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March 2011 chemo-lounge



  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224

    MaxineO--the pharmacist at the chemo clinic told me specifically to use nail hardener. AND he told me not to do dishes, even with gloves. Luckily my DH was there to hear it and he laid down the law with my teen boys. I don't do dishes at all and I have kept the hardener on my nails since day 1. I got a Sally Hensen Bamboo and Green Tea hardener. I also decided with TX2 to ice my hands during the Taxotere. I don't find the ice packs that cold so I don 't know how much use they are. But I have no issues with my nails after TX4 and I have to keep filing them down to keep them fairly short. Strangely, my nails have never looked so good.

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Posts: 356

    Maxine - I put the hard as nails polish on and have all through chemo (on TAC and the taxotere messes them up).  I pretty much have a weekly routine where I remove it, then put it on daily (as the nails start to split it keeps them together).

    Its my daughter's 30th today - huge party, mum is coming so I am sure she will have more pearls of wisdom!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Posts: 471

    SILIA, How are you doing? Did your fever go down?

    MAXINEO-I use Hard as Nails, but didn't ice. Onc told me it didn't help, but I know lots on here who did it. My nails have ridges in them, but can't tell to look. Am worried about big toe, it has a very small dark spot near the base...onc says not unusual with Taxol. So far it isn't loose and am hoping it stays that way.

    LILYLADY-I too remember someone sharing nail horror stories and hoped it wouldn't happen to me. Am still holding breath on that. Since I have neuropathy too, I have trouble with trimming since the sensation in both fingers and toes is  either tingling or numb! And I was told no pedicures. I may do that anyway, and just be careful about the tech that I use and bring my own stuff since I am not doing very well doing it myself! BTW, Lily dear...I am trying to get over the people-pleaser gene that I have, but good grief. What is wrong with your mom and sister? And your dad your telling you these hurtful things? Shame on all of them. You stay right here with gals that love you for who you are. My dearly departed grandma would have called them "terds of misery"! 

    I ended up going to the Relay for Life opening ceremony and did the survivor lap with a friend from church. She was there with a team in memory of her grandson who was born 3 weeks before my middle daughter. He died of leukemia 5 years ago and would have been 21 in a few weeks. There were almost 50 luminaries in his memory. There were 3 for me and I have no idea who they are from-one from the church friend, I suspect. She herself has bladder cancer and told me of a recurrence tonight, even after a surgery removed the tumor and she went through weekly treatments for six weeks. She is having surgery again on Tuesday. Please say a prayer for her (her name is Imogene). I was glad I was there for her.

    I also heard the opening speaker, whose wife is a survivor of ovarian cancer. They don't live in our town, but he grew up here (before my time). His wife has sent me two cards, although we do not know each other. I know "of" her husband professionally. She said in her cards that when she had cancer, strangers had sent her well wishes and it so moved her that she wanted to do the same for someone else. She had heard of me via her sister-in-law. So I was glad to hear her husband speak. We stayed for about an hour. I had intended to return for the luminaria lighting at 10pm, but when i got home I had a temp of 99.9. SIGH. After motrin, it is still 99.0 two hours later. I usually run 98 or below. So sinus is catching up with me. Saw the BS this afternoon but he was reluctant to prescribe antibiotics and I didn't have a temp when I saw him. We'll see how the night (and the temp) goes. On the up side, exam was uneventful; I'll be seeing him and letting him feel me up every four months for the next 2 years. 

  • Silia
    Silia Posts: 265

    So sorry I didn't provide quickie update sooner - onc put me on Cipro yesterday because I was borderline neutropenic and obviously have a bad sinus flare-up with hacking cough. My fever is down but still higher than my norm. Also having the neuropathy issues. Approved to get pedi today at a salon educated re cancer patients. Fear my one big toenail may be turning black (will know when polish comes off...) trying to attend my brother's surprise 50th bday party this evening. Don't know that I'll last very long...

  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734

    Lilly Ladie

    Thank you for speaking up. I have dealt with 5 oncs total so far and 4 of the were blundering idiots! 3 of them made me cry and the 4th one I made her cry and leave the room. I was so full of pissed of energy toward insesitivity, I actaully yelled at her which is totally out of charecter for me. She said something that was unexcusable and I blasted her.

