset me the most, that someone would post outright lies about chemotherapy.  I understand that there are those that prefer alternative treatments over conventional, but for some of us chemotherapy is our only chance for survival.  

    I hope the mods don't delete this thread, because I feel like most of the women here, whether alternative or conventional, are pretty smart and I have been reading some interesting discussions about statistics earlier in the thread. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2011


    Just a heads up.  About two weeks ago there was another urinating contest on the boards - they happen at least once a week.  Someone started a thread called "Abusive Posts".  That became so abusive it was deleted in its entirety.  What a hoot!

  • covertanjou
    covertanjou Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2011

    Why was Athena's post deleted?  Who deleted it?  If you are going to delete a post, please have the courtesy and courage to reveal who you are and why you reported the post.  

    I read her post and there was nothing in her post that went against the rules of this board.

  • Enjoyful
    Enjoyful Member Posts: 278
    edited June 2011

    It's Friday, Mary.  Nothing more than that.  Oh, and a full moon.

  • Wabbit
    Wabbit Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2011

    We really, really, really need to go back to having the computer system post the names of the 'reporters'! 

    All it took was one round of people being outed and it quit completely.  Now they know that it won't show and here we go again.