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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    Hi all. I've not had a Pet scan either. Because I had 12 Positive lymph nodes I had a CT. What's the difference?

    I've not done any exercise at all. My sister has come to stay and is cooking and baking up a storm. It's great, but I don't need the calories!

    I'm counting down to AC #4 next week. I've been feeling great this week. Week 3 for me seems to continue to be the week I feel relatively normal.

    Tomorrow night we are taking me girls to their school dance. It's guaranteed to be chaos, but fun!

    Take care all. ):

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    Kiwimum, I miss those dance recital chaos days.  My daughter went to a private school - K-8 were at the recital....but there are sooooo cute.  She's 20 caught up we get in the hurried life to really enjoy them when they are small.....

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Kim:  great job exercising!  Wish I had a treadmill.  Seems to push me to do more than I would walking outside.

    3 mile bike ride Wednesday (felt great-first day I have had no pain in a couple years! Felt like I could climb Mt. EverestCool)

    Thursday-pain back, hanging up the bike for the summer, and sticking with walkingFrown

    Hoping pain goes away tomorrow, then i know that my cortisone shot is working.  All I know is No More Biking!!! 

    I definitely feel 82, instead of 42...

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2011

    I feel at least 10 years older!  Sometimes older than that...especially when I wake up in the middle of the night, or first thing in the morning and stumble around waiting for my ankles and knees to act normally.  And OMG sitting down on the toilet?  Seriously painful.  Arimidex and lack of estrogen-fun.

    Today I'm babysitting so that will be my exercise for the day.

    It's really hard to walk around here because we live on dirt roads, and you are pretty much guaranteed to be dusted out when someone drives by really fast.  It's like a game for the teenagers.  So I basically have to drive 1/2 mile and park in the fancy neighborhood my daughter's school is in, and walk there.  Not to mention it was already 109 yesterday...UGH.  And I don't have a pool!  Double UGH.

    Well, I'm going to work on some business tax paperwork now...don't be jealous.  Lol

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    So jealous, burley! ;)  Glad someone else feels old.  I have a "walkable" neighborhood, but after 8 years, it gets old seeing the same houses.  Plus, if I really want to go for the gusto and walk more than two miles, I either have to circle the same streets or leave the neighborhood entirely.  Treadmill would be nice, with a TV!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited June 2011

    I also have a walkable neighborhood, but have no motivation, same streets same everything, I have an elliptical in my basement and a couple of years and only got on it twice but don't want to give it away in case I do, lol...with my lungs it makes breathing hard and my asmaha makes it more difficult to breath, and I cough all the time,  I am really a downer, sorry, too much going on....

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited June 2011

    Hi ladies,

    to chime in  on the exercise thing I am so the same. Nice neighbourhood to walk in but I dont. Exercise machines at home, dont want to give them away cause I might use them lol. Oh Lord I need some energy and motivation.

    Well girls, am feeling more and more like myself, the chemo crying is subsiding and slowly but surely food is tasting like food again. Even my coffee this morning had a bit of a coffee tast to  it yeah. Couple more days I should feel good again. Sure takes longer each one to bounce back from doesnt it.

    But only ONE to go. I cant beleive I am saying that. I cant believe I made it to that. I was sooooo close to ending this ride before number 5 but hey I cant quite now right just one more. JUNE 30 cant come soon enough .

    Hope you all had a great week and have a great SE free weekend

    Hugs Kymn

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    was in phili yesterday.  We were touring the Battleship New Jersey (across the river in Camden) in the afternoon and I started feeling so sick!  I was afraid I was going to faint.  And we are going in circles and up and down.  At one point I snuck across to a "restricted area" because I saw some water!  Damn cancer, i was just worried I would faint or get sick, but luckily made it through.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

     Hi To all ,

    Susanhg- I hope your back feels better soon. I like the treadmill,but have to make myself do it. It is boring after a while...I listen to music and that helps. I really wish I had a walking buddy..

    Gosh I hate it that so many of us have to deal with the pains and so on. I will just continue to is all I know to do. Blondiex46- I don't think your a downer-I think you're a fighter. I will be thinking of you and sending my good thoughts your way.

    Kymn- I am so happy to hear your feeling a bit better.  I do think it helps to see that fork in the road and you can turn from the chemo lane. The rad lane is easier and your hair will come back and your taste buds will work like they are supposed to. From there life does start to feel like your own again.

    Meegan- I hope today finds you feeling better. I hate cancer...hate it and what it does. I hope you will have a better weekend.

    Kiwimum- I hope you had a great time with your girls. I have a son and he has no desire( ever) to go to any school dance. LOL. I always thought that would be fun. Maybe someday I will have a grand daughter to do that with!!

    Peace to  each of you


  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Kymn - yeah!! Almost there!

