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  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    LOL thanks Fluff, I needed someone to tell me that:)  Only going for the morning walk today, then I'm going to take it easy until kids get home.

    Tatina, soooo glad that you're feeling the relief!

    I have 500cc Natrelle gel high profiles. Not sure what the cup size will be, but I'm really happy so far with the size.  Not too big or too small.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited May 2012

    momof3-it does sound like you need to take it easy! What I want to know is did you buy that case of wine you moved-lol

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Oh yeah, I really cleaned out Total Wine! Bet your a$$ lol.  No bleeding or fluid today - yay! 

    GM and Erika, any updates?  Hope you are resting and healing well:)

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    thank you everyone for checking in on me..... i'm not at my best.  memorial day weekend is the anniversary of my son's death so I'm ...miserable. but pain wise i'm fine I guess

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    GM - sorry - a hug to you.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited May 2012

    Anyone have any input yet on the saline implants vs the silicon gel implants. I know the silicone is supposed to be more comfy and realistic.  I am so worn out from tests that when my ps said that if I get the silicone the recommendation for follow-up is an mri every 2 years. I hate MRI's as they have such a bad connotation to me. (even though the MRI did probably save my life) plus I'm claustrophobic. Hearing that about an MRI every 2 years is making me lean towards the saline. Any one get saline that is happy with them?

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    GM, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through, but you are one tough cookie!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    Gm, hugs to you my friend.

    FLmom-I'm switching from silicone to saline next Monday - stay tuned, I'll let you know my thoughts and comparison of the two.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    Where is TotalWine? Thinking I may have to make a trip over that way, LOL!

    FLmom, I have 1 of each. So far I like the silicone side a lot better, but that could be because my radiated (saline) side still feels so tight. 

    MTNester, so happy for you to be getting the implants you want! Good luck next Monday.

    I had a PS appt yesterday. He was happy with the way things are shaping up so far, but I Have to wear the tight underwire 24/7 for another month & we'll see how things look. Skin is holding up & that was my biggest issue. I had 2 concerns & he gave me the answers I was hoping for, yay. I have a bad flat spot & he will fill it with fat. If we can't get a good match with the adjustable saline, he can still swap it for a silicone implant. He said he's not in any hurry, yay again! Knowing those things makes it so much easier for me to give this as much time as necessary to make it work.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited May 2012

    MTNester- Thanks. Why the switch? Yes I'm anxious to hear the comparison

    DLL66- Thanks. I have heard people say they are somewhat softer and realistic but gosh as much as I hate MRI's I don't know ...

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    GM - Tough time for you... so sorry :(

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    So sorry for your loss, GreenMonkey. 

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    FLmom-my PS pulled a fast one on me when I got the first implants - instead of getting high profile like I thought, I got moderate plus profile. Now, in order to get implants that are size appropriate for my body, I'm going to saline - 800 overfilled to 960. This time next week I'll be sporting new implants.

    DLL-thanks for the good thoughts! I'm trying not to be overly optimistic, like I was the last time I got implants. I'm jaded at this point, but cautiously optimistic.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2012

    GreenMonkey: Sending you compassion and cyber hugs! How are you doing today?

    MTnester: You are next up on the surgery board! YAY!

    FLmomandwife: I wrote some tips on how to get through an MRI if you're claustrophobic (

    Tatina: How are you feeling? 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    GM - I seriously think of you everyday. *hugs*

    Well ladies, I have my surgery date...add me to the calendar, July 3rd.  This will be a complete revision of my chest and new expanders put in.  I see my dr on the 21st for my pre-op so I will know what she plans on doing.  I will probably be off work for about 5 weeks.  That date is cutting it close to my daughter's move-in date to college.  What can you do?  Lets just get this over with.  Hopefully I will finally be on the path to exchange.


  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2012

    Add me too for nips on July 17th.  I hope to be done.

    On a different subject....had my 9 month MO check up today.  She is checking hormone levels since I have not had a period since starting chemo a year ago.  She said if the test show I am in menopause we may discuss switching from tamoxifen.  Any insight into this?? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    Add me to the surgery list too - fat grafting on July 6th, they offered me Friday - July 13th - um, no don't think so!

    dll - there is a Total Wine on Dale Mabry right by I-275.  Very nice store, huge selection and price range.

    flmom - is there an open MRI facility anywhere near you?  They exist, and they are great for the claustrophobic.

