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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited January 2012

    Happy Birthday Betsy! May you have 50 more!!!!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Hi everyone, checking in while I have a moment...I really don't have moment but I'm making time!!! Welcome to the newbies! If you are in chemo, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it gets brighter after each round.  Betsy, happy glorious birthday to you, and I agree, 50 is the new 40, and when in the heck did I reach my parent's age???? I always remember them in their 40's....keeps me in my 20's I guess!  My mom just celebrated 69 and my dad turned 70 last November.  I'm so blessed.

    Hope everyone is having an uneventful day, unless the event is fun, exciting, and makes you smile! 

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2012

    Happy 49th Betsy hope you do something fun for your birthday.....

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited January 2012

    Happy Birthday Betsy!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Hi Everybody...

    Gina...I know when did that happen?  does not seem possible we are ( this ) age...I now see doctors etc. and think "Oh my gosh ,they are soooo young" when in the heck did that happen?

    I did the Y my group...lots of good ladies. We did treadmill/weights/Pilates. I am going tomorrow for piyo/lifestyle fitness..I may try to hit the pool too. One of the volunteers has her own business making beautiful wool designs.. (needlepoint).we are going to get together so she can see my baskets and I can see the work she does .

    Betsy...I hope you have had the best birthday ever!!

    KiwiMum....I had been thinking of your is she doing?

    Achpurple...was thinking of you is that grandchild doing?

    My back is still not cooperating so I will have an MRI on monday doctor had me on a muscle relaxer,but does not seem to be doing the trick.

    You all have a good night...thinking of all you girls in treatment...hoping you are doing well.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Thanks Ladies... What a great group of YOUNG women.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2012


    Hope you had a wonderful birthday filled with love & fun....

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Happy Birthday Betsy!  Yesterday was also the anniversary of my first chemo.

    Kmur, sounds like you are having fun with all that exercise, you will be looking buff by spring.  Sorry to hear your back is still hurting, good that you will be getting MRI, bet it is just getting younger and more active.  My tailbone still hurts, I am learning to live with it and think some of my exercise maybe helping?

    Hello to all!!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2012

    Kmur:  Thanks for asking - she was one month old yesterday - and she's still the most adorable baby ever, of course!  I'd like to try and post of pic of her as soon as I remember how.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Christine47 - I missed many pages of posts....why does your tailbone hurt?  I broke mine in high school - fell down a flight of stairs....

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Hi everyone,

    Thanks Christine for the encouragement..It would be great to be buff...I think I may have a way to go ..I will keep plugging at it.

    achpurple....Would love to see that picture if you figure that out...I have no idea how to do that...I did well to get the little profile picture on there...LOL

    Today...I went back to the Y on my own this time. I did the treadmill for three miles...and then swam. Met a little lady in the pool she asked if she could share my lane..I said sure of course..Found out she is 88 years old!!  I was telling her about cancer and how we have said we would like to be little old ladies going on cruises etc....SHE SAID ..." I'd rather go with a man" Oh my gosh..she was so funny and made my day.  I almost didn't get in the pool..I felt like a fish out of water by myself...I was too chicken to hit the weight room by myself,but will next time.

    Hope everyone is having a good day...It is quiet today??

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2012

    Kim ,

    Seems quiet... Way to go on a productive trip to the Y. Sounds like you met a really neat lady with a spunk...Gotta love them!   I took today off from the gym (rest day)  I apologize I won't be able to attend the pocket party to your MRI Monday as I have my very first 3 month oncology follow-up appt. Funny but I just realized it will be one more person to add to show & tell.......ugh... don't know why it bothers me so much as I do like my med onc and it seems like everyone has already seen them but......Hoping this visit is uneventful.

    Sorry, seem to be rambling.... Happy Friday everyone!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Hey women!  

    I've been keeping up but so busy!  Welcome new friends!  Hi Missy!  :)  

    Odie, I go Monday too!  I have to get an echo done too to make sure Herceptin isn't killing me.  LOL.  I HATE having them done.  I know it's a nothing test, but that's the test where I lost it crying the first time.  Made it through all the scary tubes smiling, but the stupid sonogram of my heart reduced me to a sobbing mess.  Too many reminders of miscarriages and I just freaked.  I hope I don't feel weird about it still after all I've been through.  

    I went to the gyno today.  "Long time no see" she said..."It's been a LIFETIME!"  I said.  I last saw her when I found my lump.  Crazy.  Okay, so here's a TMI, friends.  I went because I was sore "down there" as my grandmother used to say.  Speaking of grannies...the verdict is that Tamoxifin is drying me out as if I'm menopausal.  So, tomorrow I'm off to the Nature Path...a local natural stuff store to see if they have any lubricants that don't have poison in them.  Anyone know of anything?  This is SO not what I need right now.  I mean, it's not a BIG deal...nothing serious, but nothing fun either.  blerg.

