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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chabba, I've done that same method for color patterns.  Don't have the patience for much of it but a kid's sweater is pretty easy.  The thing is, my guage is so loose I have to go down several needle sizes.  Currently I have a sock pattern that calls for #1 and I'm using #0000!  Do you have any suggestions on how to tighten a guage without pulling every stitch tight?  Just wondering.  Knitting is something I can do that doesn't hurt my back so I've really enjoying it right now.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    One thing about watching tennis I am getting some knitting done - that justifies sitting in front of the TV!!!

    Talking about sitting at present I am sitting waiting to head off for my five year mammo and visit to the BS. At least I will be shown the mammo and then talk to the BS about other things as well but I am nervous.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Good luck Alyson!  Prayers that you have a positive outcome!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Dragon, Had to get out needles and yarn to figure out how I control the tension.  I hold the yarn lightly between my palm and the little finger & the one next to it, just enough for a slight drag.  Adjust the tension on the yarn to adjust the guage of the stich.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chabba, thanks!  It sounds like a simple thing but I can't ever get the yarn in just the right place.

    Alyson, good luck with your upcoming visit.  Those can generate enough anxiety to wear you out! I think the anxiety is the hardest part of the whole cancer experience.  It can't be good for you.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi everyone, had an informational meeting with doctors yesterday. It was a long day. To get to Boston I have to take a ferry boat and then drive for an hour and a half, but it is worth it for the best care. Even though it can feel very impersonal. They spent about 4 hours all together with me. First I met the genetic counselor, then the MO and then a post op with the BS. It kinda depends on what the genetic test shows but I am going ahead with meeting with the RO next week, get that set up and in the works. So they feel like it was caught very early and they got it out, but there are no guarantees, so we move forward from here. I said I wanted clear information and feel like I got that. We talked about my fears after going through this process with my sister and watching her struggle and then lose.  I spoke plainly with the MO about my concerns about medications and I think she heard me. So I feel less anxious, more able to buckle down and do what they want me to do. 

    I am still trying to work, which is actually a nice distraction. We are in the middle of ice Hockey season and the equipment is starting to break down so I am repairing goalie pads and replacing numbers on a game jersey for a game tomorrow. Is that kinda like knitting? 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Mac, I'm glad you had a good consult (4 Hrs!) and are developing a plan of attack. It seems to help when one is actually doing something to fight this beast.

    Alyson, hope you had good results.  Thinking of you.

    We saw the sun today for the first time in 6 days!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, YAY!!! for a good productive visit with you team.  I think it always eases the mind when we have a path to follow.

    Alyson, keeping the fingers crossed that  your mammo is clear.

    Kathy, sunshine?  you want sunshine?  can I send you some of is so hot here I am living in the airconditioning and to the devil with the electric bill......I'll deal with that when it comes!

    I love knitting and have storage boxes full of wool that has been given to me.  I'm happy to share if anyone wants some for a project.  There is enough of a lot of colors to do a pullover for a man or woman and then there are lots of bits, great for afghans.

    Take care all.  Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    me too Chrissy, boxes of the yarn...

    I knit all the time I watch TV...I make lap robes for the hospitalized

    Veterans at the VA hospital here..simple but they love them

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Bit of a storm last evening.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Bit of a storm last evening.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    mac; i spent all my younger summers in Falmouth, with my grsandparents, then my parents moved to Vineyard Haven, when my kids were little. spent every summer there!

      my son wants me to go up with him this coming summer, but with my thyroid, i doubt i'll make it!!! i always wanted my DH mur, to go with me.. its a wonderful place, young, or old!!!!3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    WOW!!!  Cabba, that is an amazing shot!   Love the composition!  It looks so bleak and wild.....great!  Love it!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    chabba, you're killing me!!!! I want to duplicate every shot you post in pastel!! I've been teaching myself (blowing my DH's mind!) how to do it by watching youtube videos. Yesterday I did the moon one you posted a couple of pages ago. He said it was the best I've done to date!! Your posts have been such an inspiration and I thank you!!!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I don't take em, I just post em.  We have some very good photographers locally.  Many of them give their pics to the local weekly newspaper.  The paper has an e-mail link to their web site that any subscriber can sign up for.  The editor sends out alerts and links to web postings on everything from breaking news, storm alerts and new photos.  All the pictures I post come from that site.  I just post the ones I like the best.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Have a busy day ahead.

