After Radiation
thanks for the replies. I'm not thrilled either about taking one of them. I could try it but I'm affraid the SE's will just make all my aches and pains that much worse. I'm still going to do more research on it. Need to see studies on them and the benefits for stage 1 cancers like mine.
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the one thing that sticks out in my mind SUSAN is the IVORY soap....that is real harsh.The dr.told my DD that ivory is only good to remove stains....Dove for sensitive skin,unscented is what is I used during and after the rads.hey I was raised on Dove....0
Into the fire with Tamoxifen. Went for my annual pap and I have to have another hysteroscopy/D&C done this year. Had one last year and I was on Tamox for only 6 months. Good thing I insisted on a transvaginal US. No telling what could happen between now and next year. Give me a break.
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Oh no0
May I suggest EMU Oil...I had rads for 6 weeks everyday mon-thru Friday...never blistered or burned... I even gave it to the women who needed it..I seen how badly they were getting burned and blister up..A friend of mine told me about it abd I am telling you I applied it after each treatment and again at night....they radiologyst people were amzed...I got brochures for them to give to women to get some...its sold online or at certain natural drug store...
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Crestwood---Im still using the emu oil after finishing tx.last feb....its good for a lot of things
also calendula gell....i switched off with both during the rads....They both are excellent products.
hugggggggs K
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Crestwood1957, I am a big supporter of emu oil, too. I used it during and after rads and I hardly had any skin issues at all. I found it on Amazon.
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So sorry to hear about more surgery,saying a prayer for you:)
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Thanks Walley. Since this is the second year in a row, it is pretty scary. Really trying to take things one day at a time.
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Ya know>>>>>>>I just read the heading on the original post that I put to start this thread and what stood out most was this
Well right now i thought after 2 yrs.I should be finished....right??????wrong!!!!!!!!!!!
I was just starting to let my guard down...
am i making any sense???????????
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Granny - You are making perfect sense to me. I am at almost two years myself and still dealing with this cancer crap. Thank goodness I was the one that pushed for a simple transgavinal US and discovered I have problems at the other end thanks to Tamoxifen. But you do pose a good question - When does this crap end? Is there any hope for some sense of normalcy?
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My lumpectomy was 2 years ago June 11. Like you jo, I had horrific reactions to the Als and was switched to Tamoxifen. I've had my share of side effects, some worse than others but nothing unbearable, all so far manageable. My SE's seem to be milder than any of those described by others on Tamoxifen. Perhaps that could be due to me being about 18 years post menopause. Even so I've been having trouble dealing with the changes in my quality of life, with the ongoing fear of recurrence, the panic at finding new lumps. In other words with the constant awareness of this beast called cancer.
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There is sooo much involved with this ugly not takin any meds yet I too am always havin some kinda issue....bc and anything that has to do with the uturus are cousins....and then you got that damn LE or edema.....swelling breasts and all that other crap too.
JOJO you said it a long time ago...bc the gift that keeps on givin...where is the return line?dont want a refund but i sure would like this shit to GO AWAY!!!!!!AND WHEN????????????
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Chabba - I am 4 years pot menopausal and have also had my share of SEs. Most are doeable. The hot flashes have seemed to calm down again to warm flushes. Other than having to deal with the thick uterus & fibroid tumors I really don't have anyother issues.
Granny - Maybe that is the problem - I still can't seem to find the damn return line. I would like this shit to go away now!!!
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jo - My fear when switched to tamoxifen was that I would have reruns on the hot flashes but I didn't. My guess at the reason for that is that menopause was so many years ago. By the way, I'll be 70 in August. I was 50 when I went through menopause.
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Chabba - When in August is your birthday? Glad you don't have to deal with the hot flashes. I have a few and they are not bad. I started using a small table fan next to my side of the bed and it has really helped me sleep. I don't get up as much because of the sweat.
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August 29.
When I was menopausal I was really more bothered by night sweats than by hot flashes. The sweats were more intense.
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Chabba - We will celebrate your birthday on the 29th and then my 2 year cancerversary on the 30th. '
The night sweats tend to bother me more too.
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Sounds good to me.
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Saw my RO for a followup visit yesterday. He is happy with the way my skin is healing. He told me to get a cream that has aloe and vitamin E and use that 3 times a day. He wants to see me in 3 months again and after that he said it will be in 6months. I didn't realize we were going to have such a long relationship
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Ok---when you dont know what to do you go home right???this is my home.i need help!!!!!!My vitD levels went from 45 which i had always been to 33....does anyone know why? I take 1000 D3 daily.before when it was 45 i took nothing..what made it drop?and what can i do to bring it up besides takin 2000 which i did today?Does anyone know or can direct me to the right place.imm soo pissed onco didnt even call to tell me nor did she fax the results to my internist from April.I thought everything was ok or she would have called me...Im goin hunting for a new one...She can kiss me where the sun dont shine.I SWEAR FROM THE TIME I TOLD HER I WOULDNT TAKE ANY OF THE AL MEDS HER PERSONALITY CHANGED.JUST WONDERING HOW MUCH OF A KICKBACK SHE LOST!!!!
End of rant!!!!!!!!!!!
