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For Older People with Sense



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Well Chrissy and Chabba, if learning's so good for us why can't anybody teach me how to use Windows 8!  I bought a new laptop last summer and took it to the beach on our family vacation.  I did use it there some, but it's still packed up like it was when we got back.  And here I sit in front of my old Windows 7 pc.  I've GOT to do something, so I suppose I should bite the bullet and get started this week.  Actually, I'd already decided to before this came up and bought a new printer today.  It will NOT be used on this old pc.

    I remember when I first started on my job (this was 38 years ago)  we were asked in a staff meeting what would make our job better.  One person said, quite seriously, that she would like to have a computer, and we all just laughed and laughed.  At that time, computers were massive machines that took up virtually an entire room.  What she'd meant to say was a calculator because, as auditors, we were using "adding machines".

    How times have changed!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kathy, as I was saying to my friend yesterday that if you are unsure of something write it down and ask someone.  As a matter of fact, my friend just rang me to ask a is completely new to computing full stop........after part of our conversation, I learned that he has not been turning his computer off the right way!.......I was horrified!    After a little tuition on reading what all the icon are, he now knows what to do when he wants to just rest his computer or turn it off and how to refresh it.  He is learning all this while learning Window is

    I think we just get so used to the 'old' operating system and the ease of getting around it that learning something new can be daunting.  In all honesty, patience is the key and as you find out something, write it down so you can refer back to the steps just taken.......that way there is far less frustration.

    I am still learning Windows 8 myself and yesterday while sorting my friends computer I was trying to add another email address to his gmail.........I wanted to activate his back up email for him........knew it could be done but hadn't done it on the new system took a little while of experimenting and redoing but I got there in the end and got it set up and activated.........he was sitting next to me while I was doing it and said many times that he would have given up but I was determined to get 'er  

    The word to learning is patience and if you don't succeed the first time just keep trying because eventually you will. Oh and Kathy, even old dogs can be taught new tricks so there is hope for us!

    Love n hugs all.    Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I think MY problem is that my first computer was in the science lab at my highschool and DID take up a whole room!!! This was back in the early '70s. I only took the class because it was the only airconditioned room in the whole school. I learned to "key" cards in a program to make the computer "do" something. My teacher had created a program called Zap, which was an easier DOS. Ours was the only computer in all of Toronto at the time!!! Just counted on all my fingers and toes and it was exactly 40 years ago!!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My Dad started working for IBM in the mid 1930s and went back after he served in the Army during WWII

    In the early 1950s IBM had developed the commercial computers and decided to show the world that it

    was possible to computerize an industry. They chose a bank in Chicago. My father was tasked with the project. So we movied to Chicago. In about 1952 or 1953  I was ten or eleven years old and he took me down to see the computer the day before they turned it on and told me I was seeing history being made. It was.

    But he tried to explain to me how it worked and he lost me somewhere in the beginning  of the explaination so I never was interested. Not  til the days of the PC did I realize you could use the computer without understanding it...I chalked it up to


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,958

    The first computer took up an entire city block and had 512K. I worked for Pan Am in the 1960's and their computer took up an entire floor in the Pan Am building. I got to see it because I got lost and someone escorted me thru the room.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,329

    SoCal, what an interesting anecdote about your father. 

    I had one of the first PC's, manufactured by DEC (Digital Equipment Co, I believe).  It was quite expensive.  Around $6000.  My husband insisted I buy it to use instead of a typewriter to do my fiction writing.  It was DOS and took some concentration and time to learn to use it.  It didn't have a hard drive,  I saved to a floppy disk.  The printer was pricey, too, compared to today's prices and the paper was the type that rolled through continuously.  After the manuscript was printed, I had to tear off the edges and separate the pages. 

    When I switched to a newer computer with Windows some years later, it took me a while to acquaint myself with point and click.  Meanwhile the printers got faster.  Eventually I could send my editor the ms on floppy disks.  

    Today was a wonderful day.  I played golf with a women's golfing group and had a delicious buffet lunch afterwards.  So that was my meal for the day.  I'll fix a meal for dh tonight but will probably just have a salad or bowl of leftover soup.  A drink or glass of wine would definitely be nice, though!  I don't abide by the no drinking advice to bc survivors.  But then I don't have an oncologist.  My bc dr. is the same woman who performed my BMX. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello everyone! I am getting rested up from my trip. we got stuck off island for one extra night, so it feels really good to be home. 

