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  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited April 2012

    Rennasus- what is Tammi I just had my oomph rectory and I am so afraid to be without estrogen ,I am psyching myself out

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2012

    Had a wonderful day! Got up at 5:00am to run a half marathon with my daughter. We laughed and laughed for 13 miles. First distance run I've done since my diagnosis! So nice to feel normal again!

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2012

    Exchange to squishy and fat grafting are complete. I wish I would have been a little more prepared for how much the area from where the fat was I harvested was going to hurt. It feels like I've done a thousand crunches. Poor righty looks like a pin cushion. There are at least 100 puncture wounds from where the fat was injected. I do have to say it already looks better than it did after the first time I exchanged for implants. He did have to excise my reconstructed nipple, because with all of the setbacks it was looking like it was in a different zip code. I just pray that things stay soft and squishy this go round. My shoulder pain is completely gone. Apparently, the TE was pulling on another muscle (not the pectoral) and that was affecting my range of motion. I have my 3-month ONC check-up on Friday, so I guess I can stop worrying about this and move on to the next thing!

  • Caro4
    Caro4 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2012

    Hello, Ladies, I have been off a few days and have had the drain removed from a TE infection corrected without removing the TE.  I had the drain for 4 weeks.  I just got it out and a filling of 60 CCs because the TE was sinking in.  Now that breast is looking different tham my right breast as it is red below the incision but no fever or infection signs.  I wondered if anyone had heard of a red breast without infection and if you think it will heal.  I go back to my PS Monday but this had bothered me because I am afraid he is going to have to replace the TE.  Thanks for any replys and I pray good and speedy recoveries forall of you, God Bless!  

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2012

    Sundermom - So happy for you. I am sure the pain will get better every day.

     CurlyFry - I was a runner before DX so reading your post gives me hope! WHat a great day for you!

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2012

    CurlyFry, Once upon a time, I was a marathon runner. It's been about 10 years since I've done more than 5 miles. your post reminds me that (knees permitting) its still a possibility! CONGRATULATIONS to YOU!!!

    Sundermom, great news!  the pain is temporary... this is my new mantra.

    I was/am not prepared for my TE revision pain.  It's the "anchoring of the muscle into the fold" that is painful.  Tired of taking vicodin.  Today is my first full day without pain meds and I'm miserable.  but... its temporary.  


  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2012

    GreenMonkey - I literally feel your pain. On Tue, I will be two week out, since the replacement. Today, I went out with my family to run some errands, just exhausted and sore now. I like your new mantra. It all is temporary :)

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited April 2012

    DM13....THANK YOU!  It's so helpful to know I'm not alone.  I hate the sound of my heavy, pain driven sighs.  I'm going to add, "I'm not alone" to my "It's temporary" mantra :)   

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012

    Mine "hurts" frequently. It is more discomfort than pain, like it isn't sitting in quite the right place. I learned I cannot lift weights without aggravating it a lot. I will wait until after I see the LE PT on May 9th before I try to lift weights again. Even today it feels pretty miserable. I often take pain meds just because I don't like feeling it. I can't exactly call it pain, though. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

  • racheljoy
    racheljoy Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    Hi ladies.

    I had a prophylactic BMX on March 13th. I now have cellulitis on my left breast and have been in the hospital since Thursday night.

    There's a good chance I'll be going in for TE removal tomorrow. I'm absolutely terrified of what I'll look like after and I have read some blogs that scared me even more. 

    When I went into the entire BMX process, the "silver lining" was that I would get to have great new boobs. I was hoping to go up to a D cup (started as a large C). I've read, however, that after TE removal and replacement, you can't expand the new TEs very large because of issues with the skin.

    Is this true? Could anyone who had TE replacement speak to this? I have a large frame (5'6, 160 pounds) and a B cup would NOT look good on me.

  • racheljoy
    racheljoy Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2012

    Caro4: I have cellulitis on my left breast and will probably have to get my TE replaced. I first noticed something was up because it was a bit tender and slightly red in one area. I didn't develop a fever until about two days later.

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2012

    I had the 2nd TE expanded to just as large as the first TE. We just expanded at a slower pace. Eventually though I made it to the same size which for me was 475cc, a full C cup. I had DDs pre-BMX and was excited to downsize :)

  • Caro4
    Caro4 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2012

    Racheljoy, Thanks for the reply, My breast is getting hard, swollen tight along with the redness.  I go to my PS tomorrow and am dreading the news.  I had to take a pain pill hoping it would help with the swelling but it only helped with the pain.   What is celulitus? I have had some red spots he was watching and like I said I had the drain in for 4 weeks until it dropped to 30 cc's and he just removed it on Thursday. All I can do is Pray but it looks like he may have to remove the TE.  I will let you all know, I am so happy for those of you that have had your exchanges and are healing.  Looks like a long road but I am still thankful to be cancer free!!  I  will be thinking of you Racheljoy as you go through it also,,,, God Bless you all <3  

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    Sundermom-it took me about five days to move very easily. I had a lot of lipo on my abs, and then the compression garment was unbelievable tight, so much that I could hardly eat. I told the ps I felt like I had gastric bypass. It seemed about the fifth day, it wasn't nearly as sore, and the swelling had reduced considerably and it all started feeling better. For me, though, it was pretty bearable, since it wasn't stabbing pain, just extreme soreness.

