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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm back! 

    Barbe have you had your eye test yet or asked about the tri-focal lenses?

    Leah how is your sister?  Have you heard any more news yet?  Sure hope she is doing okay and it has been found early.  Never for one minute forgret that we are here to listen should you need to talk or vent.

    Elisimo how are you since your nerve tests?  Sure hope the docs could do something to help your neuropathy.  I was well pleased to hear that your DH went to the testing with you for support........he is such a loving supportive man and I know he adores you.  Hope you are well and I will call again soon.

    3jays.........well what can I say amaze me!  I sure hope this last lot of anti-B's have done their job and got rid of that bug with the end result being you are feeling a bit better.  I sure hope Mur is doing a whole lot better too.  Please give him a hug from me.

    Well I'm home and my computer is behaving..........yahooo!!!   I didn't have it for a couple of days and I was truly lost without it!   It seemed the trouble was the memory starting to break down so it has been replaced and doubled so the little beast is now a bit quicker as well when it comes to loading stuff.  Instead of taking five minutes to open it now only takes one!................Now that is a good thing!!!

    The docs visit went well and he burned off about a dozen of those sebhoeraic keratosis growths that I, for some reason, get since my dx stage IV.  I don't think it has anything to do with the BC but it is only since then that I get skin tags and these lumps but they are not harmful just a pest as they get very itchy.  He has changed my pain meds up to tramadol and I'm hoping they work as well as the one I was on.  His reason for doing this is that the Government in their wisdon have taken the capadex off the market and it is no longer available..................grrrrrrrr!  I still have enough for a month and then I will have no choice but to start on the Tramadol.  I do know they are a bit stronger as they are a narcotic so I can't just leave them on top of the fridge anymore I have to put them out of sight somewhere safe.

    The change of eating pattern is working well and the weight is leaving my body.........YIPEEEEE!!!!!  I have now lost 11lb and can see and feel the difference.  I still have a pot from the Femara but it is waaaaay smaller than it was.  I was talking to DH the other day and he asked if I had set a goal for my weight loss my answer to him?  I want to be able to look down and see my navel without having to pick up my spare tyre!    Here's hoping I make it!

    Have a good day all!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, what change of eating habit??? Not eating at all??? Good for you!! I've just been on Google looking up all my meds that cause weight gain!! I am seeing one of my "big" docs tomorrow and will demand a different med - actually two of them!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe I am not eating bread, butter, cake or biscuits (not that I ate much of that anyway) but the biggest change is I am eating something usually a protien and veg every 2 - 3 hours so the meals are small and I'm never hungry in fact I have to make myself eat at those times.  I eat very little fruit and definitely no added sugar.  I started doing this about three and a half weeks ago and I can't believe how quickly the weight is moving.  I have tried all sorts of different diets over the years with very little success but this is so easy that I think that will be the way I eat for the rest of my life.  DH is also doing it and has lost a lot of weight as well...............we are both very determined.

    All of the AI's are bad for weight gain.  I was always overweight but since being on those I have gained another 30lbs.  Not being able to move too far nor exercise hasn't helped either so hopefully once the knees are done that will change as well.  I'm really looking forward to the 'new me'

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    Chrissy good to see that you are back connected to the world and us. I am happy for you that the change in diet is working!! It is always so rewarding to see results.

    I am feeling better. I actually got out for a walk with the dog yesterday. I walk slowly but being outside and feeling the sun getting stronger is great.

    I had my eval at the rehab and wellness center yesterday. The theapist is going to work with me 2x a week for 2 months to get the range of motion back in my right arm and get me through rads. She has recommended some exercises and small daily massages for my scars.  

     Kaara, glad your feeling better too. Hope your day is going well. 

    Barbe, hope your dr appt goes smoothly.  

    I think of all the women on this thread on and off through out my day. It is so nice to know that I am not alone on this journey.

    That made me think about thread and sewing and how we are all connected. 

