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  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2012

    I just finished the first 50 Shades book. I also loved it once I got used to the, "graphics". It did sort of jump start some feelings and my DH enjoyed the interlude :). I'm going to download #2!

    One thing that has improved since BC....I have the nicest collection of really cute nighties. I never worried about my sleepwear before. Now I feel better in pretty nighties. Kohls has really cute stuff for very reasonable prices. I even have some with a boob cup thing that makes me look somewhat normal. Whatever helps!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    1curlyfry does that mean I can download the book on my kindle fire ??? Id luv that ... 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    OHHHHH BABY!!!!  I have a 50 Shades of Grey babble going on here too, on a thread that started off ohhhhhhhh soooooo differently. In the beginning it pissed me off. she's so young and annoying and the writing is TERRIBLE and they tease you for 7 Chapters ...and then the 21 year old virgin has an orgasm after nipple stimulation.... and I got stuck there for a very long time.  I am currently in the middle of a "I stayed at a Marriott therefore" survey, counting women who can/did/do/remember/or might have achieved an orgasm by way of nipple stimulation. The book is forcing a much needed time off.  So........ any NO's (nipple orgasmers) out there???  

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    p.s. I have the audio book! its crazy!!! I ordered it prior to a long road trip from Connecticut to New Orleans but didn't start listening to it til I got home. Now, I'm thinking its a good thing I did. Might have totalled the car! 

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2012

    I have it on my iPAD. I'm sure Amazon has it! Go get it!

  • jeria
    jeria Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2012
    lisamarie. >I'm so sorry you are going thru all the pain and disappointments ! Don't give up! You are strong and this too shall pass!! I' hope you get this. I've been posting for 4 or 5 days, don't know if I'm not replying or what, but it seems I'm wasting my time, energy, etc. I'm hurtin with pain as you are, I have been trying to reach out, but no one is replying, or either I'm not doing something correctly. Hope you reply, cause I'm not gonna waste any more time trying to connect, if I'm not being heard anyway!! I'm praying for you to take one day at a time, GOD will give you the strength, comfort and peace you need to endure and get thru this!! ASK & YOU SHALL RECEIVE!! Be Blessed ! God will send HIS ANGELS to give you the strength, trust & faith you need to make it thru this difficult time! HE will not give you more than HE KNOWS U CANNOT DO! Trust God & He will take care of you! BE BLESSED,! Jeri
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    Lisamarie...yes you can put it on your kindle. When I bought my ipad, i downloaded the ki dle app. I read that way, but it downloads to my kindle, which my husband now has. He noses through my books sometimes. That was quite a surprise for him.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012

    Jeri, I'm sorry you haven't received any replies. I don't recall seeing your post, and I don't post a lot on this thread. I have only had mild TE trouble, and I don't even know if it qualifies as trouble. I've learned a lot reading what others are saying here. Some of it scares me, but all of it educates me. When I go for my next fill on May 24th, I will be having a better chat with the plastic surgeon. I want to know how much he plans to fill me, what kinds of tightness/pain I should expect, and how he plans to do the swap for the gel implant. After reading that lots of ladies get LE after that surgery, I want to know that he is aware of how debilitating that can be and that he can avoid that happening to me. Else, I don't know that I want to go any further with this.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2012

    jeria, I replied to your post about LD flap on the other thread you posted on. Hopefully you will hear from a few more ladies. Hang in there!!

    Bonseye: Good luck with TRAM surgery today! Let us know how it goes.

    DM13, Green Monkey, Mrochon, curlyfry: That shades of graybook has really gripped a nation! Need to check this out!

    SpecialK: Where are you girlfriend? Long time to see! Hope all is well.

    Tatina: Are you back from your trip? 

    Psalms: Please check in, let us know how you are feeling! 

