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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Dragon - I sent you a PM about your machine.  I am a quilter too!!!!  I had to give up hand quilting since I kept sewing my fingers to the back of the quilts.  Now I use a machine and I love my BabyLock machines.  I have a Sophia2 that I use for sewing club and classes and also an Ellisimo that I use strictly at home for quilting and embrodiery.  It is too heavy to take anywhere, so it stays put on the sewing table!  I also have a serger that is a fast way to make quilts, an Embellisher and a old Kemore that is a great standby when everything else falis or a granddaughter comes and wants to learn how to sew.

    As far as the aging, some days I feel 30ish and some days I tell people who ask my age that I am 83 (actually I am 62).  I have friends that I see and come see me from time to time, but mostly I am either shopping or sewing/quilting.  I enjoy just being me, either by myself or with friends.  DH is a homebody and would rather just stay home than do anything or go anywhere, but he does go with me when I ask or he thinks I may run into trouble or have a problem doing something by myself.  He is a dear man and he spoils me rotten.  I think if I had things to do over again I would do the same things I have done, not that everything has been perfect, but good has come out of it all because of the life I have now.  I just seem to enjoy each stage of life and day as it comes and remember the bad days willl pass and next year I will not remember what I got upset about - who am I kidding - I won't remember tomorrow!  I look at each day as a gift and that is why they call it the present.  Just open and enjoy.

    Love and hugs to all,

    Amy Jo 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Well, gals, in 2 weeks I will hitting a milestone birthday. You know, the ones that end in a zero. I really wish it was 62, though, so I could retire like Kathy. I hate my job.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Dragon, the woman who wrote "And Ladies of the Club" became a bestselling novelist at about 90, so there's still time.  write on!

    Isabella & Chabba - the story & pix of the pony in the car reminded me of once when we lived in So. Oregon on our 40 acres - we had goats and for some reason I had to take our in-rut buck goat to the vet 50 miles away, in my station wagon.  We got a LOT of strange looks from other drivers, but the worst was how he stank. I had to stop at a store on the way home, and people were backing away from me, and whispering behind their hands... it was the rankest most awful smell.  Buck-stink is bad enough out in the open. in Closed up spaces it's gagging - as bad or worse than skunk.  Took a long time to get the odor cleaned out of the car and me.    Ponies are much better. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    BarbA, ((( ))) bad jobs stink worse than buck goats.  and that's stinky.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Remember Grandma Moses, ladies!

    When arthritis took her beloved needlework away from her at age 76, she traded her needles for paintbrushes and became a legend.  I would wallpaper my breakfast nook in her paintings if I could because they are so lively, colorful, charming and full of history.

    Look her up sometime -- her story is enchanting and inspiring.  She was truly beautiful, meaning in a very real way -- the loveliest countenance and always dressed so ladylike.

    (Hey, maybe those of us with hands stiffened by treatment should try painting...?) 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Wow, it has been so great reading everyone's insights on ageing.  What strikes me is that, in spite of all the downside, so many people seem so content "in their own company."  I spent so much time avoiding my own company--working, raising kids, and all that goes with it.  Now I find that I do enjoy being alone and can entertain myself for hours with a craft project.  I guess we start to like ourselves better as we age.

    I also love Grandma Moses---her paintings are delightful!  

    You guys are a great group--so much wisdom and comfort.  

    Love to all,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    The woman who wrote Stones for Ibarra was also in her 90's. It was her first book and a big hit.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

     Maybe there is hope for me yet. Have some writing I have to do this year just have to sit down and get it done, historical stuff that must be written up.

    I am sitting here checking emails etc and outside in a Norfolk pine is a juvenile tui playing the same tune he has for days ding ding ding ding-ding with the occasional ding ding ding clonk. Then he will be joined by a friend. They are beautiful native bird with incredible songs - once they learn them! People complain about their noise but I just love them and when they have had rather a lot of nector they are so funny. They have really taken to the urban environment.

                                                                   This is what he will look like by the end of summer.

    Must go and play with my new phone -  DD asked me if it was too Smart for me. I will get it sorted if I am allowed to just try things out.

