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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    Wow, all the exercise and diet talk!  It has almost spurred me to do something...almost.  I'm really enjoying cooking since I quit my part-time job, so it would be hard to cook for everyone else and not enjoy it myself.  I try about 5 new recipes a week-it's been fun.  Nothing too fancy-my husband won't go for it.  He's a meat and potatoes man.  And he definitely would go vegan or anything close.  Sigh.

    My bone/joint pain has been really intense for about a week now.  Tylenol and Advil don't touch it-I took two Percoset the other night and threw up about an hour later.  I have no idea why.  I've started using a heating pad on my arm and hand at night-which is NOT helping the hot flashes, but oh well.  And I bought some Aleve yesterday-never tried it, but maybe I'm getting a slight bit of relief??

    I trimmed a couple of trees yesterday and promptly came in and threw up.  The heat is crippling here, and I don't think I had enough water. (Oh, and it also gave me an awesome hand cramp I still have today.)

    Kymn-almost done!  You made it!  I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Lisa-I'm sorry work has been so brutal for you, but I'm glad you were able to take the day off yesterday.  What kind of attorney are you?

    Dragonfly-skydiving?  Are you crazy?  Hell no!  I think I would die of fear. But how awesome you are able to do it each year.  Happy belated birthday!

    I hope everyone enjoyed Father's Day, whether it was with your hubbies or your dads.  We had a mellow day here, with a little yardwork then went out to dinner.  I did make him breakfast (which I never do!)  Bacon and eggs, or course.

    I hope everyone had a terrific Monday!  Here's to a week with us all fitting in a tiny bit of exercise!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kim, my DH would never go vegan either - I'll have to write a cookbook one day - "A house divided" maybe, veganeasy? lol.  I'm trying to learn how to cook for both of us just by modifying meals.  Some are easy, some not so much.  I've gotten over the cooking the meat and not tasting it, somehow....

    In texas however - a house divided means so much more!  That's a longhorn and aggie in the same family. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    And in my house divided means a Met fan (him) and a Yankees fan (me).  Have to watch the games on different floors when the play each other!!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    After a crappy weekend where I was admitted to hospital with an infection, I am happy to have had my last AC today! Yeehah. Glad to tick that off and move on to Taxol. Hopefully those 12 weeks go quickly. I just need to get through the next few days of yuckiness.

    Happy birthday Dragonfly. Good on you for going skydiving. I take my hat off to you.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    Oh sorry you were sick Kiwimum!  I'm glad your feeling better!  Yay to the last AC!  I had Taxotere, so I can't comment on the side effects of Taxol.  Maybe someone else can.

    I am officially starting a diet tomorrow.  I put 3 beers in the fridge so I can drink them tonight.  I got on the scale this morning and I've gained 10 pounds in 2 months...OMG.  Damn Arimidex.  Actually, I'm not sure if it's because of the forced menopause (ovary removal), or the Arimidex.  One of the side effects is weight gain.  But half my jeans don't fit, and the ones that do are tight.  And why did the weight gain go only to my hips and belly?  Ugh

    My exercise today will be spraying tons of weeds over my entire the 109 degree heat.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Kim~ yard work in the 109 degree heat???? Three words - yard guy - shirtless!  We can dream right? lol. 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    My son got his permit yesterday!!! Today we drove around the neighborhood for a half baby is growing up Cry

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited June 2011

    Hope everyone is well. I dropped off the radar for a few days because my sister was visiting for my birthday weekend. It's always a mixed blessing because she has her own issues. She's 40 and has Gulf War Syndrome from her days as a medic in Desert Storm so she seems to get sick every time she visits my house because she reacts badly to mold and I live in a marine climate on Long Island. She also seems to be struggling with my diagnosis but doesn't have good insight. I think she has some kind of weird "survivor guilt" for lack of a better term. She keeps questioning why, after everything she's been through, did she not get cancer instead of me? Yikes! I love her but it can be exhausting.

    I started Rads today which was rather uneventful (hope it stays that way). I'm still struggling with and extra 10 pounds of weight from chemo and I just don't have the energy to even take a walk at this point but it's only been 3 weeks so I hope my energy will get better in the near future.

    Kiwimum-I really feel for you and hope the chemo goes as fast as possible-I hope the Taxol is kinder to you than the AC.

    Kim-I don't know how you stand that heat- I don't think I could even go outside:)

    O2bhealthy-Big accomplishment for your son but it's hard to see your baby growing up so fast!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    Yeah I hear ya girls, have put on a good 12lbs since starting chemo soooo frustrating as I had just gotten down to an ideal weight. I cant even think about exercise and dieting right now but whenI am done number 6....JUNE 30.....I will start figuring out what to do. PRolly go back on Jenny Craig for a couple of months to kick start the system.

    so have to ask did any of you get boils during this lovely treatment? If so how did you get rid of it...jeez I hate BC

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    (((Kymn))) - you just keep getting the worst of the SE's don't you?   I am so sorry you are dealing with boils.  I don't have any advice, just wanted to send you some hugs!  Maybe yo can think of them as your bodies way of spitting out the poison that has been put into it...

