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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Elisimo I loved our chat and about phone going flat?  well, no probs, it happens..........particularly when I'm on the other end of the  It's the weekend here so I have to wait until Monday before I can ring my provider to ask about it..............but I surely will!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Nancy: im so sorry you're feeling yucky, and i hope they figure out how to "fix it " soon...

       I'm also glad they decided one knee at a time, chrissy.. my mil had two done, one at  a time, and that was hard enough with rehab.. the dr told her she needed one "good bad one" to stand on.. i am glad they moved your surgery date uo.

      marybe called yesterday, her tms were down 750 more.. im soo happy about it, thought id share!!!

      have been out of bed a little this weekend, so decluttering some more. we must be careful; we may have a living room we can live with, if we're not careful lol

       good to see everyone, and leah, so glad you can make the retreat.. we all sure can use one, from time to time, and you deserve it !!!!,,,,,,3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, I think I'm going to take your advice!  The idea of more doctor visits is yuk.  I am going to juice one meal a day and see if I can get off some of my meds.  Thanks for the reality check!

    Mac (Nancy) so sorry you're feeling bad.  They can give you something for nausea, Zofran, that really helped my DH.  He also did use medical marijuana and that helped the best.  He did chemo for months and went through diarrhea with a colostomy.  He's fine now but we had a difficult year.

    3 Jays, hope you're feeling better and able to get up.  If you get depressed in bed you can vent on this site.  

    Love and prayers to all, 


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I got a flu bug...cold, sore throat, cough, fever and I got over it in two days!  I give credit to my vitamin and diet program.  Normally it would take at least a week.  I don't care what the conventional doctors say about supplements...they work!  That was a good testimony for me that I didn't have to go and get antibiotics to get rid of it.

    Have a great Sunday everyone! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Just a gentle reminder that those on chemo have to be careful that their "new" diet isn't un-doing what the chemo IS doing!! You can't take any defensive supplements because that counteracts what the chemo is trying to do. Most people think just because something is "natural" that it's okay to take during treatment. It's not. Run any supplements by your onc. My Dad's cancer hospital had posters all over the place showing what certain herbs (St. John's Wort, etc.) interferred with in treatment.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, so true.  My onc. had had some bad experiences with Chinese mushrooms.  One is called Cordyceps and can cause liver enzymes to go off the map.  She thought her patient had new liver mets.  Dragon

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, your friend Cheryl joined our lunch bunch today...great to see her again and made us miss you...sigh

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lisa I'm so glad Cheryl was able to join all of you for lunch and when I hear of the get togethers and lunches over there I really miss not being there and seeing everyone!  It seems like ages ago that I was there and I do miss you all so terribly.......I'm just thankful that I can stay in touch through these boards and for the lucky few who gave me their phone numbers via the occasional phone call.  Lisa if you want to text me yours, I'll PM you mine so that can happen.

    3jays good to hear you spent a little time out of bed  and hopefully the times will get longer and longer.  What do you mean 'a lounge you can live in'?  When I was there your lounge was just fine.

    Barbe I can tell you are feeling a whole lot better as you are writing with your sassy attitude again and it's so good to see it return.

    Kaara I haven't had a cold for years now................oh I get a sniffle every now and then but it never developes...........I think the bugs take one look at my system and head for the hill saying 'we ain't going way!'  Keeps me germ free.....just love it!!!

    Dragon hope you can put yours fears aside and feel well.

    Love n hugs all!    Chrissy

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    This is what I need, a quiet place to be for a moment.  Spend some time each day playing the words games too, for a break. 

    Kaara, good you are over the bug so quickly.  I was goingto use the L-lisine and such for a cough but when GP heaard me cough on Tues, she said I needed antibiotics, almost pneumonia again, of course from all the smoke next door I will never not have chronic something, esp w empysamatic changes on films, but I took the antibiotics this week and now probiotics.

    The dog wanted to go out and I thought he just wanted another walk to told him no, so he pooped on floor, second time ever, and I found it.  Some diarrhea, token to Hubby giving him too much sausage left over from breakfast out, I told him only a few nibbles - SO I put a box over the poop and left it for Hubby, it's all his.  Now that is a woman w som esense.  Except maybe if I had taken him out... but he is always wanting to go out, he runs the house like a crazy dog, wanting to go for walks with me, and if he just came in, what can I do, read his mind?  

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Essa and welcome.........this is indeed a good place to be to be able to sit back and take a breath. 

    Good for for putting a box over the offeniding consequence of your DH surely is one way to make a point.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, the probiotic is called Ultimate Flora Critical Care. It is called a delayed release capsule. I only have to take one a day. I'm giving it a try. I have another day off because it is a holiday tomorrow here in the states, so won't see doc until Wednesday,  on Tuesday I'll talk to the nurse. 

    I did get out for a walk with the dog today. It was sunny and I got some fresh air.

    hello 3jays.

    Kaara glad you're feeling better.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy thanks for that, I see if I can get something like that here.  Glad you managed to get out for a bit of fresh air it always makes you feel good to see the sunshine.  I'm glad you are going to check in with the nurse as soon as possible.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all, just passing by on my way out to playgroup.