    I want to share some more pics from the wedding and one of the on going building project. 

    Chrissy, the wedding I went to had a funny photo booth, too. Very fun! They also had cigars, and a coffee station (you could add any kind of addition) with espresso and cappuccino. Then they gave either tea bags or small bags of coffee as a present as we were leaving. 

    Here is a pic of my aunt and my DS


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Now a pic of the building project. We have had two good days for getting the snow and ice out. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, lovely photo of you DS and aunt!  Those photo booths at the wedding seems to be a modern thing but a lot of fun as well, I rather enjoyed the one at my did most of the guests.

    Stage II do the building......already it looks totally different!  Can't wait for the finer weather to start and to see it go ahead in leaps and bounds.

    Forgive me girls if I'm away for a few days........I am heading out tomorrow for a road trip to Canberra, our nations capital to visit my brother and his family........he's the daddy of the munchkin in my avatar.  It's been three years since I've seen them all and I'm so still need to pack my bag and it's just after midnight so I'd best get to it.

    Love n hugs all!     Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Have fun Chrissy!     

    Macatac your Aunt is such and elegant lady and your son handsome. I hope the construction goes smoothly. Keep sharing. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Mac, your aunt is so stylish and your son is so HANDSOME!!!!! 

    Chrissy, does this mean you'll update your avatar????? Have a blast, sweetie!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,329

    Ditto the compliments to Mac's aunt.  She is lovely.  So beautifully dressed.

    Chrissy, I hope you enjoy your trip to Canberra.  We didn't go there on our recent trip.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Nancy, I agree with everybody about your aunt and son---both look so wonderful and so happy!  Glad everyone had a good time!

    And Chrissy, I know you'll have a lovely time on your visit!  Enjoy!

    DD, SIL, and baby Anna spent the night with us last night because of a culinary disaster.  DD was boiling chicken to make chicken salad and the pot boiled dry.  No fire, thank goodness, but a smoke-filled house.  SIL's business is home restoration, fortunately.  A cleaning crew started today and they're in a motel tonight until Tuesday.  It was apparently a freakish sort of thing, because I've certainly burned my share of things and never had to file an insurance claim about it. 

    DD and I will be preparing food here tomorrow for a christening lunch we're all attending Sunday, but she will not be boiling chicken!

    Hugs to all, and have a good weekend!


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Oh Kathy, I'm so glad the burned pan did not do more damage. That everyone is safe. Smoke can sure wreck havoc. What a funny thing that your SIL can fix it right up.  Is that called serendipity?

    The weather is crazy again. Thunder and lightning and sideways blowing rain. DS is stuck on the other side because the boat didn't run. Hopefully he'll get over here tonight.

    My MO couldn't make it over here today either. She couldn't fly in because of fog. So I'll see her next week. 

    Chrissy, yes have a great trip.

    Carole, what wonderful memories you brought home from your trip. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi friends----I started a new thread . It's description is below. Many of you take such fun and beautiful pics, I thought you might enjoy having a place to retrieve them from, I'll bring back the link. I'm going to put your link in the topic box. 

    ChrissyB, if you put a link from it to this thread, it will be like the Star Trek transporter. 

    Link to warm and fuzzy thread


    All TopicsForum: Relationships, Emotional Crises, Anxiety, and Depression → Topic: Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS

    Topic: Warm & fuzzy owls, goats, kitties, dogs, birds ETC. PICS &LINKS

    Forum: Relationships, Emotional Crises, Anxiety, and Depression — Meet and support others who are affected by these issues around breast cancer fears, diagnosis and treatment.

    Jump to Bottom

    Remove from My Favorite Topics

    Posted on: Feb 21, 2014 05:52pm, edited 20 minutes ago by sas-schatzi

    FLJoined: May 2009Posts: 9,035

    sas-schatzi wrote:

    This is a storage area for PICS and LINKS that we want to retrieve. We don't want them lost as the pages turn. It's not a discussion thread. Everyone's welcome to store stuff here. I will put a link in the topic box to your home thread, PM me. It's like a Star Trek transporter.

    this link is to Insomnia Thread

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi reposting this on some threads, may be old news to some, but to good of info not to pass this on,Sassy

    Cam00205Bluebird144…NJJoined: Apr 2013Posts: 393

    13 hours agoBluebird144 wrote:

    Knitted Knockers Charities is a non-profit that exists to provide free patterns for knitters and crocheters to be able to make knockers and help mastectomy patients get freeKnitted Knockers made by volunteers.

