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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger - my arms are short too - I am not very tall - 5'3", but I am a petite from the waist up, not from the waist down.  This causes the same problems you have with the poses.  I am wondering if the heat may be more of an issue with potential LE (will cause swelling) than the TE but at this point you don't want to do anything that will cause a problem!  You have had enough of them!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    Seriously! When you said that a light bulb went off. I don't want to take any chances. I see my PS next Wednesday. Yoga doesn't start until that week after.


  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2012

    BevG49 - great advise on what not to do when trying to heal. I haven't gotten any advice from my PS other than to keep it sealed with a terrafland plastic covering. It won't heal with this. It's just a holding pattern.

    DL66 - I have an implant. I was doing great until I went in to have the nipple and tattoo done. It never healed (open incision) and then he opted to take the implant out, clean it up and replace it. He stitched it and all was fine for about 3 weeks then boom, small hole in incision. I agree that he will not just stitch it up. Thanks for the confirm.

    I was wondering if I should go see a PS experienced in Lat flap or Diep reconstruction and just have this implant removed and my body skin and tissue used to rebuild my right side?  The adjustable saline implant sounds interesting.  Can they do a lat flap over the hole now?



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Kay, I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing that if you have an unhealed wound, even if small, that they won't do any additional surgery. But I could be wrong.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2012

    MOON!!! I've been quiet here but here comes a big screaming YES!!!! YES!!!YES!!! AND I agree.. wait, caution, patience.... Congratulations... today is YOUR day... you're off to great places... you're off and away!!! 

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2012

    Special K, can't believe you are only 5'3... I was visualizing you 5'6"... you have big, fabulous, energy! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    GM - and that is on a tall day, lol - I am really about 5'2" and maybe a 1/2!  I am glad you think I have big and fabulous energy - that is my goal!  My daughter is about 5'6" and my son is close to 6'4", husband is 6' - I am tiny, but mighty! 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2012

    Hello to everyone....

    Bev, stay out of the water. I had a bad reaction to my paper tape and ended up with two surface wounds. The scabs are finally shrinking but I still won't go in the water. I have not been in my jacuzzi for a year and counting. My aching back cannot wait to get back in there.

    Special K - what part of CA were you from?

    DLL - Hey, there!

    BC Avenger - too much going on....glad you're back on the boards!

    Moon- yay on the no drain!

    Tina - I have had some skin peeling but it's more related to the dry weather and not applying moisturizer to my chest area like I did before the BMX.



  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited August 2012

    Just scheduled my final fat grafting today. September 21. I was going to do it later, but husbands company is shopping new insurance companies. I have maxxed out everything for this year, so didn't want to miss my window . After that, I am done, except for the tattoo touch up I need.

    Special k, my daughter finished her college career in California. We were in Fullerton, meeting with an apartment manager in 2008, I believe....bottom floor of a 7 story place. All of a sudden it feels like a semi is driving by outside the window, but doesn't stop. Also feels a little wavy, making me feel a little queasy. Laura has her hands grabbing the desk. This is all in about ten seconds. The young manager looks calmly at us and says, this is an earthquake and if this Hasnt stopped in ten seconds, we need to get out of the building. It did stop. Everyone else in the office was either under their desk or standing in a doorway.

    Turned out to be a 5.9 quake in our area, did all kinds of damage. We could not call out to let anyone know how we were for five hours. Freakiest thing I have ever been a part of. Fortunately very few injuries, and only monor, but foundation damage, grocery store shelves crashed to floor, etc. I thought Laura may decide to pack up and come home...but no.

    I agree with the no hot tub/pool. Too many little germs waiting to cause a problem. And if you are getting any kind of chemo yet, not worth the risk.

    I hacked my hand with a knife a few years ago. They put in nineteen stitches ( my fist accident related stitches, and I was a baby). When they went to take out the stitches, it hurt so bad, I finally told her to stop. They she looked at my hand and the incision was wide open with no bleeding. She said no rest itching. Had to heal from the inside out. They did butterfly it with tape and it took another couple of weeks to close up. I couldn't get it wet or anything.