    Big hugs

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  What a beautiful bird!  We have a summer home in NC and beautiful birds are everywhere.  One year some Finches made a nest in the wreath I put on the front door, so nobody could come and go from the front until they had hatched and left!  We enjoyed watching them grow...quite an experience.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Being able to watch wild life of any genre close up should always be taken as a treasured gift  and I think the older we get, theo more we appreciate that fact.

    After the end of next week, (we celebrate Australia Day on Thursday), and all the docs visits and family visits are done for a little while I am really looking forward to getting into the sewing room I have created and getting started on the quilt I have planned as a memory of my trip to the USA.  I will be transfer printing some of the photograps onto fabric and using them as my block.  It should be good when finishe the only thing is I still have to choose which pics I want to use and exactly how big I want the finished product!  Ah, decisions, decisions...........

    Alyson, which phone did you get?

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Barbara, I hate that you hate your job.  That can make you so miserable, I know.  The best benefit of my almost 34 years in state social services was being able to retire early (anytime after 30 years) with my full pension but I have to say it was an extremely high-stress job.  I'm a lot more relaxed now, certainly.

    Alison, that's a beautiful bird.  DH and I both got new phones at Christmas, and I really haven't taken the time yet to see what mine can do.   It's on my list of things to do, along with taxes, arranging for tax to be withheld from my social security, etc, etc.  My phone may be too smart for me, too!

    Wren, I just realized that I haven't welcomed you yet, but glad to have you with us!

    L_C, a life experience I've totally missed is being around a goat in rut, and I'm not sure I know exactly what that means!  If it means what I think it does, though, I think I'll pass!


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Barb, let me tell ya, hon, after being that number with the zero at the end for a full day now, I feel NO different!! (the big 60 in case some did not see my Middies post)

    Well, yes, actually, I do!!

    I FEEL GOOD ! (da, da, da, da, da, da) I knew that I would, (da, da, da, da, da, da) (please don't show that to Marty!)

    I feel nice ....... like sugar & spice.

    You get the picture?!?


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Congrats, Val! Maybe it won't be so bad.

    Got to fly, the pool is calling my name!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The very sad thing is that I LOVED my job!! LOVED it!! LOVED it!!! But the management was BRUTAL. I am still off on disability and don`t think I can every return. I`m getting paid too much to want to return.....because I`m in commission sales, when I go back, I`d make $0 for a while until I got some deliveries under my belt. It takes a long time to build up a ``bank` to live on. My bank at one point was over a million dollars in sales waiting to be delivered!!! THAT`S why I LOVED my job....sigh.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Happy Birthday Valjean! rock on and enjoy the year -  hey, it's the 60s!

    Barbe, it stinks to not be able to work at something you love....  On commission sales, my highest bank would be zero.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I never 'sold' something to someone. I always helped them 'buy'. My two kids are both in sales and do very, very well!!! My son was promoted into management but went back to sales as he made more money!!! He is now a mortgage broker - he was head-hunted.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    To all--my sewing machine is back and running like a precision engine.  Got a new piping foot and am trying to override back pain with sewing energy!  Maybe the sound of that newly-cleaned machine will hypnotize away my back ache!

    Sewing Dragon 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Yay, dragon, don't machines just purr when they are running well?

    barbe, you seem to be a person that contributes wherever you are, work, home, hospital, bco...... your humor is infectious and you have lifted my spirit more than once in the short time I have been visiting this site.

    I am snowed in tonight. We got about 12" of snow today. I could get out but don't want to shovel, thank you very much. No where to go really anyway. It certainly is pretty, though. i was thinking of Alyson today when a red cardinal landed at my feeder, what a contrast between the bright red and the bright snow. I couldn't get it together to get a picture, sigh! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Evening everyone!  What a day today...up to my DS's to help him buy a new washing machine because they won't take credit cards over the phone...grrrr....100 mile roundtrip and I didn't even get to see DGD as she was sleeping.  While en route I got a call from other DGD that my DGGD was in the hospital...she had a seizure last evening from a high fever.  They are keeping her for observation, but DGD says she is eating and playing, so praying she is ok.

