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  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    Both TES out .Nothing for 4 monthsFrown

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    Orange, so sorry. I have had one TE out for almost 6 months. I see the PS on Thursday to see about putting a new one in. So the time went really fast for me, perhaps because of the chemo I had other things to think about. I guess what I am saying is you will get there before you know it, hang in there.

  • NanG
    NanG Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2012

    im at the beginning stages of my fills. had my first fill last week...60cc. he wanted to do 120 but i chickened out after 60, it felt too weird and i needed to get used to it. its really scary!! i felt okay after i sat up though.

    i am not sure if its turned but the right side is sore. i think ive maybe been doing too much and not eating enough protein. yesterday i rested and i felt alright today. but here i go trying to do laundry again.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2012

    be very careful Nan G

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    I just saw my PS today, and asked about fat grafting.  He said no because it causes lumps and that's how we all began this nightmare (with a lump). 

    On the subject of perfection I say be happy with the results because too many tweaks could cause even more problems.

    Of course you can shower.  Just cover the area with plastic wrap and tape it.  Sometimes I have to wonder why people don't use common sense.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Orange - so sorry.... The time did fly by for me when my one TE was out.

    Nan G - listen to your body.....

    Mom of 3 - what did your PS suggest?

    And as far as showering, it's always best to consult with your PS or the nurse on hand to see what is the safest way to go about it. I had a handheld shower head which worked well.

    Take care,


  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2012

    2 hours ago lisa96 wrote: 

    Of course you can shower.  Just cover the area with plastic wrap and tape it.  Sometimes I have to wonder why people don't use common sense.

    Lisa96 - I think that common sense is one thing. Doing something that your PS has specifically told you not to do is another. My PS said not to shower for two weeks while the drains were in. I listened to him. He was very careful to point out how the drain puncture sites (as well as the tubes and bulbs) are direct openings for bacteria to enter the body.

    I thought you made a really good point about resting, even though the doc may have said "no restrictions".

    But most of the ladies posting on this thread have gone through terrible infections and other complications with their expanders. I would imagine that they would want to be almost obsessively careful for that to not happen again.

    (Not me. I still have the same TEs I got in December 2011. No complications, just waiting to lose weight and then have exchange surgery. I'm just butting in here - as usual -  with my personal opinions!!! Laughing And trying to learn as much as I can about potential issues....)

    Nan - by all means, listen to your body. You are right to rest and eat more protein.

    As for the TEs turning, mine didn't turn, exactly, but they shifted every time I had fills. The ports were always in a different location, which the PS said was totally normal. The only time it bothered me was when they ended up under a section of skin and muscle that still had feeling! Surprised

    I have in 700cc expanders filled to 620ccs. The fronts are like granite boulders. The sides, which reach around to the middle of my armpits now, can be poked in like a ziplock baggie not quite filled with water. Which I guess they are.... 

    Hope you feel better very soon!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    My PS also said that drains get infected easily, but that's also why he wanted me to shower - he said several times a day if possible - to keep bacteria from collecting. It's weird to me that doctors are so different, but it makes sense to me that if I don't shower, bacteria will collect easier...

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2012

    Forgot to add that he only said "shower", not baths, pools, etc.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    Orange, I know it's disappointing to say the least, but having both TE's out at the same time may be a bit easier than having to balance the lopsidedness of having 1 in and 1 out. I had delayed reconstruction, so I had nothing for almost 6 months while I did chemo. It wasn't so bad. Hang in there!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited July 2012

    Re showering...I was not to do it until drains out.

    Re fat lumps here and even if I did get one I am sure a quick mri could certainly tell the difference between fat grafting and cancer.

    Lisa96..I have been biting my tongue and do respect a differeence of opinion, however there is a difference between tough love and being down right rude. Implying that some of us are not using common sense when we follow our surgeons advice is rude. These women are scared and want to do everything they can to make sure things turn out ok. Please do not belittle them/me by implying we don't have common sense!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2012

    I totally agree, chickadee!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2012

    Re: drains, I can see good reasons for both sides of shower/no shower! One cleans around the drain tube. One prevents the pushing of water where it doesn't belong. It would be a really good research subject. I'd be curious which side got less infections. And, its not that I was scared to go against my BS/PS advice, but if you pay someone for expertise, why would you not do what he recommends? And I would really like to know which one is actually better. LOL probably never find out. LOL

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Kudos, chickadee! And I have no lumps from my FG procedure, either.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2012

