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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe your sight sounds a lot like mine as that's what happened to me.  First the bifocal and three years ago the trifocal and with each progressive prescription my sight has deteriorated......:(

    I used to do the same as you when I was on the computer as I got sick of trying to find the sweet spot but then after a while my nech started to play up so I went to the optometrist told him what the problem was and he gave me the tri's.  He did warn me that it usually takes people a couple of weeks to get used to the graduated lens but the glasses needed a fine adjustment and I went back a couple of days later and he asked how I was going with answer was they were perfect with no having to get used to them at all as it was just like not wearing glasses at all as I caould automatically see everything I looked at clearly without having to think about a sweet spot..................Ah!  It was and is bliss!!!!.................hahahaha!  

    Don't delay if you need them Barbe as you will love the fact that you can see.

    Love n hugs girl!   Chrissy

  • Kaara....guess what they use avastin for.....macular degeneration.   Guess it really slows the process down.  

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    I am feeling devastated right now.

    I just got a call from my sister. She's been diagosed with DCIS. I know all about how it's early, it's non-invasive, the prognosis is good and on and on. It doesn't help.

    So often I've seen posts from women about how their sisters have let them down, hurt them, etc, and I've never known how to answer since both my sisters have been so loving and supportive of me all the way through this. And now this.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{Leah}}} Saying a prayer for your sister.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352


    Thinking of you and your sister. Is she over in Isreal with you, or in USA ??

    You will be able to help her thru' her journey.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Leah:  So sorry about your sister...she will need your love and support now.  Praying that she will be fine and get through her treatments without difficulty.

    My eye app't was not good.  I have to see a retina specialist as my MD is advancing and is really bad in my left eye.  The good news is that they do have treatment for it, the bad news is the treatment is an injection right into the eye...yikes!  That's about as welcome to me as a root canal:(  

    Marybe:  You say they use Avastin to treat MD?  I'll have to research that.  I've been so busy with the bc research, I haven't given a thought to my eyes and I should have.  When it rains it pours, but it is what it is, so onward march. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Leah, my prayers for your sister and for you.  I'm sure your mutual love and support will be a blessing for both of you.  Just so sorry it is because of BC.  If only there were a way to eliminate this scourge from the world forever.....maybe someday soon? 

  • Leah,   So sorry about your sister.  Will pray that all goes well for her and I am sure you will be a big source of comfort for her and can help her with information. 

     Kaara,   I am thinking it is Avastin they inject in your eye.   I know someone who does it.....she's in Houston and we stayed with her when I went to MDA and she said it really was working for her and I think the sound of it and the thought of it are probably worse than the actual procedure.....a shot in the eye....she did not say it was all that bad and she would have if it was.  

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Marybe:  Thanks for the words of encouragement..I'll do just about anything to keep from going blind, so if it's a shot in the eye, so be it!  There's something else now that they inject in your arm and it goes to the blood vessels in the back of the eye and stops them from bleeding...forget what it's called.  You are the champion of doing whatever it takes, so I'll get inspiration from you!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Leah I'm so sorry to hear the news about your sister! I can imagine you are truly devistated.  None of us like to hear that someone we know and love has succumbed to this disease but I'm sure you will be there for her as much as she has been there for you. 

    I'm hoping and praying that all goes well for her and upon removal it does indeed proove to be DCIS and nothing more.

    Kaara it is an unfortunate part of life that we prioritise our health when all issues should be treated equally.  Don't beat yourself up about spending too much time researching BC and not enough on your eyes.  The good thing is that there is a treatment available even though the thought of it scares the pants of you at least it's there and could make a huge difference to you.  When is your appointment?

    Nancy did you manage to go on the boat for your treatment?

