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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  Beautiful the southwest somewhere I assume...on the way back to San Diego.  I love that spiritual and peaceful.

    Happy Sunday everyone! 

  • suseq
    suseq Member Posts: 4

    What a beautiful picture, crissyb.  You are very talented. 

    This is my first time posting, so I hope I am doing this right.  I will be starting radiation treatments tomorrow. 5 x's a week for 7 weeks.  When I went for my "simulation" I asked the tech. if she had a list of "do's and don'ts" and she said no.  Now I'm panicking about maybe using the wrong soap or something.  I know not to use anything with fragrances, but anything else I should know?

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    suseq, no deoderant with aluminum in it. No lotions for several hours before tx. No underwire bras, in fact many of us just wore comfortable camis the whole time. Different recommendations for skin after each treatment. Some used 100% aloe gel, some used emu oil, aquaphor, etc. Experiement and find what works for you but do keep the breast moisturized. Help me out ladies what esle whould se tell her about?

  • SugarBubbie
    SugarBubbie Member Posts: 2

    I only used glycerine soap too.  I found mine at my local grocery store.  Glycerine helps keep moisture in the skin.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Suseq - I used Dove for sensitive skin.  Xclair cream (pres.) and Aquaphor both RO dictated.  I knew there was an alternative to Xclair if insurance didn't cover it but never needed that.  My RO did not have a great long list of do's/don'ts.  Wore cheap ($8) sports bras from WalMart left over from LX/SNB though surprisingly the Aquaphor washed out well.  Wore camis over to keep Aquaphor off my scrubs though I did have 2 with built in bras that I was prepared to wear inside out with no bra but my peeling underneath never got that bad.  Worst peel I had was the nipple.  There is a June Rads group and I bet by now there is a July.  Oh, yes, there is a July and I see a summer hangout one too.  Great way to go as everyone shares tips/suggestions/woes/worries.  Tips will be great for summer as you gals with heat/moisture have a bit more to deal with than us spring-ers or winter-ers (love made up words).

    One suggestion I have never read and my first RO tech told me this.  Don't let shower spray hit tx tata straight on.  Stand with back to shower and direct over tata where you need the flow.  I finally have used washcloth on underarm but have yet to put on tata.  I just soap really well with hand.

    I asked questions nearly everytime I was there.  The June rads group has been vocal with discussion of how the equipment works.  You will learn (for your own peace of mind & as distraction) after a few sessions to count tx time.  It helped me concentrate and know just how much longer I had to lay still.  Do you know how many tx fields you will have?

    Hope some of these help.  Just know every RO is different.  Mine is part of an extensive group that is statewide and she had only skimpy 1/2 page of instructions mostly about the Xclair/Aquaphor.  Go figure.

  • suseq
    suseq Member Posts: 4

    Thanks so much! My husband is at CVS as we speak. Just called him on the cell phone and asked him to look for it!

  • suseq
    suseq Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for your suggestions! Nothing like someone who has been there to set you straight! Thank you girls..... You are wonderful!!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Suseq, the only other suggestion I have is to use baby soap. I was told it's better than the soaps for "sensitive skin". Also, make sure you wash off any residue from creams etc that you use and don't put anything on for about 4 hours before tx.

    Best of luck.


  • suseq
    suseq Member Posts: 4

    Thanks Leah !! Baby soap shouldn't have all those additives.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Wish I had a suggestion, but I did not do Rads...hugs to you

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Suseq I was adviced to use a non soap cleanser and to apply aqueaous cream

    I am about to get things packed to head 'home' to Nelson for a funeral. Our friend's death has really hit me. I suppose its because I went to their wedding and he is much the same age as us and of course it was the dreaded cancer. Also this is the third funeral so far this year and they all have been close family/friends. I haven't been able to talk to my friend who is stage 4 this week because I will just get upset- that will be another funeral in the not too distan future. Will visit her on Friday when I am back.  Sorry to be so down.

    Any way we ahve also attended three wedding and this is DH and I at our nephew's wedding a few weeks ago.

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74


    Ask your RO for recommendations on what and what not to use.  Mine told me to use Sensitive Skin Dial, no rubbing ta ta with washrag and no letting the shower directly hit ta ta as stated before.

    My RO gave me RadiGel to use after treatment and when going to bed.  When my underarm started getting "sunburned" and peeled, I was told I could take a benedryl for itching and cetaphil lotion.  Both worked beautifully and I still use the cetaphil.  

    My skin held up great...the only challenge was that I couldn't wear a bra from treatment number 25 to the end (35).  I bought some "wife beater" shirts and wore them under my regular shirts.  I remember when (in my younger days), when I loved going without a bra!