    Yesterday was  a bit of a roller coaster ride especially when I had to go back to have more images taken for my mammo but all fine.

    So officially its five years since Mx. They will keep check on 'smudgy' area in future. BS was delighted and and actually told me they really thought I wasn't going to get this far. She showed me other stats I had never seen - actually very pleased I didn't know some things as there were factors that don't show in the usual stats. This is why they won't discharge me because I am considered very high risk. I am just so grateful for a wondereful BS and the best onc team that has really cared even though the BS says that she didn't help my shoulder and back at all by having to take so much muscle; that chemo caused the neuropathy in my feet; radiation has caused fibrosis in the lymphatic system and that Femara has exacerbated my RA and fibromyalgia. It also made me feel thankful for what I have, a wonderful family, Ilive in a beautiful place and best of all I am alive. The BS also believes that for me giving up work has saved my life.

    So you see I had an awful lot to think about yesterday. It was very sobering in many ways thinking how lucky I have been, especially when I have two friends not doing well with uterine and overian cancers. I am determined that I will attend my DGD's graduation from university (remember that she is 3).

    Now I just have to see an orthopedic guy about this shoulder and get it sorted out. The BS wanted me to see a specialist as she worries about shoulders especially as it is the BC side.

    Now have to get on with today, ring dentist, ring specialist, get flea stuff for cats, go and get a knitting pattern, do another load of washing and of course all the other stufflike dishes and floors but I can do them

    Question what is the weather like in Canada and northern US in October? Looks like it will be early October before we can get away this year and we think we will do a trip to Vancuver and then to Toronto and see friends in Indiana.

    Big hugs to all.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, Vancouver will be spectacular in October; the rain won't have started yet. As you drive across the country you will see more and more gorgeous tree colours as the leafs start to change. By the time you hit Toronto, they will be at their peak!! We don't often get snow in October and if it did fall, it would be gone in hours. The temps can vary quite wildly, but you may catch and Indian Summer. I think it's a fabulous time to come to Canada! No bugs, no humidity, no extremes in weather either way.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Alyson, happy dancing along with you! You should try to meet BCO sisters along the way. How cool!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  That's wonderful news!

    I got some good news today too.  My RO called and said she was trying to plan my rads treatment but the CT scan shows that the surgical site literally does not exist.  The scar is there and the clip that the BS put in place is there, but it is as though the surgical bed never existed.  Either my BS did a hell of a good job, or some miracle happened!  I remembered my DS and DIL praying for me that God would remove the bc "as though it never existed".  I got chills!

    That was the good news...the bad news is I can't have the PBI that I wanted because she can't see the surgical site to target it, so I am left with WBI, which I don't want to do.  I have a lot of thinking to do this weekend...and praying! 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Alyson and Kaara, I'm doing the Happy Dance for all the good news!

    Today was my 61st birthday (on the Hebrew calendar) so my DD called and put my DGDs on the phone. The almost-4yr old sang Happy Birthday and the 2 1/2 yr old thinks she did. Then the older one finished with the only English sentence she knows: "I love you Savta". They fill me with delight.

    My DH will probably be taking a trip to Toronto soon. His 91yr old mother is talking about going into assisted living and selling her house so he needs to go there to help. His brother and sister both live there but since he's the oldest she relies on him emotionally.

    Yes, you read that right. She's 91 and still living in her house, taking care of everything as she always has. Let me tell you, she's one tough cookie. When I grow up I wanna be like her.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, I'm so happy for you, dancing away here!!

    And Leah, Happy Birthday to you!  I'm not sure what I would be on the Hebrew calendar but I turned 62 on January 17.  And I actually wrote that without even flinching!  Funny how I used to think that was old, but not anymore!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Barbe you quilting and beading are just wonderful. Could you put up somemore photos? Maybe in the stitiching thread. 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    so glad you ladies are getting such good news.. i'll be preaying, for wise decisions from you/ your doctors.. things remain the same here, in bed, up long eneough to do email, and bco.. you guys are my lifeline, right now..3jays
  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903


    Funny how we spend so many years wishing we could just go crawl in bed, and then when we HAVE to be in bed we don't want to be there. 

