INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    shep yes that's in A Breath Floats By 2nd edition w adams as author. And there are skunks and Newfoundland dogs in it. So you'll like that.

  • shepkitty
    shepkitty Member Posts: 878

    Miss Blue ~ Yay! Very much looking forward to reading. Hoping your scan results came back A-Okay and you are feeling more comfortable .

    JayNC ~ Yes, that is my kitty Pris. She is an American Bobtail and looks like a tiny Bobcat. My beloved German Shepherd Marti passed away last July - she was almost 14. She and Pris were true BFFs. Ellie Mae is our 4 month old Bloodhound. She is about 45 lbs and four feet "tall' when measured all stretched out. Pris doesn't like her 'cuz she likes to body slam the kitty.

    Feline ~ Poor Arthur! What a terrible shock it must have been when his kingdom was infiltrated by a cute little fuzzy-wuzzy. Hmmm.... who will accept their unwanted sibling first I wonder? Arthur or Pris?

    Mags is home and in her new house!

    Patty ~ Hootie Hoo, you're home too!

    Stay healthyish and happy Dear Owlies!

    Easter blessings to all! 🐇🌷🙏

    Image result for jesus skunk easter

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Hi Shep.

    a Happy and Blessed Easter to you too.

    Arthur is doing pretty well.only a hiss when Elliott goes for his tail!

    What a gorgeous skunk and Easter Egg pic - perfect for Bluebird.


  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Well Good Day to you all,

    It is 4:44 a.m. here now and I have yet to get to sleep, despite having taken double my normal sleep meds. So frustrating! At least Kirby is warm and comfy in bed.

    First, my attorney called to let me know that the bus that I was on is owned by the city it runs out of and therefore is a "Public Entity" and is not required by law to carry Personal Injury Insurance. Go figure. The man who caused the accident is a transient, therefore no insurance or money. So it appears that Medicare may have to pay the medical bills for this misadventure. :0(

    I had an MRI of my Thoracic & Lumbar spine last Thursday. I hate the older MRI machines. I feel like a stuffed sausage in them. I had a bit of a panic and had to be pulled out to take some Xanax to finish the scan. The results show that the L3 fracture is better, but I now also have fracture of L5 (which the neurosurgeon believes is from the accident). So the plan as of now is to do a Kyphoplasty + Fusion of at least L5-S1 and I need to talk to him again about L3. In the meantime I see my MO on Wednesday for treatment and to discuss how long I need to hold the Ibrance before & after the surgery.

    I worry about how long Kirby & I will be apart this time too.

    Kirby was scheduled for a grooming on the same day as my MRI and I had planned on taking Amtrak to/from and couldn't be here to take him to his appt. So I called to cancel his appt. His groomer said something about being willing to babysit him if I had someone to drive me to Portland, but it was the day before and I wasn't sure if anyone would be available on such short notice. Well by the grace of God, a lady I know was free and happy to drive me. The IV, MRI, etc took approx. 3 hrs. Then on the way home we got to stop for lunch, then picked Kirby up. I came home and flopped in bed and slept a couple hours.

    This whole surgery on my spine scares me. I worry about the outcome, plus how much my mobility/range of motion will be effected. I think my gardening days may be at an end as well. All these changes that come with this cancer CRAP are very disconcerting.

    Kathindc - I am so sorry you had such an awful experience with your eye surgeon. Like Shep said, "give that doctor the boot!" He most certainly is not the only one out there. We need doctors and medical staff that hear us, but I know that is harder and harder to find these days.

    Sas - Your bathtub looks very comfy! Also I am very glad you were the conduit and help for Mags.

    Mags - So glad your back home and putting your Moo Cup back in service. I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly.

    Well, I think I may try to go to bed now and see if I can fall asleep this time. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and your first week of April is warm and sunny!

    Related image

  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    A friend and I did take a bit of a walk yesterday because it was 62 degrees and very sunny. Here are a couple pics from our walk.


    This is overlooking the city from a neighborhood above my complex.


    Some Cherry Blossoms in the neighborhood.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Happy Monday morning Owlies, Trying to catch up on reading. I've gone back to page 1466. Split screening. It always is frustrating when I've read and then new posts pop in behind what I've read.