    Kim, you GO!  I'm trying to get to the gym 2xs a week...did it last week with this well fit program, but Tuesday I am back to work as the semester starts, so I won't be able to do Tuesdays.  I can't make it up on Monday either since I'll be down in Boston crying through an echo.  (Just kidding...I'll be fine!)  When did 2 hours a week get SO hard to do?!  Man, I can't WAIT until next year when Jack is done with half-day kindergarten and is in full-day first grade!  (Watch I'll be crying and missing him.)

    Love to you all.  Gotta run and make the bed so I can climb in it! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    profbee, wish I was closer, would take you to your echo on Monday and have drinks and desert after!  I know you will do just fine, look how far you have come.

    sangia, no idea what the deal is with my tailbone.  It has been hurting for months, had a bone scan (normal at tailbone), no injury, maybe increased activity?  Certain positions hurt sitting, but I will learn to live with it as long as its not cancer.

    Hope everyone is enjoying friday night.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    probee~I'm not there yet, although I've been told I'm perimenopausal....whatever that translates into chemo really jacked you up and we aren't sure if you will return to normal or not, so one month you're normal, one month you're  But for more TMI takes me a little longer to get "there", but not having the dryness issue, and frankly, taking a little longer to get "there" isn't such a bad thing.  hehehehe.definitely not a facebook post - my non bc sisters would faint if I posted that!

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited January 2012

    I know this may definitely be TMI, but I just recently went to a seminar on Women's health.  The Dr. that led the seminar is great, I've heard her before.  Her name is Dr. Tieraona Low Dog.  Her mom is a breast and colon cancer survivor.  Anyway, she recommended vaginal estrogen for dryness, she said it is not associated with BC risk like oral and transdermal estrogen.  Also, here is a copy of her slide listing some available products.  Hope no one minds I posted this on here and I hope it helps.


    • MOISTURIZERS (Used regularly)

            -  Replens  -  two studies in breast cancer survivors - highly effective

           -  Moist again         

            - K-Y liquibeads  and K-Y Silk-E

    • LUBRICANTS  (Used during intercourse)

             -   Pre-seed  -  best tolerated

             -  Slippery Stuff Gel (formerly FemGlide)  -  hypo-osmotic (water-based)

             -  K-Y Yours + Mine   

             - YES -  derived from flax extract, guar, locust bean,  xantham gum

             -  Astroglide  -  hyperosmotic - may cause irritation

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Hi Judy! There's a Texas thread if you care to join. and thank you for the info.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Thanks so much, Judy!  I really appreciate it!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     hi all!

     Good luck to Prof and odie and anyone else going for check-ups/scans soon! It is a hideous time. Sorry to butt in about the "down there" issues, but there was a thread re; this on the Stage 4 boards, started by a girl called Zoh/Living it, I believe, who seemed such good fun. She has unfortunately passed away recently, but something called "Scream cream " was mentioned - could be worth a look!

     Great that Kim and odie have been going for it with your exercise routines. I WILL get my treadmill up this weekend and get back to it!  Thanks for the inspiration!

     Have a great weekend, all of you,

     Sarah xx

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2012

    I will weigh in on the TMI topic.  I was put on the vaginal estrogen, but I opted to not continue,  It didn't really do much for me, and I got very, very itchy as usual with any med I use in that way.  I also was not given much info on how it would effect BC.  I am TN so it shouldn't matter, but I didn't want to have them come back to me later and say oh we are sorry you now have a different type.  It is good to know now that it won't effect BC. Thanks for the information. I am menopausal and I will say things got better for me the longer away from chemo I am.  No libido, but everything is a little better then before.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2012

    Hi all.  I have not posted in a while.  Been a busy week.  And I chat with some of you on facebook which makes it easy to forget that I have not posted here.

    On the final countdown to vacation.  One more week.  Cannot wait!  I need a break from the office.

    Ugly weekend here.  A lot of rain.   Blah.

    Exercise has gone well this week.  I have to tell you, I feel better than I have felt since pre chemo.  I assume it is the exercise.  I feel less scatterbrained and have more energy.

    Hair update:  I don't know why I did not think of this earlier but I just tried an old trick that I used when I first started blowing my hair out straight years ago.  Divide it into sections and dry small pieces at a time.  Chemo curl under control!  It looks gorgeous, although still a bit too short for me.   Very shiny and smooth.  Sprayed some morrocan oil on it to finish . . . hoping that may help it hold the straight better.

    Well, I am off for dinner.  I hope you all have a good weekend. 

  • Melanna
    Melanna Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2012

    im 47 and was diagnosed with stage 2 t0 3 breast cancer and had a masectomy on oct 5 09....Do i colify for you'r age group?

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Hi, Melanna!  Welcome!  Of course you belong.  We're a wacky bunch...lots of fun!  

    Lisa, you are my go-to gal if I wind up with chemo curls.  So far, I've got some fuzz.  I wouldn't know WHAT to do with curls!  LOL.  

    I went to the local Nature's Path store and got some all natural stuff for the "down there" issue.  (My grandmother, Nan as we called her, would also whisper it..."down there"  lol)  Fingers crossed this helps.  What's next?  Will my nose fall off?!