    Chrissy have some photos I will post of another beach on the west coast - black sand again but it was a beautiful day unlike when we went to Muriwai.

    I would back up what Barbe was saying about supplements and chemo. One of the young onc said that they would rather we ate the vitamins rather than taking them as it can really mess with treatment.

    Talking about that I must find something to stave off whatever I am getting, glands are up and feel so tired. Will vist the chemist later.

    Have a great day.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chrissy, I need a knee replacement too, but am very frightened of having it done.....nothing with the pain, surgery, or PT.............its the though of blood clots that scares me.............I have had a blood clot after every baby, and I hear blood clots are one of the SE's of a knee replacement, but I can barely get around.........swelling, stiff, and all the ugly things that come with a knee problem............maybe I can get some encouragement from you once you do yours...............

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky I do know that if you tell them you have a clotting problem they will give you meds to keep the blood thin so they don't happen.  My older sister has had both of hesr done already and all went well for her.  I'm happy to keep you up to date with the happenings so to speak so you can feel a bit more calm about the process.    Oh and she didn't get any clots so I'm not expecting any either.  I'm sure if you had it done you would feel like a new woman.   I sure can empathise with the pain and swollen knees.........what knees?....did I say knees?........I mean those blobs that join the top half to the bottom half of my legs..............hahaha..........I haven't anything that looks like a knee since forever and I'm actually looking forward to seeing just what a knee looks like as it been so long I have

    I'm taking my comput and mobile internet USB with me so I can let you know as it all unfolds.

    Alyson those pics sound great and I can't wait to see them!  What do you mean the weather was dirty when we were are Muriwai?   I though it was great!  I love it when the wind is blowing and the sea is a little wild!  Sound to me like you are doing too much and your system is telling you to stop!  Sure hope its nothing nasty but do take care and rest!  You know what that is?  You stop and put your feet up, read a book, have a nap, watch a nothing!

    Have a great day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    It just goes to show that age does indeed catch up to everything including our animals. 

    I have two cats who were extremely good mousers and a dog who is also very good at catching them and so have never had a mouse problem in my house. 

    I went to the kitchen yesterday to put some eggs on to boil and as I walken in the room I see this little grey fury thing scuttle across the back of my sink and down under my freezer!  I couldn't believe my eyes!  It was a mouse! in my house? you have got to be joking or it was one very brave little mouse!

     I don't have any traps as I've never need them so I rang DH to bring some home when he came.  He couldn't believe that none of the animals were aware that it was there as they used to just sit and wait if anything had the misfortune to wander inside............apparently no longer. 

    Later, when it was dinner time, I went to the kitchen to start preparation.  DH had gotten home about ten minuted before and I had just finished checking out the two traps that he bought and was mulling over in my mind where I would put them so if the cats and dog went nosing around they wouldn't get either noses or paws caught.  I head something in the sink.................sure enough, here was this little grey mouse frantically trying to jump out of the sink where it had become trapped as the sink is deep. 

    I called to DH and laughed that the purchase of the traps was now not needed as the sink had done the deed.  I was just thinking about getting an old cloth so I could catch the little thing and not get bitten when this very large, very fast hand passed me and in the blink of an eye grabbed the mouse in such a way that all that could be seen of it was it's little nose and whiskers.  He took it outside and down the back yard and let it go.  

     Hopefully it learned its lesson and won't reappear in my house and will be smart enough to by pass the two cats (who now do a lot of sleeping as they are 19 and 12 respectively) and a little dog who use to take the mouse prizes from the cats and catch her own (she is 10) and live it's life to become old too.

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    That was one lucky little mouse...I imagine he's telling quite a tale to his buddies right now!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Oh wow that mouse is one brave guy!  My mice are back and have done a number under the sink with garbage bits all over and little brown seeds of poop!  I used to have a pet rat and have a soft spot for little rodents.  I know that's goofy but rats are really good little pets.  I think that rat actually cured my depression at the time!  He was so happy to see you when you went up to his cage.  Now I have a dog to greet me instead.  A great day and the sun is actually out here in Portland.  Of course it poured rain earlier.  Today we're picking up the grands after school--always an adventure to get them from school to car without losing anything.

    Love to all,


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dragon have fun with the grands! remember picking mine up from school and sitting in the car for ten minutes while they checked their bags to see if anything had been forgotten because the rule was once we leave there's no going back and if it was important well tht's too did teach them to be careful and make sure they were at least a little organised.

    My the thread is quiet!  I sure hope everyone is okay and just busy.

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Okay here, Chrissy, but busy.  Today we traveled to see my sister and her husband and took GS, who's 2 1/2 and talked the whole time.  It did my sister good to see him, too, and he was really "on".  Carole was worried that he'd be afraid of her prostheses (both legs) since he's older now, but he was too busy to notice and wouldn't have been afraid anyway, just curious.  Children know when someone loves them, I believe, and had we stayed longer he'd have been her best friend. 

