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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     I agree with Lisa - it sounds painful, Kim!

     We haven't had any snow yet this year, but it's really cold and clear today. Everything comes to a standstill in Britain when there's even a bit of snow. There was a famous thing a few years back when the trains wouldn't run because it was "the wrong kind of snow" on the tracks! I like the idea of all the traffic stopping, Kim, because the snow plough (we spell it like that!) had keeled over - talk about ironic! Dan is hoping for a few days off from school and because the housing estate we live on is up several hills - oh yes! - the taxi which takes him to school doesn't attempt it. They don't usually salt up our roads, either, just put a big bin around the other side of the cul-de-sac, which everyone is meant to help themselves from. Of course, often no-body bothers and just slip-slides their way to work.

     Anyone here take temazepam to help them sleep short term? I asked my Dr for some today and she gave me the third degree, saying they are so addictive that they aren't supposed to prescibe them any more. Must be new rules. She reluctantly gave me 6, but I felt like a drug-addicted idiot! I wondered if it was difficult to get them in the US. I know they used to give them out in the 70s/80s like sweeties, causing long-term probs. But if you are careful, there shouldn't be a problem.

     Love to all, Sarah x

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Hey friends. Well, thanks to the storm, I won't have my computer back until some time next week, and jack didn't have kindergarten yesterday or today. With Monday's holiday, he gets a five day weekend and mommy needs to burn the midnight oil using hubby's desktop upstairs to catch up on some work. Blerg

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    We did have fun playing Mario kart and jack snowboarder down our front lawn a bunch today...good times. I'd actually love a bit more snow!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Oh geeze..profbee..did you get much snow?? We have none really ..just a bit ,but very cold.

    Sarah...I didn't know what your weather is like ...I will have to log on to the weather web page and check out your average temps and is really funny here with people in the snow ..well even rain causes trouble here...Lol

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    We only got about three inches. Last year at this time, we had over two feet of snow! I don't wish for that though. Lol

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     When we lived in  Ohio. we would get some good snows...we made the grill going and made hotdogs and hot chocolate...that IS such a good time ...I bet Jack will always remember these snow days

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     i am off to order pizzas son has a friend over so ...will have to feed these all have fun tonight!!

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Sarah - I took temazepan, but I didn't like. I am taking trazadone.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited January 2012

    I am so far behind I will just say HELLO for fear of leaving anyone out!

    You guys are awesome :-) 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Lorazepam works for me!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2012

    Sarah- I haven't heard of Temezapam used in years, mainly because it is so addictive and there are so many other sleeping aids out now. I hope you find something that helps.  I hate being in the non sleeping club with you. Have a great day everyone!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Happy weekend Everyone...

    Hi Kim...Hope you are doing well and Hope you are recovering well from your last surgery.

    I am exercising....I did the Physique 57 workout yesterday...I have to work back up to push ups..My arms are so sore Lol...I like that one,but it works my thighs out too much and I end up looking more like a " bobsledder" and now that someone decided "skinny jeans" are in again...that look is not so I will report when I get the Brazilian but lift workout   LOL...

    Sarah...How do you get "the wrong kind of snow" for the train?? You made me laugh..I thought we were bad here...I swear around here if it rains must drive 20 mph....for safety of course Lol. I have not heard of this drug. I too do not sleep. I have been given several scripts for this and tried only one but it made me feel depressed or kind of low ?? It also did not make me sleepy. So I have just let it go.  I hope you get some rest though. I will say..since increasing my exercise..I am sleeping better..not all night ( but I will take that) PS..I googled Wales because I knew nothing about it really and it looks so pretty...rains a lot???

    Happy weekend everyone

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    Good for you exercising Kim.  After my exercise a few months back, I've done nothing since.  I've been having horrible night sweats from the Tamox, and put on heaps of weight.  My online research suggested that exercise might help the night sweats (and help me lose weight too!!).

