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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Could the rads be having an effect on your lungs?  Good thing you are getting checked out.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Wish I knew! The RO says no. I'm getting blood work today and pulmonary function test tomorrow. I do feel at least they are paying attention now. Just pulling into the dock on the way home. Another day done.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    Talked to BarbaraA and she is down in the dumps and is just waiting until this next week is over.  She has a presentation in Houston next week and will see some old friends and hopefully get a line on a new job.  Until then she is just trying to keep her head down and keep the awful job she has now.  Hopefully she will pop in here soon.  Mac - hope you are feeling a little better today, just knowing the drs are paying attention sometimes helps me feel better even thought I may not have any answers yet.  Let us know what they find out. (((((((((((HUgS))))))))))) 
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am glad you talked with Barb A .

     I went to a quilt show today with DD and DGD who is 19 mo old now. She wanted to walk onher own and looked so cute charging forward with her little arms pumping and her hips and shoulder moving in opposing directions. I think we really might need to use a little harness for her to be able to explore "on her own" It would certainly be safer than letter her wrestle herself free from the hand holding hers. 

    The quilts were just beautiful. Real works of art and so varied in their creativitiy. It was refreshing to be there with all the women buzzing about and enjoying the atmosphere. 

    Laters Ginger

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Chrissy and Wren, Thanks for the bra suggestions. I will check them out. I bought two front closing sport bras because they looked really comfortable. Only one problem, after about an hour I found that the bra was no longer covering the girls . The "girls" were peeking out below. LOL

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  I'm finally back home.....yay!!!  The appointment with the anaethetist went very well and I'm happy to have him looking after me on the day..............phew!!!  I must admit that I was a little uptight about the meeting but I'm so glad he is a really nice guy and very caring.

    Called in on my sister on my way home and had a really good conversation with her about her experience with knee relacement as she has had both of hers done.  I gained a whole heap of knowledge from her and am feeling just fine about everytjhing now so bring on the 'O'

    Elisimo, can you sms me Barbs phone number?  I would love to call her but don't have her contact.

    Nancy it's about time your team listened to you.  I'm so glad you are finally getting checked out.

    Barbe how are you feeling now?  I sure hope you are feeling on top of the world!

    PT..........Oops!......a bra is not supposed to be for the girls to  I haven't had that sort of problem with the Ahh bra so hopefully you won't either.

    Really looking forward to Monday as my niece is coming for the day and bringing two of the cutest munchkins you ever saw............3 month old Caytlin and 3 year old Lucas...............I can't wait!!!!

    Hope you are all having a great day!

     Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Glad your app't went well chrissy...enjoy those neices!

    Today is my boyfriend's  birthday...born on SP day, thus the name Patrick!  We'll celebrate tonight...his kids are taking us out to dinner.  Right now he's doing his favorite thing on earth...playing golf!  I'm so happy that he can still do this as he has MS, but fortunately he can still hit the ball.  I'll use the morning to catch up on chores around the house...laundry has been neglected this week.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    PTDreaamers you need adjustable straps. I am tall and ran into the exact same problem.

    The sleep bras are so comfortable if you can get the straps right. 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    Hope you all had a great St Paddy's Day.
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - I sent you Barb's contact info.  I know she would love a call or FT from you.

    I am off to bed, been in class ALL day sewing so I am really tired. Almost finished with quilt for my DD's DMIL.  She is also a long time friend of mine.  We were glad when out kids got married so we would be sort of related.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    they just came out with an ahh bra on hsn that has a place for prosthetics, for you gals who wear them.. like me.. the genie bra is the same, and also has pockets, but not as much support..

      glad your'e seeing the neices, Chrissy.. you're all in my thoughts..lte us know what happens about your breathing,mac.. boston SHOULD be better than that!!!

     hope you all had a good st pattys.. first year i didn't do anything.. will put my green on a day late, when we go to Flanigans tommorrow...3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:  Better you're gong a day late anyway...I can't imagine the crowd at Flannigan's on SP's Day!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    My ahh bras arrived. At first they looked too small but they stretch as big as I am. Mine aren't specially made with a pocket but do hold my knitted boob just fine.  It indeed is quite comfortable.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Kaara and Chrissy....................yea, just another bump in the road................I think I better start traveling on another highway...........................every corner I turn, has a surprise....................

    Kaara, I will keep doing the MD test, and will heed what your saying..........I am a great one for cancelling appts......and then it comes back to bite me in the butt, but won't mess with this one.

    Chrissy, thanks for your concern, and yes, there is so much beauty around us...............I often though.....would it be worse to "see", and then  lose your sight.........or never have sight, and not know what you truely missed, because you never really saw it anyway..................guess that is one for the "what do you think" catagory.....................hugs.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I feel blessed to have had my sight for so long...I am soaking up those beautiful sights to see now so that should the worst happen, I will have them imprinted in my mind.  With MD you don't lose your sight completely, just your central vision which makes it difficult to drive or recognize faces...or even read.  TG for books on tape and all the other marvels we have now.  You can even train your eyes to see better at low vision.  It is what it is.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kaara - sending lots of good wishes and prayers that the MD tests turn up only good news for you. And that it stops progressing or at a minimum progress very slowly.  (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Elisimo:  Thank you.  If I don't lose any more of my vision I should be ok.  