    Dragonfly - congrat's on finishing Chemo. I hope the rads go quickly and no burning.   

    Burley - how you doing today with those heat advisory's in Phx?  It's about 106 up in my neck of the woods, I heard you are expecting 110 - 114 today???  I am so grateful to work in an air conditioned office...

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    Burley - hope your diet got off to a good start.

    Dragonfly - I had my sister here for the weekend. She was tiring too. She has chronic fatigue syndrome. I spent the whole weekend looking after her! I hope rads continues to be uneventful.

    Kymn - I can't help with advice either sorry. Hang in there. Only one to go!

    Me, I'm lying in bed watching a Home Shopping ad for a kettle bell workout. I was half considering phoning up and ordering ... but then thought. What's the point? Maybe 6 months from now when chemo and rads is done.

    Day 3 for me post chemo. I'm feeling ok. Better than last time. The SEs tend to hit me on days 4-5, with the tiredness really kicking in next week.

    On a bright note, my daughter has her first ballet recital this weekend. She is a flamingo. Very cute, can't wait.

    Take care all.

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2011

    summer is here and I was so worried that it would just totally suck but instead I have tried to find the positive in every day.  Even the rain seems beautiful.  I have also gained some weight but since I lost 40 pounds prior to diagnosis, I am not freaking out YET!  

    My kids have been so sweet this summer, I love staying up late with them and curling up in bed with them in the morning.  Summer gives me a chance to enjoy them and not feel the rush of the school year! 

    I am half way through the 4 AC's , and hopefully the last 2 will fly by!  

    Have a wonderful, peaceful, side effect free day ladies!


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    dragonfly - I watched the video of you skydiving, very cool!  You looked great!!  I hope Rads goes by uneventfully for you, I found it much easier than chemo and although it was a pain to go everyday, the time really did go by quickly in the end.  Just keep lubing and lubing again,

    o2bhealthy - wow, a big step! 

     I feel similiar, although my daughter is younger, but we had her 5th grade graduation yesterday and I can't believe she will be going to middle school in the fall.  But the ceremony was very nice and we went out for dinner and she is very excited b/c we are letting her get a phone over the summer. The divide our middle school into two "houses" and she was happy with the house she got put in and they got to meet their core teachers yesterday and that seemed to go well.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    Wow ReadingMama our schools don't release teacher assignments and 'pods' until the day before school starts...too many parents complain and argue about who their kids teacher is.  It is so nice that she likes her 'house' and how awesome that she gets to meet her core teachers a head of time.

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited June 2011

    We don't find out teacher assignments until a few days before school starts.  They do it for exactly that reason, Michelle!   I am always excited to find out what teachers my kids are getting, as well as friends that will be in their class.  I also think I get more excited shopping for school supplies than the kids do!  It just reminds me of when I was young and the excitement of a new school year.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Hey everyone.  I have been MIA for the most part this week.  Finally got a little bit of breathing room at work.  Still crazy, but at least part of it has relaxed a bit.  Thank goodness because I was about to lose it.

    Not even going to comment on diet and exercise because it is too depressing.  Hopefully with this break at work I can get back on track.

    So, my cancer issue for the week. . . does it ever end?!  I have developed this weird red area on my cancer breast.  At first it was located right around my incision and was shaped almost exactly like the area that got the boosts in rads, so I thought it was related to that.  It has now grown and is making me very nervous. Going to see my surgeon tomorrow.  I emailed pics of it to her and she thinks it is likely radiation changes (which are normal) but she wants to take a closer look.  I really hope it is nothing.  I don't think I can take anything else at this point. 

    Kymn and Kiwi - If am remembering what i have read correctly (big if) it sounds like you are both moving along nicely with chemo.  Congrats!  

    I don't have kids to comment on in the kids convos here, but I will share a funny story involving my nephew and niece, who I could not adore more if they were my own.  My nephew is 7 going on 16 - total teenager attitude.  My niece is 3.  We were on the lake and a boat went by our boat.  My niece, who is in that stage of pointing out the obvious, says:  "That's their boat.  This is our boat."  My nephew looks at me and says in the most deadpan, smartass (don't know where he gets that from . . .lol) way:  "Well, you learn something new every day."  I was rolling.  He comes up with the funniest stuff.  He is going to get his butt kicked one day because of it, but it is still funny.

    I hope you all have a good evening! 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    Kymn-sorry I don't have any advice on the boils.  I hope they go away quickly!

