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Member of the "6 Month Watchful Waiting Club", Unite!



  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2013

    Hi Sommer, nice to see you. You are so right about the tits! As far as I am concerned, damn lady parts in general have been a huge pain in the butt for me the last two years. Sneaky boobs, 20 pound ovary & all. Ugh!

    Sorry about your lumps & bumps.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Sommer, ugh!  I am so sorry. Here we go again with the craziness! I am having all sorts of problems with my right breast now, the left was always that 'bad" one. I woke up last night with my shirt soaking wet on that side only, so I guess I have papilloma problem on that side now with the spontanous discharge problem yet again.

    Melissa, I"m right with ya!! A few years ago I developed huge uterian cysts come out of nowhere and I had a hyster a few weeks later because the bleeding was so horrible, and the provera was bad for my breasts. I had to decide whether to keep ovaries or not - my paternal grandma died in her 60s from ovarian.  Instead of going into early menopause and having to mess with estrogen, I kept the ovaries.  Ugh. At this point, I think all optional body parts that could kill us must go!

    I've had horrible tonsilitis now since early Dec - 3 different rounds of antibiotics and nothing is helping. Off to the ENT to see what is going on, but I am going to tell him to get the tonsils out and take the adenoids, too, while we're at it! sick of all of this crap dragging me down right now!

    Anyhow, I am having one of those 3D breast imaging mammos done in a few weeks, being done by a unit separate from my normal breast clinic. I look forward to a fresh pair of eyes on my issues!!

    So nice having all of you out here to vent with/to!! Hugs to all.

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013

    I hope you feel better soon, carpediem.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    News was not great I am sorry to report. I am scheduled for a stereo-tactic biopsy on Friday, Jan. 25th...the calcification cluster has multiplied AND the surgeon detected a small lump when she did the exam. I guess it was too much to hope for a "Come back in 6 months" as I had a hunch something was brewing in there. I know there is still only a 20% chance that it is cancer, but those odds don't exactly instill confidence in me either. Sort of like a You, You, You, You, NOT YOU,kind of feeling.

    Thanks for listening. I am going to lie down for a while since I have a splitting headache. This was not the result I was expecting or hoping for today. I know that it has to be done, but a Birads 4 - Abnormal, is still unsettling news...UGH!Frown

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013

    Hi April. I'm sorry to hear your news. Try to hang in there and keep your head held high. You're worth it. Feel better soon.



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Bean and Carpe, hope you feel better and that your mammo has a better outcome than mine did. Sommer, hoping you have good news too.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Hi ladies. First of all to April, I am sorry!! Have you ever looked at this site - I think it is very helpful regarding calcs, clusters and branches.

    Please remember to eat, rest, exercise and stay as calm as possible during this crazy time!  I look at stress as "feeding the beast" if there is one, so I really try to fight the urge to go off the deep end. I just posted something on the holistic thread and I wanted to put it here for all of you, too..

    Me and my huge tonsils (no relief yet) went to a funeral this afternoon... For a 50 year old man who died from Lou Gehrig's just 15 months after diagnosis, leaving behind 3 teenagers and a lovely wife. I am always a big crying mess at funerals (even if I don't know the person!) so I was reading online last night about some ways to keep the emotions in check. This morning, I bought a bottle of Bach's Rescue Remedy Spray at GNC, all natural, and sprayed it twice on my tongue at 10 AM and twice at !2:30 PM before the funeral and it works!! It was amazing! I teared up a few times, but nothing crazy, I was able to sing Amazing Grace without tearing up (never happens, even at a regular service), could even look at the family and take care of the sniffling teenage girls in my pew, even my daughter. I don't think it was the placebo effect, the place was overflowing with emotion and even grown men were dropping tears. I wasn't sleepy or dopey at all - I was "there" but just coping and almost happy?! Weird stuff! I am going to dig a little more into the holistic world, I've dabbled before.

    Anyhow, I need to run, but wanted to let you know. I am a bit depressed - I was denied the fancy 3D mammo at the traveling van since I am having breast problems, I have to go see my BS first next Wed at my regular clinic. I will keep you posted.  My sheets had the stain again last night, so more spontaneous discharge from my formerly "good" breast. Sigh.

    .Hugs to all!

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Bean - good luck tomorrow, I think you are having a biopsy, read your note on another thread! If so, sending good thoughts and many prayers your way!!