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2012

    jeria, Hang in there.  I had my LD flap on March 16th, and it settled down about 4 weeks later, and slowly improved after that.  I'm almost 2 months out and the plastic staples are still dissolving.  Everyone recovers differently. I developed MRSA and I'm finally off 4 weeks of  IV antibiotics and the pinhole is closed on the flap.  I had a fill yesterday,so things are looking up. Things will improve for you, too!   I had to listen to my body and let it heal.  Not easy to do since I am pretty active.  I teach at-risk kids, and I always tell them- you can't control what happens to you, you can only control how you react.  So it was time for me to follow my own advice.   This cancer business has some speed bumps for sure.  My next concern is for the LD flap to match the silicone implant on the other side. Treat yourself and keep the faith!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Jeria , thank you , I see ur post and I am being strong . I dont qualify to be ehere either I have not had anything wrong i guess with the TE's except tightness and pain .. and these ladies have helped me a great deal , I feel welcome here anyway . we all must hope for the best . I just keep on going although I must admit at least 3 times a day i want to quit and have TE's taken out ... I cant stand it some days , I am 3 days today free of pain meds .. 

    Thank u ladies I am going to get that on my kindle ... woot woot ....  

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    ok got it 50 shades of Grey on my Kindle fire :) thnaks ladies :):)

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited May 2012

    Hi i am back from the exchange of my old one step implant to the new one. Im flat again - i guess the journey begins again for me. this time i have allerderm, so we should hopefully get better expansion. I have this silly drain again so tomorrow i go in and hopefully they will remove it.

  • KittyKitty
    KittyKitty Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2012

    My tissue expander was awful. It seemed to shift after I started the exercises recommended by my PT. Which was odd. One part of it ended up right under my armpit, and of course the PS could not figure out how it got there, since it was allegedly held in place with "a stitch" (??). he said it was supposed to be positioned diagonally, and mine was not.

    There are so many things about that that did not make sense to me. The PS seemed so sincerely puzzled about how the tissue expander was situated, I was convinced that he had his assistant do the procedure. So I got the surgical notes, and found 1> they got my age wrong by 10 years, and 2> the notes were so full of mispellings and mistakes I was embarassed for him. And this is at a major cancer center. I still have not come to any conclusion about who really did that procedure.

    So, I have still not figured out what the deal was with that, and I had to feel that thing cutting into my armpit for three months. I have subsequently found some postings on the internet that tissue expanders can shift, and that tissue expanders can contribute to poor drainage and swelling if they shift in the wrong way.  All of which my PS denied when I went to him first with the questions.

    That part was a miserable experience. The only positive thing is that it is over, and that I am happy with the result.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Oh My... I have been gone for a day... glued to my book and I come back to so many posts and a new BC look. I wish they would have made it so that you could "like" or add comment to certain posts, like facebook does. Would make replying to everyone easier.

    Jeria - I am sorry to hear that you were unheard. I don't remember seeing any of your posts and hope you are feeling welcomed now.

    I think I should have started a separate thread for the Fifty Shades... Has anyone seen the SNL skit? I viewed it on Utube and it is very funny!

    GreenMonkey - re: 50shades - She does seem to have a very easy time, basically can orgasm at the drop of a dime. I guess that's why the books are so popular - a lot of us gals would like to be able to do that too! lol.  

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    I went for my first fill with my new TE's (and new doctor). Before my fill I had 200 cc's in right and 300 cc's in left but my right looks bigger because of dicdocs (initial PS) *uck up. Got 50cc's in both today. Right hurt during the injection and then I felt numbness and ache in my shoulder, arm and hand. Has anyone else had that?  I ended up taking a vicodin and the pain and numbness melted away. I'm still having muscle pain from my sutures along the fold.  Nothing seems to help that but I know its temporary (I'm still only 2 weeks post revision surgery and 8 weeks post BMX.)

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    GM - Wow 50ccs?!  I did get that pain after my fill in January.  It wasn't fun.  And the pain from the sutures took awhile to go away.  It was less and less as the weeks went on.