  • timerdog
    timerdog Posts: 51

    Regarding the cancer stories that people feel obligated to tell us, I always say, "does this person die??" cause if this person dies I don't want to hear it! LOL I think that is my small way of educating them as well.

    My last chemo was May 17th and although I do not have my strength back I do have my energy level. No more going to bed at 8. My sex drive has also returned which I'm pleased about. Hair is another issue! LOL It cannot grow fast enough for me. I have read that it usually takes a month past the last chemo to get back into the groove.

    My biggest side effect is hot flashes and night sweats! BIG TIME! I need to sleep all night long with a fan blowing ( even on cool nights ), I also need to dress in layers. Yesterday it was cool in Ontario and I wore a sweater. Big error! Never again! LOL

    I'm really happy to have my spirit back. I can't believe how hard that chemo was on me ( although I had few side effects ) now that I feel good again. Hair and new boob.....HERE I COME. 

  • maxineo
    maxineo Posts: 199

    Thanks for all the nail advice. I guess I should have been wearing the stuff throughout, but I will start today. I have iced my fingers and toes, but have not been as committed to the fingers because the gloves are so freaking cold on my hands!  Another case of different advice from oncs...I wish mine had told me earlier.

    Penny: have a great party! I hope you have some great words to share from your mum.

    lilylady: what a terrible thing to tell your loved one. I'm glad you're thick skinned and have such a marvelous sense of humor.

    timerdog: thanks for updating on us on post-chemo. I haven't had night sweats, but the hot flashes are just awful.  It's also good to hear that your sex drive has returned, since mine has been about zero.  I hope that hair starts sprouting soon!

    Husker: I'm glad the walk was a good experience for you. I have gotten so many cards from people I don't know or hardly know, and it has meant so much to me. This experience has definitely been a lesson in how to respond to others' difficulties from now on. I hope I can be as giving.

    All have a great weekend!

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Posts: 667

    Hello all you loungers...I am 56 years old and just discovered this thread and would like to join as I started chemo on 15th March, so I obviously qualify...Am having neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, a course every 3 weeks for 8 cycles... 4 of FEC, followed by another 4 of Taxotere...had my first Taxotere yesterday and am feeling suprisingly OK, and so far not experiencing the nausea and disgusting taste of previous cycles...

    Was diagnosed with Triple Negative BC, large tumour and starting with Chemo is fairly usual in such cases, followed by surgery and then radiotherapy.

    Hair gone but have stylish short red wig (had shoulder length hair dyed blonde previously), and also experiment a lot with long scarves in various colours..not too bothered about hair, probably because nurses at the breast clinic talked me through the process and I felt very prepared.

    My drink of choice varies according to the season...a good whisky in winter, or a glass of red wine, but since it's summer here now I think I'll go for a campari and orange!

    Nice to meet you all...

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224

    Maria_Malta--Welcome to the lounge! A lot of the girls are finishing up their chemo but a few of us will be here for a while. I still have 2 rounds of TCH to go and then herceptin only through to next spring.

    We're pretty open here, with rants and whining permitted. Sometimes the girls are the only ones who won't roll their eyes when we need to get something of our chests (such as they are!) I've learned some tricks to help counter the side effects (SEs) which I didn't get from my onc or the staff at my chemo centre. Sometimes it just helps to know that someone else understands what you're going through and that they can assure you that you'll make it through.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Posts: 1,914

    Welcome Maria!  Had my first Taxotere on Wed. (was switched after doing one Taxol, so I only have to do two more).  Also doing surgery and rads next.  Looking forward to comparing notes with you.

  • Welcome Maria!  I have done four rounds of AC and will do my fourth and last round of Taxol this coming Thursday. Then on to radiation. Then exchance surgery for my tissue expander. I'm hoping to have all of this done by the end of December. I'm glad you joined us. 

    Is anyone having their other breast removed to avoid worrying and to decrease risk?  I am not positive for the gene but have been giving a lot of thought to having my other removed due to my age (36) and family history of BC.  Am I crazy?  I know you ladies will tell me what you think. 

    Also, sorry to be a downer, but I have to say I am really surprised by some of my "friends" and their reaction to this.  I have really learned who my true friends are and have made some better ones along the way.  I am not going to give any more thought to those who I really thought would be more supportive through this. 