    Anyhow have to get ready to get on that boat again.  

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Chrissy - that weight loss is mighty impressive. My question is - what do you have for breakfast?

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Way to go on the weight loss!  Cutting out that starch and sugar works for sure!  I lost about 15 pounds and now I feel like one of those weight loss commercials when they say..."be careful that you don't lose too much on this diet"....I used to laugh at that, but now I really do have to be careful, and we eat like pigs!  Keep on it and you will soon be shopping for new clothes!  Will also be good for you when you get those new knees:)

    Maca:  Glad you're doing better and getting some PT.  Rads will be over before you know it.

    Monday I start my treatments for my macular degeneration...wet kind in the left eye.  I get an injection once a month which will stop the bleeding into the retina.  Doc says 90% chance it will work and might even improve my vision some.  Lets hope it works...not looking forward to getting stuck in the eye with a needle but there were a lot of people in the office getting it done yesterday and I didn't hear anyone scream, so it must be bearable. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lassie for breakfast I have either a boiled egg or about a table spoon and ahalf of bacon pieces cooked with a tomato that has been chopped up and when that is cooked I add and egg and stir through till set.  I also sometimes have a low fat fruit yoghurt with no added sugar.  These are all high protein and fill me up.  I always make sure I eat every two and three hours so I don't get a chance to feel empty.  My husband has three wheet-a-bix or a sachet of Uncle Tobies flavoured oats.  He is also loosing weight at a fast rate.

    Nancy good to hear that you are feeling a bit stronger and the eval went well.  You will surely notice the difference once you start the PT.  It's truly amazing how close we all feel and the wonderful friendships that have evolved here on BCO.  Truly connected and untited by something that none of us have any control over.

    Kaara I'll be thinking of you on Monday as you get your first treatment.  The thought of a needle in the eye sure is scary but I'm sure they will numb the eye before it is given.  Hoping that it does the job and your vision improves.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, I'm intrigued! I have been eating fruit for snacks. What veggies can you have that aren't high in carbs? Carrots, beans and beets are all high carb...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe the only vegetable I don't eat is potato.  The others are all fair game but I concentrate more on the green than the yellow but I still have them.......all of them.  I only have one piece of fruit per day and that is an apple for my supper.............I use it to keep the bowels moving and it does. Other than that and the little you get in a fruit yoghurt there is no more.  Snacks are Almonds and pumpkin seeds as they are a great source of protein or a serving of tuna, salmon,chicken or cold boiled egg (not too many of those as they will bind you). If you still need to eat because of hunger grab a piece of veg and chomp away............DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET HUNGRY!    There are plenty of things to eat!  My Daughter is a Personal Trainer who had done competition body building as well as studying nutrition and her favorite saying with her clients is the more veg you eat the weight you loose and she is living proof that it works. I also am not using sugar.  If there is some in the yoghurt I eat I make sure it is as low as possible but there are no sweet treats, no biscuits or cakes, no custards or puddings but to tell the truth I am not missing them either.

    I am as surprised as anyone that this is working for me as I have tried all sorts of diets over the years and have really struggled with all of them.  I either didn't loose weight no matter what I did or I was so hungry I could have eaten my own hand!  I am not bored, I am not hungry and I am loosing weight.  I can't ask for anything more.

    Barbe I don't count carbs, I don't count calories but I do make sure that the protein I eat is no more than a serve.  Veg is unlimited.  I do eat fats as in a little olive oil for salad dressing, I eat avocadoes, I use coconut cream (a small quantity) in the chicken and veg curry I make but these fats are all good fats and are eaten in moderation and that includes the fat from the nuts as well.  All meat is well trimmed and not marbled, chicken is skinless.  If I need oil for cooking fish I brush the fish with a little olive oil so it would be less than a teaspoon full to cook two serves of fish.  I also use the bulotti beans, kidney beans and butter beans as they are high in protein and are really good at filling you up.  I use lentils in soups as they help to thicken a vege soup as well as supply protein.  I am not active, the most exercise I get is when I walk to the shop once a week and I am in pain when I get back other than that the only movement is moving around the house so weight will go even if you are not moving much.

