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  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Yay, LilLadie. Hope the time passes quickly.

    Good to see you momof3! husband & I were invited back to speak for a student group at USF in October for their breast cancer awareness event. We're gonna do it. 

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    Apparently my iPad went crazy.... Sorry about the message being repeated over and over again.

    My PS says he wants to see me in 2 months. He also says its up to me if I want to continue fills on the right TE. Are there any pros for continuing the fills while not having a left TE? Or is it best to wait?

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    DLL- I'm happy to hear that you speak about your experiences with others. It's amazing!!! I don't know if I could do the same in front of a large population.

  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Hey Ladies,

    I'm feeling better today.(mentally).. Might need to have my Wellbutrin refilled.. :)? Physically, I am not in any real pain, just soreness from where the drain exits.. But, my body feels sort of depressed? Can that be? Can my mind feel ok but, my body down in the dumps? Anyway....probably all in my head...

    DLL, did you like the results of your first lat flap? I am a little confused and couldn't find specifics about the implant when doing a lat flap. Do they have to use a TE for the implant? I would think the lat muscle, once sewn to the front, would be enough to hold the implant?

    LilLadie, Congrats!!!!

    Renn, keep feeling better!

    GreenMonkey, good luck on Monday!

    BCavenger, how ya been?

    Thank you ALL for being so caring!!!!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Shae, yes I did like the results. My initial recon surgery involved a lat flap on my rads side with TEs placed on both sides. My skin thinned & split open along the incision during the fill process on my non-rads side. I had swelling on that side after a painful bump into a wall walking down a dark hallway at home & the fluid found a spot to drain out of & it all went south from there. At that point I had been almost expanded enough, so I had a lat flap on my non-rads side with implants placed on both sides. The non-rads side has been problem-free; I did have complications on my rads side, however. I needed TEs because I had a LOT of tissue & skin removed at BMX.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    lilladie - I did not do fills on the right when my left was out.  It didn't make sense to to make one side larger and make it more difficult to match with a prosthetic on the flat side.  When my left TE was finally replaced I filled that side only first until they were even, then did bi-lat fills until done.

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    SpecialK- that's what makes sense to me. I just wanted some feedback cause my PS said there are some women that want the fills, he doesn't know why though. Im with you though, no fills til I get the other TE.

    Shae- I think it's perfectly normal to have good days mentally and your body feel run down. Your body has been through a lot recently. Please try to rest your body when you get the chance.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    lilladie - also, my new TE was filled fairly quickly back to the surgical fill amount - I had weekly fills, and I think it only took three because at one point that pec muscle had been stretched already.  Even though my left TE was out for seven months, the pec muscle didn't return to its pre-TE tightness.  After I was even I went slowly though - only 25cc fills weekly.  Because I filled so slowly I didn't have a long a wait as some for exchange - only 5 weeks.  From the time I had the TE put back until exchange was seven months.  That included healing from the new TE surgery, and the five week wait after final fill until exchange. 

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    SpecialK- unfortunately for me, my skin has adhered to the chest wall. My PS says he will have to inject fat from my tummy to fix the problem. But that will happen when he replaces the TE.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2012

    LilLadie - my PS also wanted to continue filling the right side, but I prefered not to and he was fine with it. I don't want to be anymore uneven than I already am!

    And as far as the skin...after the surgery for the TE removal it looked like they took a vacuum and just sucked the skin in - I could have helf a golf ball in there! It's been 2 months though and it's been slowly suctioning out...I massage and moisturize the area daily, but not sure if that helps or not.  

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    Roadwarrior- Thats exactly how I look. Any suggestion on moisturizer?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    I used cocoa butter, but you could also use coconut oil - the kind you cook with!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2012

    Yes, I use Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E - you can get it at any CVS, Walgreens, etc. It's also worked well to diminish the scars from the drains.

    I also occasionally use Alba Botanic Very Emollient Body Lotion unscented if I don't have cocoa butter around 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2012

    Shae: I know what you mean!!! I felt depressed too after this last surgery and I didn't have the complications you just encountered! Everyone around me was so positive and expecting me to feel joyful that this big surgery was now over. I wasn't feelin' it. I worried (still do) about my healing and do not feel out of any woods, that's for sure! Just be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to feel whatever it is you are feeling. When we hit these TE snags, I think it stalls our recovery from BC ... puts it all on hold while we deal with these frickin' complications. I kinda knew things would bubble to the surface once I had my exchange. (Did they ever!) Also, I think our bodies grow weary of these surgeries. Make sure you are getting a LOT of rest and drink a LOT of water. Journal if you find that helpful, or write notes and burn them, whatever it takes to get the yucky thoughts out. I find that helps. {{{hugs}}} PS: Are you on Tamox?

    Lilladie: I went without my right TE for 5 months. I did *not* get any fills, for the reasons SpecialK and Roadwarrior mention... it's hard enough disguising the imbalance, who needs it to be even more apparent! ;-)

    Fluff: let us know how th FG went!

    GreenMonkey: Will be thinking of you on Monday!! I hope you have a relaxing weekend. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    ren - how are you doing now?

  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Thanks DLL, LilLadie and Renn!

    I never had any problems with depression until the bc. I had Wellbutrin before to help me quit smoking (years ago). So, doc put me on it again when I was 1st dx.. It helped a lot! But, I am not on any other meds other than blood pressure (felodipine). I think I will be fine. I was just dwelling on this setback..