    Some good liver enzyme test came back within normal ranges, so guess the other test was just a bad lab result.  Echo cardiogram that I had on Fri was uneventful....I asked if I would live and the tech said "Yes...until you die".  LOL.  Monday I go for my scan to see if I can have the partial beam rads that I want.  If I don't meet the criteria then I'll be stuck with the three week version.

    Happy Birthday Valjean....glad your sewing machine is up and running again, dragon.  My friend made me the most beautiful quilt Chrissy...  I wish I had that creative ability. 

    In between all this I'm trying to enjoy my weekend and hope everyone else is as well! 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Kaara ~ Sending all good wishes for you DGGD. Hope she is fast improving since her seizure. How scary.... high fevers can be dangerous.  And Yay!! on your normal liver enzyme results & the uneventful Eco!! Fingers crossed that the scan will show you can have the partial beam rads that you want. (well, not that you want it all, but, you know what I mean  :)  )

    I had plans to go shopping today at Kohl's - DH got called in to work (overtime, yay!) so he dropped me off at the store. I had 2.5 hours of just me trying on clothes. It was soooo much fun, I tried on things I never would have otherwise & didn't have anyone waiting for me. I must say he never complains but I always feel I should hustle a bit. I bought a loungie Vera Wang shirt on clearance (light weight flannel long-sleeved long tail plaid), a dressy/or casual three-quarter lavender pattern top, a tank for summer or under a jacket, & two around the house long-sleeved tops all bought with a gift card, so didn't cost me a penney! I love that kind of shopping. Then I bought (or charged should I say) some new panties-8 pair. I was on a roll. Money mouth

    It was a great day but I got a bad headache because I hardly had more than a few flakes of dry Special K cereal in order to take that little white pill before I left & I had nothing for lunch & nothing until 4:30 for dinner. I didn't drink enough water & I'm sure that contributed to it. (left my water bottle in the truck & not a fan of drinking from the water fountain tho I did take some Tylenol for the headache)

    Geez, I'm talking away here...... Hope I didn't bore anyone.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to "ssee" all you here tonight...

      im afraid im srill a little MIA these days, and although i WISH this Dr. "fix everything is someone we're going to see.. im sure he's too exp for me.. he kept saying "no, we rake your ins, but they don't cover this, or thid, or this(anything thats' natural, not even the dupplements... but, we're going, to see what he recommends, and to see if we ca do some of it.. financially....

      i've come down with yet another staph infection  in the sinuses, dermo, and eyes... who knows where these things come from.. the drs. sure don't!!!!its' all part of auto immune, for sure..

      so, now, add 2 more drs to the waiting list lol.

         trnacious is a nice word for "stubborn" chrissy, and thats' the Irish in me!!! i won't just roll over and give up, though. just NIOT part of my nature, as you ladies well know.

      Barbara, its not all that bad, getting old.. bc helped us travel that road a LOT quicker than we Would've though... its an arritude, not a number ( and many days, my attitude rots!!)

      hope all gores well with you all........3jays

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Kaara, I'm a fellow Gemini, but I'm a real introvert. When I was working, we went through a phase of having everyone take a Myers-Briggs test that tells you how you rate on 4 dimensions -- extrovert or introvert being the first one. Neither was right or wrong, good or bad, just told whether you were energized by being around people, or by being by yourself. The interesting thing was that extroverts tend to look down their noses at introverts, thinking they're less intelligent, and introverts think extroverts are egotistical bullies. Made for some interesting discussions!

    This month's "More" magazine has an interesting article on women's need to let go of our obsession with looking young and accept these new bodies that we have. It even talks about the stages of letting go, just like the stages of grief. It hit home with me, because the image I see in the mirror -- even before I became bald and scarred -- is so different from the image I had of myself for years as a slim, attractive woman. Now I see a dumpy woman with freckled, sagging, 63-year-old skin. What stares back at me is my mother, my aunt, my grandmother, not "me." Mentally, I feel just the way I did in my early 40s. It's hard to reconcile being so much older. 