    I ended up with a sore spot on my nose from my new glasses last night and wondered why.  I sat thinking for a while and realised that maybe one of the nose pieces was maybe just a little bit at the wrong angle so I gingerly put a little pressure on it and moved it out just a smidge and voila!!  no more pressure point on the nose.   The only problem with new glasses is the fact that you have to tweek them into being as comfy as your old ones

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Leah, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.  I know you'll be a source of help and strength for her as she goes through her treatment.  All of us hate it when we learn that this d***ed breast cancer has touched any one else. 

    Marybe, so sorry to hear about your computer, brand-new no less.  Although it's probably just as well that you hadn't programmed it yet!  I hope it will turn up.  And your wig pictured on the other thread looks great!!  I'd never have suspected a thing if you hadn't said something.

    Kaara, I didn't know about your macular degeneration (or missed it) but I hope you do have the treatment.  Who would have thought avastin would be used in such a way?  My dad had MD and went virtually blind by the time he died at 93, but his was not the kind that could be treated.  So, go for it!

    Chrissy, love, love the glasses!  I need to make an appointment for another eye exam myself and  want new, younger looking frames.  I love purple, but it doesn't love me.  Red does look pretty decent, but I guess everyone would think I was trying to be Sally Jesse Raphael.  She used to be a tv host here and wore red framed glasses,  and you've probably never heard of her in Australia.

    We have 2 funerals to go to this weekend, one for a man in our church and the other for my father's 1st cousin.  One's Saturday and the other Sunday.  I never liked funerals and find that since my diagnosis, I become a regular basket case whenever I attend one, even if I wasn't particularly close to the person.  Some funerals, though, require one's presence, and these two are that kind.

    Isabella, sorry your dental appointment got cancelled when you were all geared up to go!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!


  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Kaara - I had cataract surgery on both eyes a few days apart 4-yrs ago.  It also involved an injection into the eye.  I was terrified but they said I could take a trank before plus they also had a liquid trank that they would be giving me before the injection.  The drops they put in my eyes blurred my vision so I couldn't "see" the injection & didn't feel it either.  My vision had deteriorated so much that I wasn't even legal to drive even with my glasses.  After the surgery - within a day or so, I could see better than I can ever remember seeing - things were sharper and colors were brighter and, most importantly, I could open my eyes in the morning and I could SEE.  I spent a few days pushing up my non-existant glasses and getting used to needing reading glasses but it was the best thing I've ever had done.  Also, I'm now able to drive in the dark again.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words!  The day looks a little brighter..I did some research last night and found that there are varied treatments for MD and usually people don't go completely blind if they seek out a good retina specialist before it's too late, which I'm doing.  I go next week, and then am getting a second opinion at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute which is here in Fl, so I will have the best of care and treatment options.  The good thing is that all of the supplements and diet that I am on for my bc is also good for MD, so I don't have to do much tweaking there.

    Mostlymom:  Glad you got those cataracs taken care boyfriends mother said the same thing...a whole new world!  I have some, but they are small and the doc said not an issue at this time.

    Have a good day everyone! 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone, it is Friday here! Yay I'm on the boat now. Yes the boat ran yesterday,too. It has snowed during the night for the last two days, but in the morning it is all gone. Yesterday I managed to catch an earlier boat home, so hope that works out today also. I have an order for a chest xray and hope I can get it done today, before my son comes home for spring break on Saturday. I get him to myself for two days then we pick up two of his friends on Tuesday on our way back from boston after a dr appt. So the house will be filled with energy again. I am looking forward to it. A week is just long enough. Lol

    Chrissy I like your glasses, too. I am vain enough still to wear multifocal contacts during the day, so if I can't focus on something I turn my head sideways like a

    Leah, hugs about your sister! Is she close to you geography wise?

    Barbe is there anything you haven't done.

    Marybe stuff is just stuff and we are just human. Sigh!

    Love you guys thanks for joining me on my boat ride this morning.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I must admit, I have always pushed my comfort zone over the years. I have no regrets. I was even a Police Auxiliary for Metro Toronto for 7 years!!!

    I haven't been in the medical or banking world....yet....