    Kiwimum-I have the Kettleworx workout (if that's the one you were watching), and it's actually a very good workout.  Surprisingly, some home shopping ads must be true.

    The heat is killing me.  I last about a half hour outside, then I get sick to my stomach.  Last summer I spent almost the entire thing inside, so I think my body is freaking out-and hasn't gotten used to it yet.  The horrible hot flashes don't help.

    AND!  The A/C unit on my bedroom side of the house broke yesterday.  It was 80 degrees when I went to bed, and 84 when I woke up.  I have three fans going in there trying to cool it down.  Ever since my MX and recon I'm only comfortable sleeping in my own bed.  It has a memory foam topper, so my boobs stay comfortable.  With the heat this time of year, A/C guys are really backed up, so he won't be out until tomorrow mid-day.  Ugh.  I'm about to go swim in the irrigation.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2011

    Hi, friends!

    Kymn, I had some boils years ago when I lived in Florida.  I took a wet washcloth, threw it in the microwave for a few seconds, and put it on it...the heat tends to pull out the yuck and bring it to a head.  BUT don't burn yourself!!! 

    I've been totally nauseated lately on the Lapatinib.  They keep telling me that this shouldn't be happening.  Nice.  I finally had a brain MRI just in case it was mets, but thankfully, I'm in the clear there!  I wonder if they just don't WANT to say that this drug is doing this to me.  I don't know.  It gets pretty frustrating, but just 4 more weeks of Taxol/Lapatinib left!  Woo hooo!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hello everyone,

      Hope you are doing well and had a good weekend.  Kim- Hope you got the ac fixed. I'm sure with the hot flashes I have- I would be sitting directly in front of one of those fans.  Do be careful in that AZ. heat.  I do think heat effects me in a different way now.

    We have been at the pool everyday. My son is on a swim team for the first time ever. We have really enjoyed watching him with the guys and this summer he has really begun to change and I'm so proud of the young man he is. Met several women through swim and 3 of us have breast cancer and one more fought ovarian cancer. They are all doing well and gives me hope also. Still can not believe how many women I meet who have cancer even though they have done everything they were supposed to ....

    o2b-  That is a huge step... I am so not ready for driving......can't they just stay little???? are a brave woman...I could not jump out of a perfectly good plane. That is so great that you were able to keep that tradition going.  I hope you will have many many more jumps and Happy Birthday. Hope you continue to march through treatment too.

    Lisa- hang in there...I hope you will find the redness to be nothing to worry over.  It is hard not to be worried over all the things we used to ignore. I hate that part. It sounds like your nieces and nephews are great for you!!!! 

    Kimn- I have not had boils either. I hope you are feeling better now. You will be having your last treatment this week. I remember with the takes a couple of weeks for your taste to come back,but how great to move on from chemo...I can't wait to hear how you feel after you get through your last treatment and have time to move away from the side effects of treatment.

    Ronda- It is so great to be with the kids for summer- They are so full of life...I'm so glad it has not been too bad. I went through all that last summer. I was still able to do many things I hope you continue to feel good.

    As for exercise..I prolly should have during chemo and all, But I did not do so on a regular basis. I just wanted to rest when I could and I just didn't have the drive. It is better now though. Gosh ,I think if you are in the middle of should do what you feel like doing. Rest is also so important and hard to get too.  The exercise will come in time.

    Profbee- So happy for the clear MRI. You will have those 4 weeks behind you in no time!!

    Wishing you-all a blessed evening and my prayers are with you,


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kim, I agree I had good intentions of exercising during chemo but any free time I had between working, kids, housework etc I just wanted to rest too. I did Jenny Craig a couple of years ago and I am a life time member so I think I will rejoin after I get over the side effects of this last treatment, I cant hardly beleive it only one more to go WOW I never thought I'd get here.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    Well I did it!  Walked at work today.  Should not be such a big accomplishment I know, but we have to take them where we can get them.  It's a mix of dodging and walking since NYC is so crowded, esp. in the summer - I really miss my nice NJ river walk.  But I walked for about 40 minutes and walked 1/2 over the Brooklyn Bridge, which I've always wanted to do!  It's nice to have a goal of somewhere to walk to, even if it is crowded with tourists, but its a nice incline, so that's good.  I'll probably try the waterfront another week.  I'm only going to be in the office 3 days this week, so today was it for the walk during work (plus its going to be too hot later in the week).

    o2bhealthy - yes, I love that about our school district, it is one of the few that does that.  My son found out his teacher on Thursday, they have a "stepping up" where K-4 all goes to their new teachers classroom for an hour and meets the teacher and sees who else is in their class.  Its very nice.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    Reading momma, I would love to walk over the brooklyn bridge, getting to New York one day is definetly on my bucket list :) and DH is a huge Rangers fan

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

     Hi Meegan- I am trying to picture what it would be like to walk in NY and to cross the Brooklyn Bridge.  I think that would be a fun place to walk.  I have never been northeast, but I also have it on my list!! I am a food girl so I would love to see all the good stuff to eat. Then I would have to walk for sure!!!