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Granny, my chiropractor gave me some vitamin D drops that you put on the tongue and my PCP had me taking 4000IUs every day.. supposedly the drops absorb where they need to go because Vitamin D is actually absorbed through the skin by sunlight, it wasn't meant to be digested.. That's what both chiro and PCP explained to me.. I haven't tested to see how effective they have been yet but my D was down to 28. the drops I use are Biotic Research - Bio-D-Mulsion Forte.. the docs seem to think their patients have had good results with this.
On my way to Eugene in a few minutes - wish me luck on finding compression bras and sleepwear...
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OK... I guess it's time to talk about this! Up to this point I haven't discussed the breast cancer experience with anyone. I retired from teaching last July and went for my "lady tests" only to be called back for a second mammogram. And so the journey began. After my lumpectomy I opted for bracytherapy as it was my left breast and I was concerned about compromising my heart. The surgeon had done SAVI but the radiation oncologist preferred Contura so that's the route we took. Unfortunately, the surgeon hadn't inserted this device before so a Contura representative was on hand to direct her. When they inserted the saline it was pretty painful and my breast was stretched. I went home after a LONG day of poking, prodding, and cutting only to receive a phone call that evening telling me that I was not a candidate for bracytherapy as they couldn't devise a safe plan. The device was too close to the skin. I FREAKED!!! I don't remember ever behaving the way I did for the next hour. The next day I went to the RO who removed the device for me. We discussed the whole breast radiation. I had to wait another month until I healed from the Contura insertion. I decided to go with the "3 week higher dose" Canadian version.The process was pretty painless and the staff was so kind and supportive. I did have quite a skin reaction- especially under my breast where skin touched skin. Anyway...As far as I was concerned I was done with cancer. I cut it out and zapped it! The area removed was about 1 cm and no nodes were involved. SO... I decided not to take the Femara as the side effects outweighed the advantages with my small risk of reoccurance. SIGH... I go next week for my first mammogram after treatment. I have to say I'm nervous and second guessing my choice not to take the Femara. Only time will tell. MY ADVICE TO ANYONE OPTING FOR BRACYTHERAPY... BE SURE TO TELL YOUR SURGEON THAT YOU WANT THE INTERNAL RADIATION SO THEY WILL NOT BE TOO ZEALOUS ABOUT REMOVING TISSUE THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO PROCEED. With that said, I'm grateful to my surgeon for "removing everything from skin to muscle" but had I known I might have asked her to leave at least enought tissue between the cavity and skin so I could have had the bracytherapy! Stay tuned!!!0
bemcleod - I don't think the surgeons and ROs are as knowledgeable about brachytherapy as they lead us to believe. My BS talked to me about it and I was all for it. He preferred Mammosite. After 2 catheters, it had to come out. The cavity was not round but an oval shape and the darn balloon would not fit right. Had to have whole breast radiation and was not happy about that since mine was on the left and the RO could not assure me there would be no damage to my heart or lung. As it turns out, I did have some damage to both as well as permanent nerve damage. I know have to take a medication for the nerve damage and for the rest of my life - sheesh! Couldn't believe it. So I do know where you are coming from. If you were offered Femara I am going to assume you are post menopausal. I tried both Arimidex and Femara and had too many stomach issues so ended up on Tamoxifen.
That first mammo is stressful but you are going to hear all clear. Now that is good news. As far as the Femara - we are put in a position to make a tough decision and I'm sure you will do what is best for you.
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Tomorrow is my big day...goin for evaluation to see if i have the dreaded LE or the better of the 2 which is edema....they both suk!!!!!!But i gotta know either way.just hope this PT is good.Dr gave a script for 3x a week for 4 weeks.shit!!!!!!!! there goes the month of July.grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Where is everyone?
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Hi there, emerging from a pile of crap at work.
Vitamin D - I take 5000 a day. My levels went from 30 to 60 from oct to may. I also eat a lot of mushrooms, but I hear that can cause inflammation....
hi Bemcleod - here for you!
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Gina-who told you to take 5000 D a day.I never took any vit D until the beast and my levels were 45 which was in the normal range.In april it went down to 33 and i take 1000 a day which i upped to 2000.Im goona fire my onco cause she never let me know.What brings the levels up?My internist says in the warm weather the levels drop.Im not likin that answer.I stopped eating dairy and my levels were still 45 last year.Do you know wat bring up the levels?I know you eat lots of veggies...I cannot.Is there anything else?
Just found another lump on my chest.the opposite side.WTF....
I feel numb!!!!!
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Granny - ((((HUGS))))
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Grannydukes- good luck tomorrow!!!! I just had my mammogram done last Tuesday and by Friday I was in the clear...
bemcleod- radiation and the stress takes it out of us...I am a very good natured person bu tthe day before my rads were done (only 16 since I am in Canada) I completely lost it on my boss...over something I would normally have stayed calm about and explained like a ratinal human being but something in me..the stress...the feeling of being vulnerable...the worry about what radiation was doing to me...all of that made me ...not to worry..we get it and it happens...good for you for thinking of your heart. I asked those questions too anad was told the radiation would affect a bit of my lungs...not my heart.
as for vitamin D, I take 4000ius and have done for the past two years...when my vit. d has been tested, it has been in the 'normal' in the maritimes and working in a building in an office without windows , while quiet, has not been full of sunshine and the vitamin D I need. do you eat a lot of dark green veggies? In Canada, I have to take 4x1000 but I think in the US you can get them in a higher dosage.
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Granny I'm in your pocket!!!!