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  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    Hey SpecialK! When it rains it POURS but then you put on a poncho and get on with it! ;-)


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger - put on a poncho - I love it!  And I am totally stealing that line!  Don't you sometimes wish the character building experiences would slow down?  Seriously - you need a vacation with drinks with those little umbrellas in them!  Glad your sense of humor is intact!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    Character building experience is right, lol! I've been in an El Nino holding pattern for the past year and a half as far as that goes! I'm looking forward to a pretty nice penthouse suite in the clouds when it's my time! ;-)


  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012 sorry.  I hate drains!! make me check my perspective on my pending root canal.  I'm thankful things are settling for you and you're heading to FL!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger I LOVE it!!!! When it rains it POURS but then you put on a poncho and get on with it! Like SpecialK I'm stealing that one too. I hope you have that pretty penthouse suite you're hoping for and that their are alot more for the rest of us. You have had it really tough and it's nice to hear things are getting better.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited August 2012

    Hi Michelle! Glad to hear you are doing so well with the expanders. I had tons of scar tissue as well.

    Cindy - I am 3 months post exchange.

    Special K - Batten down the hatches - Hurricane Isaac is out there!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    momof3infl thats funny that you just said that about Hurricane Isaac. I was just about  to tell specialk the same thing and to tell her we Floridians may need to put our rain ponchos on! Hope he fizzles.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    My DH is a Miami native and he says he has a bad feeling about Isaac - maybe because we have been pretty fortunate since living here, storms have all missed us since '05.  We may need a really big poncho!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    SpecialK......Charley, Frances and Jeanne all took a big beating on our house in 2004. I swear it took us all these years to get everything back to normal. As a Miami native, does your DH have any dance, chant or anything that we can try doing to redirect it? Lol I'm willing to try anything because I don't think I can go thru that again. Not to mention that although we never lost power, I was sure it was just a matter of time so I spent all my time during the hurricanes cooking up everything in the freezer. Thanks to the hurricanes, my DH and I gained alot of weight that year that we have slowly tried to lose. lol I guess since I am blaming the hurricanes for my weight gain I may as well blame my cancer from the stress of the hurricanes too right? Dang Special K, now you got me thinking. I better go out and buy a new great big poncho because my old one definitely won't fit. Somehow it doesn't seem right to be naming a hurricane a Biblical name- maybe thats a sign we better try praying it away. Wow if it strengthens though and heads more your way, it could really cause havoc with that convention in town next week between hotels and travel plans.

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012

    global warming, ladies! I don't believe we can pray it away or wish it away. We need to stop gunking up the atmosphere with all the carbons we do, world wide. Even if we stopped this instant, we are still in a shit position. I swear it amazes me how animals lived in nature for billions of year without destroying it and the native americans lived here for god knows how long and communed with nature. We come along with our industrial revolution which was great for the economy and all but it sure made a mess of the environment. Here's really hoping you ladies down south have no problem with Issaac and that he moves out to sea and leaves you alone. Damnit, you have enough to deal with...

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012

    On to the topic at hand, breasts ..... well, I started pt yesterday, referred by my BS. I'm not having a terrible time with range of motion but it definitely needs work. I also have a terrible issue with tightness under the surgical scar, not 24/7 strangely, but on and off. When on, it feels like I'm wearing a bra with underwires, only the underwires are a size too small and made of iron.... As many of you who know me know by now, I've had complications all along the way, the latest being that my scar is an open wound. When I lift my arm it looks like a mouth (but toothless, yuck!!!!!). At PT she didn't work me hard but showed me the exercises I should do at home and manipulated inside the scar where the SN was taken... I must say, the tightness disappeared almost immediately BUT when I got home I noticed the scar was opened more than usual and when I cleaned it out, there was more blood that I ever get anymore. I have a second appt. tomorrow but I'm wondering if I should wait til I fully heal and my scar is fully closed (could take another few months) before dealing with PT or if I should do the PT and hope that the 'exercise' aids in the healing process... I know that is something I need to go to my doc to talk about but I wondered if any of you might just have some knowledge that would give me an idea here. Thank you so much.... I am still grappling with the problem - do I ever take the chance of more surg and go for recon. after all this is said and done (all PS will commit to is "we will address it down the road) or do I just go with good mast bras with very good forms that they seem to have now. I know I'll have to make a decision in the long run but wonder if  any of you good ladies might have some feedback.....Thanks.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Bev, have you had a second opinion on your wound? It just seems so strange that they are ok with it being open do long. Shaking head here.