    Sorry, I got on the soap box I am really excited about the fact that the weight is finally going and it just seems really easy.  Maybe it's just my mind set that makes it feel that way but it doesn't matter, I'm happy with the results.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chriss, NO soapbox!!! Most of us need this kind of info and I thank you!!!! You have inspired me!! Thank you for sharing.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe:  There is a difference in carbs.  Veggies are called complex carbs and the body takes longer to digest them, therefore you don't get hungry as fast.  Sugars and starches are simple carbs and convert quickly to glucose which cancer cells use for their energy source.  Fruits are ok in moderation, and are much better for you than other sweets like candy or cakes.  Cutting out the starches and sugars in the diet not only helps you to lose weight, but also keeps the body in a better state to fight off bc recurrence.

    Some veggies have a higher glycemic index than others, but they are still good for you.  The best are the leafy greens and the cruciferous like cabbage and broccoli. 

  • barbiecorn
    barbiecorn Member Posts: 86

    Leah - prayers for your sister coming your way....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kaara,  I know about the glycemic index and all that stuff, but hadn't realized that the starchy veggies were good enough to eat! I am very restricted in what I eat as I can't have purines due to gout. That wipes out most vegetables, so I have been used to avoiding them. Now I have to get a new list out and see what I CAN eat...sigh.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    About the only veggie we don't eat is white potatoes because they are high glycemic.

     Right now I'm steaming!  Just came from trying to see my new MO.  I waited a month for this app't and they kept me waiting in the office for an hour and a half and would tell me nothing...only "she has patients"...well, she has one less now...I walked out!  Everything happens for a reason and the longer I sat there the more I had a bad feeling about the consultation.  I don't want to be a number on an assembly line.  I'll go back to my old MO who may not have a good bedside manner, but at least calls me personally to check on how I'm doing.  Right now I'm only seeing him for my tamoxifen prescription.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Just made a juice with lemon, spinach, carrot, ginger, celery and tomato.  The secret is the tomato. I find the juice is easy to do and keeps me from snacking on junk all day.  Also healthier and easier than cooking up veggies.  And the tomato one goes well with vodka.

    Sunny here in Oregon today and everyone is suddenly outside.  

    Kaara, hooray for you walking out of the MO office!  We have to remember that doctors are our service providers and should treat us like we're very important.  Don't we provide their income?  

    Boy does this experience teach us a lot.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Dragon:  Yes, and Cleveland Clinic is going to get a nice letter from me regarding their lack of patient care.  It's going right to the CEO who just sent me a letter with a survey to fill out.  He asked for my feedback and he will get it.

     As I was sitting there steaming, I was remembering my Breast Surgeon's office and the nurse coming out to tell me that he had been delayed about an hour and if I wanted to go have lunch, they would call me when he got back to the office.  What could have been nicer than that.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kaara, I used to do quality improvement nursing.  Did you know that most facilities are required to review all complaint letters in the quality improvement committee meeting?  At least here it's a state requirement.  That's why it never hurts to let them know how they can improve.  The doctors who chair these committees are usually the best docs on the staff and the most concerned with patient care.  I, for one, hate to be kept waiting for no reason.  If you're not on time, they're not going to wait for you!  

    Hope your MO does a good job.  Mine was great but unfortunately had MS and is now out of practice.  She worked as long as she possibly could and knowing her was a real turning point for my decision making.  

    On a lighter note...I made bread today!  It has oats, flax, whole and white wheat and walnut meal. Did I mention that I really love to eat?