    First,a report on Mags, she had a couple of nights of excellent sleep. She sounds great. The whole home health team is falling into place. Nurse, aide, PT, OT.

    The Company she hired for the move called Care Transitions is a national franchise. Their operation.sounds great, but the completion was not . Mags is meeting with the owner today. The reason I bring this up is I considered calling the same company that has a franchise close. Me for the 25 year decluttering versus a move. I'm hoping to learn from Mags tips on using the company.

    Blue, just saw your birthday was March 25th. YAY, Happy Belated Birthday. Hope it was a very nice day for you. Rare , rare that a woman delivers herself, plus aable to take care of the cord wrap. Special lady.

    Jay, your questions on Luminal A &luminal B &Ki67. Learned it, then forgot it. No imperative to learn it again. BUT if you go to the technical threads or the main page and use the search box, they're will be definition pages. For sure it's on the main page. BCO has been excellent about creating new topics over the years. When I found BCO in 2009, it was during the search for BC info. BCO had better info than anywhere else.Plus, the community. I haven't made a search like that since. Other web sites may have been established since.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Jay, Just reading about your concerns on your pathology report. They're at least two grading systems. They each have a name. Some reports use only one, some both. I'm familiar with only the one I had. BUT I forget a lot of even it. Again,the main page does have a description.

    For the one that I was graded on, It has 3 grades, They're three things studied to determine grade. It's a point system. The points are added up then a grade assigned. What I have found over the years in looking at peoples diagnosis info is that something that appears to be serious trouble, may not have ended up with the most serious circumstances. Whereas, a much less troublesome diagnosis would have a more serious outcome. That's a really inexact observation, but I found it relative enough that my conclusion was have a great team, get a second opinion on your first teams plan. Then follow the plan.

    IF you have availability of a NCCN hospital National Comprehensive Cancer Network hospital, have them be your primary or second opinion. My primary was local, but had a relationship with Moffitt NCCN in florida. So, for my BC care, it was based on NCCN care with NCCN plan. The practice of local facilities developing this type of care is becoming a very common affiliation. My facility was very forwaard looking and the first in Florida to establish the Moffitt connection.

    Now with my Thyroid Cancer it was an RO not with my group. He didn't make that connection with Moffitt. The treatment for my TC was outdated. But not so much his fault. The treatment that the NCCN hospitals would have recommended weren't published yet. What it meant for me is, I was treated with Radioactive Iodine-131. If Moffitt had been consulted, they would have recommended. watchful waiting with blood testing tumor markers and ultrasound. The RAI-131 caused a condition that is still causing problems 4 years later.

    The pathology is truly Geek and Latin with some German thrown in. Next visit with your MO take the report with you. Highlight or write your questions out. Then get them to explain it as if you were a "Five year old" (Denzel Washington from Philledelphia movie). Then once you think you get it, put it away.

    My BC report had me dead. Serious. These words were written in one section. "Unfavorable outcome". At the time I read those words, it was an "oh shit" moment. There was too much in my life going on, to dwell on those words. DH was diagnosed shortly after me with Lymphoma.

    I forgot all the negative stuff in my path report and reread it about two years ago. By then I was 7 years post initial diagnosis. My reaction was "well, showed them". Now 9 years. Cancerversary was Feb 2018.

    Many can tell their story differently.

    My point is, if I dwelled on how that report read, I think the quality of my life would have suffered much more than it was at the time.

    Find the best care team, follow the plan, be aware of new research, stay active in life. This doesn't mean that everything will be hunky dory. But worrying about it can affect you as it produces stress hormones that can affect immune system negatively. \

    Add things to your plan that support your immune system directly or indirectly. A while back FeelingFeline mentioned a supplement she started for memory. I looked at the ingredients. Great ingredients. The supplement could be used as is, or the individual components could be added to the diet. Because at one time or other I had studied several of the ingredients, I knew they were also supportive of the thyroid and liver. It's things like this that you want to pay attention too.

    Just today I ordered CBD oil. Much has been written about it. It's not conclusive meaning absolutely scientifically proven, but it's strong enough with research and anecdotally that I'm going to give it a try.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Mommy, WOw time flies, I remeber like yesterday when Charcoal ws having troubles and passed. Then all the daily updates of Princesses antics. She was a fireball all over the house.