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012

    I've been dealing with the PS who is the one who did both emergency surgeries when I had the horrible bleeding and I have put him up on a godlike pedastal for what he did for me there. I find it hard to think negatively about him in any way. He was there all the time and I came close to checking out and I reached a point where I looked forward to seeing him during rounds, just stopping by to check, watching him talking to the nurses about my miserable condition. He was just so THERE. He does seem very casual about this open wound though. He is, after all, a doctor who specializes in PS. He expected to close my scar, fill my TE, then make me a new breast and lift the other. He didn't sign on for hematomas and crazy bleeding and me needing two extra surgeries then a stay in in Intensive Care. I almost feel sorry for him lol. Each time, he says it will be closed by the next time, then it isn't. Last time I went he told me to start packing then made an appt. for me for FIVE WEEKS LATER.... I went to the BS, she at least measured it for comparison purposes. She went along with the packing until I ASKED HER what she thought of a wound vac. She said it was an excellent question and sounded really good then told me to speak to the PS about it lol so it's just a runaround. I am diabetic which makes things take longer to heal but I've had other, smaller wounds and they have always healed normally. Thankfully, I'm a ton better than I was when I was getting over two emergency surgeries and had drains in for 42 days and even then, one was draining 80-90 a day but they had stopped suctioning so had to come out. I wish I'd know all this before I went in expecting a routine surgery followed by a routine reconstruction. Now it looks like nothing is routine and there might be no reconstruction at all, at least not for a long time....I have next PS appt on 9/14. If the wound is still gaping, I'll will definitely talk to him. My endocronologist told me I should MAKE him commit to some sort of time frame. I am afraid every day of getting an infection (thank goodness none yet).... It looks like it will never close.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    2fried - I am not sure about the dance thing with my DH - unless he is doing it when I am not looking!  I'll ask him - he will get a kick out of the question at the very least!  We were watching the weather channel last night, well, he was, I was just walking through the room, and we discussed the RNC and how amusing it will be if they have to evacuate for a hurricane!  We had a tornado in our neighborhood with TS Debby - stopped one house short of us - they are actually putting the new roof on that house right now!  They just got done replacing all the pool cages!  We were very lucky, just lost a few shingles.  Makes me wonder when out luck will run out!

    bevg - wish I had some words of wisdom for you on the healing, but I think if the PT is making you bleed more it might be a good idea to hold off until you are further healed, especially if range of motion is not too bad.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2012

    My incision has opened in spite of sutures. I asked my PS to just stitch it up but he said he couldn't and covered it with a plastic, clear cover to keep it clean. 

    What options do I have for closing it without losing my implant?

    It's only about the size of a pencil head. The skin on that breast is really thin from radiation and anti-estrogen therapy. 

    Any ideas ladies would be appreciated.



  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    Katarina, do you have a TE or an implant?

    I have had my skin open up with both a TE & with implants. Your PS may be different, but mine will not close up an opening once the implant has been exposed to air. The first time it happened to me on my rads side, my PS swapped out the implant. The second time, he removed it & left it out for about 2 months before replacing it with an adjustable saline implant.

    If the skin is thin, your PS may be able to excise the thin skin. I had such extensive thinning on my non-rads side that my PS did a lat flap on that side. I could have tried again with a TE, but I opted for a lat flap since I already had a lat flap on my rads side.

    Hugs to you!  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2012

    BEVG49: I would definitely get in to see your PS to discuss your open wound. That doesn't sound right. You need a plan. Doesn't matter how nice he is. An open wound is an infection waiting to happen. Wash your hands all the time, keep everything clean, and maybe also give your PCP a call. He/she might have some suggestions. Keep us posted.

    KATARINA: How long ago was your exchange? Do you have any oozing or seeping? 

    BCAvenger: Sorry to hear about your FIL. Hope things calm down over there soon for you.

    {{{hugs}}} to all! 

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012

    thanks so much for the advice, Renn... I have this feeling I'm getting a massive runaround. I am also incredibly depressed because this is just going on way to long and it's not because I'm working on reconstruction. It's just because everything went wrong. My PCP says it is not his area of expertise but to definitely get a plan from the BS with a definitive time frame. The BS looked and measured but had no advice until I said I'd read about the wound vac on these boards. She said "excellent idea" talk to PS. I have an appt. with him on 9/14 which is too far off. I will try to get in sooner. I realize my feelings for him are over the top and probably not warranted exactly but I almost died and he was the one that got me past it then it happened again and he got me through it again. I have to look at him with a more clear eye. I have to get this scar to close up. My surg was 6/7, my emergency ones were 6/15 and 6/18. The scar opened up approximately 7/1 so it's a long time, isn't it? I was my hands religiously. I was my scar twice a day, put bacitracin on and in it. Pack with gauze and bandage. I hope I'm avoiding infection by doing this. I am terrified of infection. I am not good with pain. I have had enough with this shit. I will call tomorrow and get some kind of something.

