Not quite a horder - decluttering



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Posts: 1,996
    edited June 2013

    Meece I am with you. As soon as I can walk up the stairs I will be to it in the sewing room. I hurt my back last friday lifting my DGD and it hurts on a side that has never given me any trouble at all!  I am sad I pulled those muscles.  I am using a tens unit and Ibuprophen. I am giving my self a cough from not coughing fully because it hurts so darn much.

     I am proud of you for getting back to it, go Meece! I had a fuly organized sewing room two houses ago and I loved it. It gave me a feeling of peace, my life having order. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Posts: 1,996
    edited June 2013

    Wren, three inch zippers? Decorative right?


  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2013

    Ginger, Pretty much. Maybe maternity pants still come higher. I'll have to check. I'm going to pin fit my pants pattern today. The pattern says my measurements are size 16. I have my doubts, since I wear 10-12 in ready to wear.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Posts: 1,996
    edited June 2013

    Wren don't you dislike the huge variation in size between ready to wear and patterns. I think wedding gowns are like that too. Lets make the bride feel bad while trying on gowns. 

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2013

    Isn't that crazy?  Bridal gowns come in much larger sizes that what ready to wear clothing does, but really expensive clothing seams to come in sizes smaller than usual.  Maybe you are willing to put out more money to be able to say you wear a small size.

  • hotandcold
    hotandcold Posts: 70
    edited June 2013

    Wren: I'm impressed that you would sew pants. 

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    Soooooo now that I am giving up most dairy I have to clean out my second freezer in the basement. It holds ice creme, lean cuisines and frozen oatmeal cookies. It is full. I know...I know...stockpiling. I am trying to get down to 1 freezer. It is really big so I have no idea why I need two. Then I need to take all the sodas, beer and teas out of dads old icebox and dump that too. I used to keep it full for guests but I do not have many anymore.

    Meece - I am impressed that you sew. Have not done that since I was a teen. Used to love it.

  • ssla01
    ssla01 Posts: 216
    edited June 2013

    I am on the decluttering wagon too. I did the laundry room today. I am embarrassed to say that there were 4 baskets in the stacked sky high. I only kept enough to fill one. I did unearth some things I had forgotten about. Most clothes don't fit anymore. I had one trash bag and 2 boxes to donate. It's a start. Closet tomorrow.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    I need inspiration to keep decluttering please.

    I cleaned out closets which is great but now have some piles of clothing on hangers that I placed on our spare bed to try on and decide "keep or donate" - and there they have stayed for several weeks.

    No one is coming to use that bed in the very near future so I need some impetus to finish!

    Any wise sayings about how much others can use these clothes if I take them to goodwill, or how nice it will look to NOT have piles laying around would be appreciated.


    I just dont seem to have the mojo for projects that I did before chemo and surgery.


  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2013

    Well, I have a pile of my own on the spare bed. It's waiting for me to come up with something to store it in. They're 1 size up from my current and I'm superstitious about regaining the weight if I get rid of them.

    Think about someone needing clothing to wear to work and finding one of your treasures. The Y here has a clothing bank for interview and work outfits. A lot of retired people shop at Goodwill. And perhaps you will find something you love among the things you haven't been wearing.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Haha thanks Wren, I totally understand the superstition.

    I have the wig I bought before chemo carefully stored, I did not need it thanks to the cold caps, but keeping it somehow means that I wont have to go through chemo again ( to my superstitious mind).

    Thinking about someone else needing these suits and work clothes that are perfectly fine but I just do not "choose" from the closets any longer does help me. Thank you!!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,481
    edited June 2013

    Sciencegal:  I take my gently used clothes to the local shelter for battered women or to an organization called Dress for Success that helps outfit women trying to apply for jobs.  I can picture someone really using them.  That said, the bed in my guest room has a pile also.  Not to mention the overflow of clothes in that closet.  I agree - I had lots of momentem before I started chemo.

    Wren:  I have two sizes of clothes too.  Sigh.

  • curveball
    curveball Posts: 1,583
    edited June 2013

    Darn! I thought I had found a home for my vintage computers, but nobody has contacted me from the club I was going to give them to. I've written back to the guy three times, and gotten no reply since my first email. I think it's time to look for another recipient.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    There is a pile on my guest room bed also and it is a big bed. I cleaned out the cedar closet today and used the vacuum all around it. I have about 15 pillows. Where they came from I have no idea. I was stockpiling them. I also have a big plastic bin in the basement all full with tags.