    Well I go for another fill on Monday...a quick 6 weeks from the last one! *she says in the most sarcastic tone you can imagine* This will be my third fill this year!  *she says again in the most sarcastic tone you can imagine*  A whopping 30ccs, hope I can handle it! *she says in the most sarcastic tone you can imagine*

    On the non-sarcastic second opinion is now next Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *happy happy happy dance!!!*  I called last time, I almost hung up when someone answered.  I didn't want to hear that she was completely booked.  I hesitated but then started with the usual...Hi my name is Michelle, my appt is on May 21st at 2p, is there a chance that there is an appt for an earlier date?  And to my friggin surprise she said....yes, May 15th at 2pm.  Well HOT DAMN!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

    kitty - Some doctors do stitch the TE in the pocket.  My doctor did not.  It's just sitting in the pocket.  He said he sutured up the sides well so it won't move.  Don't know how much I really believe that because mine have shifted.  My left is moving towards the side under my armpit and the right is moving towards the center of my chest.

    redinrah - Congrats on the new implant.  Hope this works!  I'm on the picture boards as well.  Same user id.  I haven't posted any pics yet.  I'm a little confused as to how all the pics are posted on there.  They aren't organized at all.  I kinda gave up on looking at them.


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies,

    One week from today is the big exchange date. All doc appts have been done (PS pre op, Onco, etc..)

     Remember that red patchy area that kept coming up over the last year, especially when I got fills?  Of course it has reared it's ugly head again and is back. I really think it has something to do with the heat. It seemed like lefty was starting to swell a bit (the side where I had the fluid, then had it drained and had the drain over the weekend, but all fluid cultures were good) and sure enough, the red area came back.  It never really went away, but was under control and not bothersome through the winter and spring. Last weekend I was in the heat all weekend at baseball games. It doesn't hurt, it's just red. I've had many dermatologist appts (last fall) and she wasn't worried about it either. It's just so annoying that it has to get aggravated now of all times. I guess the solution would be to put a drain in and get the fluid out (which immediately solved the problem last time), but my PS will be cleaning up all the scar tissue and putting in a drain anyway at exchange, so I probably should just cool my jets lol.

    Had to share. I'm going to try to take it easy this next week and hopefully it will calm down.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    I feel like my left TE is shifting as well I had mt daughter feel under my armpit today and she said wow . I'm having a really shitty time with these things my first full is may 15 but I don't see room for any fill at all I'm still tight and hard as a rock ! I felt an ease for one day now I'm back to the land of wanting to scream ! Shit wonder if I should call my ps or wait ???? Confused

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    Lisa - how long has it been since surgery?  You just had it like 3 weeks ago, right?  You are still in the recovery phase.  Each week gets easier as your body adjusts to having them in.  I had to sleep on my back for a good two months before I was able to sleep on my side with no pain or uncomfortableness.  After about a month the pain of having them in was subsiding.  I only felt some pain when I laid flat on my back on the ground.  Sutures were still healing.  Anyways, you'd be surprised how much the skin can stretch.  My right side is tight but it takes fills just fine.  You control how much your dr puts in at the fills.  If he wants to put in much more than you are comfortable with, tell him.  Your TEs can be asperated if it feels like too much was put in.  Women in here have had anything from 25ccs a week to 100ccs every couple of weeks.  I am on the wagon train 'express' to exchange.  I've only gotten 30ccs every six weeks.  Sore subject with me.  But that gives you some idea.  Ask him before he fills you, how much he's putting in.  And tell him to go slowly so if you feel anything you'll be able to tell him to stop.  You most likely won't feel anything after the first fill if he goes easy on you.  You'll feel some pressure and tightness in your muscles afterwards.  My first fill was fine and I was left wondering what all the hub bub was about.  After my second fill, I felt tightness and pressure.  It lasted a couple days and I was back to my normal routine.

    My best advice is just try to relax.  If any symptoms pop up that are out of the norm that you are feeling (ie. redness, hot skin, incision is irritated, etc.) call your doctor.  This process is very trying on our inner strength but you will get through this.  Remember you are still fresh from surgery.