    Kimn- I'm sure when you get through this treatment and begin to feel more like will shed the pounds you want to lose...I think the steroids are part of the weight issue sometimes...they were for me anyhow.  I am 9 months out from all the chemo and I do feel like working out now. I try to walk everyday now,but before I just didn't have it in me. Good luck with this last one!!

    Have a great evening!!!


  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Hey ladies. So, I saw my surgeon on Friday about my red area. I could tell by the look on her face that she had no idea whet it was. After staring at it for a minute she had me lay back in the table. She proceeded to stare a few more minutes. Just when I was starting to worry about the confused look on her face she said "well, it's gone.". I looked down and she was right. This made her conclude that it is some sort of fluid drainage issue. The lymphendema therapist is supposed to call me to set up an appointment. She has not called yet but it has now completely gone away. So weird.

    Nothing else going on. Was supposed to be leaving for an extra long weekend in anguilla tomorrow but had to cancel because of work. Sucks, big time. But at least it looks like I won't have to work over the weekend.

    I hope everyone is well!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    Hey all!  Hope everyone is well.  Our group has dwindled, but I hope that means everyone is off enjoying themselves over the summer!  Not much enjoyment here-it was 117 yesterday  OMG

    Well my news is that one of my dogs chewed on my baby tortoise.  I left his pen open literally for 2 minutes while I went inside to get him some water, and the damn dog got him.  Poor little guy.  Part of his shell is chewed off, and there is a hole straight through.  So I had to find a vet yesterday that treats tortoises, and luckily he's small enough to carry in.  $190 later, and he has a clean wound, bandage and antibiotics.  Oh my.  But he's one of the family, so it's worth it.  I want to beat the dog, though. 

    I miss my 16 year old so much!  3 more weeks until he's home-but he's enjoying himself at camp. And I only know that by texts-he's only called me once in 3 weeks.  Sigh.

    Did I tell you guys I put myself back on the Arimidex?  I was seriously freaking out about not taking 2 weeks is going to allow my cancer to come back.  So now I'm addicted to Aleve-which works surprisingly well at helping the arm and hand pain.  My knees still feel like I'm 90 years old, but oh well.

    Yay Lisa about the red spot!  I was a little nervous for you.

    Meegan-good for you!  I'm jealous that you're able to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge-that would be awesome.

    Profbee-congrats on the clear MRI!  I bet you're glad to have that behind you.

    No exercise here-other than running errands in the horrible heat and sweating my ass off.  Ugh

    I hope everyone has a terrific evening, and a happy tomorrow!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Burley- OMG about the dog and the turtle!  So violent - although I know the dog was just being a dog.  I have to admit though that I laughed a little at the "had to find a vet that treats turtles" comment.  

    Aleve is the best pain killer ever.  I have a bad neck from a car accident years ago that causes off and on shoulder and arm pain.  Aleve knocks it right out for weeks at a time.  I don't use it often but when I do I prefer to take two . . .  no pain.  I love that stuff.   

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kim~ my friends two blue healers killed the family cat that decided to jump in the back yard with the nine lives there...or maybe it had used them all up already.  I know the dogs must have been playing, vet needed there.

    Glad the turtle is ok. Will his shell grow back? I know nothing about turtles.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    Hi Kim so sorry about the turtle - hope he is okay!

    What is everyone doing for the 4th?  My town has a parade in the morning and fireworks at night, so we will do that.  We normally also host a party, but since we have to leave for my sisters wedding on the 6th, there is just too much going on and we are not having it this year.  I think we will just go to our pool, which will be nice. 

    My bridesmaids dress is just not working.  I picked it up last Friday and almost had a meltdown.  I was already upset because I couldn't get the straps off my stapless bra (since figured out) and I realized I left my brand-new just bought white sandals on the train Thursday night and something else had gone wrong.  Frown.  The bust area is just not working, it is now beyond my drycleaners tailor so I have to run over to a dressmaker tailor at lunchtime since I'm working from home today.

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2011

    Kim:  Saw  your story about the turtle and had to tell you that my black lab came in the house a couple of weeks ago very proud of herself as she plopped a turtle down on the kitchen floor.  Luckily she didn't hurt it, but I did have one very surprised turtle on my hands.  DD relocated the turtle back to the wetlands near our house.  We have had several turtles in our privacy fenced yard.  One day there was a particularly pissed off snapping turtle.  I made DH relocate him :)

  • Bethie1
    Bethie1 Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2011

    Hi everyone I'm 41 as of next month.  I'm 3 years out this December and going for recon surg in a week and a half.  Keep me in prayer my new friends