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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Onward Branson today

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Hope all are having a great week!

    Lost_Creek nice to see you!  You haven't popped in for a while so it's great to see you back.  Keeping everything crossed that can be so you get a good report on your DEXA.  Oh'm loving my new comfy chair or at least my butt, my hips and my legs  I've been sitting in it so much I have almost completed a new pullover for my DH, got a third of the last sleeve done and then it will sew it up and do the neck.....voila!  Done!

    Nancy you take care and I hope those new meds are proving their worth so you can breathe better.

    Lisa, when you mentioned Branson I went all jelly inside remembering my time there last year!  It's a very interesting place with some crazy!  Safe journeying!

    Kathy hoping you get good results today!

    3jays hope you are recovering well after gadding about with Marybe.   Love all the pics that Marybe has posted on both look great!

    Well I'm getting organised to go to the city for the weekend as I'm meeting up with another BCO member from Aus.  Susieq58 is her name and you have probably read some of her posts.  Anyway, she is coming to Adelaide (my city) from Brisbane (her city) to get better aquainted with her new grandson so we have organised to get together over the weekend....yay!  I'm sooo looking forward to it!

     Take care all and enjoy what's left of the week and have a great weekend!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Just a quick stop to say the mammogram was ALL CLEAR!!  What beautiful words those are.  Thanks for all the good wishes.

    Hugs to all,


  • Ellendou
    Ellendou Member Posts: 29

    Kathy so happy for you.  Hugs

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Kathy, Great news!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kathy so glad you got the all clear! They are two of the best words to hear.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Kathy, great news! I was hoping you had the kind of mammo facility that reads while you're there.

    Chrissy, enjoy your visit with Susieq58 - she is undoubtedly looking forward to it as much as you! Have a great time!

    Lisa, safe travels and good photos. You've been on quite a journey indeed.

    My DEXA was posted today, and it'll be interesting what the onc (July) and ortho (next week) will suggest - the radiologist who read the scan wrote "treatment is advised ... fracture risk is moderate".  My report says osteopenia with T-scores of -0.6 Spine and -1.5 Dual Femur.  Two years ago it was -0.1 Spine and -1.3 Dual Femur. The radiologist wrote "mild interval bone loss."  I don't know whether to feel good it's not worse after 2 years on Arimidex, or bad that the calcium, D, and exercise hasn't done more good. My Z-score, which compares to women my age (T-score compares to 30-yr olds) are +1.3 spine and -0.1 Femur.

    I've been dealing with ups and downs lately - up because the 2-yr mammo was clear, down because within an hour of that result I discovered an eggyolk-sized lump on my shoulder/upper arm that if I'd noticed at all, I guess I had thought my muscles were growing - that really rained on my "all clear" parade.  Got the lump dx within a few days though, and after 2 doc visits, followup xrays and MRI, that it's a lipoma - a fatty deposit.  At least I can pretend it's an extra muscle and it's not is some wierd place.  I see the ortho next week for consult, but have seen the MRI results report and Dr. Googled it...If it gets too big or painful, I'll have it cut out.

    Up because (with a lot of help from bigger fish) our little Fire Safe Council (which I started  some 3 yrs ago Undecided) has been awarded nearly a quarter of a million dollars in grant money to help reduce fire hazards along our (badly overgrown) evacuation route/main road.  Down because the state of KY Historical marker committee rejected my text for the historical marker for my ancestress without even giving me any chance to edit or change it to their standards, and so we have to try again. That one was a blow to my ego I guess, coupled with the emotional difficulty of telling all the people who donated the $2500 we needed .... but friends & distant cousins and some folks who speak 'Southern' are stepping up, and we'll try again with the Historical committee next round.

    Other than that it's been busy around here - too many doc visits but glad to get so many oks or mostly oks. 

    Lots of outside work - gardens are doing all right, not great but at least good.  DH and neph1 are outside right now, working on completely rebuilding our big shed. DH figures it'll take at least 4 months, so I'm kind of in charge of yard & gardens.  And so, when I work, I work hard; when I sit, I sleep.