    I'm sure your treatments will go great, if you have any questions at any time just give your doctor or nurse a call.  Both my RO and the NP told me that if something concerned concerned absolutely call anytime of day or night.

    God bless you!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I didn't do anything special except to dust with baby powder after radiation and had no troubles. I know there are people who have reactions and just want to let you know that some don't.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi and welcome Suseq.  Don't have too much to add about rads but the hardest thing to me was going there every day.  I did it of course, and was extremely fortunate that the distance was only about 30 minutes round trip. 

    I used aquaphor at first, but didn't like the greasiness of it.  The rad onc's nurse told me to get Eucerin lotion which I liked much better.  I had redness like a sunburn and a very small amount of peeling, but no really bad side effects.  Hope it's as easy for you as it was for me!

    Marybe, what wonderful news!!  The red devil is kicking butt here!  Hope you have a great time visiting Barb, and hope the tropical storm effects are over.  Looks bad down there right now from the pictures I'm seeing on FB.

    3jays, hope you are safe and dry.  

    Great picture Alyson.  I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend.  

    Lisa, welcome home!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Susieq, welcome but of course sorry you had to join us.  Rads: one nice thing about summer is the shower water can be a bit cooler, and yes, keep the spray from directly hitting the tx tata - it helps.  I got by ok with only a little burning, but some turned black (ugh) But by 6 months after, the colors had faded almost completely and by now the rad onc still has trouble seeing which was the treated breast. (it helps that my lump-scar is invisible, thanks to a great BS)

    One piece of advice I got from rad nurse was that air helps the healing process, and to "expose myself" as much as possible.  Since I live somewhat rural & private, that was fairly easy.  I took a couple of DHs old tees and cut out the sleeves, then cut the shoulder of the tx side so it could just flop down and I could let it all hang out.  I'd sit in the shade of the front porch.  If anyone came by, I had a safety pin in that cut shoulder and could become presentable quickly.  I think of it as my Sheena-queen-of-the-jungle look and wish I'd have found myself some leopard print tees to do the deed. Hah.

    Another thing one lady did was to buy lottery tickets at the beginning, and scratch one off each day after tx - something to look forward to!  Treat yourself kindly is the message, I think.


    Marybe,  glad your numbers are so much better.  Have a great time with BarbA, and please give her my best regards.

    Alyson, great pix, you look beautiful. Condolences about losing your friend.

    Lisa, welcome home. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Kaara, I meant to ask you, did you have  your lipoma cut out or left alone?

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lost Creek:  I've left it alone, but worry about it constantly.  I'm wondering why I didn't just ask my BS to take it out along with the bc when he did my lumpectomy.  I always know it's there, but it's been about seven years since I found it and nothing has changed.  It feels a little larger now, but that is because I lost a lot of fat in that area when I lost weight, so it is more visible.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson. Your photo is lovely..I am so sorry about the funeral thing, but they come thick and fast as you get older !

    I have done 3 in the last year, with another in 4 days. I don't want to go, but feel I have to, but I really don't know what on earth to say to people when I get there.

    I have told my DD NO funeral for me...just either dig a hole in among my garden plants where I have over 30 dogs ensconced...I'd really like that, and there is no legal objection to that in end up with all my beloved dogs. We have a man buried in his back garden about 3 miles from here, but as you drive past and look in you can see this big mound of earth and monster gravestone...too showy for me..I'd just like to be plonked in my biggest herbaeceous border, among my favorite plants and next to my dogs.

    Failing that , back door of the cremmy, no service.  What a subject !

    0n a lighter note I haven't been around as much lately, am too darned busy on eBay. I started out just having a clear out among excess 'things'..then on to clothes..and I have hardly stopped. The clothes are now going a bomb, and as fast as I can wash and iron things they're gone...then it's trecking to the post office 3 times a week. just thought, about 3-4 weeks ago, it MAY be a hoot, now have got embroiled in it ! I think I shall pack it in in another week or two, it's taking over my life. Making reasonable money on the clothes, I have a very bad habit of buying something then forgetting it's there, so a lot of the things are brand new. Am spending most of what I have made on Gchildren...enjoying buying nice things for my 3 yr old Gdaughter...she loves new clothes.

    I think DD is a bit upset at I just happenened to say 'might as well cash things in while I'm still around and use the money myself, as leave it for everyone else to do' Actually what I meant was I'd rather go thru' my own things, and not leave the job to her, sometimes things come out as I never intended them to do !  

    Well, bed beckons now...but a quick peek on eBay will be first to see how my things are doing !