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Carp. Yes, bio first thing in the morning. I'm not too worried about it because they are biopsying two what they say are fibroadenoma (b9), and I have a good feeling that they are just that. I'm worried about a "thickening" that I have in my left breast. My sister had ILC which can come across on mamos and US as this thickening. I'm really hoping to get an MRI after my biopsy sometime soon even if it comes back neg. The navigator at the breast clinic agrees that I should have one. Thanks for the well wishes and prayers! I'm just praying that if I do have something going on in there, that they find it. I'll keep ya posted.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    I am learning so much from you, Bean! Thanks for sharing your experiences. I have two thickening areas on my left side that could hide "stuff" and I just hope that when it flattens out on the diagnostic that means nothing is lurking.

    What are your thoughts on a preemptive strike with a prophylactic mastectomy?

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013

    Hi Carp ~

    I'm sure others on this website can teach you much more than I can . . . I'm very new to this breast cancer stuff. I just know what my sister had . . . the "sneaky" cancer. I'll tell ya what . . . If I do have (or ever get) the cancer my sister had, I will strongy consider a prophylactic mastectomy. It's a lot better than taking the chances of it occuring in your "good" breast, not catching it in time, and having it spread to other parts of your body. Just take them both off, I say!

    Had my biopsy today. It was actually a piece of cake. No pain whatsoever. The worst part was keeping my arm from falling asleep. I get my results tomorrow between 12 and 2:00. I'm prepared either way. I only pray that if I have something, they find it. I'm happy because my radiologist re-evaluted my risk level. She determined that my risk is high enough that I will get to have an MRI in 8 weeks if my results come back negative. That totally eases my mind. MRI is the best way to detect ILC. I would have been constantly worried if my results come back negative and it stopped there. Not that I want cancer, but I want to be as sure as possible that I don't. Especially with my strong family history.

    Hope your tonsils are better!  :)

    Hugs to all Waiting Club members!!

  • bean
    bean Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone!

    My results are benign! Yay! Big relief. One more step for me at this time . . . Having an MRI in 8 weeks or so to confirm all is good.

    Have a great weekend!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    I am so happy to hear this news! I hope I have the same outcome after my biopsy next Friday. You give me hope! Thank you!! Smile

  • KPreDragon
    KPreDragon Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2013

    I have looked at all the categories and this one seems the closest to my situation.  I went for a routine mammogram on December, 2012.  I had never been called back before and was surprised when I was.  I am 64 y.o.  I had a bad feeling when I was called back.  First they did a magnification mammogram (I am not sure what it is called).  The radiologist came in and said he just couldn't tell and had I ever heard of a stereotactic biopsy procedure?  That, as I am sure you all know, means I laid on a table on my stomach and my right breast was hanging through a hole in the table.  The breast was compressed with plates similar to the plates used for a mammogram, the table was raised and the radiologist was under it.  He injected a numbing agent into my breast, the microcalcifications were located using a procedure similar to a mammogram, and he did a needle biopsy and "sucked out" the microcalcifications he could see.  The worst part was I have a herniated C3 disk in my neck and the position my head was in was practically intolerable.  I am fairly sure, at that point, he knew it was cancer, but of course, I had to wait over the weekend and for two more days to go find out the results.  It sounds like that was fast compared to what has happened to some people, but I was about to jump out of my skin!  Of course, when I met a "nurse navigator" she informed me that I had been diagnosed with DCIS, Stage 0, which at that point meant absolutely nothing to me other than I have cancer in my right breast!.  My reaction was that I was absolutely furious.  I am not sure why, just that I had never worried about breast cancer.  My family history includes uterine cancer and colon cancer.  I had a complete hysterectomy (including cervix and ovaries) when I was 38 or 39.  There was a possibility of cancer before the surgery, but it turned out to be endometriosis, inside and outside of the uterus, fibroid tumors and ovaries encased on what the surgeon at the time (1987) called a "blood tumor".  I thought I had dodged the cancer bullet--I have regular colonscopies as ordered by my physician.  I was just shell-shocked to be told I had cancer.  I saw the surgeon the next day and had a lumpectomy on December 26, 2012.  The margins were clear, but I am going in to the radiology department January 21 for the radiation "simulation", which also means absolutely nothing to me, because ever since I heard the word "cancer" it is like my brain doesn't retain any information.  The only thing I remember is a tiny tattoo is part of the deal.  I will have six weeks of radiation, five days a week.  After that I will start on some kind of estrogen inhibiting hormone as the cells were "estrogen receptive".  There will be five years of that.  So far, the discomfort has been minimal--mild pain in my breast.  The worst is the hot flashes which are horrendous!  Anyway, I have no idea what to expect from radiation, even though I have read everything I can find.  This seems kind of long, but this is the first time I have put it all down.  I guess I am part of a sisterhood now.  I never expected it and I am still flabbergasted, but I am trying to be positive.  I know there are a LOT of people whose situation is a lot worse than mine.  Amazingly, that thought hasn't helped me much.  I wish the best for everyone who has been given a diagnosis of cancer.  Sincer my mother died at age 53 of uterine cancer and my grandmother died in her sixties of colon cancer, I have observed the hellacious process first hand and I am absolutely terrified of cancer.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013


    I am sure that you are terrified as I will be if my diagnosis is cancer after my stereotactic biopsy next week. But, with that being said, I pray that you will breathe and perhaps talk to your doctors about explaining everything you want to know about what is happening to you. Also, there are a lot of people in this community who have knowledge of what you are about to experience and can help you. I am very worried about my reaction if they give me the news that I have cancer. But, I at least know that I have this community to help me through with the questions I will most certainly have.