    So yesterday afternoon I put my ipod speakers in my ears and set off for a run.  Holy Moly - it was hard and hideous! I had to keep stopping and walking. I would describe it as a combination of a walk / jog.  Today my legs feel tired, but in a good way. I've been this unfit before and know that I just need to keep getting out there and things will improve.  Today I think I will settle for a walk.

    Both my daughters have their birthdays in the next few weeks.  This afternoon I have promised to go walking around the neighbourhood delivering party invitations with my youngest. She is very excited! We have invited 9 girls for a slumber party.  Eeeck.  My girls will be turning 7 and 10. Where has the time gone?

    Enough rambling from me. Happy weekend.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Kiwimum...Good for you exercising as well. That is awesome to jog/run ..I can not jog/run..for a while I was able to jog for one mile and was proud as I have never been able to. I will have to wait on the back to heal as that kind of movement hurts right now... I was able to put a playground ball in the small of my back and do crunches with weights.. And I too am heavier now. in my thighs and trunk.I am determined to get the weight off . I am sorry the tamox. is doing that to you.....I do remember when I first started with the fareston my hot flashes really seemed to peak ( I had them from chemo already) I had a fan in every room and mine would happen even during the day...they were awful...hang in there though..I do hope they will settle..mine did over time. I still get them but not nearly as they were....That is so fun..and kind of scary all those girls....all night LOL!! I bet it is fun (if you are like me..I like to listen in on the conversation sometimes!! ) I know you are a foodie you make the cake and what kind of food will you have??  Sorry to ramble on

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    KiwiMum - My night sweats from Tamoxifen keep waking me up all night (as it I am already having trouble sleeping). I sweat so much that I have to keep a towel nearby to dry myself in the middle of the night. Then I get so cold that when I wake up my arms hurt. I have gained 30 pounds and it makes me really sad. My husband and I joined a Fitness Center because my PT recommended to do "aquacise" (so the water helps to keep me cool while I workout), but so far we have not gone yet.... I know, its always "we begin on Monday". Have a wonderful weekend everyone!Wink

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2012

    Kiwimum way to go on the exercise, so so very jealous.  I would love to jog as I have seen how it has kept my sister so lean and trim, but it is my lungs and I just huff and puff to much.  The walking was perfect for me and I know one day I will be right back to the beginners stage.....Love that you are doing a slumber party I did that for my girls 8th party and was thinking WTH did I just get myself into, but she had a blast.  My girl just came back from a cooking contest slumber party and she said it was the best party ever.  What are you planning for festivities?

    Hello to all you other lovely ladies.....making a beef barley soup and relaxing with a Harry Potter movie....anyone jealous?

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Well, after I read on another blog a lady saying that she had to go off Tamoxifen due to a blood clot cause by of her inactivity, I got up and did 45 minutes of water aerobics. Gee, it scared the sh....t out of me!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     Hi all!

     Kim - yes, Wales is definitely a wet country too!  My nearest city, called Swansea, is apparently the wettest in Europe!  We do not get a lot of snow here as a rule, though it's pretty cold, but last year was an exception. I have no idea what "the wrong kind of snow " is!

     Good for you Kwimum with your running/walking. Hope your girls enjoy their slumber parties. They have become popular here since, I'd guess, the 90s. We usually call them sleep-overs.  We never had them when I was young. I assume Mum and Dad will be banished to another part of the house. Lovely for you to have the summer for Jan. birthdays. I'm a January birthday "girl" and it's always cold and miserable!

     I like making nice soups too, June. Esp. in the winter. I make a lovely butternut squash and sweet potato one (I think you call them yams) which is so yummy and so beautifully orange .