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Kaara.................You are so right ........I use that expression all the is what it is............and also.........What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

    I said it so much my 2 grandsons.....1 20, and the other 21.............had it tatooed on the inside of their arm.........the 20 year old did "it is what it is"...............the 21 year old did "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger"..................I could not believe they did that.

    I am purely against tatoo's..................all I have to say is "thank God" they didn't hear some of the other things I say ...............hahahahaha...............

    I guess its just that MD is something else to deal with.....................oh well, it is what it is..............................hugs.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    ducky:  I had some good news this morning...went for my eye check up and the doc said my vision had improved slightly (I couldn't tell) and that the fluid had been reduced by about half, so it means that the drug is working and that I tolerate it well.  I get another injection in April after I return from vacation.

    I hate those DGD has them all over her body.  I don't mind one discreet one here and there but hers are over the top.  One day she is going to be sorry she did that, but what can I say.  It is what it! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Kaara........I have a GD with one oh her is a some kind of a cherry blossom vine, and has her grandfather's hanging on this vine like one of the cherries.........sorry can't explain that one, and now she is talking about doing something else.....the one she has is not bad...very tasteful (if you can call a tatoo that)...........but I still don't like them.

    My son-in-laws niece started out with a chinese symbol across her back, just about where a bikini would sit........then she did something on her neck..small, but still another one............then she took the chinese symbol, and had some kind of a friggin tree run all the way up her back, and it met the thing on her neck....................had something on her ankle too..............when she decided to get married, and went for a wedding dress.......she was sick.............she wanted something "open" in the back, and it looked horrible............she began by having the one removed from her was she had something put around the back of the gown for "church", which was removable..........................I tell you it looked awful..........................this girl was gorgerous..........why she would destroy her body like that I could never understand.

    But like we say "it is what it is".....................and of course they never thing of hepititis from the needles, or "aids" for that matter....................that is a hell of a lot worse then the tatoo...........................

    So glad to hear the good news about your must have been thrilled........It sure gives those of us who have it "hope"..........thanks for the info...would have never known had you not told me...............

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Yes, mine has a vine of flowers that runs from one shoulder all the way down her back to her butt.  On the other shoulder she has a sunflower!  Right now her hair is that bright red color to go with it all.  She's a beautiful sweet girl, just misguided.  She's settling down now that she has my GGD, and is a really good mom, so I feel blessed for that.

    Remember to keep doing those grid eye tests every week...very important according to my doc. 

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    I'm glad my DD is afraid of needles.

    Kaara, good to hear.  Chrissy, hope all goes well.  Hubby may be getting new knees before he reitres, we are considering.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Kaara, that's great news about your eye test!  Happy for you.

    On tattoos, my DD has a butterfly on her foot.  Her best friend got a matching one. Both DD and her friend told their mothers the tattoos were temporary and would eventually wear off.  It's now 10 years later, and their mothers are astounded at how long these "temporary" tattoos have lasted!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Kaara: im so glad its working for you!!they can do truly wonderfl things these days!!!

      i have always wanted a nose peircing.. just a little sparkly thing on te side; but i know better than that, with infections..

      as for tatoos, i love to see them, on the youngsters, but they don't think what they'll look like when thy're old, and wrinkly...

      my middle jay had his tongue peirced, yrs back; and he didn't think i noticed!!! im such a biatch i made homemade spagehetti sauce, and served it for dinner.. insisted he eat, till he fessed up. its gone, and healed now, im glad to say  Oldest Jay had a friend and himself tatoo J AS O N  on his fingers, so his fist was a Jason punch.. he who laughs last laughs hardest.. for his 30th b.d he BEGAN tatoo removal with laser.. he's not done yet.. a sweet revenge!!!he had to pay the $$$ and pain...

      good hearing the good news here, hope it continues!!!3jays


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Threejays, you could get a sparkly stone and use eyelash glue for a temporary flash. :)


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    You can actually get stick-on ones. It can be such fun and really shock people.

    Hope you are having a great day. 

    Big hugs to all


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Phew!  what a busy couple of days!  I had a wonderful visit from my niece, grand niece and grand nephew and surprise, surprise, my niece bought my elder sister with her as well so we all had great day playing with the kids and laughing ourselves silly with the things that little Lucas came out with.  Ah the conversations of the young!

    Kaara I'm so pleased that you have gotten a good report from the doc re your eyes!

    Both my DD's have tattoos.  The older one has a small tulip on a shoulder blade and it is pink and the other has the exact same tat on her shoulderblade but in peach.  The younger did have one on her ankle but has over the last few years been having treatment to get rid of that one............Ah the folly of youth!

    3jays sorry I missed you when I rang but I will try again........I promise!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Had a great chat with Chrissy yesterday! Thanks for the pick-me-up! Today is my presentation (repeated tomorrow). Whew.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    I'm sure you will do fine Barbara.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    BarbA let us know how the presentation went today?  We are all rooting for you!