    I love my Knitted Knockers! They are light and soft and warm. Unlike my silicone prosthetic which is heavy and cold when first worn, then it later causes me to sweat.

    I wear my knitted knockers inside a regular bra or tucked in the pocket of a mastectomy bra. They are beautiful, and a godsend to those of us with an uneven mastectomy scar.


    Knitted knockers website:

    Fall down seven times, stand up eight.

    Surgery 09/09/2009 Prophylactic Ovary Removal (Both)Chemotherapy 02/06/2013 Adriamycin, Cytoxan, TaxolSurgery 07/19/2013 Mastectomy (Both); Lymph Node Removal: Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection, Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (Left); Reconstruction: DIEP flap (Both)Surgery 08/20/2013 Reconstruction (Right)Surgery 08/28/2013 Mastectomy (Right)Radiation Therapy 10/14/2013 3-D conformal external beam radiationSurgery 01/24/2014 Reconstruction: Tissue expander placement (Right)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi folks I just flew in with my post about the PIC LINK storage thread. If you don't want to use mine that's obviously fine. But so many of you are so adept at beautiful Pic posting. I would suggest making one of your own, use mine as an example how to do it.

    The knitted knockers that Bluebird posted sounds like the cats pajamas, for those that have pain with prothesis. So, I'm spamming , the mods always send me notes after I do this LOL. :) sassy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Don't think I could knit those!!

    I am in the "no brainer" knitting at the moment..

    saw these birds today..


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Amazing colour, Lisa!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi Folks, I recently found out some info that has pissed me off in re: the drugs given to me during treatment for BC. I was almost killed with my one and only chemo. Taxotere was the culprit. I "failed" all three AI's b/c of s.e.'s. All of this could have been avoided had my MO paid attention to the Cytochrome450 genetic testing. Of the six genes tested, I have abnormalities in three. All are major players in the drugs I was given. Had I been tested, it would have been known. The drug choice and /or dosage modifications could have been made

    Rather than rewrite the details here The link below will take you to a thread that has the posts that I have written in the last few days.

    I'm not trying to sell Genelex. Other laboratories are doing genetic testing. But Genelex is the only company right now that provides the application of the genetic results to the drugs we are taking. Other companies, I'm sure are trying to build the same business model. It's the future of drug administration.

    Why? Patients will no longer except being experimented upon with drugs that can harm them. If the docs won't do this because it's the right thing to do it. Then we have to PUSH them into doing the right thing.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,329

    We need Chrissy to return and start a conversation!  It's very quiet on here.  I'm listening to the sounds of a workman cleaning my front walkway and back patio, both stamped concrete with crevices that get blackened.  He's also going to re-seal the surface.  Once upon a time dh and I would never have paid someone to do this, but we're more than happy to just write out a check every couple of years!  In some ways I get lazier and lazier.  I keep threatening to get someone to help clean house.  Instead I clean sporadically when I get around to it.  Don't bring a white glove to my house!

    Our weather is wonderful today, sunny and cool with highs forecast to be in the 60's.  Perfect golf weather but the golf courses at our club are sopping wet.  So I'll stay home and putter around today.  Soon I MUST do our income tax return.  I haven't been in a great hurry because I know we'll have to write Uncle Sam a check.  We dipped pretty heavily into retirement funds this year with travel expenses.

    Hope everyone is feeling good.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone, It is quiet here. 

    Carole, I have certainly come over to the side of letting other people do the hard work. I don't mind paying for their time. My time is very important to me. I'm so glad you took that trip! 

    I got to see my MO today. She was amazed at how much better I am. She was surprised that I was asking so many questions and that I was so well educated. I had to explain that the woman she has been treating for 2 years was not functioning to the best of her ability. lol I am coming to like her more and more. So I am good to go for another 6 months. 

    We are readying for another snow storm this weekend. Winter is just not letting up for us. But the sun is feeling warmer and some of my daffodils are trying to come up in my garden. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hello all.  If anybody's here, that is!  Sure has been quiet lately.  Carole, our taxes are looming over my head too and I just might take them somewhere to get them done this year.  

    Nancy, is this about the worst winter you've ever had?  Your area has been hit so hard with all the snow and I wonder how on earth you all even get around!  I'm sure snows there aren't as paralyzing as here in NC because of all the road clearing equipment you have, but still.  