    Loverly, I just got to the original pic of Mitzy, Poor baby. Now she's statuesque.Please, ask DH what it was that attracted him to her? With Mitsy pulling on the leash, there is a type of head nose harness that may Help. Shep will know what it is and whether it will help.

    Poor Dad, prostatectomy management is on the cusp. The older surgery still being the most common. Laser will take over in the future. A friend had the laser couple of years ago, but had to go to Tampa as no one was doing it here or in Orlando. There was a fb ad that showed a new type of device urine container for men. It had a wrap for the penis. It was covered by medicare and supplemental insurance. Only saw the ad once. It was on the fb newsfeed. So sorry, about the SIL. condolences to DB and kids.

    Loverly, would you do a look see at Losartan. New drug for mags. I explained bout ARBS.. The specific thing with Losartan does it have anything related too or impact on BC. Micardis a sister ARB was identified as having a relationship to oncogenic for BC. I haven't looked at ARB's since. I know one drug in a class doesn't mean all drugs in that class may have a problem, but this is a just in case look question? Thanks :) I suggested that Mags ask for a switch from metoporol to Coreg. He switched her :) Cool. She was put on daily dosing of Imdur after the bad night where the nurse and supervisor wouldn't listen about it being a cardiac event. The troponins were slightly elevated the next day. Hrmph. Sure hope they make a plan to do some cardiac teaching and consider Advanced Cardiac Life Support as a unit requirement. Would have loved to be a fly on the unit when the scenario was discussed.........

    Feline, new kitty :) Why "Elliot" and the extension of that why "Arthur". Schatzi was the choice of my son and his girlfriend. Dini is short for Houdini, he doesn't try to escape anymore thank goodness.

    Shep I'm going to delete somethings in the topic box and put the prayer there.

    Junie, good luck with the surgeries. Glad you have so many that help out :) I so wish everyone had walkin tub. They have improved the door design. This one is just a bit hard to get into b/c it isn't square. The bottom of the door is angled. As much as I've used it, it's still a thought process i.e. being IN the tub to fill it versus filling and stepping in. Hahha Love the cherry blossoms :)

    Patty Hootie Hoo Chickie Poo :) Hope you are feeling better. :)

    TaRE Hootie Hoo too

    Jay I will post some more pics when things are done. We made some great headway this weekend. VERY excited :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Thought this would be a good topic to review. It's on plastic particles found in bottled water.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Okay, did I piss everyone off?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Well, apparently, so

    Anywhooses, ordered CBD oil, Mags and I were talking about it. She recently got it. Felt it was helping her. Not sure if it was Loverly, or Shep that said they were using it. I've done some research on it. Not enough to schooled in it, but going to

    tlking to mags

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Bahahaha. Ahem! Nope not me.....although I would like to try it at the moment. Down with a bug shared by DH. He came home last Thursday and is still fighting jet lag with a respiratory infection. I should have disinfected him with Lysol at the first cough.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Loverly,so funnyI can just envision him coming off the airplane and you spraying him down Hahahahah, so sorry he got a bug. He's so kind to go and volunteer. But bacteria and viruses know no bounds. Love to see you

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Kath, how are you doing? What a horrible experience!!! I think doctors who have no empathy shouldn't be in the business of taking care of people. Have a blessed time with the kids. They should be here by now, yeah?

    JunieB, beautiful blooms. My nose is itchy looking at the picture though. Allergies is bad here. Everything is in bloom. Pollen overload. Even Mitzy sneezes. Hah!

    Feline, do you have photos of Elliot?

    Ms. Sas, will get back to you on the ARB.

    Mags, hoping and praying that the complications from the vasculitis is temporary.

    Shep, but but but I am starting to like theMr. after you shared with me the story behind his photos.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    Here are some pictures of the Nepal trip. No protestors and long queue for gasoline this time. They were able to help over 100 families with basic staple foods( rice, lentil, oil, sugar, and salt) in this particular province. Most of these folks lost everything during the monsoon flooding last year. Many lost their lives, homes, and livestock.





    The medical camp:





  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Hi Lover, hope you and DH are feeling better soon. He is a hero.

