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Survivors who have used only alternative treatments



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2011

    Susieq, i plead, please put me on ignore, pretty please....

    I,m not a facebooker fyi and i like it fine here, but u can go, don,t stay on my account

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2011

    Oh my god the hair is something to see. I will have my son take my picture when he is here on Sunday, and post it. Hate to mention it but I now have hair in other places I never thought  would as well.

    Claire-in-Seattle, I must say your cashmere sweats sound appealing after a good ski trip. I'm afraid I would break my neck skiing though. I remember the only time my daughter went seeing she broke her ankle, and it has never been the same.

  • Member_of_the_Club
    Member_of_the_Club Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2011

    Now I totally want to have sex in a pool.  Too bad we're on vacation with our kids.

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited June 2011

    I guess I missed the joke. Im totally confused

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2011

    To those who were offended by the author of the article's comparison between chemo and the Holocaust:

    I would not take serious offense. The writer is clearly a drama queen who has opted to cast women --and in that way, herself-- as victims. Her histrionics are leading to fantastical flights of fancy. Easier to craft a conspiracy theory than to take responsibility or simply accept a nasty fate such as that of being a cancer patient. Better to say it's all someone else's decision and fault. Alcoholics are like that, they say. They will frequently have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions and are apt to portray themselves as victims. Alcoholism is a truly dangerous disease, and a sad one.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited June 2011


    I didn't see any joke either...

    What has this thread become?

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2011

    Horribly revelatory.

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    Athena:  I'm not sure who wrote the article.  It's posted on some "natural news" website run by some guy named Mike Adams, according to the link.  I do find it offensive and disturbing that there are people out there that believe this stuff.  There is a even a picture on that website of a holocaust victim and suggests it may be a chemotherapy patient.  So sad.

  • Member_of_the_Club
    Member_of_the_Club Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2011

    I think we all need to go have sex in the pool with someone and chill out.

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Member Posts: 433
    edited June 2011

    Here is an article he wrote about tobacco.  and how great it is.  (i enjoy irony.)

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    Member:  Good idea, lol, however, my pool is green.  Wondering if you are having cocktails or something on your vacation?  

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2011

    SusanK8 -- I clicked on the link immediately and saw the article was by Mike Adams -- but the person who is copying and pasting the work of another is the one who should credit the author. 

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    I am tired of the constant links to these sites.  The BCaction site says nothing about finding a cure--they think all breast cancer is caused by the environment.  I am not giving up on a cure, and I am now going to make good use of the "ignore" function.

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited June 2011

    Athena, sorry but I do take offense. That article is one of the most disgusting things I have read on this website in the 5+ years I've been here - probably the most disgusting.  Comparing cancer treatment - which is aimed at saving lives (whether you think that conventional treatment is misguided or not) - to the death camps and atrocities of the Holocaust? Seriously? The fact that anyone can defend this article or say that they don't see a problem with it is astonishing to me.  

    I have no problem with those who decide to focus on alternate/holistic treatments after surgery (I admit that I have a problem with anyone who chooses to not even have surgery).  But it's no surprise to me that the alternate approach isn't taken seriously and often is the subject of jokes. When supporters of alternate treatment write articles like that, or pass along and cheer articles like that, all credibility is lost. To be taken seriously, those who support the alternate/holistic approach need to speak out against garbage like that.  They should speak out too against all the junk science and scare-mongering that is used to support the alternate approach.  Rather than focus on trashing traditional treatments (and those who choose to take them), they should focus on the positive aspects of alternate treatments - and maybe just get some real scientific facts to support their arguments.  

    I would be interested in this forum and these discussions, if there actually was something meaningful and truthful being said. When the best the alternate/holistic supporters can do is spread around repulsive articles like the one in question, or post pretty pictures and mindless platitudes, then it's pretty obvious that they have nothing to say and nothing to offer.

    Edited for typos only. 

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2011

    Beesie, I've PM'd you.

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited June 2011

    Beesie, completely agree about the article.

  • gutsy
    gutsy Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2011

    Thank you Beesie

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited June 2011

    Totally agree Beesie...

  • crazy4carrots
    crazy4carrots Member Posts: 624
    edited June 2011

    Beesie wrote:  I would be interested in this forum and these discussions, if there actually was something meaningful and truthful being said.

    Quite so! 

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2011
    Beesie wrote: 

    I would be interested in this forum and these discussions, if there actually was something meaningful and truthful being said. When the best the alternate/holistic supporters can do is spread around repulsive articles like the one in question, or post pretty pictures and mindless platitudes, then it's pretty obvious that they have nothing to say and nothing to offer.

    I had to cut and paste this entire paragraph as this is the best response I have read in weeks!

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422
    edited June 2011

    Totally agree Beesie - hence my reference to the posts being childish. I haven't seen anything useful on that thread at all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2011

    Then it,s HIGH TIME that you move on to your own threads, and push the ignore buttons. Have you not gotten the hint yet ?

