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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy...LOL...I did that with a girdle one time.  It was so uncomfortable that I took it off in the ladies room.  My purse was too small so I just threw it in the waste bin because I knew I would never wear it again!  So there I was walking around the event with no underwear on;)  I don't seem to have that much trouble with the spanx though...they are more comfortable on me.

    It hit 95 degrees here in the mountains today, so I can only imagine what it is everywhere else!

    Isabella they tried to do that with my thyroid med..give me the generic.  The generic doesn't work on me, so I was getting symptoms, until the doctor told them to fill only the brand. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    I think DD just laughed at the thought of ME in Spanx.  It is a funny thought because I could make the most elegant clothes look rumpled and casual. (it's a gift).Wink

    Lemon sugar cookies baked and bagged for the bake sale. For these help-my-community sales I always bake something, then take that to the sale and buy something else and pay $10 or so for a $2 or $3 or $5 item.  Makes folks feel good, and maybe the next person in line will think it's a good idea too. I enjoy knowing the $ stays in the community.

    ps: 85 for the high, 26% humidity.  Lovely!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh, my neighbor called this morning to let me know we have a mama bear and her cub in our neighborhood. New cautions for letting the dog out at night!  We're good with our garbage, so I hope the bears just stay out of my yard - I don't really mind them in the woods across the road but am not anxious for any close encounters.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lost Creek:  They walk in our neighborhood all the time.  I would never go out for a walk at night for fear of running into one.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    This is the time of year when they are most often wondering in out town, they like the salmon berries that are ripe now.  We've had them in our yard several times. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Bears !!?? Thank goodness I will never have to encounter them outside my house ! The worst I will bump into when it's dark is a mouse or two scuttling about...small fry for you gals.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I would love to see a bear mama with her cub!  You girls are so lucky to see and have such beautiful creatures live with and around you.  I know each country has its own wildlife but for some reason we all would like to have each  I guess I'm just and animal lover no matter what the species.

    Isabelle bummer about your reaction to the generic Femara, I sure hope things settle quickly once you are back on the brand name.  Damn I hate people who don't own their mistakes! Good on you for totting up the 'owe you's' from your DH (easy on the dear) you get your surgery date for your back you are going to need some help for a little while.

    L_C I bought a body suite a couple of years ago but I think I was trying to really suck in all the bulges with one that was actually a size or two too that was uncomfortable!  Losing 10kg has sure made that particular body suite fit much better and be way more  Those sugar cookies sure sound good!....want to share te recipe....please?

     Kathy I have done the same thing with girdles and pantyhose..........more often with pantyhose because the leg is never long enough and the crotch hangs and I end up feeling like I'm about to lose the lot knickers  and all!  Much easier to go to the ladies and take them off ......... lol

    Wow Nancy!  I sure hope your DS is on the mend with no complications!  That cut on his arm sure sounds like a doozy.  How's the breathing going?  Is it getting easier?  I sure hope so now that you have the nebuliser.

    3jays how are you doing?  Have you recovered from Marybe's visit yet?  Girl, with all the things going on with you I so admire the fact that you push youself.

    Lisa I guess you are happy to be home again after your trip. Have you started to put all your pics in albums yet?  I'm still working on probably will for years tp come.  Please say hi to all at the lunch for me............I sure wish I could attend another one as I had so much fun!

    Hi Suseq welcome!!  Grab a comfy chair and a hot cuppa and join in anytime the need takes you.  We're a pretty good bunch of gals and if you have any questions just ask......happy to hep any way we can. 

    Well today was a full on day........rose early and got organised with the morning routine, then put on our dinner in the slow cooker, grabbed my hair scissors and headed for my mothers place on the way to the city to give her a hair cut.  After leaving her I went to the supermarket near where my DD lives to pick up some fresh fruit and veg, enough to keep us going for the week.  Then to my DD's house to pickup my two GS's who are here with me for the first week of the school holidays. It's really nice to know that my sixteen and fourteen year old GS's like to come stay and spend time with me.  Tonight I am pooped and am so looking forward to hitting that bed of mine..........but that is not going to happen for a

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Temp's are supposed to reach in the high 90's here in the mountains..a rarity!  It's time to start packing for our trip to Wisconsin..we leave on Monday to spend the 4th with my BF's family in Milwaukee.  Summerfest is going on there, so we should enjoy some of the festivities.  I hope my flowers survive while I'm away with no rain in sight!  I've been watering like crazy...I will hate to see my bill at the end of the month.

    It's so hot here that the BF announced he wasn't even going to play golf...I almost fell over!  Now he will be underfoot all day while I'm trying to clean and pack for the trip.  I'll put him to work vacuming...hehe!

    Happy Saturday (or Sunday) everyone! 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone, It is another beautiful day here.

