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  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited May 2012

    GM - Sounds like maybe it was just a bad TE. :(


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    GM....does someone you know have a voo doo doll?

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Has anyone heard from Olga?

  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    surgery behind me May 23 implant and reduction still in pain Tylanol3 does not help much

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2012

    Fluff ..... wait til you see THIS!!! 

    Whats that you ask? Does someone I know have a voo doo doll?  VERY, VERY, GOOD POINT!!! 

    Voodude was meant to be burned but a group rallied around and save him.  So now... he's in portland, Oregon!!! with friends, good friends.  But you've just given me a great idea to blog about.  I haven't written in a long time. 

     This link:

    explains WHY I made a giant voodude doll.   

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    GM-I love should market him on QVC or someplace. Im sure you would make a fortune. Great blog also.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Hey All - I just heard about - if you have not joined, please do so. They are looking for help in researching breast cancer and have many surveys and interesting trails to join in.

    Took only a few minutes to join :) 

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Hi ladies:)  How are ya doing, Green Monkey and Erika?  Better everyday, I hope.

    I'm doing well. Still draining lightly onto gauze pads where the left drain was removed on Thursday. I'm so active that it really doesn't surprise me. And I really think that it's better if it's coming out than accumulating on the inside. No pain, skin looks great, incisions are closed. Lefty is slightly larger than righty, but I expect there is some fluid still in there, slowly being absorbed as well as leaking out a bit.

    I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day! 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2012

    Hi all, have been out of town and unable to check the boards, Tatina your day is coming up! Your list was great and funny.

    GreenMonkey how are you feeling?

    Momof3: How's the swelling? 

    Erika8: How are you feeling? Is the pain any better? 

    Dianarose: Nt sure about TE's and rads, maybe someone will come along to answer your questions (on previous page).

    DM13: Army of Women is GREAT, I blog about their trials every couple of months, and in fact just blogged about their latest survey yesterday!  Great minds.

    Everyone else I haven't mentioned by name, know I'm thinking of you and sending you well wishes and enjoy the long weekend! 

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Good morning:)  Swelling is way down - I had a good amount of fluid come out yesterday morning, then it stopped. This morning the drain hole is nearly closed. Everything looks very clean, incisions are closed. About to go for my morning walk before bands of tropical storm Beryl come to our area. I see PS a week from today, and I'm very pleased with how everything is healing. I know that I'm in this compression/surgical bra thing for another week and a half. I wonder what she'll have me in after that. I'm thinking an underwire bra. Looking forward to getting a few of those, AND some new clothes for our Vegas trip in August:)))

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    Momo - so glad to hear about your healing :) too bad you are going to Vegas in August and not September - Huge BC reunion going on in September, would have been nice to meet you.

    Ren - Been wondering where you have been, glad you're back.

    I have been fast walking about 3 miles a day with dog. Even though my reflection doesn't look much different, I FEEL different. So good to finally get off my butt and move! 

  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    hope everybody has a good day today i feel better too have to see my surgen tomorrow for my first checkup after surgery (implant and reduction)

    Hugs for everyone 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Taking a deep breath for tomorrow......I can't believe the exhcange day is already here.  The nerves are coming and going.....

    DM - sent you a PM about Vegas.  Did you get it?

    Momf3 - so happy you are doing well.

    Hope everyone is improving, too.

    Take care,


  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    good luck Tatina

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited May 2012

    Yay, Tatina! Good luck tomorrow!!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Oooohhh Tatina, good luck!  Will be thinking of and praying for you. You'll be GREAT! 

    I know, I wish I could come to Vegas in September, but once school and baseball start up again, life gets absolutely crazy. We literally have a one week timeframe every August for my husband and I to escape to Vegas and we run like hell lol!

    Things are still good today - no leaking or bleeding from drain hole. I think it's closed up. We went for a long walk this morning, and then I did some weights (lunges, squats, hamstrings, bi's, tri's) and I'm feeling groovy:)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    tatina - good luck tomorrow - we will be holding your hand!  Please post when you can to let us know how you are.  You are the last one on the list!  I wish that meant the end of problems for the TE ladies - but I guess that means our list needs an update!  Look at all the progress that has been made though - it is awesome! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Thank you, everyone!  


  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2012

    Tatina, looking forward to your progress notes! 

     I'll cry on everyone's shoulder about losing the TE 2 weeks ago.  I will try a fourth attempt at reconstruction on my left side in October.   Then that's it.  This roller coaster is too much for me.  I'm back to where I started last August, one good implant and a finicky left side.  I've been on IV antibiotics for 7 weeks, and on sick leave for 2 1/2 months.  I hope to make it back to work to see my seniors graduate.  I've been a case manager for some of them for 4 years, and this is a big step for all of us.  I miss them.  I have learned some things to plan for the next reconstruction, and I have a new PS, so I try to focus on that.  I count my blessings that I paid into short term disability, so I'm covered.  Summer is here, and I hope to enjoy it.  Sorry for the whine, and thank you for listening.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    tatina, I've been thinking about you all morning - looking forward to hearing from you!