    Do not mention clothes!!! I have size 16, 14, 12 jeans and I now wear a 10. The 16 and all but 2 pair of 14s could go.  There is something wrong with me. Embarassed

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Haha no Bunkie, nothing wrong with you. We are all in the same boat it seems: piles of clothing clogging up our guest rooms and hanging on to different sizes of clothes "just in case".

    Glad I am not alone!


  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Posts: 147
    edited June 2013

    Glad to see you are all working to de clutter.

    I thought I would share a site that might be useful.

    It is

    I regime rented for two counties in NY (l live in one and am 1 mile from the next). I look for people who want something and offer it, OR I can post things I want to get rid of and people respond to it. I created a separate email, just to deal with this website (I have way too many other emails in my regular emails)

    I don't fall for "first come first serve" anymore as I feel a lot of people are just reselling and have smartphones to get alerts as to new postings so they can be first to respond. Instead I try to see if there is a story (hopefully a true one! ) and give to who I think is neediest.

    I gave away an old TV, and child's bedroom furniture to a woman who had take her son back in, along with her young granddaughter, after a divorce. I felt good helping her out.

    When you decide who to donate to you don't have to have them come to your door, I have left things at my lamppost or mailbox....with specific instructions to NOT knock on my door.

    When I was starting to babysit for a friend I was able to acquire a crib, high chair, and other items via freecycle.

    There is also an advanced search feature on can search the author to see how often they ask for can type in the name of something you are looking for and see if it is posted already as an offer from someone.

    Just thought I would share, great site to unload (or pick up!). I need to go there to look and see if I can get a clarinet for my son.


  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2013

    DS and his fiance have disolved their relationship.  Our guest room had been set up for her children for months so I will go in their today and put all of the kiddie stuff away.  I know it will hurt DS to see the stuff still out.  Sad, but neccessary decluttering.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Meece I am sorry for your son. Will you miss the kids too?

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2013

    I really will.  I spent a lot of time with them.  But I know this is for the best for many reasons.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Okay I have the push I need to get the piles of clothing off of my guest room bed and into the car to go donate. I will have two of my friends staying over tomorrow night- so the room is needed. WITHOUT the piles of clothes on the bed- haha.

    I'm going in- please wish me luck!!!

    And good luck from me to any others doing "summer cleaning" today.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Posts: 1,996
    edited June 2013

    Science gaql we are all on our seats edge waiting for your update!  Hope it went well. 


  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013


    Thanks for your support!!!

    I took my suits and work clothes that did not fit or "work" with this post-chemo, post-surgery body, to our local chapter of WEAVE (women escaping a violent environment) just before they closed today.

    Thanks for the tips- thinking that someone else needed these clothes more than I did for a job interview, etc, really did help me get rid of most of the clothing in the piles.

    I Ihave been doing other cleaning since then. GREAT to be done!!!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Posts: 670
    edited June 2013

    Sciencegal - Congrats!!! Feels good doesn't it?

    Ok ladies. This morning I got up and went to the toxic basement (long story) and went into 1 of my two upright freezers. I got rid of about 1/2 of the frozen ice cremes and pre packaged foods. Also any stuff I froze and can not see what it was. I also checked dates on any veggies and got rid of anything expiring this summer or fall. I had no idea how many healthy choice dinners I had. For some reason I only eat Lean Cuisines when I get real pressed for time. Healthy Choice tastes bland to me. So out they all went. Then I went up in the cupboards and dumped all the extra jams, soups, sweet stuff I had and then went over all the extra beans etc. Out they go to the Food Shelter if still good. Next all the chips and popcorn stuff. Now into the drawers for all the old taco mix and stuff like that. Done. Looks bare up there but it all has to go. I never know what I really have because there is so much so I just buy more. To make matters worst I do not try any new varity unless I eat out so it just sits there. Going to take a shower and rest.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,926
    edited June 2013

    Congratulations, BUNKIE10!! That is hard work, and takes alot out of you! Pat yourself on the back, and take it easy!!! 
    Feeling inspired....
    Mod Melissa

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Posts: 546
    edited June 2013

    Bunkie- YAY! Inspirational!!!!

    You SO deserve to relax now!


  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Bunkie, that is a huge achievement!  It's not just the getting it done, but facing it in the first place!  I hope you feel a rewarding little zing of happiness every time you think about it.  It certainly gets you closer to your goal.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Posts: 14,084
    edited August 2014

    Hi all!