    I too, look all sucked out & sunken in on the one side.. Plus, he did these awful looking rope stitches.. Didn't know about massaging or certain lotions but, I will ask at my follow-up.

    Funny, how extra sweet my DH is when he knows I'm a little down. I had to tell him the daily Reese cup will not 'really' make it better.. Lol.

    Thanks everyone

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2012

    I just went and got the cocoa butter! Thanks ladies!!

    Shae- I also never had any type of depression prior to bc. I was always the strong one. I work in a male dominated field and dealt with other people's problems every day. I had to stand my ground and place myself in dangerous situations to protect others. Now I feel weak at times and find it hard to ask others for help. It's funny you mention Reese's cups, cause the almost nightly ritual of a Rocky Road from my hubby makes me smile. Even if it's just for a short time.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited September 2012

    So there hasn't been any leakage under the incision. Which is good news.

    I go see him on we'd and I'm going to ask that they don't put any saline in for another week or so. I want to make sure I'm healed.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2012

    I fell behind again.... 

    I'm catching up!

    Thinking about all of you.

    I feel like we're sitting side by side in a starbucks, or dunkin donuts, .... or a great irish bar! 

    Shae, you are you feeling today? I'm not a medical professional, but this is "situational depression" - depression caused by a difficult, stressful situation. I had a GP review my past history and say, "so... you suffer from depression?" and I made her update my files. Anyway... thats another story.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2012

    DLL, I was wearing an unwire bra but that was my choice. my PS said no bra was necessary. 

    I use SHEA butter that I got from a vendor at a jazz festival craft booth :) love it, swear by it!

    I use the soap, never heard of the nasal stuff.

    I, I, I, I....  sorry for being so self centered. One more "I" okay?

    I got my period. Can't wear a tampon during surgery due to risk of toxic shock syndrome. Must wear a pad.

    UGH... I don't know why that bothers me as much as it does but it does.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2012

    DLL, I was wearing an unwire bra but that was my choice. my PS said no bra was necessary. 

    I use SHEA butter that I got from a vendor at a jazz festival craft booth :) love it, swear by it!

    I use the soap, never heard of the nasal stuff.

    I, I, I, I....  sorry for being so self centered. One more "I" okay?

    I got my period. Can't wear a tampon during surgery due to risk of toxic shock syndrome. Must wear a pad.

    UGH... I don't know why that bothers me as much as it does but it does.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2012
    SpecialK: I am doing much better! Still on arm restirctions (it's only been 2 1/2 weeks, feels like 2 months!). I see PS on Tuesday. My incision tape is still adhering, so I do not yet know what my incisions look like underneath the tape. That is my concern right now. I want those puppies to heal properly. My incisions have been my achilles heel this entire time — hence my worry. I wish my energy was back, it seems to have taken a vacation. Yell
  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2012

    Thinking about you, Renn!

    DLL...way cool about speaking at USF!

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited September 2012

    Hey, DLL!  I am speaking at USF next month, also.  It's a professional presentation though, and not cancer related.

    Renn (the mother of our thread here): I hope you are feeling better.  I see on the photo site you are definately looking better!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    dll - can you give me the details on your USF thing - would you mind if I came to support you?

    ren - glad you are doing better, I understand the feeling that time is not moving quickly enough - waiting is such a pain!  I know you have to be a little anxious about the skin healing - hope all is well!

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Any local people are welcome to attend. I'd love it if you are available to attend, SpecialK. 

    The event is the 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Seminar on 10/11 from 6-730P at USF. 
    Eternal Legendary Queens, Incorporated
    University of South Florida Chapter

    It was a student group that asked us to share our story about our experience with BC. Last year it was in the Marshall Center, I believe.

    MondaysChild, whenever I am on the USF campus I am so tempted to go back to school. Good luck with your presentation!

    And I agree----Renn, you really look great! 

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited September 2012

    Hi all! I just have some questions. On 09/11/12 I had my TE placed. I have had my drain tubes in 3 wks tomorrow. I am having some issues with my left breast, such as pain in it, the bottom part of the breast feels very tight. Is this normal? I'm a little panicked only because I am 35 and never thought I'd be going through any of this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited September 2012

    Hi all! I just have some questions. On 09/11/12 I had my TE placed. I have had my drain tubes in 3 wks tomorrow. I am having some issues with my left breast, such as pain in it, the bottom part of the breast feels very tight. Is this normal? I'm a little panicked only because I am 35 and never thought I'd be going through any of this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited September 2012

    Hi all! I just have some questions. On 09/11/12 I had my TE placed. I have had my drain tubes in 3 wks tomorrow. I am having some issues with my left breast, such as pain in it, the bottom part of the breast feels very tight. Is this normal? I'm a little panicked only because I am 35 and never thought I'd be going through any of this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    chrisrenee - so sorry you find yourself here.  It has not been long since surgery for you and TE are, by nature, somewhat uncomfortable.  Do you have any redness or fever?  When is your next doctor's appt?  The tightness and discomfort are pretty normal and you still have post-surgical swelling.  That area will be changing as it heals but if you feel like this is sudden, or new and different from how it has been feeling, I would ask to be seen.