    BCAvenger - that name still cracks me up!  I was wondering where you have been!  I figured you were busy with grad stuff.  Went shopping today for organic grass fed chicken and beef, and eggs from pastured chickens - very exciting!  Went back to the YMCA last week and I am about to be cut loose from PT with my workout marching orders.  Glad you have a date to move forward with the new plan!  Are your expanders going to be sub-pectoral and with a fair amount of saline in them at the time of surgery?

    chick - I have only taken aromatase inhibitors so have no good info about the switch from Tamoxifen.  The drugs work differently, Tamoxifen blocks estrogen to the cells, Femara/Arimidex/Aromasin suppress estrogen by deactivating the enzyme aromatase.  You may experience more hot flashes and aching, and some people have mood swing issues.  I had a complete hyst/ooph 11 years ago so already did the surgical menopause - I have only noticed joint aching, but it is not severe.  If I move around I have no problem - it is stiffness when I wake up in the morning and/or sit for too long - like on a road trip.

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited June 2012

    GM-prayers go out to you these difficult days.  I have been away from the computer for a few days so I send <<hugs>> 

    Tatina-glad you are feeling better!!

    I had a TRAM on May 8th and am amazed 3 weeks out how well I am doing.  It was very painful for the first 10 my drains out day 7 and my drain holes closed up easy and I am doing really well.  At first I thought....what was I thinking??  I did get the gummy bear on the left side and the tram for the right.  They look so alike it is amazing.  My surgeon is quite an artist and my RO at Memorial Sloan Kettering couldn't get over my outcome.  I am so blessed to have such a great result!  I had a neighbor (man) tell me 10 times tonight how good I looked.....I had the tummy tuck and new boobs.....I was laughing inside.  He said he didn't know the lady walking the dog and he then realized it was me and had to say hi...the whole time telling me he belongs to the pool at the JCC and I should join-LOL....the whole conversation was very funny.  I told my husband and he just laughed.  I am trying to get use to my stomach being numb and looking forward to over time that getting better.  Getting use to my "blue dot" tattoos.  I read someone wrote--wearing Big Girl Pants--guess that is a role we all need to do whether we want to or not.  I just want to play and stop being such a big girl.  

     Best Wishes for you reading and catching up on everyone but have to run--Keep the Faith!!


  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited June 2012

    Hugs to Green Monkey.

    Bonseye, yes, I know what you mean. Sometimes I hate those big girl's panties.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for the good wishes  Was in a great deal of discomfort last night and when I unhooked my surgical bra, I found a raw spot on my skin right where the band stitch is to where the bra and band meet (off to the side of the right foob).  It's about the size of a thumprint.  When I looked closely at the bra, I noticed some surigical glue fell on this spot making it very abrasive and hard. I was also in a size too small which made matters worse.

    I literally had to peel off the bra because the area is oozing a clear liquid from being irritated.

    Called my PS last night and will be seeing him this morning to take care of this. Of course, I saw red and got really scared.

    So now I am in a more comfortable surgical bra, put neosporin on the area with gauze, and anxiously wait for my appointment time.

    GM - my heart goes out to you.


  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited June 2012

    SpecialK- do you know if the open MRI's have the breast Mri capability? If so that may be an option but I don't know; even the little contraption with the plates over my chest for the Sentinel Node biopsy needle thingy caused me unbelievable anxiety. I have always sedated myself before the MRI but what I actually need is sedation from the time I get the appointment-LOL  I might be better off to just go with the saline so I hopefully won't need any more breast MRI's.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2012

    Tatina - aside from the red oozing thingy... how is everything else? How do they look and feel?    Psalms and I are getting the Vegas thing figured out and I will call you at the beginning of this next week. Hope it all goes well with PS.

    FL - when I had my MRI, it was an open ended machine and my head was never on the inside of it. I was faced down anyway, on what like felt like a massage table. Despite the deafening noise, I just closed my eyes and tried to picture my back getting worked on. lol.  

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited June 2012

    DM- they are super soft but I have swelling, for sure. They look way better than the TEs and feel better, too. Right now, I look like a full D cup, but when the swelling goes down, it will be more like a C, I think.

    I looked at myself in the mirror today with my bra on and was shocked. It's as if I never had a BMX.

    Ordered spanx today online since I have to have stomach compression for the next month.