     Sarah xx

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    So far the plans for the parties are identical. My 10 year old is having 10 girls, my 7 year old is having 9 girls. Their birthdays are 2 weeks apart so we will get some recovery time. DH and I will retreat to the other end of the house and let them loose in the lounge. What's the worst that can happen?? Kim, I totally listen in on their conversations. The 10 year olds in particular as they are talking about boys, breasts, boys, TV stars, did I say boys yet? Lol

    When I said identical at the start I meant, my 10 year old wants to have pool games, followed by pillowcase painting/decorating, followed by pizza, more swimming, then a movie. Her little sister wants exactly the same as her big sister, it drives Jessica insane. I keep telling her that she should be flattered at the hero worship and that no one in the world thinks she's as great as her little sister does.

    Kim, I do like to make their cakes. I always feel so proud afterwards, even if they are amateurish compared to professional ones. Jessica likes banana cake with lemon icing ... and guess what? Holly also wants banana cake with lemon icing. Lol

    Ralston - have you just started Tamox like me? I think your signature says December. I'm hoping they reduce over time, but my Docs wife had BC and he told me she's been on Tamox for 4 years and her hot flushes and night sweats are as bad as at the start. I found this disheartening! I think he was trying to stop me getting my hopes up. Yes blood clots are a real risk aren't they! Does exercise help with that too?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    Sarah, forgot to ask. Is Gavin and Stacey set in Wales? We LOVE that show and have seen all the seasons + Xmas special.

    My other favorite UK show of the moment is Donwton Abbey - sorry if I'm repeating myself and have told you that before. The Downton Christmas special hasn't yet aired here yet but I am looking forward to it.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     Yep - Gavin and Stacey is set in Wales and Essex. The Welsh bit was filmed in Barry Island, about 30 miles or so from where I live, near to Cardiff. I love it too. Ruth Jones, who is Nessa in it, has recently lost over 60 pounds and looks fab - like Liz Taylor when younger. I've not seen Downton Abbey yet - my mum has the dvd so I'll have to catch up!  We like Doctor Who, with Matt Smith, and the modern Sherlock series at the mo.

     Sarah xxxxx  

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    Love Neesas accent and sayings

    "I won't lie to ya Stace"


    I'm gonna google Ruths new look. We like Sherlock too.

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    KiwiMum - Yep! My ON said "as long as  you are active you should not worry about blood clots". Well, since my surgery I definitely have not been active and I worked in front of a computer all day long, so exercise has to be a MUST in my "new life". I feel so bad for your Doc's wife, I hope our case will be different. I became in 5 months a fat lady that uses a Spaniard hand fan all day long and sweats at night.Yell

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2012

    Pillowcase decorating?! That sounds so cute. You just buy pillowcases and some fabric paint? Friends are visiting tomorrow night. Maybe I'll try it! They'd love that. Two little ones, so with jack a four, five, and six year old.

    I get warm flushes with the tamox...not too bad. I do feel like I'm gaining a bit tho. Only been like two months. Apps and snow days getting in the way of me going to the gym...that and wales is a hilly country...and apparently rainy. Lol.

    Still hate typing on this iPad. :)

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    You know I have this theory that the weight is not completely our fault. I do think maybe the lack of estrogen makes it more difficult to lose. At least that makes me feel better. Lol

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

    Kiwimum. Those girls are going to have great parties. Sounds like fun. Swimming and pizza. I think the home made cakes are better anyway. How are you doing with your skin now?

    Sarah. I did not know it was the wettest in Europe. Do you have a warm period. Like summer? I have been wanting to see downton abbey. I need to look it up to see when it is on

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Kiwi and Ralston... My MO has me taking baby asprin 3x per week to help avoid a blood clot... I have also been exercising a lot more sincce just before Christmas... I feel better, have dropped a couple of pounds and I am making the time, which has been my recent excuse, not to mention recovering from surgeries, but no more excuses here.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    Yes, you just buy some pillowcases and fabric paint.  Very easy and each child gets something to take home.

    My skin is much better thanks Kim.  I've had to make an effort to keep out of the sun and am wearing rash shirts whenever I get in the pool as the new skin is quite sensitive.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2012

    Good on you Betsy.  What is baby asprin? Is it a lower dose version of normal asprin?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2012

    Yes, like 80mg or something