    For those who don't know, Carole had bc and had a reaction to chemo.  She was hospitalized and was left off a ventilator by mistake, which resulted in oxygen deprivation to her legs.  I don't often mention her on these boards due to reactions I received when I first came on and was worried about chemo for me in view of what happened to her.   It was a harrowing experience for us all, but a life-changing one for her.  I don't see her nearly as often as I'd like, but with us keeping GS full time and the distance involved we go whenever we can. It was a very good day, today!

    Hope all are busy as well!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Kathy so sorry to hear about your sister and I can quite understand your trepidation when it came time for your treatment.  You are right about children knowing who love them honestly and little ones your GS's age are as you said not frightened but curious.  They have yet to learn what fear is.

    (((((hugs))))) to both you and your sister and I sure hope you can spend even more time together.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks Chrissy!  She's 12 years older than I am and we are the only children, so I too hope we've got many years left! 


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy:  What an awful shame about your sister.  It sounds like she handles her disability very well, all things considered.  You are lucky to still have sister is 12 years younger than me, and she passed away at 55.

     You are right about young children being curious.  I was waiting outside a restaurant with my DGD who was about 3 at the time and a man with no legs came up in a wheelchair.  I could see DGD was staring and before I could divert her attention, she went right up to him and asked "How come you don't have any legs?"  I was so embarrassed, but the man thought it was so funny, and explained that he lost them in the war.  They had quite a nice conversation.  He said he preferred the refreshing honesty of kids rather than the averted looks of others.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kathy, so sorry about your sister!  It must be scary starting chemo after something like that.

    This just in: 

    My SIL sent me a facebook post about curing cancer with alkaline agents, including baking soda. It's supposed to clear it up in about 2 months!  EGAD--is that still out there?  Anyway I replied that I couldn't agree.  Then someone else wrote that she doesn't go to doctors because if they found she had cancer she might believe them and then she would die.  

    It's so hard for me to just let this craziness alone--I want to jump in and argue from a medical point of view.  Mission for the day: leave crazy people alone with their odd cures and misconceptions.  There is a microscopic grain of truth in every delusion, and this one is no exception:  cancer IS big business.  But for me, I'm glad that's the case.  When I began in nursing we had no mammograms and no really effective chemo.  Who wants to go back to that?  

    I'm grateful for all the treatment and care I received and for this thread--there are so many people here who are living meaningful lives with this disease.  It inspires me much more than some new age lunacy.

    Dragon (Lynda) 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    It's kinda like the study they did on anti depressants, giving half the study the drug and the other half the placebo.  Both groups improved the same!  The placebo proved to be just as effective as the drug.  Go figure.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    LOL!  Antidepressants have helped me but who knows, I may be taking a sugar pill!  I once gave a pain pill to a patient and the minute she swallowed it she heaved a big sigh of relief and reported instant relief!  I truly believe she felt better, not because of the pill but because someone had understood her pain and taken time to get her something for it.  The most difficult thing is when a doctor or nurse doesn't believe a symptom that you report.  Don't continue with such a doctor--they can be wrong and you are the one with the symptom.  Lynda

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I truly believe that the mind is capable of many things and that includes healing and death but I still put my faith in the knowledge of the medical professionals.  I for one certainly don't want to go back to a time when the word cancer meant death no matter what was done.

    There have been times in my life when I have needed the aid of an anti depressant but only to get me on the right track again so I could do what was needed to come to terms with what was going on at the time.  It's always hard to accept that you cannot control all things and this I think is the cause of a lot of depression.  Working toward that acceptance for me is always a key.  I do understand that there are people who do need the drugs to get them in that better frame of mind and being and am very thankful that they are there for our use.  Can you imagine what life would have been like in the time before modern medicine with the anti biotics and painkillers?......................I'm glad I live now!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    I, too, am glad for modern medicine, yet appreciate what might be called "folk" medicine and citizen science .  But I definitely believe in my medical professionals and trust their skills and good hearts & minds. I don't think they or we know enough yet about how everything works together -- science-wise, but some of the advances made in our lifetimes have been pretty phenomenal.

    Dragon, you might enjoy the thread OMG, They Found the Cure for Stupid - I forget which forum it's in, but it's hilarious.   That thread and the "you know you're a cancer patient when...."

     QCAKathy, my heart goes out to you and your sister.  no good words, just heartfelt.

    3jays, I'm hoping you are recovering, getting better. (((3jays)))

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Saw the movie "Forks Over Knives" tonight....great documentary about eating a plant based diet and putting many diseases in remission.  Lots of testimony and lots of sudies to back up the research.  It can be rented on Netflix.

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Chrissy - that mouse story, lol - I would bet the mouse beat your hubby back to the house.  I use to catch mice in live traps and let them go in Hubby's pole barn, were I made little mouse castles with food, blankies, places to hide.  Everyone said they weren't crazy, they beat me back to the house. 

    Chrissy and LoneCreek - reminded me of when I had the nuclear bone scan last week,  Was on the table looking at this massive machine, said to tech, what a great time to have cancer.  She was like, oh noooo.  I said, really, so many noninvasiive ways to check what is happening, used to only have x-rays.