    Hang in there. Once your plan is put into action, I am sure you will feel better about all of this. I am so sorry about your Dx, but they did catch it very early and your odds are pretty good. BREATHE!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    Well ladies, tomorrow (or today since it is after midnight in the NE) is my biopsy.  I am terrified. Of course then I have to wait for the path report and who knows when that will be in. Ugh..just want it to be over with! Not looking forward to having to lie upside down on a table while they pull stuff out of my breast but it is what it is. Will report whatever they find. Wish me luck!

  • isee
    isee Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2013

    Hey April,

    Yes, keep us posted. GOOD LUCK!


  • cinvee
    cinvee Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2013

    best of luck today April!!!!! 

    For what it's worth, I thought the stereotactic was easier than the core.  You will be fine :)


  • maryc2130
    maryc2130 Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2013

    Best of luck, April.  Will be thinking of you!  i didn't think the sterotactic biopsy was bad, either.  But I know the period of biopsies and waiting really sucks.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for an easy experience and good results!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    Thank you ladies. I am terrified of what they will find, but I just want it to be OVER with! I will be popping an ativan about an hour before the procedure. Mine will be a "core" biopsy Cinvee...not a needle aspiration. I don't have a lump, only microcalcs and they can't aspirate those apparently so they use the core needle. I understand it will hurt later on, but I have pain killers for my knee so I can take a percocette, unlike many who are told to just take tylenol! I plan to pop one of those babies as soon as I feel any pain at all with the blessing of my BS! She told me to!

    Thanks for the good wishes. I can use all of the luck I can get! The waiting for results will be the hardest of all. With the weekend, I anticipate the middle of next week...ugh!

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Bean - YAY!!!! Happy dance for your benign results, what a relief!!!

    {{{PreDragon}}} You've been through so much in your life. Please come back and tell us what radiation simulation is, I've never heard of it, either. I hope the treatment goes well for you.

    April, good luck with your biopsy!!! I hope you can rest and heal over the weekend and that it goes by quickly for you. Maybe a movie marathon would help make time go by more quickly?

    Hugs to all of you wonderful ladies. My appointment is Wed at 1 to check on the spontaneous discharge issue with my previously "good" breast and also to have my 6 month diagnostics.  I am feeling more cysts now, so trying to cut out all caffeine (just a few cups of early morning coffee, but it needs to go).  Cysts can hide the bad stuff, or so I've been told.

    Be back soon to check on all of you!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    Biopsy is done! Was not as bad as I feared but am having some pain now that the lidocaine is wearing off. They took 4 rice-sized pieces from the area they found the micro-calcs. The lump was not there on the mammo or when they felt for it either. I can't find it either. Perhaps the BS found something fibroid that moved? She said it was teeny tiny but she felt something near where the micro calcs were noted which is on the interior left breast in the 9:00 position, closest to my nipple.

    Anyway, the procedure is over. I have the "ravioli" ice pack in my sports bra which they told me to wear for 24 hours. I can shower tomorrow afternoon after 3:00PM. I took a percocette and the pain is bearable now that it has taken affect. Now the hardest part...the wait for the results. The radiologist told me likely Wed or Thurs at the latest. Gonna be a long 5 days!

    Thanks for all of your well wishes!

    Carpe, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping that all goes well with you and they figure out your discharge issue. I had a little bit myself although I did not notice it cause it was clear. My nipple was kind of crusty which is how they noticed it...strange that I didn't!

    Continued prayers for all of you waiting or having your 6 month checkups soon. The radiologist said if all is well, I will have my next one (both breasts this time as it will be my yearly) in July. Praying that this is what they tell me! Smile

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    glad the procedure is over, yay! follow doctor's orders and take those pain meds on schedule to keep ahead of the pain! I remember cutting mine in half towards the end to extend the prescription a little.

    hugs to you and sending thoughts and prayers for b-9 results, april!!!!