  • One more the grocery store yesterday I was getting out of the car and a woman rolled down her window and asked me if I was going through chemo.  I guess it's pretty noticeable even with a ball cap on.  I told her yes and she said she was a seven year survivor and that things would get better.  I thanked her and told her it was good to hear.  Then my five year old asked me what a survivor is. Hard to explain. :(

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478

    colodisneylover-I posted this week after my visit to the BS about removing my other breast. I said I wasn't telling anyone but you guys I wanted my other one off due to laziness. Why have 1 saggy 54 year old breast dangling down? If I am completely flat I can just leave the house in a shirt and not wear a bra/prosthetic. Or I can choose to wear the bra with the foobs. Kind of like my wig. I can decide how much trouble to go to. I figure it can't hurt much worse than just having 1 off. I don;t have a husband/partner who figures in m decision either. I have stuggled to find bras that fit anyway-I am big around but not much to put in a cup.I tell myself I am built like an Olympic swimmer-broad shoulders and wide back and slim hipped (Not just a bad genetic clone of my mom).

    BS said I am not large enough for it to be a balance or posture issue. It doesn't decrease my odds of reoccurence by enough for that to be the decision maker either. I am getting a breast MRI on Tuesday-anybody have advice on that? BS wants to see if by any chance there is anything going on in my good breast. I am not doing reconstruction because of the additonal surgeries I am already facing this fall-lung and liver stuff. I have a call in to the insurance co to see if they will pay or label it cosmetic. BS said if I want to do it she will find a way to make it a medical case.

    I did some retail therapy today. Pennys had a fab sale. I got some shirts that will look OK with or without boobs. As a matter of fact some of their manequins are flat chested. Peasant smocky kind of things, jersy draped dressy things I am covered. Hoping to stil; get in a beach Vac this fall and worried they will put out the winter coats before I got anything. I also got a beautiful little black dress.

    Welcome Maria_Malta/ There are several of us neo-chemo girls here. Like they mentioned we have some girls that are finished and others getting close. Some moving on to Rads, some to recon and others getting their mx or lumpectomy. I have 2 cycles left-geaded for the chair Fri.

    Kay1963-still doing OK I guess? Breathing right?

    As far as my dad repeating what my mom and sis said-the guy is pathologically unable to keep a secret. Blurts out whatever you tell him and it usually gets mixed up. He is fulltime in a wheelchair so the phone and gossiping is his lifeline. His filter on what to keep to himself has been broken for a long time.

  • PennyCookson
    PennyCookson Posts: 356

    Welcome Maria - draw up a bar stool

    Colodisneylover - No family history so no gene test but I had a 2.6cm lobular cancer in my right breast and am having the left one removed (probably about 6 months after end of chemo so I am really well). Lobular cancers don't always show up on mammogram and you can't really feel them as lumps. I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering whether its there. Given I can't have reconstruction I also think its easier to manage no breasts than one breast - I can choose not to wear a prosthesis if I want - as lilylady says. The B.S. (male) keeps asking me over and over if I am sure, the Radiotherapy doctor says she would do the same. My sister who is a nurse has 2 nursing friends who have done the same and both of them say they would do the same again. There is also a report that indicates pretty much all women who have the other breast removed believe they made the right decision many years later. I guess its a personal choice but you are certainly not crazy.

    lilylady - sorry you have to cope with awful comments from your family - but I know what you mean about your dad, they are not very good at filtering - doesn't mean he doesn't care.

    Kristy - glad the relay for life went well - its hard to know whether to keep out of things or get involved sometimes.

    Had a great day yesterday - my daughter's 30th. Wore my wig (only the 3rd time I had worn it) and got lots of complements. Jen's friends were lovely, tactful and caring - nothing over the top and no stupid comments. And Jen's partner knelt on the table in the middle of the party and asked her to marry him. - so romantic and everyone in tears. Life is good

  • Silia
    Silia Posts: 265

    Welcome Maria Malta. You've found a fun supportive informative place here (plus some good tunes and drinks!). I am also neo-adjuvant, anticipating sept surgery.

    Colodisney and lilylady - I'm planning bilateral (cancer only in one boob but it def. requires Mx. I understand from my bs and onc that if they cover surgery on one, they have to cover for both ( the patient's option). I also understand that if they cover surgery to remove, they must pay for reconstruction, even if you decide well after the fact that you want it... I hope to heck my understanding is correct!

    My big toenail on L foot has been lifting and bleeding. Anticipate it will come off tonight/tomorrow. This is beyond gross...