    Valjean, I love Kohl's! I'm glad you had a no-rush shopping trip.

    QQCA, you know what amazed me most about applying for Social Security? How easy it was to do online. I figured I'd have to wait hours at the SS office, which is miles away. I'd been to the SS office in years past with my mom, or to have the name on my card changed after I married. I knew it would be an all-day affair, or maybe take 2 trips. The online application was so easy! Whoever came up with that should be running all government departments. I've never seen a government agency come up with something that consumer-friendly. So out of character, and so refreshing. 

    Wishing everyone a good day! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Valjean: that's something I could talk about all day!  Glad you enjoyed yourself...really..the only way to shop is by yourself.  Taking my boyfriend would be like taking a cat on a leash!  When I shop with DD it's all about her and I end up standing around or getting new sizes for her.  I have good fashion sense and am confident that I don't need anyone's opinion, so when I really am serious about shopping for something I go by myself, and can spend hours just browsing.  It drives my boyfriend crazy!  Men are on a mission..they go...they buy...they leave!

    Wave:  I've taken those tests before...they are interesting.  Nothing wrong with any personality just have to know how to handle them when you're in business and that's what those tests were for.  I like being a Gemini...just when people think they have me figured out..I change!

    3jays:  Hope your sinus infection clears up.  You are the fourth or fifth person I've spoken to that has one...they must be an epidemic this year.  The supplements I'm on seem to be working.  My hot flashes seem to be a little less intense and my energy level is good...even without my BHRT.  I go back to the naturopathic doc this next week for results of all the blood tests he ran...I know that's going to mean $$$!  Boyfriend is in his third week of chelation treatments and vitamin infusions, and I honestly see improvement in his balance which is a big problem with his MS.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    My Dad developed his lung cancer while he was on chelation treatments! I know it's unrelated, but I remember feeling angry that he was trying to cleanse his body and got cancer!!
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe: That's so sad.  Chances are he had the cancer long before he started doing the treatments...but still, I don't think I would do chelation isn't for cancer treatment.  My BF has MS and heavy metal toxicity in his body from being a pilot for 30 years.  The treatments are to remove as many of the toxins as possible...a proven technique for heavy metals.  The only thing I would do are the Meyer's cocktail which are high dose vitamin infusions to boost the immune system to fight off disease.  Also, it might help correct any radiation damage done to good cells in the treatment process.  That, along with my diet, might help prevent a recurrence.  One can only do their best and hope!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kaara, after my diagnosis, I got all my lead fillings switched out to white ones. Took a couple of years as I was using a dental plan and got work done until it topped out for the year. Has your BF had the opportunity to do that?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612

    I just discovered this thread. What a nice little island of sanity and good will you have developed here! Mind if I pull up a chair and join?

    All you quilters...sigh. I can't sew a stitch but want to learn. Next decade maybe? Don't have time right now. Or space. I make jewelry, and I can just see myself going nuts in the fabric store like I have the bead shows. Shiny and pretty, I'm like a magpie!

    Heading off to New Orleans today for DH's conference. Finally, a trip to NOLA where I get to play, not see a doctor or have surgery. Most liberating!!!

    Have a great day, everyone! Oh, and Alyson, thanks for the picture of the tui!! I feel in love with that bird on a trip to the South Island a few years ago. And tui is a great Scrabble word at the end of the game, when you're stuck with a u and an i!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe:  No, he hasn't yet, but it was strongly suggested.  He has to use a dentist that knows how to remove the mercury fillings properly or he could end up with a worse result.  Thanks for the suggestion.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Anne, I am a quilter AND a beader!! You should see my craft room!!! I embellish the wall quilts or garments that I make using beads, ribbons and other 'things'. Consider rolling all your loves into one!!! I go nuts in the fabric stores for colour and pattern. Beads, I go for colour and bling! Then I put them all together and win ribbons!! I LOVE ribbons!!! I've won all the way from "Viewers Choice" to "Best of Show"!!! I even won in a 'normal' art show. The other artists were horrified that a fabric piece won first place! That was a defining moment for sure!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi Anne,, good to see you here..