    JLMG, I'm so sorry for all you've had to endure. UGH. I'm glad you have short term disability and I do hope you make it back to see your seniors graduate. Whine away, anytime.

    Mom-I'm so excited for you! And lucky you to get to go to Vegas. I'm so tempted, but would have to do major sucking up at work to make it happen since it falls on a major deadline here. Good for you, and for you DM for walking! I drove home 9 hours yesterday from visiting my sister in Missouri, and when I got home I was a beehive of activity - too much sitting. I took our dog for a walk last night, we both needed to stretch our legs.

    Erika, feeling any better today? I sure hope so. GM - I love your blog.

    I hope everyone is doing well after the long weekend. I'm looking forward to putting next Monday behind me and please dear Lord let it be the last of surgeries for a while. I'm not excited to know I'll have drain tubes again. Oh well, it's part of the deal and it won't be forever.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2012

    when is your surgery MT?  

    I put in the call to schedule my nips today.  Just nips, no more fat grafting.  DH likes the way they look and since fg for me was very painful I don't want to do it again.

    T hope everything went well today! 

  • Erika8
    Erika8 Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2012

    had my first check up after exghange day for implant and reconstraction its been one week she changed the tab for new ones and tells me it looks good i think my recontrsction boob looks bigger and down more not to happy

     i wish everybody all the best

    tatina i hope everything went well for you 

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    Chick, it's Monday June 4th. Then after I recover, I have fat grafting but probably only on the right side. I told the new PS don't be shy about harvesting fat, take all you went - take extra. I've heard it's pretty painful from you guys here. Then, after that...I will schedule my 3d tattoos. I truly hope to be completely done with recon by the end of this calendar year. We shall see.

    Erika, it takes a little time for swelling to go down - it's possible that you're seeing swelling...I wish you the best!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited May 2012

    Chick, it's Monday June 4th. Then after I recover, I have fat grafting but probably only on the right side. I told the new PS don't be shy about harvesting fat, take all you went - take extra. I've heard it's pretty painful from you guys here. Then, after that...I will schedule my 3d tattoos. I truly hope to be completely done with recon by the end of this calendar year. We shall see.

    Erika, it takes a little time for swelling to go down - it's possible that you're seeing swelling...I wish you the best!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2012

    Well I thought I was superwoman again today, and probably lifted more than I should have. Went grocery shopping, then to Total Wine and lifted a case of wine (bad girl).  When I changed bandage on drain hole, the scab pulled again and I had some bleeding.  PS said that when any fluid/blood comes out to push gently on it to get as much out as possible. So I did that & it looks like it stopped again. Yesterday I had no leaking. I think it's slowly healing, but with my craziness it's slow going. Thanks to tropical storm Beryl, I didn't go for my walk today - probably a good thing. Everything looks and feels good, though. Lefty is still slightly larger but not bad. I think it will take a few weeks for that side to settle down since she did so much work there. 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2012

    Tatina, let us know how surgery goes! Thinking of you!

    MTnester, I added you to the surgery board. I don't think anyone else has any upcoming surgeries. Many (myself included) still playing the "waiting" game! 

    Chick: Let me know when you have a nip date and I will add it above.

    Momof3, Erika8: Please take it easy!

    jlmg: Would you like me to add you to our surgery list (even tho the TE is already out)? Happy to do so. Just let me know. Feel better!

    GreenMonkey: how are you feeling?

    Hello to all! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited May 2012

    Hi everyone,

    I am loopy on Vicodin so there may be typos! All went well. Pain is minimal thanks to the pain meds. Total TE relief. Shockingly, implants are 600 cc's -- natrelle gel silicone high profiles.

    Thanks for all your love and support!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2012

    Tatina - Glad you are doing well and finally got to experience the blessed relief of exchange!  600ccs sounds bigger than it looks, trust me, I am fairly petite and have a 600/650.  Also keep in mind that you will have some swelling too.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2012

    YEAH Tatina! Was thinking of you all day and glad to see you are done! I am SOOOOO excited for you!

    Tatina, Psalms and I are going to the Vegas reunion at the end of September. We are one person short. Please let me know if anyone is interested in going and rooming with us :) 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited May 2012

    Tatina, congratulations!

    Momof3, sit your butt down and don't jeopardize anything.

    DM13, I would love to, but I can't commit and probably won't be able to until close to the event.