Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    Oh noo I will not talk to them about this.

    I spoke to my friend Julie and my friend Enzo

    They are the only ones who Will know

    G night ladies I ll post pictures

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited December 2017


    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

    i am spending the holidays by myself....

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    Merry Xmas from the hot springs


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    jazz SillyHeartSillyHeart

    June I ll spend new year by myself but tonight I am at lori's place with a 5 and 7 year old who ll be so spoil by Santa in the morning lol

    The ring was close so we did not get to skate.

    Maybe tomorrow if we find an outdoor place

    I wish u a great xmast and a happy new year

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    I am thinking of all my friends here. Merry Christmas!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    Hoping everyone had a good holiday and that everyone has something to look forward to for New Years.

    Plans ladies?

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    Christmas was very nice but went way too fast. Next year I hope to get out more and enjoy the pre holiday celebration more so it is not all about one day. As for New Years eve I like to stay home. It is a bitter sweet time of reflection for me and then New Years Day is always a happy day of new beginnings.

    I think I must be getting old. I don't like going out when it is hot or cold. What a primadonna.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    JustBent- I never go out on NY Eve here because we have a major DWI problem in NM. True of most holidays though, I felt a bit nervous driving home on Xmas evening, but also chose to not drink at the last party I went to (just water). I like to spend time on the last day of the year with final reflections of the year, and working to set my intentions for the new year. Okay, so I do that through most of the month of December too.

    I am going to two parties on Xmas Day with different circles of music friends. One party I have been doing for years, another that is new for me who is a fabulous vocalist and a cool person. Mixing it up!

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    We use to host big new years parties until we realized the ramifications and liabilities. Once we had kids we also smartened up and started going out for an early evening dinner and then home by 10pm. In my youth I spent so much money on the big event only to end up sick the next day. Nope, this is one holiday I can do without. I fear for all of those on the roads. It isn't the alcoholics but those that aren't use to drinking that are the huge menaces on the roads and it is an epidemic after midnight. Stay safe.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    hi bb I agree with you

    It seems people are still stupid to drink and drive.

    Better to stay home or take a taxI or Huber if you need to go. ?

    I will be home alone. My ex invated me over and over to stay up north to go with him to a new years party. I just couldn't. I must be honest I kept a distance and I don't plan to change that.

    Specially now that I have so much shit in my head the last thing I need is to get involved with him or any other man. No thanks

    Had an amazing time with his nieces and his mom and siter. Too bad they live far they also wanted me to stay longer.

    I am glad to be home now peace and silence I enjoy it very much. I must wait till after the holidays to talk to my family. They gave me a good news and it is they finally decided to emigrate they ll try to sale all and take whatever they can and they ll go to mexico as a group this time so if they make it I will be able to transfer my land to my brothers name. One less thing that i may lose

    Regarding my apt I decided I want to sell now. I will speak to my brother in law for advice

    I ll contact my real state agent and set up a meeting to decide on my options then I need to break the news to my tenant's who will no be happy at all. But I know we can try to find an investor buyer whom can keep the tenants .

    I will see what options I got.

    Then also need to find a will or direction as per what will happen to the rest of my crap.

    I may have a few years or a few months I am not sure but I feel I must move fast to organize all.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    E, good to hear from you. I am glad you had a nice time. That is good news about your family but that has got to be hard to pick up and move to another country. Talk about upheaval and change but at least they will have each other. I am glad you will be telling them about your illness. You will need their love and support and they would want to know. As to getting your affairs in order, mine were easy and I did that just before my surgery. I am sorry you are dealing with this on top of everything else and forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds here but if you end up on disability will you have enough to get by? You will not need the financial resources from the Mexico property?

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    I was just thinking back on my worse New Years Eve. It was in Times Square, bitter cold, we had been drinking all day and squished together like sardines but the crowd around us was great. After like 7 hours there we ended up leaving an hour before midnight. Our feet were numb, we were so cold and in desperate need of a bathroom. I think I was 18 or 19 years old and it was no fun. I never understood the attraction and even more so now. Crazy fools.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    E- good to hear from you and glad you are working to get some things in order for the future. Regarding estate stuff, think about getting an atty to help you with those docs and to talk through anything that may need to be handled on the local level with where you live. Here in the US, each state has different requirements for things and estate atty's know what those are. I know this having dealt with things for our mom on both coasts and my own stuff locally. You can do it on line, and then go just get a consult for an hour for anything you may need to adjust?

    Bent- I was in NYC one year for New Years, but did not do the big midnight crowd/ball drop thing. Went early with a friend of mine (who still is) back in the 1990s before I moved west again and for a great dinner at a Greek restaurant in Manhattan. We had a fun time that day, but were on a bus back out to NJ that evening and toasted in the new year back in the safety of the suburbs. I remember it was very cold as it seems to be over there this weekend.

    June- wishing you a happy New Year as well and you ARE in the big apple too!