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella:  Good idea to sell your clothes on ebay.  When I retired I made more money selling my career clothes than I did my furniture!  The consignment shop was calling every week asking for more.  My DGD has a business where she sells people's stuff on ebay and they pay her a commission for doing it.  She makes a lot of money, but it is work.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals, im glad to be back here.. my sleep pattern has been even stranger than usual, so i've not been going to the comouter at night, in hopes of sleeping.. not happenning, so here i am!

      went to the gyn today. wasn't successful in finding one who txs just us "older gals" eded up with one who tx hard preganancies.. ones i saw YEAR ago.. hewas a real mench though.. really, we couldn't embarrass this guy, and most drs find mur and i just to "open" about things that are "uncomfortable" like cancer, and ms.. this guy took most everything in stride.. except not being more sexually active.. he lectured mur, really.. told him if yo didn't hurt your wife with her spasticity issues, with her mult organ prolapse, or with her infection issues, why do you think her bmx would stop the best part of life?? why would anyone WANT to fight to get better, if you left out the best life had to offer between a wife and her husband?? wow!!!i was surely surprised. liked that lecture way better than the "save the ta tas" lecture we got 3 years ago!!!

      i have had pain for awhile.. thought the organs were falling again.. another huge surgery.. nope.. he told me i had the va jay jay of a 50 yr old.. we're STILL laughing about that one!!!

      turns out, after my hysterectomy, over 30 yrs ago, i didn't need any of the pap smears they did.. guess they got their $$s worth.. i have no cervix, nor have had one.. he also said not to worry about ovarian cancer, as mine were far gone by now.. any of you hear that? he wants me to ck with the onco about using vagifem, but im nervous.. topical estrogen. also said almond oil as oppossed to coconut oil.. hope this doesn't make you guys nervous, not small talk, for sure..

     the pain ive been having is an "out of control" (by now) uti.. so off to the urologist next week.. no wonder its been hurting.. abdominally, at this point!!!

      otherwise, its 98ish, and raning in the afternoon. we finally got to see the grands today. the really enjoyed their trip to marthas' vineyard.. fischer kept talking about "seeing my mommies house" it was cute...........3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Howdy 3jays!  So nice to see you!  Glad you are doing the rounds to try and get that pain under control as there is nothing worse than hurting!  I'm with you on the dryness and pain caused by it in the nether regions and I also have been contemplating getting something to ease it some what.  Even though there are no intimacies between DH and I just sitting is a pain....really!

    Phew! 98ish sounds darn HOT!  I'm happy sitting in front of the fire right now even though it's not freezing outside but the fire is not roaring just gently smoldering with nice warm coals.

    I'm just taking it easy at the moment as I had a big weekend with Susieq and even though the knee is not painfull, it is a little swollen so I'll stay off it for a couple of days and let it recover.  I have to return to the city again on Saturday as I'm going down to cut my mom's hair and pick up two of the GS's as they are coming to stay for the first week of the school hols.  When I take them back I will have my 6mth check with the BS an then pick up the younger of the two others as he wants to come and spend a week as well.  I'm sure going to need a break after they all go home buts thats okay as I'll just sit and watch the ten movies I have still to watch.

    Isabelle good on you girl for making some money out of your wouldn't fetch much if I sold them as they'd have to go for hate shopping for clothes so when I find something that fits, looks good and is comfy I just wear it to death!

    Lisa so glad you have arrived home all in one piece!  You sure put some miles on the car but oh what a wonderful trip!  Thanks for sharing with all the great pics!  Much appreciated.  I guess after you have caught up with the washing and cleaning you could sit and put your feet up and know that what's under you is standing still!

    Hope you all are having a great day!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    3jays...a 50 yr old va jay jay ???

    You just ain't never going to live this down.

     heheheheh. XX


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Chrissy, Someone here recommended cocoa butter. It's a solid, so you chip off a piece and insert. It melts from body heat. Easier to use than an oil IMO.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wren thanks for that idea. I was using coconut oil, it worked (past tense) but is no longer moisturising enough.  It seems that the longer I'm on the AI's that SE is compounding and I need something that has a little more grunt if you know what I mean.  When I go to the city next week again I'll get some cocabutter from the health food store near my DD and give it a whirl and see if it makes a difference.  If not, I have my 6mth appointment with the BS on the 8th July so I can ask about something then.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    3jays.. woohoo for 50year old vajayTongue out I also had a hystorectomy 25 years ago and had pap's every year until this year when I went for one and was told i do not need one as there is nothing there.. Hmmm makes you wonder if it is all about the money hey...

     Got the results of my Muga today and it has climbed to 56% so back on Herceptin treatments.... Also got my halter monitor today..

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello wonderful ladies,

     Sorry Suseq, you are joining us but this is a great group and you can ask any questions you would like. I am just a few months post rads.