    I am so thankful for the air conditioning. I always hated air conditioning, but now I love it! It makes it so much easier to breath.

    I am using the nebulizer faithfully. And bringing the dose of prednisone down each week, so I am feeling less miserable. Between the cough suppressant and the nebulizer I think some healing is finally taking place in my lungs. We'll see if the wheeze stays away with the less prednisone. I am  shaky and feel weak, but still going to water aerobics 3x a week. It just takes me a few hours to recover my energy. It's hard to tell what effect the arimidex is having because of all the other meds. 

    My DS is doing fine. The young heal so fast!!!! (oh youth is wasted on the young) He will get his staples out on Tuesday and is actually going back to work on Monday in time to get the paid holiday. LOL

    I am actually starting to look around my house and notice things that need doing. Like washing windows and laundring the curtains. I feel like I have been asleep for months and just starting to put some action together with the thought.

    Wow, you guys watch out for the bears!!

    Kaara, another trip? Have fun! To hot for golf?

    Chrissy, have fun with the GSs.

    Isabella, hope you are feeling better, and still having fun with the ebay project.

    My DD borrowed my spanx the last time she was here. I have to admit it fitted her better than me, but then I haven't worn it  for a year. She is beautiful and I don't think she even needs it.  In the last 3 months I have lost 8 lbs, so maybe next time it won't be such a struggle to get on. LOL

      I'm planning on a restful weekend. Hope yours is wonderful, too!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Oh, it's just so nice to see us all mustering again !!!

    So pleased everyone is going along as ever.... tho' we can never, ever say 'swimmingly' again !!

    You hit the nail on the head Mac when you said you felt as if you had been asleep for months..I gettcha... I feel as if I have been asleep for 9 years ! I know I have never bounced back to 100% health and vigour...I suppose ageing contributes.. but I wanted to be that little old granny in tight jeans and sneakers dashing about the place ! and I'm NOT....what went wrong there ? !!

     I have to admit I ordered a wheelchair this last week. I hardly dare say it out loud..but there it is....the cat is out of the bag!! (I haven't even dared to mention it to DD yet !) I am fine on a walking stick around the farm, and as long as I'm not tripping over dogs and cats and small children in the house I don't need anything, but I am getting more and more bent forward, and listing to the right ! I can just about do 35-40 yards from my car to a shop, any further and I have to drive round and round 'til there's a space. I don't think I will ever be able to tramp up the long hospital corridors again, so that's mainly why I have got the thing. I am STILL waiting for my back op. It is beyond ridiculous now..I had my pre-med about 5 or 6 weeks ago , I would think it was. The last communication from the hospital was to ask me 'why hadn't I turned up for my op??' Of course, somehow...and I can't remember how in the hell he was here and picked up MY phone.... DH took the call asking where was I? I rang the hospital back , but the neurosurgeons secretary, who deals with admissions, was 'on holiday' and 'a note would be left for her' I have the horrible feeling that I have been stuffed to the back of the list. OMG, I am so sick of our 'medical' service, if you could call it that.

    I am supposed to be going to a 'Field Fest' tonight at DDs...she has one each bands, booze, BBQ. The first one she had was family only, there would be about 50 of it's grown and grown, and she was saying upwards of 400 people will be there. So that's me definitely out. It is quite a stormy wet evening. DD has hay and straw bales out and garden umbrellas...about half of the people are bringing tents...she said about an hour ago 'tent city is popping up right now....and bring your wellies' Can you just imagine me all bent over sitting on hay bales in the rain, then crawling into a tent??... hehehe No way. The fields she is using are about 2 miles from her house, so no running in and out of the kitchen between's just come and get soaked ! ,AND she has ( stupidly) only rented 2 toilets for 24 hours. When I pointed out that would surely be inadequate she blithely says 'the men can go in the bushes' Oh, to have this outlook on life !  The last field fest I went to ended up in loads of complaints from the neighbours, the police being called, and the odd fight among the youngsters, 14-18 ish who were drinking away best away from DDs village tonight...I haven't said to her that I won't be coming...yet !

    I have just bought myself a baby monitor alarm..WHY I didn't think of this years ago I don't know. One half of the contraption in my bedroom, the other half in my puppy room, which is half a house away. Don't suppose I ever bothered running thru' the house 2 or 3 times during the night for all the years I did do...but now I have to crawl up my stairs, and that's NOT good @ 2 am 3 am 4 am !!! so IF I can manage to set this thing up it should save my back some. I have my next litter due in about 6-7 days.

    Right, off to dig myself out something to eat...probably just a sandwich and some ice's FINE living alone and not having to cook anymore. It is absolutely raining cats and dogs here, really bashing down..DD will be having a fit !!