    Hope also that your Dad is doing well.

    here is little Elliott



    He looks full grown in this pic but really he is a baby!


  • junieb
    junieb Member Posts: 945

    Feline - Elliot is quite a handsome kitty. His markings are very unique. Is he Mr. Cuddle-bug?

    Loverly - Sorry to hear that you & DH are sick. I guess another example of giving sacrificially, right? So glad DH is able/willing to go and help the Nepalese people. Such a great need to be fulfilled. Poor Mitzy is sneezing too? Sorry to make your nose itch! ;0) I haven't heard from you in ages! My movie buddy & I are going to see "God's Not Dead: Light in the Darkness" tomorrow, well actually later today, since it is now almost 1:30 a.m.

    I saw my MO today and had my Faslodex injections. I am holding the Ibrance for 3 weeks to have the back surgery, then 3 more weeks post-op. After reading my MRI results today, it almost feels like my spine is on the verge of collapsing. I know that is an exaggeration, but there are quite a bit of degenerative changes. However the CA is still stable.

    Shep - I hope you enjoyed your warm dinner the other night. Sorry we didn't get to talk longer.

    Bluebird - How are you doing?

    Sas - Sorry I missed your call, I was napping. It was a long day. Any new news on Mags?

    Ok, good night to all and Good morning to Feline!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,849

    Been a bit busy with trying to play catch up with things I let go lately.

    Sas, Princess is still a fireball around here. Although she is starting to mellow out a bit.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Junie Elliott loves a good stroke and a mock wash behind his ears, but is nervous of being picked up and cuddled yet. However the main thing is that Arthur our nearly 5 yo cat is not being too huffy about the little space invader! Can't say he's thrilled, but he's tolerating the invasion. Elliott of course keeps blotting his copy book by doing kitten things like pouncing on Arthur's tail!

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Mags checking in as I listen to my daily 6 am alarm that I still don’t know where it’s coming from. New house noises don’t usually include a 6 am alarm, do they?

    I just want to say, I’m getting stronger every day. Doc says I now have congestive heart failure, so I’m on a slew of new drugs for that, and I have someone from home health coming every day, nurse, ot, pt. I have yet to shower, and my hair is... ugh.

    The house is wonderful, and work continues apace in putting things away, with little more than a nod from me. The kitchen is a mess, since I gave up my big china cabinet with the dining set. There’s no formal dining room here, and we’re past a need for it, but I may need to supplement the one curio I kept, but it will be something much different. I’ve spent way more than I should, I know, but I’m a woman on a mission at this point. My son is arriving Sunday for a whole week, and we’ll be together for my birthday for the first time ever. He has to drive down to Dallas for a meeting Wednesday, the cause of his week here; he arranged to “work from home” the remainder of the week, from my home this time! I had already been planning a housewarming for next Saturday, so it will (hopefully) work out perfectly. My sis has been here this week, breaking in the guest room so to speak, although the last couple things I ordered are coming Monday.

    I ordered a rug from Wayfair for the living room, and when it arrived one side of the edging was defective. A call to Wayfair resulted in immediate shipping of a replacement, a 10% coupon on my next order, which I used immediately, and the defective rug? “Sell it, donate it, use it somewhere else.” No need to return. Love Wayfair. Rug’s going in the estate sale. Hehe.

    I have a sweet friend who is a buyer for interior designers and she’s coming over this afternoon to help us figure wher to hang pictures etc. nice to have friends in high places so to speak.

    All in all, I’m a relatively happy camper this fine morning. With an amazing story to tell. Love to all my Owlies, you are the awesomest womens in forever.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Fab Mags. Enjoy your DS's visit.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,849

    Feline, glad Elliot is settling in nicely.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,849

    Feeling heartbroken and devastated. Just got word that a dear friend and former high school classmate passed away. Last time I saw her was at our class reunion five years ago. Heaven just got a little brighter and gained a wonderful angel!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Lover, so sorry your DH came back sick and you caught the bug. Hope the two of you are over it quickly. I so admire your husband with the volunteer work he does. I second Feline in he is a hero. You've got a keeper! I know it isn't easy being the one at home with children to take care of when husbands go on travel. When our kids were younger my husband had to travel a lot. Never failed, seems like one always needed to go to the emergency room. One time, our son hadn't gotten home by 7:00pm from school. I called my husband to let him know. He asked what I expected him to do. I told him if I had to worry he was going to have to worry too. A few minutes later our son called. He went to a mall with friends and didn't have change for the phone. I asked how was he calling me now. I asked a friend if I could borrow some changes. I asked him why didn't he think of this earlier. Shall we say dumb silence ensued! This is from the kid who would make a local collect call home when he didn't have change! Glad to hear your dad is active again. How are your DDs doing? And most importantly, how are you other than the respiratory infection? Keep an eye on that bugger.