    I was going to post the biggest "up" here, but you may not think it belongs in "more sense," so look for me on spirited and lively later today - a friend just called in the middle of this post and is headed over to visit...
  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74


    What wonderful news!  I just love those words "ALL CLEAR" and hope to hear it myself in September.

    Take care,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy:  That's just wonderful news!  Do something to celebrate...I had a glass of wine when I got mine;)

    Chrissy:  I have read Susieq's posts before...have a great time visiting with her!

    Lost Creek:  I have one of those too....on the side of my chest next to my left breast where I had the bc.  It showed up about five years ago and I had a biopsy done.  It was scary because it showed up so quickly but it was nothing.

    Have a great evening everyone. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    L_C, Wish the dexa results had shown improvement, but they did change a minimal amount at least.  I'm not quite into 2 years on arimidex, and look forward to hearing what your onc and the ortho advise.  I have mild osteopenia as well and my onc wanted me to have reclast infusions, which I have declined pending on the results of my next dexa scan.  You did have good news about lump being a lipoma. We'll take that anyday over bc, won't we?

    Thanks, LaDonna and Kaara!  I guess I've been celebrating with the dog, since DH had to leave right after my mammo. to go to a meeting in the mountains.  He won't be back until Sunday, so we'll be sure to celebrate then!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    QCA - you are so right! A few months ago it was "oh, arthritis causing the knot in my thumb? Yippee!" "Lipoma? Hooray!"  BC changes just about everything doesn't it?

    I'll let you know what the docs say about the osteopenia - 2 years ago, the onc said I was ok at that level, no tx needed.  I'm guessing the ortho suggests reclast/etc now, and am not sure what the onc will say.   On the AI thread they talk about prunes helping - and some reading this afternoon suggested that additional potassium might help density - I think prunes are high in potassium.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    wildflower gardenGood morning ladies, here's a pic of my little wild flower garden. Flowers for all the all clears and good reports. I am still struggling with the breathing and it is now hot and humid, so trying to see if I can get an air conditioner unit installed. But of course everyone in the NE is trying the same thing. LOL. At least I live on the coast so we get sea breezes. 

    LostCreek, you amaze me with your projects. Yay for the grant! And the energy to persevere on the historical text. I read about the "biggie" and it sounds wonderful, makes perfect sense to me.

    Have fun and safe travels, Chrissy!

    Lisa, did you check out all the cowboy boots in MO?

    Kathy, good luck with building up density.

    Kaara, how was that cake? 

    I've been eating my prunes (just one a day) LOL. and taking calcium, but am so new to this stuff and on too many meds so my head is spinning most of the time.  I find I have the most energy in the morning so am trying to take advantage of it. 

    My DD is coming for a visit this weekend just for 3 days, but it is something to look forward to. Somehow she does better at "being here" for me than my DS. Who is really a great person, just not as intuitive as a woman. And my last remnants of tolerance and patience are at a very low point. Poor guy!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  I the A/C would help your breathing...filters out a lot of the stuff that causes breathing problems and lowers the humidity.  Maybe you could get a doctor's note that would put you at the top of the list.  My cake was delicious..thanks for asking.  I ate every bite..except the couple that my BF decided he wanted (he takes huge bites) and I was a little selfish with it;)

    Have a wonderful day's beautiful here...maybe a little warmer than last week, but still not as bad as other parts of the country. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Macatacmv - My Dad had asthma, got his MD to write a letter saying he needed AC, then deducted the expense from his taxes. I agree that medical reasons might bump you up the list to get it installed. Hope you get better breathing soon.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone,

    I had my last PT/OT appt today. It was bittersweet because we had become good friends in the last 4 months. She is actually leaving the island soon and I was her last out patient at this hospital. So we were both a little misty at the end. She was so helpful and it was so healing rather than harmful. She actually got on the phone and got two air conditioners for me today and my son has installed them. So I am breathing better and hopefully will sleep more soundly tonight. 