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104
    Well Chrissy, you're on the move.  Every 4th of July season DH and I sell fireworks.  Make a little extra money and meet lots of nice people.  We're on site in our motorhome with our dog.  Everyone wish us luck as unlike the rest of the country it's cool and rainy.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Isabella, I'm sure the fest turned into a full on mess!  Two porta potties for 400 made my blood run cold.  The baby monitor is an excellent idea.  How many puppies do your dogs usually have?  I have a friend who breeds Standard Poodles and one of her bitches just had 10.  First time litter!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Spending the 4th with grandsons in Oregon. They're 5 and 8 - great ages. There's a parade with half the town in the parade and the other half watching. The airplane museum flies their old aircraft in formations. Very patriotic feeling. Hope we won't be too tired to watch the fireworks. They were fun the year we managed to see them.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    We are lucky indeed. We live on a hill overlooking the canal and every year there is a fireworks show. All we have to do is go out on  the porch, put on ear protectors and enjoy a spectacular show. Love it.!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy these are just plain cookies - and I'm sure you have better... Next batch I'm adding some lemon extract too - maybe 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. Ambitious bakers could ice or decorate them.  I just eat them.

     Cream together:

    1 1/3 c. shortening (your choice of a solid-type - whether shortening, lard, butter, marg., or some healthy concoction. -- my teehee here is that Dr. Oz now says lard beats crisco-types. I've long held the position that I can make (have made) butter & lard, but not crisco or margarine - anyway, for this recipe I went ahead and used crisco, but I've made it with lard & with butter...:

    1 1/2 c. sugar - brown sugar would probably work, but the taste would be different.

    one lemon rind grated, (2 tsp +)

    juice of the above lemon -3 Tbsp or so (here's where I'd add the extract for more zing)

    2 Tbsp. milk +/-

    Beat in 2 eggs till mixture is light & fluffy.

    Sift together 4 scant cups flour, 3 tsp (1 tbsp) baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt and stir into creamed mixture a cup or so at a time.

    Drop by teaspoonful (I use 2, one is the pusher-offer) onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Slightly flatten each cookie using a glass dipped in sugar. Bake 10-11 minutes at 350-360.  My recipe said 375 but test cookies were too dark on the bottom at 10 minutes for me.

    Makes 3 1/2 to 4 dozen cookies.  I generally leave them on the cookie sheet about a minute or so to "set" after taking out of the oven, before lifting them to a rack to finish cooling.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    dr recommended vagifem to me, but im NOT doing the estrogen.. he said almond oil works better than the coconut oil.. so gonna give it a whirl..  told him i could start forest fires, when i walk, from rubbing, if im not careful lol

      it does come with age, and als, thats for sure..

      not one of those "pink" moments they talk about n October, eh?

      well, Isabella, I would rather have OTHER parts of e that were young, really.. but, at least im young there!seems a misnomer, somehow.. its great, bt ya can't use it!ARGH the wonderful moments of being an older woman dealing with bc!!!

      I know what cha mean, chrissy.. finding other intimacies are hard, when the "core" of them is missing. no pun intended.. its a damned shame we all have to deal with these emotions!!!

      im enjoying the weather, pretty much from the inside in the early afternoon.. the heat hasn't got the garden yet, so its' lush, with a little help from te hose.. its the one thing that drives me outdoors lots of days...

      good your home safe, Lisa. wonderful pics, as usual.. enjoy the weekend, gals.

     we're putting up some shelves, ands sorting out papers this wkend.. yeah!!!  3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Isabel, best not going to that fest..sounds out of hand, and the RAIN, yikes. Your mixup with the surgery ih horrific.I wish there were something you could do.

    I too have walking problems and can't get to be seen by a PT until a week from Thursday,

    It is my left foot once again with another different problem. We had to cancel uor visiting Carlsbad Caverns on our way home from our epic trip.

    We took our granddaughter to buy a new bike. She just couldn't make a fast decision, so it took forever.I hope my son takes a photo and puts it on facebook.l

    Wren those kinds of parades are the best kind!

    Chrissy, wish you could join us too..we had fun, didn't we!

    Hugs all around...

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Just popping in to say Hi to everyone.  Trying to stay cool and indoors as much as possible, 107 yesterday and didn't even want to look at what it was today. Supposed to be in the high 90's on the 4th so we will be getting a little bit of a break.  Humidity makes it feel even hotter.  Daisy the dog got out today and it was too hot to go looking for her, but I did and afterwards I could hardly breath. I am much better tonight.