    Here in NM, people shoot off their firearms up in to the air at midnight. Nothing like the wild west. I will be home!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    no broken. The property in Mexico is worth in term of having a get away place if I ever build there but no so much as per getting $ for it it could take time and $ to get it sold. I rather my relatives can get it. I will instead sell the condo here. Remember my condo is now leased ? So I will speak to my agent and see about listing it and selling it. Maybe I can get some extra money to pay debts and add to my disability.

    It is such shit no to have money is just brutal.

    I see many people who have money and take it for granted they have no idea what is like to always have to struggle with the lack of it.

    I will Google the will thing and arrange the legal part of it.I will sell all I have I plan to leave very minimal things even my sofas which I love and many things I will donate or sell I am still piss but I am ok with the fact. I guess I am lucky in a way. I get to plan and organize so the people around me don't have to deal with my shit when I die. I will take care of it as best as I can.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    E, I understand the money thing. I always had all I ever wanted or needed and then more....until I didn't. I get it and even if I won the lottery I would never feel secure having lost so much. I just wonder if you give away your property how that will affect any disability or government assistance. I think you need legal guidance with all this shit.

    E, this is not a safe place to talk so openly. Email is better.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    Bitter cold out this way. The news just had a report about a poor dog that was found frozen on the owner's front porch. Oh that pissed me off, frickin morons!

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2017

    The cold is brutal! It is -25 C (-13 F) here currently with the windchill and getting colder. Sad about the dogs, the lack of common sense boggles my mind.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    I ToughCookie, welcome! You and I pm'd and so I know some about you. If you are so inclined you should share here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    Tough Cookie, welcome to our thread!

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2017

    Thank you NotBrokenJustBent. I love the name. Reminds me of the song Bend by Ria Mae, I have been listening to that song a lot lately.

    I haven’t had my surgery yet, but it should be in a few weeks. I’m going for nipple sparing UMX with expander. Was going to try direct to implant but with slightly higher risk I opted not. I’m praying for clear nodes. I want the other side done later too. I am 33 years old and single. Had a guy at the time of diagnosis but turned out he was selfish and a nervous wreck. He told me he needed time to think if he could be around to support me, I told him to take a lifetime

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,993
    edited December 2017

    Tough Cookie- sorry you are dealing with this at such a young age. We have had a few here in the past who were diagnosed in their 20s and 30s.

    We will do our best to support you as you head in to treatment. Depending on your circumstances (whether you have a roommate, family around, friends to help, etc.) it can be a bit of a juggle when you are single and need rides, etc. We have all been there and can provide suggests or help with any questions during treatment.

    I am sorry about the boyfriends reaction. Some women here who were in relationships at the time had similar experiences. Men come and go unfortunately, You were smart to tell him to move along as you need to be able to focus on taking care of yourself to get through treatment sister.

    Let us know how else we can help you?

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    Toughcookie, your stats are like mine and so I would expect clean nodes. Will you ask for an oncotype test? As you may recall I was dumped too after my dx. Having him by my side throughout this ordeal would have made everything so much easier but if he was half in or I needed to support and pull him along, it would have been far worse. Thank goodness I did not marry that poor weak man. I did some dating a couple years after my dx/surgery but I wasn't ready for anything. I had been married forever and got involved with that man very soon into separation so I never had time to be happily single. I found several men who where not affected by my dx and were very willing to enter into a relationship with me though, so know there are good ones out there should you choose to reenter the dating scene. For now focus on you and getting well.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    Toughcookie welcome

    Nobroken thanks again for reminding me this is not a place to chat about other things

    Hope u all have a great new years even if it is at home and not at a party

    I haven't party for new year for many years and I like it that way

    A good movie ll be on schedule lol

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    E, a movie sounds like a good plan and I will do the same.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited December 2017

    hi cookie, lol at the lifetime

    Hello ladies, I did the time square ball drop once but from the building nearby, there was heat and bathroom and champagne. Hahaha....

    I am not the type standing in the cold and watch the event. I use bathroom quite often so....

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited December 2017

    oh I will be spending the new year eve alone, watch some movies. It’s gonna be quiet

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    We are getting so old and boring. If we lived closer we could hang and do a movie marathon since we are all on the same page. None the less I will be thinking of you all. At least I know you are warm and safe.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited December 2017

    oh that’s such a great idea. Will be thinking you all....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited December 2017

    me too I will have you all in my mind.

    How I wish we could all meet and watch movies for new years eve lol

    I must figure which movie I ll watch.

  • notbrokenjustbent
    notbrokenjustbent Member Posts: 326
    edited December 2017

    I will confess that I watched a horror flick on Christmas Eve! HA!, a far cry from my past years of church. :)

    I am bummed that I just dropped Netflix just a couple days ago but I will scrounge up something and I have tons of food, some very healthy and some not so much. I will be partaking mostly of the "not so much".