    The dog really likes the coolness, too. LOL

    Thanks for the encouragement. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    Mac great that things are coming on and your wild flowers are just beautiful.

    Feeling rather down in the dumps as friend's husband has died of kidney cancer. We have know each other since we were little. I really hate this disease.

    Must get more done as DD decided her place was too small for her birthday get together so guess where it is and I am exhausted already. Must go and tidy my room then put the cleaner over.

    Hugs to all 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Alyson would "put the cleaner over" mean the same thing we mean by " run the vacum over"?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Chabba - yes

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    I'm pretty sure Isabella would tell us she 'was going to run the Hoover over' or at least some one else would be. LOL


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I am learning so much on this thread. Tea vs supper, hoover vs cleaner! LOL

    I have a memorial service to go to this afternoon. The man was a friend of the family's. My brother, cousin and aunt will be here. I am trying to gear up for it. 

    Then tomorrow DD gets here, so that's good.

    Hope everyone has a good day! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  Yea on the A/C!  We might as well take advantage of whatever we can with this disease!  Glad you are breathing better.

    "run the cleaner over" was wondering myself what that meant.  I must do the same...sometime.

    We went out to play nine holes yesterday and a huge storm came up and drowned us out!  My BF drove under a tree to try and wait it out (the most dangerous place you can be in a storm on the golf course) and I tried to be patient, but finally had to exert my will and say...LET"S GO IN!! gotta love em.  At least he took me out to dinner to make up for it.

    Happy Friday everyone! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Mac, word hoover is used here but mainly by older folk. Be careful with 'supper' because it has a variety of meaning here.  Even in the US there are regional pronunciations and word use. I am trying to write a silly story using NZ words, it is quite difficult because you don't usually have so many all together and many of course are slang or denote social status.

    Had a lovely evening here last night for DD1 whose birthday it was. She decided that it was better to use parents place rather than her tiny flat. Had coffee and dessert - far too much food. The grandchildren decided they were not going to sleep but both quite happy to get home about 10.30. DGD was delightful and enjoyed the company of a little friend.

    DH has finally got up so must go and see what we are doing today. I am off to my home town for friend's funeral on Monday, do hope its not too cold.

    Big hugs

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Gee, I was thinking "run the cleaner over" meant she was having a house cleaner come.  We can all dream of having someone else clean the house, cann't we?  Where I grew up they said "beat the rag".  Its from the days of beating rugs over the back fence or laundry line and most rugs were rag rugs.  (Even Southerners have varying terms for the same things, kind of depends on what social status you had or have.)

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Elisimo, would love to have a cleaner, used to when I worked but now its me and the vacuum cleaner. Have just had tea(dinner) and waiting for friends who will help us eat all the pudding we have. Then its footie time, actually we will be watching the rugby. Anyway how are things with you.

    Big hugs

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    I hired someone to clean my house in Florida this year, because we have all these tile floors that must be vacumed and mopped and i was still in the process of recovery.  I'm doing my own cleaning here in NC with the help of my BF who agrees to vacum the stairs and the downstairs area.  I take care of the hardwood floors and upstairs, so it's a joint effort.  Cleaning and's never done!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I'm seriously thinking of getting someone in maybe once every two weeks to do vacuuming and mopping, especially after today.  Did that, plus 3 loads of laundry, watered the garden and flowers, picked vegetables, etc.  Just about everything on my list except bathing Bud The Dog.  Bud's going to have to wait until tomorrow. 

    Tomorrow DH returns after being away since Wednesday, so looking forward to that!  I ran into a friend at Walmart today and she's the only person I've talked to (in person) since DH left.  So, I'll be GLAD to see DH!  


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Home at last...saw this today on the way...lovely to be home despite a green pool..

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    QCA - if you can manage to pay for it, go for it! You would be contributing to someone's employment and most certainly make your life smoother.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Lisa, beautiful photo, glad you are home. Take your time settling back in.