    Topics could be "Chemo Lovers" or "Docs are Gods" or maybe "Booking my vacation at local hospital, highly recommend the food". Hey, if you,re short on ideas, you can call on the experts

    A bon entendeur, SALUT !!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2011

    Oh, and i,m having a couple of dried prunes with my breakfast, works woooonders for constipation ;))

  • Member_of_the_Club
    Member_of_the_Club Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2011

    I've been coming on these boards for close to 7 years and I have never read a post from someone saying they love (or even like) chemo or that doctors are saints (trust me, I fired my first oncologist).  

    I do think there are many women who choose conventional treatment but would also like to educate themselves about alt and complimentary practices but feel unwelcome here. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited June 2011

    "I do think there are many women who choose conventional treatment but would also like to educate themselves about alt and complimentary practices but feel unwelcome here. "

    MOTC that describes me. I don't ever remember saying alternatives don't work. I don't know. But I do know that conventional does work, not all the time but it does help many many women.

    Beesie also posted what I feel. It's not talk about alternative therapies. These threads become bashing of conventional treatment and even insulting or stalking of other sisters here… that are also battling the disease. Talk about lack of compassion.This remindes me of a lot of the candidates that keep bashing Obama but have yet to tell us what they would actually do to fix the problem.

    Luan I do dried apricots and probiotic. Not working this time so I had to add Metamucil. Just had surgery Friday so the anesthesia gave me the big C.

  • Kine
    Kine Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2011

    I do not agree that most people here are hardcore "doctors are saints".

    The conventional treatment are backed up with science, and even if it is not the solution to the cancer problem, it is the best that they have now.

    In addition there are alternative treatment, and there are also some science to back some of it up.

    I think nearly everyone believe that cancer is strongly connected to lifestyle. But lifestyle is a set of elements, and different cancers will react different to different elements, and different people will react different to different elements, so it is complex.

    We do no that bad sleeping pattern, a lot of alcohol and sugar and some fats will make some of us more exposed to cancer. But that is not to say that removing this elements will cure an active cancer.

    But it will probably help to optimize lifestyle, and reduce recurrence. In the future, with more knowledge it will probably also be possible to cure some cancer types with targeted lifestyle changes.

    I think doctors are reluctant to share this thought due to lack of proof. Doctors will typically only give advice that they know the facts behind. I that is in most cases a good thing. If oncologists starts give advice built on gut feeling and own theories, they are no longer oncologists.

    I think other groups of doctors, with focus on lifestyle etc should be included in cancer treatment, to give a broader approach.

    As I see it oncologists do their work as best they can, WE as members of society needs to ask for changes, and ask for more holistic treatment, we need to ask this from our hospitals, our researchers and our politicians.

    In the meantime, we can as individuals get this help from other sources, people that have studies lifestyle impact on cancer.

    As I mentioned before, I have connected to a medical doctor who has also studied lifestyle and cancer, he is following the studies all around the world, and even if he says a lot of research is missing, I chose to use him to help me compile all the available information for my use.

    I will also again urge you to read "Anticancer" by David Servan-Schreiber. This book refers to studies and information regarding lifestyle and cancer. It is an interesting book, and also a motivating book for doing lifestyle changes.

  • Kine
    Kine Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2011

    Susan, I think most people know that lifestyle causes cancer, but lifestyle is complex, which elements needs to be changed is not that obvious, and also it is not obvious to all that even if lifestyle can cause cancer, is it enough to cure active cancer. A lot of people taking chemo see it as part of a holistic approach (get the cancer out, kill cancer cells, build the body up again, do severe lifestyle changes), this is not black and white.

    I think it is not for the good to stop debating different approaches to cancer. The solution might be somewhere between what is now known as conventional and alternative research, and hopefully all this information together can help us in the future to know the whole picture.

    Several on this thread has stated that they do believe in using surgery even if they do not believe in chemo. As you probably know, there are indications that surgery in it self can trigger active cancer to spread, so even that is not clear thing.

    When discussing important issues, I can not see how polite challenging different view as harmful, I think it is actually useful, and can give awareness and knowledge to both sides.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2011

    You can all discuss until the cows come home, but I have no time to waste! I am here to gather and offer precious information which i will put to use NOW when I need it most. Susan, you have the perspective and understanding of the situation. Many, many more are reading but not posting their questions or comments because they are intimidated by the hostility of those "who know better"

    I really question their motives for interfering the way they do. Serious vested interests is what I come up with.

    Whoelse would torture suffering women. We,ve seen the Bursinsky movie and how they

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited June 2011

    So Susan what you are saying those of us who want to do both conventional and alternative treatment shouldn't be allowed to come to this thread… That we don't have a right to know what alternative treatments have worked for you and my work for us? Where do you think we should get the information?

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2011

    Luan, Have you heard anything yet about your health?

    As far as life style and the toxin we come in contact with, I truly believe as we learn more we will realize how much our life styles really do affect us. Why do the Japanese people have a low incidence of BC, when living their life styles, and not the American life style? One thing I have learned is they eat a lot of seaweed in there diets. I have decided this is something I need to try to incorporate in my diet. I have decided I also need to eat far more vegetables than I have in the past.

    Lago, just read your post. I do agree with you as you know I have done the other stuff, now I want to learn what else I can and need to do.

    What I would love to see is this thread talk about what we are trying to do keep ourselves healthy. I think we all have learned a lot, but I sure know I have much more to learn.