    My eye started bothering me and went in to have it checked out. Was told it was healing nicely. Couldn't find anything amiss. I think stress is affecting me/it. Hubby has health issues that he ignores and they came to a head two days after my surgery. He landed in the hospital for two days. He went hypoglycemic due to an infection and his discharge papers have him taking his insulin as if he is hypo. He is definitely uncontrolled hyperglycemic so you can just imagine what his numbers are like. Finally got him to contact his endocrinologist and are awaiting his e-mail. I'm ready to spit nails at him. PCP told him if he kept up his bad habits he's looking at 2-3 more years. As the doctor was talking to him, he tried making light of things and I just kept saying, "Don't. It isn't funny." Our daughters blame me for not getting on him more but there is only so much I can do and believe me I have tried. I can see him tune me out the minute I try to help. At some point, he has to own his health issues and become responsible for his actions. What I find amusing is I have the same health issues and some, but I do own them and I do try to do something about it and will own up to my mistakes.

    Mags, so glad you are in your new home. Interesting mystery you have. I could understand if you were in a row house and your neighbor's alarm clock was at the same wall to you but this one is a puzzler. If you find the answer to the mystery, please share it. Enjoy time with your son! Praying for you. You've had it rough lately.

    Jay, you asked about cataract surgery. The eye surgeon goes in and breaks down your natural lens, cleans out the pieces and puts an artificial lens in its place. I went for the monofocal lens for distance as I have astigmatism so will still need glasses for reading. There is a new multifocal lens that can correct both but it's not covered by my health insurance. I would have had to go out of pocket way more than I wanted. That was not going to happen.

    Junie, keep us posted about your surgery. Will start saying prayers for you. You need to catch a break. How is Kirby doing?

    DS and his family arrive on April 27 and will then go to San Antonio on May 7. He has a conference he has to attend there. I haven't seen Toko, DDIL, for six years. Love her dearly. She's a school teacher and they go year round. DS's conferences haven't synced up to her schedule for awhile. Getting excited!

    Feline, Elliot is adorable. I can just see Arthur now when Elliot goes for his tail. They look like they are from the same mom and dad. Did you plan it that they would have basically the same markings?

    Need to get to bed as I have another early day running hubby to medical appointments.

    Nite, nite ladies, morning Feline.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Morning Kath.

    Total co-inccidence that Arthur and Elliott look alike. We were matched with Elliott by Cats Aid a rescue charity - we didn't even know what he looked like until they sent a photo!

    Best wishes for your hubby. I wonder if joking with the doctor is his way of coping, and it is understandable that it is so very difficult for you to watch when you don't feel the same way. You know all that Men are from Mars stuff. Sometimes it's true. It seems very hard that you feel blamed by DDs. Is it possible that they could tell their Dad themselves that they love him and don't want to lose him?


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,849

    Didn't sleep well last night, the news of my high school classmate's passing hit me really hard. Still tearing up every time I start thinking about her.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Mommy sorry to hear of your bereavement. I remember the shock of hearing that someone from my year had died at our 25th year reunion. In my case I didn't even know the girl well, but it seemed so unbelievable. (This was before BC btw...) I hope your classmate is in a happy place being welcomed home by friends and loved ones who have gone ahead of her.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,949

    Condolences for the loss of your friend, Mommy. It's a bit creepy when they're your age and a friend.

    Mags, Perfect sign!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,849

    Yes it is. She was the class President in our Senior year. Same age as my older sister was when I lost her. I still remember what she said to me when she found out I had cancer. She told me that's she wanted to see me at our next class reunion and that I was to kick it's backside hard and send it packing!