    Chickadee, common sense tells us that if we are experiencing bad pain, you don't disguise it with pain meds.  Why do you think there are so many individuals addicted?  It's because doctors write scrips at the drop of a hat.  Wheneve I hear the words I am in so much pain an alarm goes off.  This is usually followed by my doctor gave me pain meds.  So, should we disguise the pain or should we realize that something is terribly wrong and needs to be corrected?  COMMON SENSE  I was in the hospital for five days with a TE infection and put on IV antibiotics.  It did the trick, but I was prescribed orals at home which made me very sick and I had a horrible rash.  I'm very sorry I took them.  Here's a hint - Medical doctors don't tell you to take probiotics to counteract the side effects of antibiotics.  Than goodness I knew to take them.  This whole reconstruction is like riding a merry-go-round.  I try to use natural remedies.  But I'm no fool and realized that the cancer needed to be removed.  Other than sugery, I answerd with a big NO regarding chemo, rads and hormones.  The oncologist tried to use scare tactics, but I wasn't buying it.  They've been using TEs for 40-50 years and the problems are still there.  Some bodies reject foreign objects some don't.  It's a crapshoot.  You have to go into this knowing the percentage is pretty high that something will go wrong.  I don't know if it's good or bad to read all our horror stories. For those just out of mastectomies and beginning the process of reconstruction, it can scare the crap out of you. For those experiencing rejection I guess it's nice to know that you are not alone.  We can only hope that luck is on our side. Sorry if my words aren't filled with sunshine, but this is a road that is rocky.

  • NanG
    NanG Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2012

    Blessings...I finally figured that tonight while poking around. The right side probably had more done tout bc that was the cancer side and snb...but I have the most sensation left there. Where I am sore on the right I still have feeling, whereas the same place in the left, i am numb. This was SOOO relieving to figure out! But I see what you mean when the TE is up under the parts u have feeling in. I'm guessing that is what's going on.

    In regards to the whole discussion for some people not having common sense....I think that if Lisa had posted that message about the plastic wrap and just left off the opinionating part, kept it in her own mind, it would have been fine. It's not that your words arent filled with's just that that sentence was aimed at one person and filled with piss.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2012

    Lisa, I don't think anyone is particularly concerned about words with sunshine. None of us think this is a happy disease. We do deserve, and expect, respectful comments. The boards are not for public judgement of someone's choice, whether you think it is common sense or not.

    These smart women are researching and coming here for additional knowledge and common experiences. On drains, docs have different opinions. Even between my BS, who said she doesn't think you should shower, and my PS, who considers it gross if you don't and says no study shows a difference in infection level. They were in the same room giving me both options. I showered the first time, ended up with an infection that was probably not drain related, then the next time, just sponge bathed.

    On antibiotics, I also tried iv antibiotics, twice, and oral, trying to save mine, but it didn't fully clear it. At one point, I developed hives, probably an allergy to sulfa now. I certainly am not sorry I took them. I can't have iv antibiotics every time I need some the rest of my life.

    Regarding probiotics, please do not generalize, saying that docs don't tell patients to take probiotics for antibiotics. I am sorry yours didn't but both my PS and Onc told me to take a probiotic during antibiotics, as well as chemo.

    For pain, expander fills can be painful. For me, the biggest pain was injecting the needles, and trust me, I used the emla cream from when they accessed my port to help offset that. You are correct, it is a foreign body and somewhat of a crapshoot, but pain for a couple of days after a fill is not uncommon, and if a mild pain pill or muscle relaxer helps to alleviate it, and get through the day, then so be it. Take a stool softener or probiotic though as it can be constipating.

    Nan-tell your doc you want to stick with 60 all along. It akes a little longer, but I think it is easier on the skin and is less likely to cause pain.the one time my ps filled 120, I broke out in a rash and had pain that took two weeks to clear up. No infection. The consensus was that it was too much for the skin to adapt too all at once.

    I am on my way to Wake Forest for round 4 of the vaccine trial that I am participating in. My friend is with me this time, so we are eating foods with sugar, pizza and wine last night. I don't do that often. It was delish. Off to the Pottery Barn outlet in Jeffersonville Ohio, before we continue our adventure.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2012

    Forgot to fat grafting looks great. Totally filled in the area where the skin was thinner from infection and there is no red area there any longer. No lumps or bumps, but whomever mentioned the MRI, they are correct. Generally, they can tell the difference between a fat lump and a tumor lump. I will be having one more session this fall since insurance is maxxed out to do the final touches and then go on my merry way.

  • giggley
    giggley Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2012

    Hi all!  I am new here, and I am sorry you all are having problems with your TE, but at the same time, so glad to see I am not the only one.  I had my original surgery in April, then had skin necrosis revisited on May 8th.  I am still trying to heal this incision and am quite concerned that this is going to happen all over again when I have my exchange and reduction to other side.  My PS (who is not very talkative but a good doctor) has said my incision is doing well right now but just healing slowly.  It may be due to diabetes, although he likes to blame it on smoking, which I have quit.  He just keeps removing the scabs, declaring it ok and scheduling me for a follow up in 3 weeks.  I'm getting quite scared about the next surgery wondering if I can do this all over again!  Has anyone had same issue and made it through the next round ok?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    giggley - There is no separation of the skin from the muscle in exchange surgery, which is what causes necrosis.  Ist is possible to have some delayed healing on the incision line, but that should be the only place.  Once you have achieved max fills your PS should allow some time to pass between the last fill and exchange, hopefully that will be sufficient to allow your new incisions to heal after exchange.