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    Chrissy - so glad to hear about your weight loss.  Happy you have found something that works well for you.  Also good to hear that you are eating really healthy, I should do that but just cann't seem to keep it up for very long at a time.  Gee, I miss you.  I have the dragonfly on top of the amber globe garden stake in the flower bed that I got in Branson and every time I see it I am reminded of your visit here.  It is like a sign that says "Chrissy was here!"  DD1 and her DH have not gotten their orders for Japan yet so we are still waiting to make plans to come your direction. 
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy every time Igo near that spot where we took a picture of San Diego across the Bay,I remember your visit here:-)

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    congrats on the wieght loss chrissy, thats' wonderful.. you'll be "in fighting weight " when you have knee surgery.. Barbe: the diet is as i see it, a diabetic diet.. really close, if not one.. and the eating frequent, small meals surely are!!!i can't follow it, cause no ones here, and the choling.. so, i make sure i eat oatmeal, in the am.. its high in glycemic, but is slow burning, so im not hungry, nor does my sugar shoot up or down.. covers me for 5-6 hrs.. its not optimum for me; my #s are worse, cause im not eating right, but at least the weight gain from the hypo stopped at 20lbs, and ive managed to lose a few of those.. i had PLENTY to spare before, unfortunately...

       we're going to look into an ms volonter that might come sit with me while i eat soon. for now murs home on vacation.. its weird to eat so much  and often!!!!

      i don't like green veggies too much, but have grown to love ceasar sald.. bc i have a dressing that has honey mustard in it.. flanigans has it.. they give me extra every sunday to last the week.. endo says its not that good, but i use a small amount, and he cheers me n, cause im eating SALAD.. i LOVE yellow squah, and zuccini.. we have an organic produce store nearby, so everuthing is fresh.. i miss your neck of the woods, mccaw: mom and dad had a wonderful veggie garden all summer long... and the flowers we bought on the side of the road!!!you guys don't know what you're  missing!!!

       an odd thing i was told, when i was to start chemo.. my dermo at the time told me, it would "push" out any skn cancers, over time, and that certainly HAS happenned to me!!! i went to get the stiyches removed off my back from the mohs 2 wks ago, and she said the hand had gotten so red, she had to biopsy it today!!!

      its ok, still only squemous, up a stage from basal.. we'll be dong some spots, one by one, for awhile.. sure money, for her..hahaha

      after the injections of "caines" ive had this week, my stomach is still lurching.. i don't do well with the anesthitics.. as chrissy would say; my stomach (and head ) are a BIT techy..hahaha.. so, off to bed i go.. early for me... night   3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays, get that volunteer in!! That's a nice easy job for him or her to watch you eat. At least it's not bedpan duty. They volunteer for personal reasons, so you would be helping someone else. Win-win, eh??

    I do eat salads for dinner 3-4 times a week, so not sure how much more I can replace with veggies, but my DH bought radishes, celery, baby carrots and cauliflower for me yesterday!! Problem is, that his bran muffins are the only things that move me. Think I can keep them in the mix? They are an entire meal for me and keep me very full.

  • Patriotgirl
    Patriotgirl Member Posts: 14


    I am experiencing the exact same thing! I made it through the whole scene without any real emotional expression. Suddenly I am feeling down in the dumps and now angry. I searched for "delayed reaction" and got to this thread. Nice to know there are other ladies feeling as I do. I think I present a stoic face to the world so I doubt I can expect much sympathy at this stage of the game!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all.

    Patriot the ups and downs continue for a very long time. We all understand about such things.

    3jays big big hugs. Wish I could pop over and sit with you.

    Chrissy so pleased about the weight loss. I am doing well but its slow for me, almost 9kg - about 19lbs which works out at just over a pound a week. I am actually doing the new Weight Watcher's programme. So much easier than in the past. Veges and fruit are free so you can eat as much as you like - but not potatoes, pumpkin or sweet potatoe - which you can have but must count. If I wish to have a cake or biscuit thats fine but it is points. There is a fresh and filling version you can do which is all low GI foods basically- have done a couple of days as there is no counting points however it tends to upset my IBS.