  • lilylady
    lilylady Posts: 478

    My surgery is tentatively scheduled for July 29-exactly 3 weeks after my last chemo. Onc wants it done as soon as possible so we can move on to the other problems.Not sure if he wants to cram the rads in before the other surgeries or wait til the end. he tells me I might be done by Christmas except for my Herceptin

  • mdg
    mdg Posts: 1,468

    Hi ladies!  I feel like I have been MIA lately now that I am back to work!  I miss you gals!  So I had the dreaded BBQ at my MIL's yesterday.  Glad it's over with.  I managed to stay away from her most of the day.  It was torture being there but I did it for my wonderful DH.  I feel bad for him he has such a sucky family....  I saw his SIL for the first time since my dx.  They live 35 min from us.  She and BIL have not sent me a card, called or emailed me since dx......that was an awkward conversation....(especially since if she could read my thought bubble over my head it would have said "you're an a-hole).  So she says "how ARE you"?  I was thinking I should have responded like "maybe you should have asked that question 6 months ago!", but I refrained and played along with the usual "doing ok, blah blah blah".   Then the conversation ended in about a minute with "well you look good".  Blech!  Glad I don't have to see them for a while.  Glad we will be moving and won't have to deal with them anymore too.   Blech!!!!!  OK I am done with that topic.  Other than that I am excited to report I had to pluck some stragglers on my R eyebrow.  That is BIG news seeing as I am still playing connect the dots with both brows now....I hope they fill in quickly.  Thank God for a good eye pencil to connect those dots with!  I am still not shaving legs or under complaints on that since it's summer! 

    Welcome Maria from the other Maria!  I think Kymn here is a triple neg too (is that right Kymn?). I have finished chemo on 5/4 but I love the gals in the lounge that I still come here for the drinks and company!   These girls are the best!  I am glad you found us and can come an hang out with us.  It has helped me to have the support of these fine women while I am going through all of this. We talk about almost limits! 

    Maxine:  I was on taxotere which ruins nails too but I iced and used salon quality nail polish and I sported a french manicure through chemo with no nail issues.  I kept toes painted too. I am almost 6 weeks post chemo and nails are beautiful.  In fact they looked so good during chemo my med onc accused me of getting fake nails - she thought they were fake and I assured her they were mine.  They are growing fast now that I am done with chemo.  Keep them polished...I am sure it will help. 

    Husker:  Nice that you were being thought of at the relay.  Glad it was tolerable....these things are emotional for us and most people don't understand how we feel. 

    Silia:  Glad you are getting antibiotics.  I hope you are feeling much better quick!!!!! Hugs.  Oh I am so sorry about the just keeps getting better doesn't it.  I hate BC for you today!!!!!

    TImerdog:  I love your response to the cancer stories.  I actually told people my "rules" when I told them I had cancer and "no cancer stories....period" was one of the rules.  I just cut them off and say "remember NO cancer stories!!!".  It's far harder with strangers or those not in my close circle.  I am glad you have your energy back....oh and I have a question...How did you get your sex drive back?  Mine has been misplaced for a long time...poor DH especially since he loves the TE's boobs.  I have zero stinks to lose that too after all we have been through.  I have to go read the thread on "getting your mojo back" again to see if they have some good advice....  My hot flashes and night sweats have gotten a bit less now that I am almost 6 weeks out of chemo.  I started tamoxifen but had to stop it because I have surgery in 10 days and I have to be off it for 2 weeks prior.  I hope the flashes are less on tamoxifen vs. chemo.....crossing fingers!

    Colodisney:  I had a BLMX eventhough L breast was fine.  I just figured that since my doc said I was twice as likely to get BC in the good breast now that I had it in the other it was worth considering.  I also realized that my small pre BC breasts were not what I wanted.  I would have never just gotten augmentation, but now that I was faced with this I decided to do BLMX and get reconstruction with a larger breast size.  I wanted to reduce all risk of BC ever coming back as much as I could since my son is only 4.  I was also afraid that it would be hard to match my breasts if I only had one reconstructed.  I am petite and exercise and wear tight exercise clothes...I was worried I would not match either.  When I evaluated everything I just decided to go for it.  I am happy with my decision.  I get my permanent implants on the 23rd!  I will let you know how that goes.   I can relate to your sadness over friends letting you down.  For me it has been my family.....they have not been there for me much (other than my sister).  Dh's husband too.  I feel like they think this is no big deal.....I have decided to no longer spend time with people or energy on people that don't care about me....  I will no longer host large family holidays and spend days cooking for people that can't even send me a card or call me during chemo.  I am done with all of them.  I told my mom yesterday I was done with my brother because sadly he and his wife are on this list of "non-carers". 