     Our DGD has had pneumonia (diagnosed on a pre-dawn visit to the ER last Sunday) and DH and I took care of her so her parents could work for 4 days this week.  DD teaches and picked her up around 2:45 PM each day.   Fortunately, the antibiotic got right to work and she had no fever by Monday afternoon and none since.  Anna's 6 months old now and totally opposed to naps unless she goes on a car ride, and she sleeps as long as we're willing to drive.  Thankfully, all seems back to normal now.

    Hope we all have a good weekend!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,329

    Kathy, I'm glad your GD recovered quickly.  It's seems the younger the child, the greater the worry when illness strikes. 

    I can't imagine living with all that snow and ice, either.  DH and I spent a winter in VT the first year we were married, and the winter wonderland was a novelty for me.  We both worked at a ski lodge.  But come March, we loaded up our little car and headed south where we knew the azaleas would be blooming.  On the opposite end of the weather scale, the northeast has much more pleasant summers.  We load up our rv and head north when the summer heat and humidity become unbearable.

    Today is very nice here in southern Louisiana.  I walked this morning wearing shorts and tee shirt.  Later this afternoon we're headed to New Orleans to see the Endymion parade.  Endymion is one of the big, pretty mardi gras parades.  Our situation for viewing it is ideal because we're invited to a company party on the parade route.  There will be food and beverages and, most important, a bathroom!  Last year we collected a huge shopping bag of beads.  When a float goes by, you have to be careful and not get hit in the face with flying throws!

    Spring is definitely just around the corner.  I saw daffodils blooming in a yard during my morning walk.  Our tulip tree (type of magnolia) is in full bloom.  There's a LOT of yard work to be done. 

    Have a great Saturday.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    imageHere's the latest pic of the rebuild. They are working hard to get a ceiling on before the storm tomorrow. They'll have to pull the floor back up to put in the insulation, but it is moving along quickly. Very exciting!!!

    Oh Carole, I love the stories of spring. I know it is around the corner. The sun is stronger everyday, but waking to temps at 5 is pretty discouraging. How exciting to be in New Orleans at this time of year. It is on my list of things to do. 

    Today the exercise class for the cancer support group was Zumba. We had a lot of fun, but it was a little intense. I had to take a nap this afternoon. I did get a walk in with the dog, tho. If it's dry and not icy we feel lucky!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Carole, we've learned to hand over some chores too. One of the reasons we live in a condo-townhouse as our grounds are maintained. They don't do the snow removal though. It's hard for us this year as there's really no place left to shovel snow to!! The piles by our driveway are over 6 feet so where would new snow go? It's hard turning corners and pulling out of the driveway as visibility is so crappy. You really can't see if another car is coming until it hits you!

    Mac, that is so AMAZING how much work has gone on!!!! And windows, are those new?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Just a quickie as I'm about to go to bed....I am finally almost, almost.  I travel from SIL house to the city tomorrow for a doc appointment and then I get to go home......yipeeeee!  I'll also be able to get back to normal

    Nancy I can't believe how much work has gotten done!  That is amazing!!!  It seems like it won't be long before it is complete!

    Carole you did just fine starting a conversation......from what I'm reading it's moving along for that.

    Oh Kathy!  So little to have pneumonia!  The one thing about kids though is they seem to bounce back a whole lot quicker than the adults do.  I sure hope she responds quickly to the anti biotic.

    Barbe I'm sure you are saying roll on spring!  Those mountains of snow at the end of your driveway sound really dangerous!  Have you had more this winter than usual?

    Well got to go and put this body to bed............I have driven 1200km over two days and I have another 300 to do tomorrow.

    Love n hugs all!    Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hoping you are safely home soon Chrissy. 

  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228

    Nice to have you back, Chrissy.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Safe driving Chrissy! And the piles of snow are all along our driveway and over our front lawn. We blow the snow to the centre of the lawn first and that area builds up until it can't hold anymore and you have to build up the sides so it doesn't collapse. So the mountain goes right to the curb. Weird getting out of the car against a wall of snow; kind of like being in a garage I guess. Snow maintenance is a fine art and best left to Canadians! hehehehehhee

    (I STILL think that North America is divided the wrong way! Should have been a line from north to south...sigh. But we Canadians are so polite we didn't argue when the border was drawn west to east...)