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Thanks Michelle I'm 2 weeks post op now , I feel little sutures popping out along incision line as well ! I'm sorry to complain but hell it's he'll

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    Lisa - Don't worry about 'complaining', I would think you were headed for disaster mentally, if you didn't.  We have all been there and completely understand what you are feeling.  We come here to benefit from those that have already gone through it or are still experiencing this crap.

     The sutures for me, personally, was the worst.  That lingered the longest.  And when I thought I was all good, I would feel that twinge...literally, as a reminder.


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2012

    Lisamarie- You will feel better after you have a fill. The one side I had the fill on doesn't bother me at all. The other one is a pain in the ass. If I roll over it burns. I know it is because it is bunched up and not inflated. I too thought my expander was moving, but the PS checked it and said what I was feeling moving was the fluid she put in at surgery. Try to hang in there until you get your fills. I had sutures sticking up too and last night pull the last one out. I had one that I trimmed a bit. They are supposed to dissolve, but a few didn't. I am 4 weeks post-op today and feel a ton better than I did at 2 weeks. You will get there, just hang on.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012

    I had my first visit with the physical therapist today. I told her about how my TE bothered me so much after I did that workout at the gym (with weights). She said I probably did overdo it for being post-op and that I need to do a lot of stretching before I do more with weights. She also said that feeling of the TE moving was very likely fluid buildup, which gradually resolved itself. She will be working on some cording I have going on and will teach me manual lymph drainage.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe we can't do as much as we think we ought to be able to do so soon after surgery and while we are still getting fills. Slow and steady wins the race?

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited May 2012

    Thanks girls. I am not even doing much . I am a neat freak and like my place clean , i try to clean and cant ,, i wanna scream .. anyway i cant imagine trying to lift wieghts at the gym . i had to put a diaper on my 20mo old granddaughter and seriously thought id die .. I am happy to be cancer free but am very saddend by my recovery process :( thank you alll 

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited May 2012

    I am so sorry lisamarie. I sure hope your recovery gets going better than it has been. I do understand your need for better quality of life.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited May 2012

    Hello ladies this is Psalms( Michelle) imam at home recuperating from the replacement of a TE and a Hysterectomy. It's slow going. I don't know what to expect from the hysterectomy, the hot flashes are there, and I feel a little weird. I wish I had some replacement to balance me out! Anyone tried anything Herbal and btw I am BRACA2 positive. I will download the 50 shades of Gray- stimulating huh! Cannot wait to read it, I am a huge fan of sequel or prequel ( please forgive my spelling, I am not as sharp right since the surgery)

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    dunes - my trainer would not let me near weights until I had full range of motion. That means stretch stretch stretch. Some positions were uncomfortable but that was just cause I had to wake that muscle up. Once I could hold my arms up past my ears, I got the all clear. I still overdo it with weights, like yesterday. There was a younger kid working out with me and I just couldn't let him beat me.

    My competitiveness gets me in


    Lisa - I feel for you, I really do. Reading your posts is like reading mine after my BMX. Im a neat freak and control freak. It was not easy in the least to let things go and wait for help. I drive a stick shift. I tried driving for the first time 4 weeks post op and I could not shift! I had zero strength and it hurt.


  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Michelle/Psalms, glad you are home! TE replacement AND a hysterectomy! (Shannon stop complaining!) 50 Shades of Grey certainly is entertaining! 

    I worked it into a blog post today with a breastcancer shout out :)

    Michelle, good luck with your second opinion. Let us know how it goes!

    Lisamarie, I know its hard but you'll get through it. I'm two weeks out as well, and the sutures on my right side are giving me constant pain. Unless I lie flat, so I'm doing that now.

    dunesleeper, glad the pain has subsided. yes, I agree... slow and steady wins the race! 

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2012

    Green monkey, I read your blog out of curiosity. It made me laugh! I also have recurring dreams. Well done.