    Glad everyone seems to be doing well.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    tatina - I was born in L.A., went to college in San Luis Obispo, then lived in Sacramento.  I met my DH there, he was in the Air Force.  We got married and lived all over the world for the next 28 years.  His last active duty assignment was here in Tampa, but he ended up working here so we are still here.

    fluff - that is why I like me an earthquake!  They are quick!  Only bummer is the aftershocks - you never know if it is an aftershock or the BIG ONE!  I was there for the Sylmar quake in '71 and the '94 Northridge quake epicenter was under my parents house - that was a crazy one!  The good thing is that the state of California has been very proactive in adopting building codes that help save lives.  Had to postpone my FG until I am done with the vaccine trial - will do it in Dec/Jan.  I had scheduled it for July 6 but had to be in D.C. on the 15th - didn't want to miss the trial because I was too sore to fly.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    SpecialK I guess once you've lived thru something once you are more comfortable with it. While you will take an earthquake over a hurricane, I'll take the hurricane any day over an earthquake.While it's right over you it's terrifying but it passes through fairly fast. The thought of an Earthquake terrifies me because I picture either being buried alive or driving off the end of a road that  no longer exists. Looks like Isaac is moving further away but you'll probably get plenty of wind an rain being on his east side.

    BCAvenger you're more than welcome to come here too if one heads our way.We survived 3 back to back hurricanes 2 cat 3's 1 cat 4 summer of 04. We ate like gluttons thru them and rented a movie that went off a little into the cat 4 hurricane. We called the cable company and told the rep who was in CA that we had lost our movie.She said "oh your in FL how close is that hurricane?" We said "we are in the midst of it as we speak and need the movie to distract ourselves." Then she could hear the pounding winds and rains and was in total disbelief that we were watching a movie with the hurricane right over us. She ended up getting our movie back on and said it was the most interesting call she ever had because she got to be in a hurricane over the phone.

    Bev great about the pathology; sorry about the swimming as I know you were counting on it.

    TinaT My skin is considered very thin and "fragile" now that these expanders are so hard and full. I really have to watch that I don't pull the skin off if using bandage tape  because the skin is so thin.I'm kind of in a catch 22 position because I was using a bra to hold the bandage but it would move and the friction would create like a brush burn. I'm sensitive to the tape after so many hours but occassionally use it to hold the bandage in place.  My MO told me that if I have to use a bandage, to just get in the shower and let it get soaked so that it falls off rather than chance pulling off the skin.

    Moonflwr thats great about the drains! Congrats on the matching fried eggs. They don't stay that way long once you start filling them up.

    Speaking of TE's though, have any of you who have them full noticed how hard it is to sit comfortably in an elbow to elbow situation (theater seats,etc) Went to Cirque du Soleil last night and with these rocks under the armpits getting comfy was a chore. They don't budge in the least when you have to have your arms close to your body. How do you explain to anyone why you are sitting with your elbows flexed when space is so tight. lol

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    2fried - your description of sitting in close seats made me laugh - the TEs really don't move and I found towards the end I crashed into stuff a lot too because I was leading with my chest, lol!  There is one space in my house with a piece of high furniture that has a corner near a doorway - I still pass by there with my hand over the left side so I won't hit it!  I have probably said it on this thread earlier but my PS told me a story about one of his patients who was on the crowded subway and was apparently resting her TE on the gentleman in front of her - he turned around and said "do we know each other..."

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    2friedeggs - I haven't had that problem with my TEs. They are hard but I don't necessarily feel like I have a bag of rocks or cement on my chest. I do have a hard time laying on my side with my head propped up with my head on my hand (elbow in a 45 degree position). The TE does not let my arm manipulate like that. I had that problem with my last TEs too. The implant side is no problem. Thanks for the invite. My criteria for sitting through a hurricane would have to be with people like you who can sit and watch a movie, lol. Or like SpecialK whose husband is used to them. I have a girlfriend who lives in Maryland, her name is Irene...we made alot of jokes when Hurrican Irene came through. She just rolls her eyes at them when they come through. I guess sort of like we do in California with earthquakes. They happen here everyday but you don't feel them. It's the bigger ones that are closer to the surface that hit the news. But even the big ones that happen up here in the North area, I don't feel. I'll have friends call from back east or the midwest calling to see if I'm ok. I'm usually like....what are you talking about? lol At the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco they used to have an earthquake simulator. I hear they are bringing it back. It simulated the Loma Prieta earthquake in '89. You're in a room with a huge screen and you are watching the World Series (A's v Giants) and right at 5:04, the ground starts to shake. You relive that day all over again, they have the real footage of the game when it hit and then it goes to news reports. That simulator is something else. It's the real deal.