    I'm coming here for support and motivation. Am so embarrassed about my situation it's almost depressing me. Maybe if I admit it and "purge" my feelings, I'll purge my messes too. We moved to a fairly big house many years ago with the provision everyone (meaning DH, DD and DS) help out with cleaning and chores which never happened. My DH's idea of cleaning is putting things in piles, moving that pile out of sight, repeat....

    When DS moved out, DD got his room, I finally got a sewing room. Yay! But it hasn't ever been used for that. It got filled with stuff. Hated all the complaining but no one doing anything. My sewing room got overrun with stuff so I just ignore it now. Then we had water damage back in fall 2011, had to get everything off the floors as entire house was re-floored and 90% had pop corn ceilings removed and walls painted (we started ceilings and floors in a couple rooms already). DH was unemployed (with drinking issues), I was working, he stuffed things in boxes, unorganized (meaning not labeled and unrelated stuff together), he never unpacked many boxes (yes, he wasn't working). I tried to get some things put away, but so tired after working, laundry, cooking, shopping, cleaning I didn't get much done. Then bc DX last fall and just don't have much energy or strength. Also, several sizes of clothes (lost lots of weight couple years ago, got back to normal, not putting on weight thanks to Anastrozole). So storing clothes because I've lost my job with mx and can't afford to replace new sizes.

    I so need to get motivated to tackle the office (my hubby keeps adding instead of filing) and my sewing room. I was forced to straighten our bedroom a couple weeks ago when cable company needed to make a service call. Don't go there much, have moved to the guest room due to his snoring and complaining when I can't get settled because of TE's and implant exchange surgery pain.

    My parents are also down-sizing moving from Las Vegas (250 miles away) to 35 miles from me. Guess who's been asked to helped? Not my brothers who live really far away.

    I have surgery July 5th and would love to accomplish something by then.

    Thanks for your help and inspiration!!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Posts: 649
    edited June 2013

    Goodness gracious 2nd Time, you have a lot on your plate!  If this were me, it would take a long time.  I'd have to have a five-year plan, and really, I'd have to put on blinders and just focus on Year 1.  Since you have seem to have a particular force of chaos working against your progress (I'm speaking of your DH, and I do apologize if I've misread that), your progress may be more modest still.  I have recently cleaned a couple of awful humiliating monster piles that were especially bothering me, and it feels fantastic.  I only did it under very specific and immediate pressure, though, in the form of a party I'd planned mainly to thank my BC helpers, but also a little bit to push myself to get cleaning done.  It worked.  I did cut corners and put some things off until later, but I got those piles tidied up.  That just meant that my years and years of photos got put in six large matching tubs instead of being in some uncountable pile of schlumpy cardboard boxes that were all different sizes, and my kids' schoolwork and artwork went up in the attic in two loosely organized mountains that I won't curate this year at all.  I call that a win.  I've been slowly circling my pile of boxes, carried around for my whole adult life, over the last many years.  Each year, always in a flurry, I make a little progress.  I say things like, "For my birthday, I just want you to make yourself available to me for a couple of hours every other Saturday," but it doesn't work.  However, "please put up those shades for me today" does work.  (I know, I should really learn how to use the cordless drill.  Baby steps!)  You may get no help at all, so maybe, as Teka said, you can just pick a couple of modestly sized things that are especially in your face and do those.  Then in a month or two, pick something else.  It's useful to look at the big picture, but sometimes it's paralyzing and you just need to look at the little picture.  There's a famous organizing book that says to tackle a big project by making it into Swiss cheese--just nibble little holes in it.  That image works pretty well for me.

    It also sounds like there are other big issues--and there usually are!--including understandable resentment.  I hope you can mostly take care of your own needs for a while until this next surgery is over and healed, and then maybe look at some of the other things you're dealing with.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Posts: 14,084
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Teka and Run-Free16! Have pretty caught up on the day-to-day stuff like bathroom and kitchen is ok (I mean, I could always have a need to totally clean out the fridge - did that a couple of months ago - I keep up with removing old stuff before they become science experiments!) It's the mountains of boxes and clutter in the 2 rooms. Thanks for reminding me to break them up in manageable pieces.

    And, yes, RF16, you read it correctly, no apologies needed. It just sets a different tone that it's just not about me being lazy. You're right too, DH has been working against me for a long time........

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2013

    Have you noticed that it's always the wife that's blamed for the mess? No one ever says 'he's so messy no one could keep up'. I would love to call the New Yorker and cancel his subscription until he's read and disposed of every single one in the house. I never go into his office/study or the garage.