  • sndlu49
    sndlu49 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    I was diagnosed in March of 2012 with adh and alh. I had my first 6 mos check up back in Oct 2012 which didn't show any issues. My next visit will be in April. However I am experiencing tenderness in my left breast for a couple of weeks now. Yes this is the breast with issues. I don't feel any lumps . It has been 10 mos since my excisional biopsy. I am wondering if I should call the bs. Cindy

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Hi Cindy! My BS always says she will see me in 6 months " unless anything changes" so maybe you should go in?

    Can you feel a cyst? Mine act up with caffeine usage and it causes my breasts to be sore. The best way for me to feel my cysts is to lean over and feel my breasts, I know that sounds crazy but laying on my back and even sitting up I sometimes can't feel them.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    I was just thinking that as much as I never want to hear the words "You need a mastectomy" that these freeking things are more trouble than they are worth. Boobs are just flesh. Not needed to live. Sure, they look good and can be errogenous zones etc but if I had to, I know I could live without them as I am well past the bikini age and nursing babies age.

    That realization was a huge surprise to me when I woke up this morning with this thought on my mind. I guess this is why women with "issues" even that are not cancer, sometimes opt to just take them off (prophalactic mastectomy) so they don't have to constantly worry about them.

    Am I losing my mind that I feel this way? Or is it just that I am tired of worrying all of the time. I know most of you are thinking that my mind is And I don't blame you there. "If" they tell me I have to take one off, I will likely be feeling MUCH differently than I do this morning. It is just all so mind-numbing and so scary that my brain is in overdrive.

    I am scared shitless about what they will tell me this coming week. I pray for B-9 but my mind tells me that I am not going to be that lucky. With 80% of all biopsies for a Birads 4 coming back B-9, I have no idea why I am not thinking about being in the 4 out of 5 instead of the 1 out of 5.

    Ok, I know that I am not making ANY sense, even to me. Gonna go and do some mundane things like laundry to get my mind out of the crazy place. Thanks for listening.

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited January 2013

    April, you are most definitely not losing your mind. I was actually DISGUSTED that my diagnosis was LCIS, because I feel like I'll always be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Part of my feeling was because I was diagnosed right as I was just starting to feel good after having been very ill & having surgery for a different cancer. Add to that the fact that since I go through a large county system it was a full six months of anxiety from first mammogram to excisional biopsy diagnosis & that I can't take AIs to reduce my risk because of a PE when I was sick before. I have since calmed down somewhat, but I have told the MO that if I get to the point I start having to have frequent biopsies I will be ready to get rid of them. Hey, Texas summers are brutal. I could live with being flat and not having to wear a hot old bra:) Seriously, I hope it doesn't come to that. Also, if I can get back to full time work & having insurance, then I'll have to worry about whether I can afford all the out of pocket for yearly MRIs and whether an insurance company will approve them. Stupid, sneaky lobular...sigh...

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    April - I feel exactly the same way, I could have written your post!! I am 47 and my breasts have outlived their usefulness, they have gone from an asset to a liability.  I want to look nice in a bikini but there are other ways besides these 36C troublemakers!

    I think we should get rid of all optional body parts that can kill us at this point! My issues so far are just papillomas, cysts and other lumps and bumps. but if one of these visits I get info that leads me to believe we're headed down the path of a serious problem, I will def consider the preemptive strike.  I had some huge uterian fibroids pop up out of nowhere a few years back and had a hyster almost immediately, also got rid of the cervix, so at least there are two less cancers I am worrying about. I rolled the dice on the ovaries because I didn't want to take estrogen and feed the breast, so we'll see if that gamble paid off - I also have ovarian C in the family.

    Just wanted to say I totally  understand and concur!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2013

    Thank you Carpe and Melissa. I have already survived cervical cancer (I was 24 and am now almost 58) although it was VERY early (carcinoma in-situ) and I needed no treatment beyond a wide-conization (cone biopsy) and they actually say they got it all when they did a colposcopy (a quick snip of the spot where they saw it) so I thought to myself "Ok, I had my issue and now I am done with cancer"

    Hoping I am right. I escaped the huge issues that come from having a cancer diagnosis all of those years ago (can't say enough good about pap smears as that is how they found it) so now I figure I am due to "pay the piper" which is a stupid way to think but there you have it. That is where my mind goes these days! Ugh!!

    Anyway, just want this week to go by quickly so I know one way or another what I am dealing least "this time" since I will still be on the 6-month watch and wait list according to the doctor.

    Just felt like sharing how nutty I was feeling today and now I realize (thanks to both of you) that I am not quite as nuts as I thought. Wink

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited January 2013

    Not nuts at all! :-)  I hope time goes by quickly for you, too! Have any closets, basements, garages or attics to organize? That always helps me!Plus go to a long movie like Lincoln?

    Hugs to you!