    Lilylady:  Retail therapy is a great thing!!!! I plan on doing more again soon!   I am glad you have a surgery date.  Once you get going on this it will feel better. 

    Penny:  that's great news about the engagement!   I am sure you were so glad you could be there to witness that proposal!!!  So exciting.  By the wedding you will be sporting hair and looking stunning too!  Now you will have wedding planning to focus on vs. BC.  What a wonderful thing to share with your daughter!!!  I am smiling...I love romantic stories.....

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Posts: 667

    How nice to hear from so many of you!  So thanks for your quick responses....I'm especially interested in your discussion re a double mx, as it's something I've been thinking about a bs says we should wait and see how much the tumour will shrink as mayb a lumpectomy would be enough, but he thinks that I'll probably need a full mx anyway and still have radiotherapy...I feel more and more that I should go for a double... my 2 sisters-in-lay BOTH got bc twice in the second breast and now say they would have a double mx if they had to go through it again... I think that surgeons for some reason are against prophylactic surgery, but it seems that women feel more comfortable with the knowledge that they have done everything possible to avoid a recurrance...

    lilylady, I have 2 saggy 56 year old breasts which I don't find at all attractive, and being left with one I figure would look even worse, apart from making me completely lop-sided, as they are pretty huge!  And yes Penny, it MUST be easier to cope with none rather than one, so I think I'm pretty sure i'm going to choose that route.  Have no idea whether I can/would want to have reconstruction, but I think I've come to terms with the idea of not necessarily having reconstruction done..My husbanmd has said I should do whatever I feel safest with..but then I am 56, and I'd probably have felt differently if I was much younger! 

    Kay 1963: I had my first Taxotere on Friday 10th June, had steroids a day before, day itself and day after, and apart from not sleeping well felt OK and energetic.. steroids stopped yesterday, and today not bad, but with slight aching kness, but bearable and I can manage without pain killers... bad taste of FEC cocktail not there, so that's much better...

     Comments from insensitive people are the pits, but sometimes I think it's because they really don't have any idea what to say and are very awkward..others are just dense... an ex colleague of mine e mailed to say that he lost 3 sisters through bc and that he's praying for me!!!! How reassuring is that???!!

    Bye to all of glad to hve you there ....

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Posts: 471

    Hi ladies...

    For some reason I am exhausted today...might be the two trees that I trimmed of low-hanging branches yesterday. I was worried about DS(15) poking his eye out while mowing!

    Played at church today for the first time in a month...was weepy throughout. Something about church...and then I'm up in front of God and everybody. Kept "looking" though my music so I could wipe my nose, which runs constantly because there is no nose hair to catch it (sorry TMI?!?)

    Three ladies came up after to ask how I was...I started crying again. Said I was good, chemo was over...just emotional. As soon as I left, I grabbed DD and said "Get your dad. I can't stay". and went outside to cry some more. Geez. We're such a small congregation...I bet there were 30 people there. They all know me and having been praying for me, sending cards, bringing meals...I felt a little guilty as they all truly wish me well. But I just could not handle one more person asking how I was. Other than these leaky eyes (and runny nose), I really am fine.

    OK. I can tell this is fatigue talking, so am going to go lay down and see if a dark room helps me any! Will check in later with better (rested) spirits.  

  • Silia
    Silia Posts: 265

    I'm mostly going with for the bilat Mx because I don't want to have stress in anticipation of alternating mammo and MRI every 6 mos, stress of anticipating, stress of waiting for results, knowing that anything funky will be biopsies, etc. Funny, if I'd had surgery before chemo, would have only had unilateral, so for me the chemo first has given me time to consider what's best for me. The secondary issue for me is that the PS said my breasts hang down 10 mm/cm/ whatever! further than they should. My retort was "I've been saying that for a decade!". I'm 48 and I've worn a bra every day of my life (feels necessary as a D). I hate when people assume if you're droopy, you've been running around braless. Seems to me it's just genetic... Anyway seemed to me that he'd need to be fidgeting surgically a fair amount with my non-cancer breast to make it somewhat match the reconstructed breast so that encourages me to just bite the bullet. I'm thinking I'll go smaller (C). Its very hard for each of us to know what to do - we need to trust our intuition. Hugs all around.