    On another topic, I wonder if anyone has an answer to a question I have. I'm going to visit my uncle this weekend and he has an inground pool. No one really uses it but him and his wife and it is kept clean. If I am bandaged properly and the bandage is taped well, can I go swimming with a scar that's opened? I have a call in to ask the doc but maybe one of you good ladies know the answer?? thANKS.

    Kat and DLL, my surgeon says you can never suture an open wound because it has to close and heal from the inside out. If he were to close it, you could get an infection inside and really be in trouble. At least this is what he told me. Otherwise, I'd have asked him to sew this thing up last month.... 

  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012

    bev49....No experience with the pool but I would have to say stay out!  You've been through enough to risk having to deal with more and potentially prolong your healing.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    Bev49 I have a very small area about the size of a pencil eraser that is open and another small area about the size of a dime of scar tissue that is like a brush burn that I have been fighting since surgery (it was lots bigger). I have to keep meds to prevent infection and bandages on it all the time. I am not allowed to swim in my own pool or allow it to soak. I can shower but am only allowed to use an antibacterial soap on it and allow the shower water to rinse it then back to bandaging it again. I would be really surprised if your doctor allowed you to do anymore than maybe wade in up to your waist.

    That reminds me though, for anyone with open wounds that are tempted by the ocean.  I found out from an old neighbor that a man that used to live near us but moved to the beach several years ago, died suddenly . He had developed liver problems and was being treated for them for the last couple years. Anyway he and his wife went down to the beach and were walking in the surf and really enjoying the sunset. A couple days later he developed a really high fever and died. Turns out he had cut his leg a couple days prior, nothing major by any stretch, and the doctor said that he had gotten a bacterial infection  from the ocean water through the open wound and because his resistance was already compromised it killed him! His wife was so shocked because it was just a small cut. Any the doctor  said that the ocean is full of all sorts of bacteria that our bodies fight off easily, but that patients with open wounds that have any compromised immunity issues need to stay out of the ocean until their open wounds are healed. I know I'm not taking any chances in the future. I'm going to be checking my legs or feet for even the slightest little cut before I stick my tootsies in the surf. lol

    SpecialK, your hubby must be secretly doing a  hurricane dance or something because old Isaac seems to be moving further off the coast. I'll feel alot better if it goes much further into the Gulf though. That would be crazy if the RNC were in town and it shifted like Charley and all of them did in 2004. What havoc that evacuation would be. Pinellas would probably have to just stay put so they could get the rnc group out. Wow you were so lucky with TSDebby to have her stop one house short. (Must have something to do with that hubby of yours!) Because so many roofs and pool cages and entire homes were destroyed here during the 3 hurricanes in 2004 it actually took a couple years before we could get the shingles we wanted, get our roof on and get our pool cage rebuilt. We had to hire a company from Melborne because the locals were booked for a couple years. I thought we were going to have blue tarps forever. The 1st hurricane we didn't board up and we watched our  pool cage just get lifted up from our back yard, then it blew over our roof and  wrapped around the tree in our front yard. It drew quite a bit of attention until we could get it unwrapped and hauled away because it just looked like some big art form or something.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    2fried - I am a California girl so the whole hurricane thing mystifies me - give me an eartquake anyday!  I am hoping the storm turns the other way - but I also hope it doesn't hurt anyone - makes me feel guilty to wish it away to become someone else's problem!  I wish they would just circulate around over the ocean and then die out - that would be perfect!

    Anyone with any open wound - I would not go in pool/ocean!

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited August 2012

    Yep, called the doctor and was told exactly what you said, 2friedeggs..... Wade in up to your waist and no further. I am so disappointed but then again, I don't want an infection so I'm listening. Spoke to nurse practitioner and she said it could actually take several months for this to heal and close up, especially since I am a Type II diabetic. Great news, not.... She says I can't see it but it's healing from the inside out. She's right, I don't see a damn thing except an open scar about 1 inch long and a void inside. Ah, patience is a virtue. At least they say I am NED and no chemo or rads, just Femara which is a pain in the ass too but I am grateful for the good path report and should probably try to look on the bright side of things. Still can't help venting about the other stuff though, sorry lol...