    Must go and tidy up before DS and his GF arrive home this afternoon, just can't wait to see them.

    Big hugs to all.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Welcome Patriotgirl!  Yup, been there done that so you are definitely not alone.  This disease really messes with our heads not just our boobs and feeling dow is just part and parcel.  You will get through it and find that over time the downs get a lot less.  Grab a comfy chair and a nice warm cuppa and join in whenever the mood takes you.

    Alyson you are doing great with the weight watches!    I guess what I'm doin is sort of similar as I don't count the veg but everything else I'm careful about.  The sweet stuff?  Well it doesn't really bother me not having it as I didn't eat that much of it anyway.  My downfall was bread and pastries with fresh cream..............I am salivating just writing about really were and are an addiction for me so I'm best just not having any.  My aim was and is to loose 7kg (15lb) before my surgery and I'm well on the way for that.  Hopefully I can continue with the weight loss whle I'm in hospital and where I'm going is pretty good at doing the food you require and if not?.....well my DD2 is only too happy to bring me the fresh veg in each day................gaoota love that girl!  Enjoy your time with your DS and his GF!!

    3jays getting a volunteer in to sit with you while you eat is a great idea!  At least then you can eat regularly which always help you to loose weight and get your sugars under control.  I'm with you on the skin cancer crap.....I had about a dozen thing burnt off at my last docs visit and I have to go for a full skin check twice a year because I'm prone to the darn things.  Lol'd at the use of 'techy' but know exactly how you feel.  Take care girl and know you are in my thoughts always.

    Barbe how big are your DH's bran muffins?  If they are the really big ones can you perhaps cut them in half or get him to make small ones?  I eat not just salad but steamed and roasted veg as well. The chicken curry I make is mainly chunky veg and is so yum that I could eat that every night but don't as I would get very bored eventually.  Check out some of the vegetarian recipes online..............there really are a lot of things you can do with veg without adding a lot of bad fat.  I eat salad for lunch mainly and then veg at night done all different ways.   Now if I could exercise a little.................

    Dragon your bread sounds delicious!!!

    Elisimo ..............awe..............I can still see you back sitting area in my mind and us just sitting chatting and watching your humming birds.  Thank God for a good memory!

    Lisa I often look at the photos I took and remember with fondness the day that they were taken and the great company I was with.

    DD2 and partner are coming up to stay overnight tomorrow as they are finally moving into their house and want to sort through the things that good ol' mom has got stored in my shed.  I need to go remake the spare bed and give the room the once over to make sure no spinders have decided to move freshen it up.  I really look forward to seeing her and I know I'm going to really enjoy my time with her when I'm released from hospital.

    Hope every one is having a good day!!!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy!! DH's are made for spider checking!!! Not YOU!!!

    Alyson, AMAZING weight loss!! Good for you!!

    Patriot, we get through the crisis part calmly because we are women. We cry when it's all over.....that's our schtick!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe spiders don't bother me at all and never, it's just a swish around with the vac in all the nooks and crannies and voila!!!   if they were there, they are now gone, gone, gone!.....hahahahha

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Curry, we were making some in Haiti one time but didn't have most of the ingredients except chicken and curry powder. We filled in with some hardened as a rock candied ginger and mangoes, lots of mango. It was SOSOSO good!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Mmmm Ginger that sound absolutely delicious!!!  I will have to try that when mangoes are a little cheaper.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Australia has the deadliest spiders and snakes in the world!! You are very, very brave. At least you don't have to look at them, just blindly vacuum....eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkksssss

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325


    Welcome to this friendly thread!  I definitely had the delayed reaction--somebody said it's part of the "new normal."  I've learned a great deal about making cocoa and cookies.  The feeling passes but for me seems to come back whenever some stress comes along.  There are good people here who have gone through just about everything you can imagine so feel free to vent--we've all been there!