    So exercise has been a bust this week. I am drowning at work. It is so bad that I came home this evening and started crying. My job is once again taking over my life and I hate it. It is even worse now because I am so scared that if I don't find time to take better care of myself that the cancer will come back. I am giving serious consideration to downsizing my life (smaller house, etc) so I can take a part time job. Trade the fine things for some peace and quiet. I am sure this is nothing that a good nights sleep can't fix, but right now I am very down. . .very unlike me.

    I also have had a back ache for a week which terrifies me. Rational me says it is stress and bad posture while sitting at my desk all day. But psycho BC patient me is sure it is mets.


    Sorry to be such a downer.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    ((((Irr4993))))  I think this must be a week for crappy days!  So sorry you are struggling. 

    I really miss the happy go lucky person I was before bc and am pretty tired of the pissed off, cranky, old before my time, always hurting, pity party putz that I feel like I have become.  But then again it has been a crappy week, so maybe next week will be better...

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2011

    Lisa - I feel exactly the same! {{{{HUGS}}}} I get home so late from work, that I find it difficult to excercise then (and of course want to see the kids and read to them and put them to bed and have dinner) and am not a morning person, so no way can I get up earlier.  Although I plan to walk 2x week during lunch, I have not yet since radiation as I hurt my back also. 

    Can you walk at lunchtime?  I figured I work 4 days in the office, so I'll walk for 2 of them, then walk once either Wed (working at home) or Friday (at night) and once on the weekends, so that would be 4 days.  Of course, have done none of this yet. I was walking more during Rads!

    Also I forgot to say before, that my MO is checking my vitamin D levels, I guess standard after chemo at some point?  Others?  I asked about a bone density test, but she said to wait on that to give bones time to heal and time for me to excercise...

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    ((((Kymn)))) you are almost there!!!

    On exercise...I bought a stationary bike, my neighborhood is full of steep inclines and I aways feel like I have to at least attempt to pull myself together if I am going to walk the neighborhood, plus the heat in AZ makes it difficult to walk before sundown.  With the stationary bike, I can wear my bra and undies, run the fan and watch tv all at the same.  All I have to do is get on the bike and pedal, the only thing is I get so discouraged when my legs start to ache after only 4 minutes that I don't even want to get on the darn thing... 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    ReadingMama - my vit D levels are checked twice a year.  I started at a 21 when I was first dx'd, got it up to 42 at my highest and am now at a 27 which could explain some of my fatigue and depression.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Lunch is a problem for a couple of reasons. First, it rare that I get a break for lunch these days. It is that crazy. Second, it is way too hot here right now. I sweat wheN I work out. I would feel so gross for the rest of the day. Leaving early and energetic enough for evening exercise keeps failing. So, that leaves the mornings, which was my intent this week. But I too am not a morning person and I end up just snoozing for that hour that I intend to go work out. I just have to force myself. I am trying to motivate myself right now with the idea that maybe getting up and getting it out of the way will help with this crappy feeling I have right now.

    I just feel like everything in my life right now is completely out of control. There is just not enough time for all of the work, doctor appts, family obligations, exercise and everything else, much less fun and relaxation.

    I am just all sorts of blah today. Hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2011

    Oh, women.  I love y'all.  Let's not feel guilty because we're not exercising!  Our lives are SO busy.  Hell, work, and at home the laundry, running around after my nearly-5-year-old, cleaning the house...that's EXERCISE.  True, I'm not getting that empowered feeling and solitude from it, but I'm doing what I can in the hours I am awake during the day!  So, I'm here tonight to remind you all that you're doing a MILLION things already.  I love the idea of supporting each other and encouraging us all to exercise, but don't feel bad if you can't.  Don't let it be another thing you feel is out of your control--because you're right, Lisa, so much is right now.  And hell, it's HOT out there for many of you!  (Not so much here lately in NH!)

    I'm still in active treatment, so I'm really exhausted.  I took a friend on a hike with her daughter to see the beaver dam nearby--when I got home I vomited and went to bed.  So, I'm just going to embrace the exhaustion and SLEEP!  

    Speaking of...waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in and the diarrhea to stop tonight after chemo so I can get some rest!!!

    Love to you all.  (Gosh I'm a little cheerleader tonight! LOL) 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    I think my walk to the end of the street today must qualify as exercise. lol

    It wasn't enough exercise to burn off all the food I've been eating, but still something.

    I took my girls to their school dance. They had a great time, but I was totally exhausted by the time I got home. I promptly fell asleep on the couch.  I was chatting to a lady who had just found out about my BC.  She asked me "you are going to be OK aren't you?"  I mean, how do you answer that?  "I hope so"  That's what I said.  I do freak out whenever I have a pain.  My jaw has been sore for a few days and I immediately think it's mets.  Stupid I know.

    Lucky you Kymn.  One to go.  Good on you!!!

    I've got AC #4 in 3 days.  Yuck, yuck, yuck.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited June 2011

    Kiwimum, my jaw is KILLING me from grinding my teeth during my stressy nights of sleep.  I keep forgetting to wear the more thing!  I'll bet your clenching or grinding your teeth at night.   