    When my mother was alive she would send her house cleaner to my house once a month as a gift for me. It helped so much, as I was working full time, as a single mother. Well, now that both my parents have passed, I have "inherited" the housecleaner and the landscape guy. What a blessing, esp once i got sick. Now Ana is part of the family and comes every 2 weeks, she is Brazialan but has gotten her AM citzenship status. She helped me through both my parents illnesses and now mine. I have to say it feels like an angel sent from heaven.

    My kids are both home and it gives me such contentment to just know they are sleeping in their own beds under my roof. My DD will just be here for a few days but I intend to enjoy every minute. 

    I am here puffing on my nebulizer. Man oh man, why couldn't I have had this months ago! I feel like the meds are finally getting into my lungs. I had to call the home respiratory guy myself on Sat morning and tell him the doc had placed an order for one. He said he had not gotten the order, but once he heard my cough he said, I'll be right over. Luckily the doc had at least called in the script for the meds to the drug store.  He took my insurance info and told me to just make sure the doc office faxes the order on Monday. He set me right up, He said he doesn't understand why it takes docs so long to give people this simple solution to a complex problem. 

    Anyway, Hope ya'll have a calm peaceful Sunday! (or Monday depending where in the world you are) 

  • Good morning, Ladies.  Hope all is well....Glad you got your chair Chrissy and hope the INR is staying where they want it.   They are getting so they forget to run mine half the time when I am in there for my treatment and I quit doing it at home because it was a big PIA....never really got the hang of it and would end up using three or four stips before getting a reading so I told the place I reported to, I was going back to getting it done at the onco's.  Usually is it where they want it or not far off so I am not going to fret over it.

    Good to see you Elisimo....are you still planning a trip to visit Chrissy?

    I read a few posts about cleaners, ( sweepers we always called them)....we used to have an Electrolux, the old tank kind.  My mother swore by it and then we also had a Hoover.   I have a Oreck which my father got me for Xmas one year, but hate to admit how seldom I run it.  It's really nice and light.  Yes, the place is overrun with dog hair, but I chose to ignore it and only clean if I am forced to.  My sister and her boyfriend were the last guests I had when she came home for my Dad's 90th birthday and I knew I did not have to clean for her.   My mother must have been very lax on her educatiing us in the cleaning house dept....I remember when having company how we would all be stashing things out of sight and am sure some of that stuff is still in with the pile in the basement at my father's.  I have a friend who has started cleaning houses for extra money....she is a very organized, anti-clutter type, and LIKES to clean!!!   I cannot imagine that as I hate it.  Although, I will say, I do feel an enormous sense of accomplishment when I have the house clean and do then try to at least make an effort to keep it that way, but once it builds up, it is just too overwhelming for me to even think about.  Plus, I have a husband who is oblivious and won't even wipe a layer of dust off his desk top....I Do do that every so often as I don't like people writing me notes "Hi there" or "Dust me" .   Cetain things drive me crazy, like dishes piled in the sink or things on the countertop and stove where I cook, but the rest of the house has pretty much been neglected since Easter which is the last time I had people in for dinner.  There is some sort of an organization that will come and help people by cleaning their house if they have an illness or cancer, but I cannot remember the name of it.

    Alyson, Is pudding cake? plum pudding? 

    Lisa,   Your trip must have been wonderful, judging from the got to see so many parts of the country and it is nice you were able to take your time seeing things.

    I have not done anything constructive since getting back from visiting 3jays and will be leaving again for Florida on Friday to visit BarbA.  I look at this as good therapy since I get more than my share of Vitamin D when I am there. 

    Healthwise, I seem to be doing fine.  Tumor markers are down to 528.9.  If I already told you this, sorry.  My hair is growing back so the only real physical evidence I have going on is my nails. 

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.  We are way behind with rainfall here, but have been doing the sprinkler on the yard and soaking the remaining shade tree in the back every night. 

    Congrats to all of you who have been getting good news on scans and tests.      Marybe