    Flomo - I was told that my MRIs were to see how the implants were doing as well as making sure all was cancer clear since I won't need mammos anymore.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited June 2012

    DM13- wow that sounds like the ticket not having to have my head underneath it. Everytime I ever had an MRI my head was in there too although they did have like a mirror you could look down into and see outside. Unfortunately the anticipation of going is probably the worst part. Maybe since they will be looking for silicone leakage rather than cancer I may be a little less anxious as well. I could never even crawl under the kids twin beds when they were little to get anything-I would have to stick a broom or something underneath to retrieve anything or wait until they got home from school and have them get it themselves. Pitiful. lol. Your back massage idea is great too. Infact doesn't a back massage sound nice? ( if only I could lay on my stomach to get one. haha)

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2012

    Tatina - spanx?

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited June 2012

    Tatina123- oh so they may be in order even with saline? I guess I should check on that too. Thanks

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited June 2012

    Yes, DM, spanx. I'm wearing a compression belt that makes me look like a bumble bee minus the black and yellow stripes. The PS recommended spanx as a great alternative.

    I just got word that I am attending a banquet at the end of the month for a writing award. Cannot collect my award bumble bee style....spanx for sure!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2012

    SpecialK - Yah!  You're starting detox!  Not sure yet how she's placing the TEs.  My pre-op appt is on the 21st, I will be sure to ask.  I assume they will be subpectoral because she said the stronger my pecs are, the easier my recovery will be.  She said she will be filling them as much as possible.  She said that when she cuts out all the scar tissue she said she will be filling out all that extra room with saline.  I expect I will come out of surgery with at least 400ccs in each.  Then it won't be long before I'm filled to capacity if all goes well. :-)  I'm not nervous, I'm actually at ease.  I say that now...

    Speaking of BCAvenger...65 pushups yesterday!  My trainer got me a special bar for my resistance bands.  I'm on the 2nd to highest resistance band.  The bar connects to the band which connects to a fastener on a standing column.  I lean into it and do push ups.  I'm not comfortable doing pushups on the ground and don't think I ever will be again.  Doing them this, have to say, I think they are much harder.  Alot of core balance required.  *patting self on back*

    I'm having a huge yard sale tomorrow.  Great timing, huh? Sunday I will be shopping for the grad party.  Monday and Tuesday, I'll be in Sonoma for freshman orientation.  On our way back Tuesday, I will be stopping off at DMV there so my daughter can take her driver's permit test.  If she passes, she's driving home.  Eesh...  Friday is graduation.  Saturday party.  Sunday, I drive my oldest back to Santa Cruz (finals week).

    After that, I will focus on preparing for surgery.  Time will fly!

    Can you say busy?

    Tatina, congrats on the award!  (Said in the manner of 'The Old Man' from Christmas Story...It's a major award!)


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited June 2012

    Bcavenger, wow, that is BUSY! Tatina, congrats. I had planned for saline, but then the silicone implants sound good, but I can't do MRI because I have a pacemaker, so maybe I should stick with saline. My last TCH is next week. How long after do they wait for te placement? O need to have the left replaced. Then they can start filling them both again. Anxious to get started back to my new normal, I guess this half filled boobette, and one cavern is so weird.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2012

    tatina - why the spanx?  Congrats on the award!

    bcavenger - man, after reading your list of stuff to do, I may need to lie down!!  Girl, you are busy, but it is a good busy, and time will fly by until your surgery!  Yay on the push-ups - I have been doing wall push-ups in PT, feels good to use all of these muscles again.  I am having less shoulder pain - they said my rotator cuff on both sides has no apparent muscle support from atrophy - that is what has been causing pain.  Starting the detox - looking forward to a simplified daily intake of food - unfortunately I still have to cook for everyone else!  I have walked the past two nights despite the injured toes - I think only the index toe is broken, the one next to the big toe is more bruised but I can bend it.

    flmom - I am not sure about open MRI for the checking of silicone implants - since they are not specifically looking for disease, just integrity of the implant itself, it may be possible to use a different modality.  Interestingly I have had zero conversation with my PS about having an MRI exam in the future.  It has never been mentioned.  It would not have changed my choice because I don't have any problem with MRI, and I really wanted the squishy feeling of silicone.  I know a lot of people have anxiety associated with the closed system, but maybe call some imaging centers where you are and see if they can use the open systems for the implant check.  I googled and there are many centers with open MRI near me.