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2011

    lol.  I'm grinding my teeth in the night because I keep waking up with hot flushes. 


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    (((KiwiMum))) Hot flashes are the worst!!!

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    edited June 2011

    Hello again everyone. So, today was my birthday and I have a tradition since age 40 of going skydiving to celebrate. I was determined not to miss it this year in spite of just finishing chemo 2 1/2 weeks ago. Call me crazy (a lot of my friends certainly do). It turned out to be a beautiful day on Long Island today and I had a wonderful time. I highly recommend it-you will feel very alive:) If you want to see me doing something crazy, here's the Youtube link for my video: 

    Hope everyone is hanging in there. I'm still fatigued and haven't been able to do any exercise to speak of (skydiving doesn't count-just falling through the air doesn't require much effort) 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2011

    WOW Dragonfly, I would have thrown up and passed out but I am afraid of heights and falling!  good for you!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited June 2011

    So... I had a feel good moment today... I was at Trader Joes, sporting my scarf instead of my wig, which isn't my best look and was buying some beer to go with my veges... and the girl checking me out said law says they have to card everyone under 40... in an apologetic voice... I said no apologies... i am almost 50, so if you think I'm under 40, no problem... So her comment after seeing my license was "you're 48?? You don't look it." MADE MY DAY... scarf and all.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    How exciting dragonfly! I have to say that skydiving would require tremendous effort for me and whoever is attempting to get me out of the plane, because I would be holding on for dear life.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Lisa-don't beat yourself up about the exercise.  Maybe you could add some walking into your routine.  Take stairs instead of elevator or park farther away?  I really think its those small choices that really make a difference.  For myself, I've noticed that just having a smaller lunch (cup or soup or yogurt and some fruit) is really getting those pounds off.

    Know the feeling about the back pain.  Friday, I had myselff dead and buried because my back was hurting so much.  It was because I decided to trim a tree and I must have pulled some muscles.  I do these things all the time!  Besides, I've had back trouble for 20 years and it is only getting progressively worse!  As far as my hip pain, had my cortisone shot 2 weeks ago but now i am sure it's my endometriosis returning!  My period is so, so painful with major tenderness in my groin area Frown These health problems just won't stop.  But at least endo will not kill me.

    Getting ready for our European trip this week.  Lots of cleaning and packing going on here.  Non-stop but trying not to get stressed.  Soon we will be on vacation in France and Belgium.  Yippee!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited June 2011

     Hi all!

      Hope you have a great vacation, Susan. I love France - I was there for a year at Uni. - long, long, time ago!  Never been to Belgium, but love their chocs!  Are you hopping over the Channel to visit us in Britain ? - with our gorgeous weather!  Still, have a great time. We're visiting the US in 2015 when a policy matures - God and my health willing - can't wait!  Hoping to tour round lots of places. Very impressed with lovely restuarants etc. you have over there - I'm a big fan of Man Vs Food. Don't think I'll be trying the challenges he does, though! Good luck with your exercise attempts, Girls, I am definitely going to gear myself up to do something this summer. I love swimming and used to be a good runner - many years and pounds ago!  Enjoy your summers!

     Love, Sarah.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited June 2011

    Susan - I have thought about the stairs thing and will try that - good idea. At least it is something. I am also really cracking down on the diet this week. I have a very low fat, high fruits and veggies plan worked out. Ideally, I want to diet AND exercise, but will settle for just one of two for now if I have to.

    I hope every one had a great weekend and fathers day. We enjoyed a great day on the lake today. I really needed to work a few hours today and did not. I am going to pay for it this week, but it was totally worth it.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2011

    SusanH~ my sister had an oblation? spelling? really helped her heavy painful periods.

    Irr4993 - I jumped on the vegan band wagon - i'm learning slowly but this I will pass on to you - if you start juicing by wise with the beet juice - goes in red comes out red (everywhere...).  I didn't know that beet juice is a major detoxifier and should be juiced only once or twice a week...  Going to meet a nutritionist again now that I'm learning more. 

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited June 2011

    Dragonfly1-LOVED watching your video of skydiving!  Wow!  You make me want to do it too!

    Happy Belated Birthday!  Here's to many, many, many, many, more healthy, wonderful, blessed years with your hubby, family and friends!


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2011

    Sarah-No, I won't be heading to England this year, but maybe next.  I am an anglophile who married a frenchman ;).  Go figure!

    Gin: My ob/gyn mentioned an ablation last time i went to see her.  We'll see what she says...My guess I will be having another surgery no matter what.

    Lisa:  Good luck with that diet and exercise.  I'm not busy in life right now, but will be when I return to grad school in the fall.  then, it will be a challenge to fit it all in!  Trying to get most of my weight off before then, so that I can just eat soup while in school ;)  Triple negative is fun, isn't it?