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Adhesive TAPE - help need to find non-allergic



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938


  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    THANKS + Bumpty BUMP BUMP to ALL


  • Paper tape is the only one working for me now. Even regular bandaids make my skin grouchy!
  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    @ parakeets rule For many years, 2 parakeets who needed rescuing, came into my life = YES = TO RULE!

    May I suggest that you obtain some 3M Cavilon NO STING BARRIER FILM swabs for use even with your paper tape? I got my supply from AMAZON. There are also other brands of barrier film. People react in their own ways and each brand is unique

    PROPERLY APPLYING the barrier film is easy but also CRUCIAL. The best YouTube HOW TO APPLY =

    WELCOME + Good Luck

    ~ Trickling

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Parrakeets, what Trick said! I am still on Anastrozole, my 10th year. My skin is abiut 20 years older than I am, because of that. Just the other day, i used a bandaid without thinking, when I took it off, I was itching terribly, and the square ring around the irritated was so red. I know better, but, I thought I could get away with it. Nope! The Cavillion is great. I need to order sone, Im out. LOL

    Much love.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Hypafix or Medipore tape works for me when even paper tape caused problems. That along with the Cavilon barrier under plain gauze means I can keep a would covered for a couple of days with out skin issues.

    Thanks Trickling for sending the link. As we've been discussing, I have not logged on much since "the big change". Still having lots of issues, but I will try to check in occasionally.

  • I think the tape I was testing was Medipore paper tape. I've only recently been trying to figure out which ones work and which ones don't!
  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    HOORAY for bringing my own supply of 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film. Yesterday I had a lumpectomy for a small cancerous growth. Everything went well and I have practically no side effects. +++ LESSON LEARNED about PERSONAL SUPPLY of 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film = As usual, I had several swabs in my purse. I turned out that the surgical department didn't have any on hand and it was too early in the morning to borrow some from the Women's Health Department. Believe me: 1) I will always carry several in my purse at all times; 2) If I know I am going to have a procedure of some kind. I will bring a LOT more than 3 (which, fortunately, proved just enough). +++ As so many others have stated: medical personnel, regardless of level, cannot be relied on to know about allergies to adhesives or products which may help in avoiding unpleasant reactions. +++ BONUS: the nurse directly involved in applying my supply was cheerfully open to learning the all-important proper technique of application. In fact, some other medical personnel took time to observe. +++ CONGRATULATIONS = TEAM EFFORT was PALPABLE +++ OK here comes the link yet again :-) PROPERLY APPLYING the barrier film is easy but also CRUCIAL. The best YouTube HOW TO APPLY =
    }}} hugs {{{

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    ALERT = SPECIFIC products used to successfully cover the SURGICAL AREA of my recent lumpectomy for breast cancer. The area covered was fairly large. The tape was on for well over 2 days. Allergic reaction = ZERO. My surgeon happily gave me these specifics knowing I would be sharing them with all of you. Unknown to me she had made sure 3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film was available in the operating room.

    I will have more regarding Mastisol adhesive with which I am personally unfamiliar after I meet with her NEXT WEEK.

    >>> SPECIFIC PRODUCTS per surgeon = "3M Cavilon No Sting Barrier Film. Once it was dry, I just applied my usual dressings, which are: Mastisol adhesive, 3M Steristrips, gauze, covered by 3M tegaderm."

    If anyone is already familiar with this setup, please comment whether or not it worked for you. I'm kind of interested in products that help remove the Mastisol adhesive

    ~ LOL

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Thanks for the early report Trickling. I know nothing about Mastisol so will anxiously await further information. Hope the surgery went well & you are taking care of yourself.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    The surgery went very well, minustwo. I assumed that the separate suspicious location located by an MRI would also be removed. Subsequently, I learned that protocol stipulates that if a needle biopsy comes back negative, the site is to be monitored rather than surgically removed. The needle biopsy for the suspicious area was acknowledgged as exact and negative.

    RESULT = I deliberately kept my hospital bracelets on to remind myself that no matter how good I felt I should take care regarding the types of lifting and movements I would be doing. CLUE = I canceled the prescribed Tylenol #3 (codeine) pain medication as I was only a bit tired. No pain but real tiredness which tolerated no resistance did kick in later = I am definitely trying to listen to my body.

    INTERIM = While I am awaiting my follow-up appointment with my inspiring surgeon, I am searching YouTube = how to apply Mastisol liquid adhesive.

  • kotchaj
    kotchaj Posts: 216

    I just found this thread and I'm so glad! Since my chemo's last year, I've now developed a tape allergy which I didn't have before. I had to put a bandaid on a cut I got and ended up with an even bigger sore than what I started with.

    thank you for the information, it's much appreciated!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Welcome kotchaj. Lots of good info.

    Trickling - hooray for the good results & for listening to your own body.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938

    Trickling, Im glad the results wrre hoid. Take care!

    Welcome Katchaj!

    Much love all

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Moon - so glad to see you. Hope everything is OK on your end.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    My post-surgery meeting with my inspiring surgeon went well. I made sure to let her know that people on a dedicated thread were glad she took the time to spell out the allergic reaction preventative steps she took for my surgery. She's had such success with the proper application of the products listed in my previous entry that when I inquired about a theoretical situation where a product might be needed for the removal of Mastisol adhesive, she stated that a tiny bit of cream or [baby] oil is usually sufficient to start lifting the [Tegaderm] tape. The important thing is to first follow the directions for when and how the dressed area is to be washed after surgery.

    When I GOOGLED = how to remove Mastisol liquid adhesive, I discovered that the company makes DETACHOL Adhesive Remover. Bottom line = Consult your doctor before trying any products.

    Thanks, everyone for your supportive wishes.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Thanks for the update trickling - more great information

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Posts: 5,938


  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Thanks Moon

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Bumping for new members

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    Bumping and an October HELLO

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Hey Trickling - good to 'see' you. Thanks for bumping.

    A garden hose slipped from my fingers & landed on my big toe yesterday. Jeez - it was just rubber but lots of blood (because of course that's the toe nail I can't get to grow back in since chemo). Bandaging & taping a big toe was an interesting exercise. Hope I don't have to wear shoes anytime soon.

    Otherwise - we are finally cooling down some in Houston. Keeping the Florida sisters in my thoughts.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    @imnustwo }}hugs{{ On top of the pain and the flood of painful memories, were you also stuck with cleaning up the bloody mess outside and [everywhere] inside? BTW, do you have any tips for bandaging your specific condition? I actually found a YouTube video that featured a HELPFUL DEVICE for wrapping as well as an explanation for the warning never to wrap sticky tape around the dressing on the toe. Unfortunately, the following link only shows how to care for the toe and use the device without giving a source for the unnamed device. It will be months before my appointment with a podiatrist. You may be seeing a doctor soon and inquire. At any rate, I intend to ask for the source of such a device. OF COURSE, we are all interested in how you handle the ADHESIVE TAPING aspect of the taping. Here's the link: LOL

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Interesting. Thanks for the link. But yes, I've been wrapping sticky tape around the large size bandage I put over my toe. Treating with alcohol & neosporin. Tomorrow I'll do hydrogen peroxide to get all the rest of the loose blood flushed out. Really - how else would anyone keep the dressing on? I expect what happened is that any part of my nail that had begun to re-attached is now loose again - but I'm putting off looking.

  • Bumping

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING wherever you may be

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    Good going Trickling. Jumping on to keep this thread activated. And also sending Thanksgiving joy & peace.