  • Silia
    Silia Posts: 265

    Husker - I relate to the leaky nose in general and the crying the past couple if days. Yesterday cried a lot re my bg toe and today am flopped on sofa - saw a documentary re the little girl who started Alex's Lemonade Stand (died at 8 1/2) after almost 8 yrs of tests, surgeries, cancer treatments, physical therapy and then watched end of the movie Mask and that boy died at 16 I think. So have spent today sobbing while telling myself that these children have had a much rougher row to hoe than I have and that I need to toughen up... I think the crying is therapeutic. I'm sure your fellow congregants understand if you were emotional and needed to be alone. What's that saying - don't explain: it's not necessary with your friends and the rest don't matter (or something like that!)

  • Stilts
    Stilts Posts: 228
    Joining you all in the lounge late...first AC of 4 on March 3rd...survived with all the anti-nausea meds they could give me AND acupuncture !!!! (best thing I've ever done for myself).Laughing Currently have had 3 of 12 weekly Taxol. (also have heard acupuncture helps with neuropathy if I have problems with that) Anyone else at a similar point ?
  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Posts: 471

    I tried accupuncture twice for neuropathy. Did not find it to be helpful, but was not too impressed with the doctor either. I have finished chemo 9 days ago-whoo hoo!) and still have neuopathy issues which I'm told could last a year. Nothing terrible, but annoying. I would be willing to try accupuncture or accupressure again, but will do a better job of getting an appropriate referral. My onocologgist was okay with accupuncture but not massages. Since chemo is over, am going to get one of those too! 

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224

    I just saw a mention of this NYTimes article: "You Look Great" and Other Lies. The writer notes 6 things you should never say to someone who's sick and 4 things you should say. I think I've heard all 6 of the 'nevers'.

  • timerdog
    timerdog Posts: 51

    Hi All,

    It has been a month tomorrow I have been finished chemo. I can tell the numbness in my left hand (MX side ) is going away! The night sweats have been reduced to "night head hotness" and the hot flashes are brief yet annoying. Lucky for me it has been cool in Ontario the last few days. Let's save the humidity for when I can head down to the Bay every day and just hang out and swim. Nothing beats sticking a hot, bald head in a cold lake!

    Regarding getting my sex drive back. I'm pretty sure that came back with my overall feeling of "well being". Maria, after the rash goes away and any other SE you may have your Mojo will return. I did notice that my vagina now needs a little lube during foreplay, which has never been the case but that is so minor. I have trained my BF in other areas I'll just have to train him in this one. I start my Tamox today....not looking forward to that.

    Take care all. 

  • timerdog
    timerdog Posts: 51

    Pasmith, I just read the article you posted! So very right on the mark. I hated when people asked me "what can I do to help". I just felt like giving them a list and saying "pick one". My God! I will say that while I was going through chemo not one person just stopped by and help me. I now know that if someone close to me is ill the trick is just to "do" something for that person that is helpful. Such a learning curve this cancer ordeal is.

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Posts: 224

    timerdog--there is also a blog post with a response to the article that's an interesting read as well: http://Lisabadams.Com/2011/06/12/a-reaction-to-bruce-feilers-you-look-great-and-other-lies/

    This woman is critical of some aspects of the article and I can see her point. People aren't always dense or stupid (some are!) but some really don't know what to say. I have a couple of friends were gobsmacked when I told them. Their filters were functioning so they didn't say anything idiotic, but that meant that they could not find any words.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Just read both articles and felt they each made good points.  I, for one, love when people tell me they're praying for me.  I do believe in the power of prayer.  Prayer may not take your disease away (and then again it might) but I firmly believe that it has a positive influence on the receipient of the prayers in many ways.

    For the most part, people haven't hounded me with cancer tragedy stories. And even when someone does tell me about someone else's cancer story, I am the one asking if they survived or how long they survived.  Something in me wants to know.  I don't want to hear about huge lengthy sufferings but sometimes it's therapy for others to tell their stories.   My general philosophy is that people mean well, even if they're awkward about getting that across. 