    Caro-I had a red spot left after my pseudomonas infection. PS said the skin was very thin there, causing it to look red. It still is discolored a little, but he fat grafted around it and it looks much better now. After implants were in, it was a little weird shaped also in that area, and now it is all rounded. I hope you can save yours. Maybe the tighness will be due to the fill, and not infection. Even with my infection, I did not have fever either, which they could not believe.

    Racheljoy-I will admit that when my expanders came out, I was kind of freaked. Since I had started with immediate reconstruction, and had 240 cc's put in, I had never really been too upset by how it all looked as there was something there. I hope yours don't have to come out, but if they do, you will get through it. It isn't pretty, and it will probably be three months before you can try again, but it is doable. There are lots of inserts (I got mine from a cross dressing web site for $20, lol), that will help a lot. Waving my fairy wand that you can save yours.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2012

    Racheljoy, I had my right expander out for 5 months and had been filled on the left to 350ccs. Like Fluff says above, I did not have to experience having nothing there after my BMX. Losing my TE changed that. But like everything we go through, we get through it. Dealing with lopsidedness is a major PITA but time goes by fast and you may be surprised how much better you feel if it does have to come out. Hang in there and we will be thinking of you tomorrow. let us know how your appt. goes!

    Caro4: Ditto goes for you, let us know what happens at your PS appt. tomorrow!

    Greenmonkey & DM13 & Psalms: How are you both feeling? Psalms, did you start taking the Tamoxifen yet? I was afraid of it too but it really is a wonder drug for us ER/PR+ people!

    Dunesleeper: I haven't had much pain and hardly used my Vicodin but maybe someone else will come along to address what you are feeling.

    Curleyfry: You are inspiring us all! 


  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited April 2012

    Ladies, my one step implant/expander opened up, the implant became exposed so i will be having surgery on friday to remove it and put in a new gel one.

    Can someone tell me if this happened to them and how quickly the healing process is for the other implant?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited April 2012

    I dont know if anyone on this thread had the one step like you. There is a direct to implant thread that might have info. I wanted to do that but my ps didnt recommend it. Cant remember why. I wish I had as I think there would have been plenty of skin left and I wanted to be smaller.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited April 2012

    it was a expandable implant, so i had weekly fills.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012

    Caro4 congrats on getting rid of your drain! I remember that was a happy day for me.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2012

    So sorry to hear that redninrah. I have had my radiated skin open up & expose my implant twice. The first time it was believed to be due to contracture of scar tissue, so the scar tissue was removed & the implant was replaced. The second time I waited 2 & a half months before we started over with an adjustable saline implant.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2012

    Hey everyone! Guess what??? I took my first shower today since TE was replaced! It felt so good to be out of Jobts surgical bra for a bit!

    I got a good look at the new TE. It looks good, but there is a lot od bruising around the incision, I don't remember seeing that before.

    I see a few people I do not recognize. Welcome to this thread, if you are new... nothing but great women here :) 

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited April 2012

    Oh, I forgot to mention something. For those of us that are at risk or have LE, I just ordered the cutest Medical ID bracelet from this company where you can personalize every element. The name of the company is "Lauren's Hope" for those that are interested.

    Also, trying to get a local thread going under "get togethers" so if you live in or near Los Angeles please come and post on it.


  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited April 2012

    DLL66- when ur expander failed, how many fills did u have

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited April 2012

    I had a skin failure on my non-rads side with a TE & I was almost expanded enough.(I think the TE was at 450 ccs or so.) At that time, I had a latissimus flap done on my non-rads side with placement of a permanent 500 cc HP silicone implant. That side has been fine.

    My problems on my rads side were both with 500 cc HP silicone implants. On my rads side, I now have an overexpanded adjustable saline implant. I believe it is filled to 600 cc now. 

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    We lived outside of NOLA, and my son (9 yrs) saw more than his share during Mardi Gras AND no one being arrested.

    Mardi Gras is GREAT and we loved it as long as you leave a little earlier!!!Laughing

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    Oh wait<<<<

    Supermom, I hope you get get GREAT results!!!!

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2012

    OK, I have tried this backwards and forwards, BUT I can't copy and paste this address, SO<<<<<

    On Ebay look for My Identity Doctor or search Women's Medical Alert ID Bracelet, Curb Chain, Pink

    I just got my LE bracelet and I love it. $30.95, stainless and I got to print on both sides what I needed. Family business is what his response email said. IDK, but the bracelet was received very fast!!

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited April 2012

    Talk me down off the ledge . . . I was squishing my new squishy and distinctly felt a bump right around the same area of where I first found the dreaded lump 18 months ago. Mind you I just had exchange and fat grafting 4 days ago. The skin was squeezed so tight around the expander I don't see how there is any way I could have missed a lump. I had a clean PET in January. Could this be swelling? A clump of fat? I feel sick to my stomach. Help!!!

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012

    sundermom, I think the best thing would be to have your doctor have a feel. Otherwise, you will just keep second guessing yourself and thinking the worst. You don't need that stress. Hugs.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    Sunder...I agree with dune. I made him remove the lump I felt under my armpit during my fat grafting. Turned out to be some sort of keloid that had formed inside a muscle or something.

    Wouldnt you think they would have seen something when doing the exchange? After my exchange, when he also sucked out some armpit fat, I felt all kinds of lumps. All eventually went away. I hope this does too