    Still waiting for DD#1 to get here from Japan so the kids can go to camp, she has been trying since the 24th to get a flight out with no luck.  She needs 4 seats and can only find flights with 1 or 2 seats. Oh well, she will figure something out, she usually does.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday and can stay cool and dry for those getting rain.  Happy 4th if I get busy again and don't pop back for a few days. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Elisimo:  That's terrible was at least 100 in downtown Hendersonville today, and we're at a higher elevation.  I thought I was in Arizona!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    well it reached 79 here today..with no humidity..but don't tell anyone

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    65 here today, rain but the sun did pop out for a bit.  The rain was more of a drizzel than our normal fortunately.  This weekend is our big sand and sawdust festival.  Sand castle building and chain saw carving. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!  Just taking a break before I head to the kitchen all know what it's like when there are teenage boys in the house, never ending pits that are hard to  The request for tonight is lasagne so I have to start early to get it all put together. I will also make creamed rice for desert so that will fill everyone up no probs!

    Still winter I just lit the fire as the rooms are getting a bit cool again.  I turned the heater in the kitchen/dinning room on first thing so that room is warm.  It's a cool 9 degrees celcius at the moment and the forecast says more of the same for the next week or so.  Oh well summer will be here soon enough and then I'll be complaining it's too hot.

    Lisa the day I spent down there in San Diego was truly a blast.  I still talk about the trip to the won't elaborate but you know what I

    You girls stay cool now!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Chrissy it cold here as well, have had a series of frosts and today is really bleak, not that I have been out. Still feeling really off so have stayed in by the fire doing my knitting like the sensible Granny that I am, haha.

    We are having spaghetti bolognese because it is easy and I don't have to think about it.

    Must go back there as it is certainly not as warm here in the dining room even though the heater is on. For you US girls we NZers are only learning the value of central heating. Until recently our houses have not had insulation and we tended to heat just the room we were in - I am still working on DH about keeping heaters on. This house which is over 120 years old, is wooden, has 11ft 6in high ceilings and until last year had only a little insulation in the ceiling.We had it insulated last year which has made a difference but we still need to improve the heating system. We still have open fire as well as a couple of gas heaters, I want to go to a gas system because open fires are being phased out.

    Isabella, I just don't know how you get into such muddles over appointments and treatment for your back. I know DH has not helped with messages etc. You need someone after these things for you.

    Would you believe it but MR Whippy is somewhere in the neighbourhood on a freezing cold winter's day!!! Have just heard the music.

    Must go and get warm again

    Big hugs to all

    My knitting is calling.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy lasagna and what my family would call rice pudding sounds wonderful!  Especially the pudding.  I am a second generation American raised in the Norwegian tradition and  until I got to college I had never eaten rice any other way.  The first time I was served steamed rice in the cafeteria I didn't know what to do with it so I put butter and sugar on it.

    We are having a cool start to summer here on the Washington coast.  The temps have been hovering in the 60's (Fahrenheit). I have a little space heater going since it is only in the mid 50's right now.  Of course it is only 3:12 am.  What I call a Tammy night.  I never had trouble sleeping until I started Tamoxifen.  Almost makes me wish I could take the Al's but they caused me way too much pain.  Oh well. I'ld be up in less than two hours anyway.  Sunday is an early morning since I go to the Senior Center early to cook breakfast.  The rest of the week We serve lunch but today is breakfast.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    chabba:  Lucky for you on those cooler temps.  We usually have those in the NC mountains, but not yesterday.  You could have fried an egg on the hood of my car yesterday!  I could barely touch the steering wheel when I got in.

    Chrissy...I love was one of the first things I learned to make for company when I first married and I still do it today.  It's a family tradition at the annual gift exchange during the holidays.  I don't think I've ever had rice pudding...does it have raisins in it?

    Alyson...hope you feel better.  I love a good fire in the fireplace when it's cold.  Cures a lot of ills!

    Busy today packing for our trip to Wisconsin starting tomorrow.  I'll be off the site for a while, so will catch up when I return.

    Stay well and happy everyone! 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Kaara, our rice pudding often had raisens and cinnamon but was frequently plain.  For a special treat I liked a spoonfull of one of Mom's wonderfull homemade jams or jellies on it.

    I would rather have the temps a bit cool rather than too hot but a 75 degree day would be nice.  Haven't hit that yet this year, have only topped 70 a couple of times here at the beach.  Oh well, maybe in August?

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    chabba, In august we will be grousing about how warm it has become. I do agree that alittle warmer would be nice.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Does anyone have a good bread pudding recipe?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Not I

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lost Creek - I don't really use a recipe but I make it quite often for lunch at the Center, for 20+ people.  I just fill a buttered pan to within a 1/2 inch or so with cubed day old bread and whatever additions I want like raisins, dried cranberries or sliced rhubarb.  Then I just make a custard and pour it over to cover.  I let it soak at least an hour, overnight is really best.  If the bread soaks up most of the custard I make some extra and add it.  I like to bake mine in a water bath at 350.  The time depends some on the size of the pudding.  For 20+ it takes about an hour.

    One of the best I ever made has no additions to the bread but I add cardamon and orange zest to the custard.  I zest the orange right over the custard so it gets all the essential oils of the orange.