    So I have a question...I noticed a spot over the middle of my left implant. I noticed it because it looked like I had a circular nude bandaid over it. I touched the area and it feels weird. Almost like there is space between my skin and the implant. Also the scar feels like it is protruding some but I can't see it. Any thoughts?


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger - I have a couple of spots that feel like a bubble, and one place where I can feel the edge of the implant.  I am hoping that is normal.  My skin and pec are pretty thin - my PS commented on the pec thinness - he felt it was congenital, so I figure I can just feel stuff under it.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    I just called my PS. She's in surgery all day. I talked to her assistant and they bumped my appointment up to Monday. She told me to look for the usual infection type symptoms and if anything happened to call back immediately. I think it's nothing but that's kinda what happened on my right side when I got that infection the last time. I'm sure its nothing, just better to be careful. Right? Right.

    The area that it is happening is near the middle where the nipple would be.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    BCAvenger - right!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited August 2012

    Aug 20, 2012 06:29 PM CMartin wrote:...doing tats only myself...

    Allll righty, then!!!! I was reading back a few pages, trying to catch up, when I caught CMartin's post.

    I took it to mean that she was doing the tatts on herself...and I thought "WHATTA WOMAN!"

    Well, CMartin, I finally figured out what you meant Wink but I still think "WHATTA WOMAN!"

    (It's the drugs. Two days post-exchange. I'm in my happy place.)

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited August 2012

    Congrats on exchange Blessings!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    blessings - you are making me laugh!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Congrats blessings.

    Man, they pulled my drain yesterday, but the hole is still draining big time. I didn't notice yesterday, but today when I got to shower the dang gauze dressing was covered, so was my camisole. You think I would have noticed. Of course I am numb all over where the incisions are, so I never felt it. well, got it all cleaned up and had to go buy a wound dressing. Actually I hope it keeps coming out, as better out than a seroma. Sorry if too much info! LOL of course the incision is almost 24"long.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited August 2012

    Moonflwr912 - best of luck with the drain. Mine never stopped draining unfortunately. They sell great gauze pads at CVS - they are individually packed that last the entire day. And cloth tape keeps everything in place.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Roadwarrior, Thx, that's where I bought my dressings. I have to get my meds there. And I had to wear diapers for the D I had during tx, the adult diapers from CVS are really good and pretty cheap. Just sayin! LOL

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited August 2012

    Yes, thank god for the 24 hour CVS right by my house!

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited August 2012

    Anyone know how CMartin and Blessings are doing? They were supposed to get their squishies.

    Wow,went to preop today and they are doing the surg at 6 am and kicking me out at 12! Are they trying to operate on as many folks as possible? Yep,just yank those TE out and stick in the implants and get that patient outta here. Hey doc dont forget my anesthesia and my Valium pills to take home.

    momof3,how long ago was your surg? Did you do exchange? I am wondering about recovery.

    Hope everyone gets their TE straightened out so they can get their squishies,I know you are all so ready for the next step to be over.

  • Susiell
    Susiell Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2012

    anyone feel like the TE is bruising your ribs?

  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012

    Susie...not me personally but I've heard that from others. and out! I was still groggy and kind of feeling like I was being hurried out. Guess its all in a day's work! All in all it was a relatively easy day. I posted more on our other thread. Gotta go sleep for now!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Susielle, I feel like that now in my new TE, but I attribute that to the Alloderm. At least that's what it was before, feels almost like broken ribs. If you're talking about a te that's been in a while, sorry, can't help.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited August 2012

    Cmartin, glad it went well for you. I saw Blessings post on another thread, she is tired but everything went well, I'm sure she will check in when she is more awake.

  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012

    Moonflwr...thanks so much. Gotta close my eyes too.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2012

    CMartin so glad it all went well. How do they feel? I hope better than these expanders!