    I do agree about getting someone's mind off their troubles by sharing some gossip.  I know it's always a welcome diversion for me to change the subject and find out what's going on with others. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Posts: 1,914

    Happy Monday everyone!   Thanks for posting those articals Timerdog and thanks for keeping us up on how you're doing.  It's great to hear you're doing so well. 

    I am doing well.  Been 5 days since I got the Taxotere and no allergic reactions, so I think I am safe.

    I was also considering BLMX.  The BS only recommends the MX and the PS says I can get immediate reconstruction with DIEP.  I think I can only do one breast with that though, so I would have to forget about reconstruction if I did the BLMX.  Or maybe that would just mean forgetting about immediate reconstruction.  I would like not to have to worry about a recurrence or new primary in the other breast.  According to the BS though, it would really be unlikely for that to happen to me.  Not sure if that has something to do with my particular tumor or that I had none of the risk factors for BC.  She seems to think if it is going to come back (please God no), it would be somewhere else and not in the other breast.  She said cancer rarely moves like that.  Said it would move through the lymph nodes or blood somewhere, but wouldn't be to the other breast, so I guess I am keeping it.  My tumor is grade 3 and Her2+, that may have something to do with it.  Maybe less aggressive tumors would have more chance to come back in the other breast?  I don't know, but I now feel comfortable with the mx so I think I'm going to stop second guessing go with that.

    Penny, congrats to you and your daughter!  What wonderful news and what a wonderful memory of the proposal for everyone to share.  So glad you have so much to look forward to.

    Maria, how's the rash?   Thinking of you. 

    Kristy, I can relate to the emotions at church.  My emotions just come so easily to the suface now a days.  It doesn't seem to take much to get them started. 

    Stiltls and Kristy, I've been thinking about trying acupuncture too, but I don't really think it will do anything, so just my attitude would probably keep it from working.  My biggest problem is just this anxiousness I've been feeling.  It's just so uncomfortable.  According to the onc, the steroids cause it.  I'm still on a pretty high dose from the lung problem, weaning off now and will be completely off in two and a half weeks.  So just trying to take some ativan when it gets really uncomfortable and not think about it.  Can't wait to get off these. 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Posts: 1,801

    Final Taxol (12/12 weekly) tomorrow! I have been pretty blessed in that I have had very few side effects. Fingers just started to be a little tingly on Taxol 10. I did have cold feet at night throughout. My husband would bring me a hot water bottle to put my feet on so I didn't stick them on him to warm up when they were freezing cold! I've been tired occassionally and have minor nosebleeds in the morning, and sometimes a little achy, but that is about it.

    Now that it is hot, it is less of a problem and sometimes signals the start of a hot flash which I hate.

    I had bmx because I couldn't stand the thought of worrying about the other one. No issues with insurance.

    Regarding nails-I read a tip on another board (can't rmember which, but it was genious). She used frozen peas, and thermal lunch bags. I put one bag of peas in each lunch bag (the ones on my feet were bigger and neoprene) zipped my feet in, and then the other two I got at the dollar store and zipped my hands into those. If it got too cold, I would take it out for a minute.

    For manicures, I had the new shellac treatment done using french manicure so I could always see them. The shellac treatment really hardens them and it lasts for three or more weeks on me. You just have to be careful in removing. My manicurist usually scrapes it after soaking but with me, we buffed to break the hardner seal, soaked them for just a litt bit and then it usually just flaked off. For pedicure, I have done one every two weeks, but no trimming of cuticles.

    No problem with my nails so far. Hoping they stay ok while I am on herceptin as it can cause problems.

    I am too paranoid to use end of chemo. So I am using Chemo Graduation as my theme. For my appointment tomorrow, I am taking in a chemo graduation cake, with graduation plates and napkins. Also non-alcoholic champagne (I was going to take in the real stuff, but not sure how they all would react. Most of the people there when I go at 8:30 a.m. are close to 80 or so).

    Then tomorrow night-Capital Grille with five couples, our closest friends, and our 26 year old son who wouldn't miss a free steak dinner for anything, even if it means spending the evening with all our friends! LOL! Seriously, he knows this group really well and grew up with all the kids. Our kids generally think we are pretty much fun and throw good parties so if we are having a party, they have no problem dropping by to have fun and consume the great food and free booze we all take to each other's house. The lengths we go to to keep our kids close! They end up staying the whole time.

    Good luck to everyone. I'll report back after treatment 12.