    I have been enjoying my DD's visit so not posting in the last few days. She was a wonderful lift for my spirit. We did some fun things and got some needed stuff done around the house, too.  We got to a movie, the beach, and she even went to water aerobics with me one day. She flew out last night. While she was here DS fell while at his job at the shipyard and cut his arm. He has 13 staples in it now. So we will be  recovering together now for a while.  LOL We make a great pair. 

    Just wanted to drop in and say hey! I'm thinking of you all and hope today has some joyful moments.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Yikes!  I reallly haven't had that problem, but then I am taking tamoxifen which maybe doesn't work the same way.  I use coconut oil to moisturize the areas of my face like around my mouth and eyes at night and I think it's helping.  Someone also said that you can use it in place of deodorant.  I tried but it only works if it's not too hot outside.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    WHY is BCO so quiet ??? What's going on ?? Where are all you gals?? Get yourselves back here right now !!

    Must admit I haven't been around as much as usual, as I posted earlier this week I have been busy selling 'stuff' on eBay....I had to go out to post yesterday, 5 parcels, just hate the posting out bit ! But love the cash popping into my bank a/c !!

    I am also not 100% , moment...breaking out in hot flashes, feeling rough, just not doing as much as I did. I had an argument with my new GP 2 weeks ago. When I rolled up to collect my Arimidex from the local chemist 'someone' had changed the prescription from Arimidex to the generic form, I didn't notice 'til I got home. and turned round and went off to tear a strip off chemist....who hotly denied changing the tablets without Drs approval.

    TWELVE days later I managed to get an appointment with my GP, who also denied responsibility....back to the chemists' shop, and the chemist actually showed me the prescription that said 'change to aromasin'  (or whatever its called) Back to Drs surgery, argument with receptionist who also denied all knowledge....until I showed her a copy of prescription. Back home to await Dr 'phoning me, I will not discuss medical matters with a receptionist, especially in the middle of a half full waiting room ! Eventually Dr rang , profuse apology..but said 'it wasn't me'. Anyway, she changed it back to my correct Arimidex, but I cannot have another prescription until July 18th. 

    Soooo, I think my general feeling of being out of sorts, aching limbs and the terrible sweats are being caused by the new drug. I was in the shower twice yesterday afternoon, and have already had 2 showers today, and it's only 2pm. I am just on my way for an afternoon nap !! I have done all I am going to do today, locked all doors, so off to listen  to the radio in bed..or ON the bed, can' t bear weight of even a sheet right now.

    Just as a little 'aside' I had DH turn up last night with a black plastic bag of things he 'daren't wash'  for me to go thru'  I shall do them for him, as I might need some help lifting things before much longer....tit for tat !!!  I need to buy myself a big comfy chair and footstool to sprawl on, to put right in a big floor to ceiling window in my bedroom, so he can come along and make himself useful! 


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Hi Isabella, I'm here.  Been hoping you weren't getting washed away by England's torrents.

     Getting ready to go outside while it's cool and do some more weed-whacking (as far as I can reach with 200' of extension cord because the gas-powered weedeater is too much for me), and then I have to bake for our local kids' group bake sale fundraiser.  DH and neph1 are still working on the shed, so I feed lunch too.  Not much excitement here. 

    I'm guessing that because it's summer, many of us have things going on.  Plus here, the big 4th of July week/end is coming up.  With July 4th (not a monday holiday) coming mid-week, we are getting our share of tourists already - the 3 local lakes' campgrounds probably will be full.

    I'm with Chrissyb - if I were to try to sell my used clothing, the rag man wouldn't give me much.  However, I am in process of updating my "wardrobe" such as it is and am glad to put some of the old clothes into the rag bag!  Old career clothing left the building long ago.  I had to laugh at my DD who was headed to her 30th HS reunion and bemoaning the extra 20 lbs she's packing.  I told her to get some Spanx or shapewear and she almost fell over laughing that I even knew what shapewear was - like I'm that old or something... arghhh. Didn't we burn our girdles or something?

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lost_Creek, If your DD gets Spanx I hope she likes them better than I did!  I weaseled my way into a pair for my DD's wedding and it was something akin to a near-death experience.  I told myself that if I lived long enough to get out of that thing I'd truly enjoy cutting it into tiny pieces and setting it on fire!  Now I haven't burned it yet (103F is too hot to have a bonfire!) but I intend to do so!

    Sorry you had the arimidex mishap, Isabella.  I do take the generic (it's anastrazole) but I started with that, so haven't had any adverse effects from a change.  Don't like it due to the bone issues and onc would be fine with a change to another AI, but I'm afraid of new side effects with something else.

    We're to have multiple days of the horrific heat with no rain forecast so far, and it's absolutely dreadful outside.  I've drunk so much water I fear that I'll just float away!

    Hugs to all of you,