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    (((Leah and your sister)))


    Marybe, I'm so sorry about your computer; but glad you feel so loved.

    Mac, I'm glad your ride went well. Enjoy your company.Smile

    One of my favorite jobs was driving water truck on a mega-single-home "wilderness preserve" - it was like playing with a 3000 gallon squirt gun in a beautiful setting. All guys on the site and I was the only woman until the artistes came in at finish stages....

    Chrissy I love your glasses.  I just got some purple converse tennies. With discrete sparkles. Kiss

    We had a little weather pass through, and got about 4" of snow, and windy.  Brrr.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    So my Road to Recovery driver did not show up today. I had wondered what I would do if that happened, so I found out that I could just get a taxi. It was kinda expensive, but I managed it and made it to my appt on time. I missed the earlier boat for the ride home, but got the noon one and went and got my chest xray after I got back to the island. I haven't heard any news yet so will have to wait until Monday. Just one of those days. 

    It's suppose to warm up this weekend, hopefully I will be able to get out and walk the dog.

    Once when I was temping in Baltimore (way long time ago), I got to sell hot dogs from a push cart on a street corner. It was fun until I had to push the darn thing up a hill. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just popping by to say hello.

    Sending great big cyber hugs to everyone. ((((Leah))))))  ((((Marybe))))) what a bother losing your bag.

    Kathy I know just how you feel about the babysitting - it gets too much at times even though I love the little ones to pieces.

    Chrissy love the glasses.

    Must go and write a shopping list - I am too sore to shop so DH will have to do it for me. My fibro and RA and flared incredibly so I am feeling sorry for myself but as SiL is coming for dinner I will have to get moving.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Marybe, you losing your computer reminds me I need to back mine up to an external hard drive, it has been far too long.    I hope all that works out for you, so sad to lose your computer.

    Hugs Ginger

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy so sorry your driver never turned up to take you to your appointment.  I can imagine how expensive a cab would be but glad you managed it and got to your appointment okay in the end.  Sure hope that volunteer doesn't let you down again!  Getting out to get some fresh air is a good thing and I'm sure your dog enjoys it too.  Selling hot dogs from a vending cart sounds like a whole lot of fun but having to push it up hill would have changed my mind about the fun part really I was in the USA last year I tried a hot dog from a street vendor when I was in LA.  Not bad, not bad at fact, down right tasty!!!

    Alyson, I sure hope you can get some relief from your fibro and RA flair.......not good at all!  Are you taking it easy?  I sure hope so.

    Ginger, I only have the laptop but it has been running so hot it turns itself off so when I go to the city tomorrow I will be dropping it off at my computer guys shop so it can get checked out and hopefully sorted out.  I have a feeling it needs both a clean out (of all the dust and fluff that they accumulate) and a new cooling fan.  I shouldn't complain as it's not a new computer and it did do a whole lot of travelling with me last year so I just need to say it needs a little maintenance.

    I'm hoping they can get it sorted tomorrow and not need to keep it over night as that would be a right pain.............oh well I guess if it has to be it has to be as I do want it fixed so I can take it to hospital with me.  I'll also get a new battery while I'm there so it doesn't have to be plugged in all the time too.

    So, girls if I go MIA for twenty four hours don't worry it's just that my computer will still be getting fixed.

    Have a great day all!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Those computers become our lifeline!  Boyfriend just got a new smart phone...he disappeared into his office for two days trying to sort it out:)  I hear him in there cursing now and then when he can't get the program to work.  I'm just fine with my old fashioned phone that I can make and receive calls on.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Aly, ((HUGS)) hate that you are in pain!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all, beautiful autumn morning here, beautiful weather after nasty storm sent to us over the Tasman, though I think what the Aussies got was far worse than here. And it was nothing compared to the storm that went through parts of the Sates. Do hope you are all safe? Have friends not far from Henryville, seems to have missed them

    Did nothing or not much all weekend. SiL came for dinner which was quite pleasant (for once).

