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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    i justget grossedmout thinking ofall the "goodies" i did do choc late covered ants, once, but the scotch i was dinking then, made it Much easier to go down... yuck!3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I do not like rats. In Haiti we called them Haitian squirrels to be a little gentler with ourselves. You could see them walking across brances of trees into the house, bars on the windows, no glass. Bold rats. I alwaays slept totally tucked into my mosquito net.  Lots of traps in our house, horible racket when the traps would go off. 

    So move ahead to me in a cardiac intake unit in the states after being in the hosp for a week in Haiti and going home for diagnosis. This unit was like a space ship, especially compared to Haiti. I am hooked up to everything one could be in this small glass room in a group that circles the nurses station.  I go to sleep and wake myself up screaming hysterically about the rats! I think I about gave a heart attack to the nurse. She looked totally shaken. The rats were of course all the lines that were attached to me.p.s.  I did not have any heart attack, it was acid reflux.

    Hint for mosquito nets.. Buy one bigger than you need and you can really tuck it in well. I used one for a king size bed, with poles in the top. I put it over a bumk bed with no mattress on top. Then I could sleep without touching the net and getting mosquito bit through the net.  I thought my arrangement was brilliant. Never scrimp on a net and always dip in premethrin, always. I used the US Army formula. End of lecture.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone, I am on the boat, back to the daily grind. I call it a grind but there are people who dream about making this trip. It's all about perspective, isn't it? Whether we are waiting for a doctor or dreaming about rats, or what we choose to eat or do to survive our present reality. I am so tired, just dragging! I don't even care that the shop isn't open anymore, just had to let it go. I'm not depressed just exhausted no matter that I take two naps aday and sleep all night.

    Just making it through, trying to laugh every day. You guys sure help with that.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Nancy:  Sorry you are feeling so tired...hang in will get better.  I'm sure it's the radiation treatments that are causing it, and they will soon be over.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Thanks Kaara, how's the eye? I was thinking of you yesterday.

    I'm on my way home from rads now. I'm half way through. Yay! I'm starting to plan a vacation with my DD for the end of April. Something to look forward to, not sure where we will go.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Nancy:  That's what you need...a good vacation to rest up!  We're going on vacation in April as well...out to Mesquite NV to play golf and then to Scottsdale for a week.

     My eye is fine today...almost back to normal.  Yesterday was rough, but mainly from the burning of the betadine that they put in to sterilize the eye.  The shot was just like poking yourself with something...very quick and it was over.  I don't have to worry about it again until next month:)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Kaara................hope your doing ok..................I have MD too, but not sure what kind.......they are not making a big deal out of it, so I'm guessing, the less progressive one.

    However, my glaucoma was "narrow angle" which is the rarer kind, so maybe I'm wrong about the MD.........will ask the next time I go back................

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    ducky:  It usually starts out as dry and that progresses more slowly.  If it turns to wet, then it can rapidly progress to destroy your central vision.  Do that grid test frequently and if you notice any distortion at all, go right to the retina specialist.  I first noticed the distortion last summer, but because of the bc dx, I waited to go to the specialist which was a mistake.  The shots are annoying, but not intolerable.  It sure as hell beats the alternative, so I will do them.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Nancy, It probably is the rads. It will get better. Start tossing ideas to your DD about where you want to go. it helps to have something to look forward to. We are leaving in ten days to go to Forida for a week then board a cruise that will take us across to Amsterdam by way of France. We don't have any exceursions planned but will see what happens. Nice to contemplate a change of scenery.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Chrissy, My DGS convinced my DH to take him to the local science museum for bug day. He wanted, and got, a picture of him eating a bug to put on his facebook page.

    Good luck with your knee surgery. Keep your eyes on the prize--walking where and when you want to. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    During Rads is when I learned the real meaning of fatigue. It isn't even in the same category as tired! 

    I recall that it kept becoming more severe for about two weeks after Rads ended. Then it slowly went on its way. You might want to consider that in your vacation planning.

    Yay for half way through!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!   Yes I'm up early today, not sure why but here I

    Nancy, the fatigue from the rads is cumulative but will go within a few weeks after completion but in the mean time, just take it easy and rest as much as possible.  Don't forget that your body is trying to heal itself constantly after being bombarded with radiation every day.  It is from all this cellular activity that the fatigue comes and the only cure is time and rest. 

    Kaara I'm so glad you got through the injection without too much trauma.  How many treatments is the doc saying you need to have?  Not sure if you told us or not but the memory is just not  Your mini break sounds like a lot if fun.  Enjoy you golfing!

    Wren isn't it strange the things that kids want photos of...............most of the time the more gross something is the better they like it, particularly the boys...............gotta love the little critters!  At least they keep us oldies

    PT Wow!!!  Now that sounds like a fabulous holiday!!!  Relax, rest and enjoy!!!  and take thousands of photos and please share a few with

    Ducky sure hope you keep an eye on your eyes (pun   I think I could cope with just about anything but not the loss of my sight as I get such joy from seeing all the beauty around me.

    Ginger that is a great hint regarding a mosquito net..........thanks! 

    Hope all are having a great day!!!!

    Love n hugs  Chrissy

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Chrissyb, What time is it there. Its 5:16PM here on Tuesday. Thanks for the good wishes. Since this the first trip post diagnosis I am not sure how my body will handle so we are definitely doing it low key. I still have swelling and hardness in surgical site so I don't want to aggrevate anything.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    PT it's 10.55am here on Wednesday.  I'm sure you will do fine just as long as you remember to say enough when you are tired.  I did a huge trip last year and had a blast!  I wasn't sure how my knees would hold up but they were okay so long as I recognised the time to say

    That hardness and swelling will take sometime to go but it will go.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    PT, I am sure you will do just great on a trip..on the cruise you will see alot of water on the crossing...we were in Amsterdam last was wonderful..if you get a chance to go to Bruges, it is a wonderful spot

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lisa fabulous pics as usual!!!