  • tlew
    tlew Member Posts: 48
    edited August 2012

    Hi Everyone,

     I'm just throwing a related question in here, in case anyone knows the answer. I also have the TE and getting my weekly fills. What does it mean when they say "skin integrity"?  What does it look like when its considered bad? My PS is on vacation now. But I've noticed my chest (above my breast)area does have alot of dead skin that I can wipe off.  Did anyone have that?

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited August 2012

    bevg49 - I'll have to echo what a few others have written here.  I know all cases and all PSs are different so I'm only going from my own experience.  The whole time we were trying to get my wound to close it was no swimming or hot tubs or even bathing in the bathtub, no exercise other than walking, avoid sweating (which meant no walking in the heat) to keep bacteria from potentially getting into the wound, no activity with arms that caused pulling or pressure on the breast skin.  I was being seen by my PS frequently (weekly for a while) especially when I was packing the wound.  I wasn't in need of upper body PT at the time, but I know that would have been on the no-no list as well.

    Five weeks does seem like a long time between appointments for a diabetic who is packing a wound and who has had so many healing issues already.  Again, I am only going by my own experience and it could be that my PS was overly cautious by wanting to see me in person so often.  Is your PS open to email communication?  If you are able to provide really good close-up photos many docs are happy to also keep tabs in between appointments that way, especially if you have concerns.

    Take care!    

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Tina, I have had it from the dressing and binder, if its like a dandruff form. I am very sensitive to adhesives and get rashes from coverings too. So I get that dead skin sometimes if its been covered. If you are talking sloughing off skin, see the doc, that is different. Dust, ok, strips, no!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    SpecialK - This sounds nuts but I've always wanted to experience a a category 2 at most a 3, in a good solid structure. I should have been a storm chaser, I'm fascinated with weather. You know here in Sac, we can get some pretty strong storms but usually just shy of category 1 status. A few years ago we had those bug storms blow through with 70 mph winds with rain.

    bevg - I echo everyone else, do not go in the water with an open wound. I would not take that chance. I've known people who have had open wounds for months. They were diabetics also. But they weren't in the breast area due to our circumstances. I should add that my last PS was very nice and really really liked him but that doesn't mean you shouldn't seek a second opinion. In my case, he royally f'd up my chest which led to the total revision surgery I just went through.

    tina - Skin integrity has to do with how well it will take expansion. If you've had radiation, the integrity of the skin is compromised. Others here can better speak to that as I didn't have radiation.

    So I'm getting back into my workout routine. I can't do crunches yet, it's still tender but my arms are back over my ears. I'm stretching them all throughout the day. I'm going to try hot yoga again. My gf has talked me into it and my PS highly recommends yoga to build up the pecs. I tried it once before all this cancer stuff but was seriously turned off to the instructors. I've got roughly a month and half before the next go around! Still waiting for a call with my date.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger - I have a couple of guest rooms so you are welcome anytime we are having a hurricane - actually, any time at all!  I have to say I like that my DH grew up in Miami because he has a lot of hurricane experience - I trust him to know what to do.  Hurricano Hugo went right over his parents in S. Carolina, and Andrew went right over my BIL in Plantation - they both had minimal damage, but the in-laws had big southern pines come down and fall right next to their house - just missed hitting it!  Also they had just built this house and had new landscaping - the wind sucked all the new flowers right out of the ground and they blew away!  Crazy!  When you are doing yoga just be careful not to put too much body weight on your arms - can aggravate LE.  Certain poses are problematic, but the stretching is really nice.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Just got my drain pulled! Yay! Incision is looking good. And omg, the incision is huge! From the center of my chest to under my armpit! Gotta be over twelve inches! But I don't have any side boobage, can you say perky? Maybe they are fried eggs yet, but they match! Ps said a week or two to start fills, I say, two or more, I want healed, no infections this time. So now its just wait to heal. I see only one dark part on incision line, but its only a week and a half, so give it time. It is weird to have a matching set, even if they are only boobettes! LOL

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    moon - yay!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    moonflwr - Hooray on the drains! My incisions are long too. They go all along my flanks on both sides past the armpit and almost meet in the middle of my chest. Almost one long zipper!

    SpecialK - You have a deal! There are some poses I can't do yet. I'm working on holding my sun salutations. The downward dog is difficult, mainly because my arms are too damn short (shorter than normal people's short arms if that makes sense) so it makes me put more pressure that I should. I need to get yoga blocks. I can do planks but I can't hold them very long. I didn't have a problem with arm bearing exercises with my trainer but I built up slowly and as you know working with weights which helps LE. I just realized something...I need to ask my PS if 'hot' yoga is ok. Not sure if the extra added heat to my chest area with a TE still in would be advisable.