    Must go and get dressed.

    Big hugs to all

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Alyson - gals you seem to be feeling better and had a pleasant time with you SIL.  Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful weather.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    marybe, since we had a looong chat after chicago, i'll just telling you itsstill in the trunk (good thoughts).. Leah, is your sister over there, or here?? im so sorry for her dx.. and am praying itwill be an easy one (though we know even the easy ones are hard)!!!

      try to talk her into coming on board here.. if she's uncomfortable, she doesn't have to identify herself as your sister, but she could get the support we ALL need.. i know you'll be supportive, but it takes a village.. true?? ((((((((((leah))))))))))))

     love the new specs, chrissy.. i have to wait on the wig, as $$ is tight right now.. but, the new glasses for me have to come first, also.. you know i have lots of wigs, anyway.. i just loved that "punk" look, and do intend not to wait too long... 3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Leah - so sorry to hear about your sister. I will be praying for her as well as you and both your families.  This must be really hard to get a handle on, I know it would be for me. {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to both of you. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    what a day i've had.. you guys are the best here.. you were all in my pockets today, and didn't even know it!!!

      i was reisappears, calls dr mandell... comes back.says im going to give you erythyromycin(sp) as per dr. mandell.. but, i think your tear duct might be blocked, so im going to try to clear it.. so i ask hi, how?? ( i thought about that needle to the eye) so he says, oh, i'll just lavage it.. but, 1st i need to leave some anesthsic on your eye, so it won't hurt.. okay??.he leaves me in the room, he puts my head down, but mur puts his hand behind my head, so i won't choke..

      so, the dr comes back, says give me the cotton swab to the nurse( this is where i think he's clearingit ) th\THEN he says.. give me the needle.. no font first... i start to tell hading about Kaara, and the mac degen.. the other night.. i worry cause of my ms..

     so, today, i go to a new eye dr.. one dr. mandell approved..

      he seemed to understand about the fact of staph reocuring.. i told him it was aspergilium, he says you never kill that!!!i told him thats' why dr. mandell cultures me every month now, and we hit it right away... so, he looks in my eye, says oh my, you DO have an infection, this isn't just any irritation.. then, he d

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone, I have been sooo occupied with DS being home. I forget how much attention they still need even when they are "grown up" He does make me laugh and laughing is good!

    I got the results from chest xray, it is clear now. Hallelujah! The doc prescribed an inhaler tho and I feel like I can breathe for the first time in a long time. Today will be the test with walking on the boat. But I have some energy back, too. Of course yesterday I was riding in the car for the trip to rads and up to Boston to see my dermatologist. We are watching a mole that is right beside my SNB incision and now getting radiation. The good news is we can see skin cancer.ha!

    I see the RO today, getting some skin issues. Also being evaluated for BC care at the PT dept at the hospital today, then I get to see my therapist. There is no room in my life for much more, like work. Starting to get notes left on my door about people's shoes and so many phone calls I can't deal with them all. But I have hope today, the sun is shining and I can take a deep breath without coughing.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Glad you are feeling better.  That was some tough virus...I'm back to my normal self after suffering with it for about two weeks, cough and all.  In the end it attacked my tonsils..I had forgotten I still had them, but they were sure sore for a few days.  Some say the cough has lasted up to six weeks.  My holistic dr. gave me an infusion of anti virals that knocked it down quite a bit.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy I'm so pleased that you are finally feeling better!  Isn't it great to have the kids home for a while?  I love it when mine come to stay but it's just as nice to wave them goodbye when they leave.  It's strange how that happens but I guess even though we will always be mom and they will always be our kids, at some point in time they became individuals and so did we.......again.

    Kaara glad you are getting over your virus too.  I seem to have been very lucky with those little pesky bugs......they take one look at my system and run for the hills!  Needless to say I'm not complaining!

    Oh dang!  done it again!  I want to respond to others on the previous page so here endeth part