    Try to think some good thoughts there in the sack, 3jays. And make sure somebody Windexes your bedroom window for you!

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Happy 'Stralia Day, Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Alyson ~ My heart smiles for you, such wonderful news! I read your post, took a deep breath & realized I have so much to be thankful for myself - I just need to stay in that frame of mind...... Big hugs to you!!

    Kaara ~ That is awesome that the surgical bed is gone, I never knew that could happen. I actually never gave it much thought.... Prayers are so strong.

    Happy Birthdays to: Leah (I love your comment re: your GD & GS, that they fill you with delight. How touching for you to have heard them sing for you. My amost 5 year old GD wrote in my birthday card for my b-day on the 19th, "I love you Grandma." I touch the words on the card, close my eyes, they light up my life ... each & every day.

    And Kathy, I might have missed your birthday. I turned 60 - I don't feel any different. It truly is just a number. Hope your day was beautiful.

    ((( 3jays )))

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    believe it, or not, NO bedroom window .. I have a screen room closed in to my bedroom.. but, i do go out, and sit in the sun everyday, round 2ish.. its then im the most stir crazy!!!i have read aLOT of books lately, and im trying to learn how ro use my comouter for more things.. not with much luck, alas!!!

     its good to "see" everyine here.. there's where most of my ??sanity?? comes from these days.aaarrrrgggghhhh.3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Oh dear 3jays!!! You shouldn't be looking HERE for sanity!! Wink
  • I am just checking out some of my old posting sites this AM since I don't have to be at work until 3PM this not happy about that and told them so.  This is the office I planned on staying with and may have to rethink things....the office I do not like as much, he has a profit sharing plan so that is appealing and an easy way to save and the money is totally vested.  

    Saw the onco yesterday and we both think that since the tumor markers are finally heading down, we can hold off on the CAT scan I had scheduled for Monday so I am happy about that.   My Muga scan came back perfectly normal so the Adriamycin is not doing anything to my heart yet.  I hope I get to stay on the red devil as it really has no SEs for me doing it weekly.....figure another two months I will be bald,but it is only now that you can see it has noticeably biggie if it is working. 

    Tomorrow is the last day for the one receptionist so I am making my cutout cookies since she keeps mentioning how much she likes them.  We are going to have lunch after work and a cake.  I don't like champagne, but maybe I will take a bottle since I had a lot left over from my Dad's party.

    Sat night I am doing another fondue party.  Yes, ladies it is that time again.

    Ah ha, so this is where you posted those pics of your wonderful work,  Barb.   They were absolutely beautiful and something you would see in a very high-end shop.  I have noticed that just about everyone who posts on these threads has some sort of a it sewing, knitting ( used to love knitting Chabba, but just no longer do it)  and crocheting ( never could get the hang of that one), art, photography, writing, cooking, gardening and I truly think that contributes to how we repond to therapy and live....big emphasis on LIVE.    I also read it in a book once that creative people tend to be cancer survivors.....I recall it mentioned gardening and a few other things I did and I was thinking Hmmm, that's me, maybe I just might make it.  

    Happy Birthday Leah.....and congrats on the good news Alyson.   And 3 always have a kind word for everyone in spite of your own are an inspiration.   Chrissy, what do they do on Australia day....fireworks, parade?   I saw that big fat red squirrel at my Dad's and thought of how you love them.   Do you need any of my pics from MO for your quilt project.  Dear Tim deleted ALL my pics to speed my computer up.....he is doing much better health wise, but still does not use his brain most of the time. Fortunately I almost never get rid of pics in my camera....and he wonders why.   

    Have a good day, all.    Marybe

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    3jays, Maybe we have run into each other at some time. I was born in FL, but my grandparents had a house in Vineyard Haven and my parents and I would come for every summer. When I got out of school in the 70s I gravitated here and fell into my job.  This (and Falmouth) is a wonderful place to live and a safe place to bring up my children. It is not such a great place to live to get treatment. My sister (most of my family ended up here, too) ended up moving off island to be closer to her treatment center. I will be riding the ferry quite a bit soon on a daily basis, but I have you guys to keep me company.

    barbe, I love your sense of humor.

    I feel the parameters of my sanity is spreading outward to include; just slightly off the wall is ok.