    We had snow here today--not enough to be a really big deal, but the darn snowblower doesn't work well on such little snow, so we've got a sheet of ice under a thin layer of snow...perfect recipe for falling on your butt.  I decided that we shouldn't even bother with the path to the front door because I think the snow is safer to walk on!  

    OH!  But the BIG thing we did today was book our trip to Disneyworld!!!!!!  Jack's mind is going to be totally BLOWN!  I told him the lady on the phone said, "Have a magical night" at the end of the call, so that's how he said goodnight to me tonight.  :)  Yummy.  We've got a couple of months to wait, but I just know it's going to be so filled with joy for all of us.

    Okay, gotta run and do some work.  

    Good night!  Oh no...I mean...have a magical night! :) 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2012

    Welcome Melanna... Sorry you have to join us but am glad you did.

    Profee - Just enough snow/ice mix to be annoying huh? Here too. Decided I didn't need to go anywhere bad enough to fool with it so I stayed home cleaning & organizing closets etc... Congrats on booking the trip to Disney. It will be such a magical trip and one that will make such awesome memories for you & little Jack..

    Lisa - Hope vacation means somewhere sunny & warm but understand the anywhere but here too! Wink 

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday....

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome Melanna...Look forward to your posts and I am also sorry you had to be here but equally glad you found this group...very good group of ladies here

    Sarah..did you get your treadmill set up??

    Profbee...That is so sweet "Have a Magical Night" He is going to be over the moon...can not wait to hear all about your trip.

    Lisa...I bet Cancun will be has been cloudy/rainy/snowy here. We are expecting severe weather late tonight....I always feel uncomfortable when we have bad weather in the middle of the night.

    Tomorrow I will have the MRI to see what the heck I did to my back.

    Odie...good luck with your appointment...I did find the follow ups with ONC to be kind of uneventful ( that's a good thing though)

    Have a good night/day Everyone

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Kmur, I will be thinking of you tomorrow.  I have had every test but not an MRI, at least no radiation exposure with an MRI.  One of the sweet girls that was in my Livestrong group always joked that she would not mind starting everyday with a MRI, just for reassurance.

    Profbee, so wonderful that you are planning a special celebration with your son.  Disney is so magical.  I just finished the book "The Last Lecture", the author once worked as an "imagineer" at Disney, great book. 

    No snow here, but is it COLD.  I am ready for spring already.

    Irr, if you have not left yet, have a blast on your vacation.  We will want all the details when you get home.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2012

    Prof - How exciting that your trip is planned!  I hope you picked a down time.  I do not mean to rain on your parade, but DW is a f'ing nightmare at peak times.  The last time I went was with my nephew.  I lasted 45 minutes then went back to the hotel a laid out by the pool for the next 3 days while the rest of the family went to DW.  LOL.  That was thanksgiving weekend.  You could barely move it was so crowded.  

    Your son will LOVE it though, no matter how crowded.  Your son is 5-6 right?  If so, he is about the age my nephew was when I went with them.  He liked the magic kingdom, but his favorite was Animal Kingdom.  Don't bother with epcot - anyone under the age of 30 does not like it.  LOL. My dad used to drag us there every year when it first opened and we complained the entire time.  No rides; at least not like the other parks.  I would probably skip the movie park as well.  It is kind of fun but he is probably too young.  And the water park . . .yippee!!!  But I ADORE water slides, so that that with a grain of salt.  

    Have you told him yet?  Did he just about die?!  

    Random story.  Well, not really, it is about DW. My sister and mom surprised my niece and nephew with a trip to DW a month or so ago.  My niece is 3 1/2.  When my sister told her about the surprise, Emily said "That is not a surprise.  Candy is a surprise."  LMAO.  

    Kim - good luck with your MRI.  I hope the back one is easier than the breast one.  The breast one could be used to torture spies into spilling state secrets.  God, I hate that thing.

    Christine - don't leave for about another 10 days.  Way. Too. Long. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2012

    Kim - Wishing you well with your MRI tomorrow. Will be with you in spirit.

    Profbee - May your appt tomorrow be boring & uneventful.Tongue out

    Hoping everyone has as good a Monday as a Monday can be! 

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited January 2012

    christine47 -  I am reading that same book right now for the second time.  If you get a chance to actually watch his last lecture it is awesome.  I saw it when it first hit the internet.  In all honesty, the Last Lecture helped me deal with this damn disease, put things in perspective and helped me be hopeful with no regrets.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    First, Just have to say I love you girls...and thank you for your good vibes..I am feeling themSmile I don't know why, but I have become a little more nervous with this one. And you know ...I think that is an awesome idea to start the day with an MRI..I really understand the reassurance thing.

    I will now have to get this book. I really love a great book.

    Lisa..I love your stories..and your nieces and nephews are too cute..I feel like I kind of know them. I can not wait to hear about your trip ( something tells me your trip stories will be a little different than Profbees stories!!  LOl

    Anyway I wish you both much MAGIC...I know your not leaving yet though.

     Have a wonderful day all..thinking of you girls in treatment ...everyday one more step closer to the endSmile