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Hey ladies, I haven't popped in for a while so I just wanted to say hello to you all.  DH and I just got back from our 25th anniversary trip to Santa Fe, which was lovely. We walked a lot in falling snow, gallery hopped, ate lots of fabulous New Mexico food, and watched a bunch of movies.  We drove up the scenic and historic 'High Road to Taos' and stopped in at the famous old mission/chapel in Chimayo which reputedly has been the site of hundreds of confirmed healings over the centuries. Why not, right?  Besides, it's a lovely thing to pray in a 400-year-old chapel by a mountain brook way out in the country. We ate so much and so well that I'm afraid to get on the scales for a while, though! Maybe all the walking offset the calories. I can hope, right?

    I was concerned about taking a trip like that just a few days after a round of Faslodex/Xgeva injections, because they always make me feel bad for a few days, but thankfully I did fine... except for the car we had there, a Lexus hybrid which a friend kindly loaned to us... yikes, the angle of those sporty bucket seats just about sent my bone mets into orbit on those bumpy NM highways. Yowzer.  I won't ever be tempted to buy one of those now!  Thank the good Lord for hydrocodone!

    It was good to go, and good to be back home.  Good to catch up on all your posts, too, except I had to quickly skim over the gross BUG POSTS.  Ick, y'all.  For real.  Can we talk about flowers or something now?  Haha.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lulu so glad you had a great break. All those places sound so wonderful!!!   Did you take some pics?  Will you share.....please?

    I hear you on the low slung seats of some cars!............thank goodness I drive a Subaru Forrester which has perfect height seats for me and very comfortable to ride in.

    It's good to see you back!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    SoCaLisa, The pictures are fabulous. You are right Chrissy, it will take time but I haven't been able to wear a bra and the girls are unhappy. I am trying a compression camisole and it seems to be okay.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    PT I think it was a good year before I felt comfortable in a bra but I used to wear a lite cotton knit with elastain sports bra with a front fastening.  It was pretty comfortable at the time and all these years later I still prefer to wear something like that because of the comfort and no cutting edges.  I use the Ahhh Bra has no fasteners at all........either step into it or over the head which ever is easiest for you.  Because it is again knitted it is firm without being constricting and does help with the lymphadema under my arm.  Check it out on line if you like.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  The photos are fabulous...feel like I've been there!

    Lulu:  I just love the Santa Fe Taos area!  I would live there if it wasn't so far from the kids.  I remember once having the green chili at a restaurant in lips were on fire for the rest of the day!  That was the hottest chili ever, but so good.  I love that kind of food.  I love those kind of lazy vacations where you drive and stop and do just what you want to do with no real agenda.

    Today I'm going over to visit my DGGD who I haven't seen in a few weeks.  She is growing so fast...already climbing on things and getting ready to walk!  DGD's engine blew up in her car, so she has no transportation...she struggles so hard and is such a sweet girl.  She is waiting for her tax return to buy another car and her Dad is going to co sign for her..he needs to do something to help her out.  I'm letting him take the responsibility this time.  I helped her get her apartment.  It's always something with kids...guess that's what parents and grandparents are for??  In the meantime my older DGD is turning 23 on the 15th, and she has so distanced herself from the family..doesn't even want to have a birthday get together.  I'm sending her a card, but no money this time because she is so unappreciative...never thanks me, and has not once called and asked how I was doing during all my bc surgery.  I'm so disappointed in her behavior.  She is living with her rich boyfriend and being treated like a princess, but instead of using this time to get her education, she is doing nothing.  I pray it doesn't all come crashing down around her, but life has a way of biting us in the backside sometimes.

    Chrissy:  That ahhh bra sounds comfortable.  I've lost weight, so all my bras are too big.  I'm going to check that one out.

    Have a nice day everyone! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Lulu,,,I was there too, at Chimayo..I loved it..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We are off to Palm Springs/Palm Desert/Indian Wells for tennis..

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    PT and Chrissy - I saw a bra yesterday that looked like the pictures of the ahhh bra. It was by Bali and called 'barely there'. Not much support, but pretty comfortable. Here it was $14.50 which is cheaper than the ahh bra. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Whew what a day! I got so out of breath on the boat trip by walking up the stairs looking for a friend, that I still hadn't recovered by the time I got to rads. When I got home the RO had called my PCP and they called me into this hospital for more tests. I spent 3 more hours in the presence of nurses and rad techs. I guess we will get to the bottom of it eventually.

    I just had to order more tshirts and soft front hook cotton sports bras cause mine are getting all greasy.

    I love all the pictures and travel tales. I am still dreaming.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Chrissy - you ought to know the impact (in a very good way) you have all over the world. Because of your suggestion, I tried the eggs with tomato thing for breakfast. It took a while to prepare and will take a bit longer to get used to it. And today I ordered some ahhh bras after you mentioned them. I did, however, turn down the offer to increase the number purchased to 9. 3 seems like quite enough. Thanks for your excellent suggestions!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I love my ahhh-bra, but I will check out the Bali "barely there" version since is does seem to be a little less $.  I am thinking this may be one of those things that you get what you pay for, we'll see and I will let you all know. 

    Chrissy - I think we need to group call BarbA.  She is down in the dumps and a stressful job is not helping the situation.  I will try to get her tomorrow before her bedtime.  She is probably already in bed by now. 

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    What perfect pictures, Lisa!  Thanks for posting!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    mac, great to know your team is watching out for you! Let us know what they find.