  • giggley
    giggley Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2012

    Wow!  Thanks for the reply.  That sounds almost hopeful Smile

    I have been at max fill since right after the initial surgery.  I have a 750cc expander in and was filled to 700cc at placement, then a week later he added 45ccs.  We were originally hoping I'd have my exchange by now, since I am losing my insurance (was suppose to be lost on 6/30 but hanging on to this month still). I am now looking at sometime in September which I hoped to avoid, not only because of insurance, but my last child at home is leaving for college and I will have to deal with everything without help.

    I do appreciate your response!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Special K - I think you should go back to school and become a medical doctor! 

    Fluff - safe travels to Wake Forest. Will your hotel have a pool this time (if my memory isn't failing me I think you were without one on the last round, right?)?

    Giggley - sorry you are here but happy you found us. Yes, I believe diabetes can slow the healing process.  As far as the exchange, my PS did use a different incision area to insert the implants (underneath the foob to hide the scar).  Has yours mentioned he would be using a different incision entry spot?  

  • giggley
    giggley Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2012

    Tatina, my PS just says he doesn't know yet to everything I ask him.  He likes to keep things open for change I guess.  His nurse assures me the exchange and reduction will be much easier, but with my luck that won't be the case.  I will just have to wait and see, but starting to become impatient as time goes on and I'm not getting there!

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited July 2012

    Hi all, so almost all scabs have fallen off, im at 240 now, and go in tomorrow for another 60cc, i think Im being filled to about 400cc.

    Hopefully now with this allerderm, i wont rip open lol. 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    For me, the exchange was MUCH easier Giggley.  During the same surgery, I had a revision (excess skin removal due to an infected TE situation so I could be matched up with the other side) Overall, my surgery back in May was a breeze compared to my BMX and immediate recon last September.


  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2012

    Good luck Red.

    Tatina, PS said that everything looked great. I'm cleared for normal activity (YAY!!) and underwire bras. So after the appt, I went bathing suit and bra shopping. I've been buying 36C bras and for some reason they just weren't fitting right. I had the girl at Victorias Secret measure me, and I'm a 36D! OMG (lol) I was an A, maybe a small B before breast cancer. PS was trying to get me to a C. Oh my. Anyway, she said that the right side implant that is sitting highter should drop (she gave me some massage techniques to try to get it to drop down). No further surgery required, unless I want to do nips. I'm really on the fence about it. She said it would look erect all the time, and if I don't like that look (which I kind of don't), then I can go right to the next step with tats. There's a great guy tattoo artist out here in Oldsmar in the Tampa Bay area. She said I can take my time, really think it over. So I see her again in 2 months. It feels great not to have so many doc appts. However, I do have an area on my neck that's coming off on Thurs. Basil cell carcinoma - very common and very curable so that's a relief. Being a native Floridian and a redhead has its drawbacks, lol. Anyway, that's my story from PS visit. Things are looking up. Vegas next month - YEE HAW!!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012

    Mom-great news! Wow, you didn't waste anytime going kind of gal! Vegas here you come..... I got fitted last week for a bra at Soma and I was a D cup, too. What kind of massage did the VS lady suggest?

    Sorry to hear about your Basil Cell Carcinoma. Hope the procedure goes quick.

    Have a great night,


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    tatina - I am too damn old to go back to school and become a doctor - maybe I could just get a job on Grey's Anatomy?  I think that might be easier, lol!  I am going to take that as a compliment though - I earned my medical degree at the school of hard knocks!

    momof3 - maybe we should do a Tampa area girls field trip to the tattoo place in Oldsmar - I am considering a tattoo on the left nip to widen the areola so it matches righty.  I asked my PS if I could just roll through Ybor and pick out a place - he actually said yes to that!!!  He is a funny guy!  I feel your pain on the basal cell - I am on number 20 - just had it removed a couple of weeks ago.  For me it is being a California girl with blond hair and blue eyes who is old enough to pre-date sunscreen! I am also a D cup in a bra - but I look like a C.  It is crazy to buy bras - I was a decent B prior to BMX.  Was it your PS or the VS girl who talked about massage - I am confused...

    red - hope this time is the charm for you - it has been a challenge for you and I am sure you would like some success!  Hoping so for you!

    giggley - if you were filled almost to max at surgery why did they not do a one-step to implant?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited July 2012

    Tatiana...yes, I am at the hotel with a pool this time, and my friend came along. We are having a ball.

    Specialk- you are going to be so jealous. I bet you don't have the western film fair in town when you go to your trial. Lots of aging cowboy actors and actresses in. Pretty fun. They are staying at our hotel. We are going to stalk Lanie Kazan and Connie Stevens, who I didn't know we're western stars, but will be here nonetheless.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited July 2012

    fluff - I am so jealous!  I will be sleeping on my son's fold out couch and there will be no aging cowboy actors in sight!!!  Then again, maybe if I ask nicely he will arrange a surprise for me, lol!!!  I am glad you are having fun and that there is a pool this time!