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August 2011 Surgery Group



  • gkodad
    gkodad Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2011

    I'm posting a little late for the August group, but that's ok!  I had a single left  mastectomy on August 8 for a recurrence of DCIS after 9 years with clean mammos.   No reconstruction; since I've had radiation in the past, I decided to wait on the recon decision until I see how things heal up.  So far, everything seems to be going well.   Hopefully, the oncology follow up on Thursday will have no surprises, so once that's out of the way, I'll just relax and keep recuperating. Good luck to everyone!

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    Good luck tomorrow IsThisForReal. You will do great.

    This month has went by so fast. Seems like we just started and none of us really knew what to expect. Now reading our posts we all sound like real surgical veterans.

       I had half as much drained today as last Friday. I have another appt this Friday-hopefully the last. I waited almost 2 hrs before being seen for a 10 minute procedure. Same for last friday. BS has just returned from 5 weeks off after surgery herself-office help says she is spending too much time with each patint and is 3 hrs behind by the end of the day. It sucks-2 hrs drive time and almost 3hrs office time-a day killer

  • Tssheps
    Tssheps Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies. Thank you so much for sharing your certainly eases some of my anxiety. I am getting organized for "my turn" next week. Pre-op testing tomorrow. I keep telling myself "one step at a time" but I want surgery over, path reports back and treatment started...let's get on with it already...patience...patience...patience!

    I received a beautiful yoga inspired bead bracelet in the mail today...faceted turquoise beads (stone of healing) with a silver hamsa charm (positive energy and good health)...a dear friend sent it to me and I was overwhelmed by her will become my wonder woman cuff!

    I am thinking about you all...sending positive energy, prayers and well wishes! You are all such an amazing source of strength! Thank you...Thank you!

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2011

    TSSHEPS, oh, what a wonderful gift, your description made me feel like I had received it!  My brother sent me many gifts whilst I was on chemo, brightened my day, for sure. 

    NANADEB, good grief, what ELSE can happen to you?  First your very bad hospital experience, and now your labs don't look great.  Good thing you went for BMX! 

    OTHERS who are approaching or have completed your surgeries with all sorts of unique results, I feel for you all.  I have been TRYING to take a walk every other day, the plan is good but execution is D-, needs improvement.  I don't walk far, just down to the gazebo or to water some bushes along the roadway.  But I DO think it ramps up improvement.  But I am just sooo exhausted, maybe a merging of the last of chemo and surgery.  I've been taking a complete vit-min supplement with iron once a week, I'm thinking I may be low on iron.  I've been pouring on the protein, but it hasn't helped being tired.  I also deep breathe a few times a day, and of course do some minor upper body type exercises given by my cancer clinic.  SOOO, I think resting is what I DO need now.  But radiation comes up in a couple weeks, however I think I'll be okay getting all into that, six weeks, every weekday.  That seems like SUCH a long time, the daily trip to the hospital being the most annoying part.  All the best, GG 

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,744
    edited August 2011

    Hi ladies,

    Popping in (perhaps a bit late) with some good info for those about to have their surgery. Check out the main site to find out info on What to Expect with Any Surgery, Mastectomy: What to Expect, and Lumpectomy: What to Expect.

    Hope this info helps!

    --The Mods

  • susanwmcg
    susanwmcg Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2011

    Hello girls!

    Just got home from hospital. My first night was horrific! Got a nurse who said her approach to my morphine drip was "low and slow". That may work when someone is on top of the pain but I was never on top. The recovery room didn't have any machines to start it so when I got to the room it was too late. Finally after I was at 10 for an hour and had started vomitting, the nurse called the Dr and they switched me to Dilaudid. Got maybe two hours of sleep. Yesterday we said no visitors so I did sleep most of the day. Asked for Ambien last night. Now it feels good to be home!

    I only have two drains and had expected 4-5. That feels like a present! I see my PS on Monday and BS on Thursday to get path report.

    Hope everyone else is doing well,


  • dawmson
    dawmson Member Posts: 17
    edited August 2011

    IsThisForReal - I hope your surgery today went well! 

    Nanadeb - I'm so sorry to read of your difficult time with the surgery and the path results. That is my biggest nightmare, that I will go into this thinking everything will be smooth and then there will be a roadblock of something unexpected that will send me back out of control again.

    susanwmcg - Welcome home. Scary about the lack of pain meds but yay for only 2 drains.

    I'm 6 days away from my lumpectomy surgery and I think my need for control is showing up in weird ways. Our coffee machine has been malfunctioning (it's one of those fancy automatic espresso machines) and I have decided to try to fix it myself rather than schlep it to the repair shop 45 mins away. Good news is I think I fixed it! 

    I'm also reading Nordies at Noon, which my sister in law gave me. I have to admit it's giving me major anxiety but at the same time I am drawn to it, almost as if something is telling me I NEED to read it now. The way those women faced their breast cancer is so incredibly amazing. If I end up with 1/8 of their spirit and attitude I think I'll be doing OK. 

    As I think about my surgery I go back and forth between wishing that the docs will discover that my BC diagnosis was wrong, and worrying that they will discover that it is much worse than they expected.

    To everyone recovering this month - I wish you continued strength and rapid healing!

  • Natters
    Natters Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    I found a bigger incision than expected when I took off my plastic bandage last night, but the wound looked OK to me, not infected or anything. I can still barely look at it, But it does remind me that I did have surgery, no matter how good I feel, and that I need to allow my body more time to heal. I was a afraid to shower without that plastic bandage this morning but it went OK, mostly trying to keep my back to the shower spray.

    In happy news, I emailed my PCP to ask if she'd send me the path report before the weekend. I meet with my BS on Monday morning but I would be a nervous wreck waiting that long! She didn't send it to me but she had a nurse call me to reassure me that they got it all out, it was just DCIS, no microinvasions, and I have clear margins. I asked for numbers and she told me the smallest one was 5mm, so yay, done with surgery.


  • tigerw0man
    tigerw0man Member Posts: 59
    edited August 2011

    Natters, great to hear that you had clear margins...that's great!

  • Natters
    Natters Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    Nanadeb, I went onto your blog and read your story and you have been in my thoughts a lot otoday. I really hop things turn round for you sono. Hang in there and try to enjoy your lovely family!

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited August 2011

    Tiger~ Sounds like you're doing exceptionally well with recovery (despite the constipation, that is!) 

    Prof~ Been thinking of you!   Can't wait for your update.  Re: location--- I'm in Portland.   I've been to Durham several times --- UNH campus.

    Sending calming thoughts to all! 


  • lorenar
    lorenar Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2011
    I  am getting real anxious or shall I say nervous about my surgery coming up next Wed. Meet with the surgeon team on Fri. and pre-admission. They have to do my lymp-node injection on Tues. day before surgery which is weird,but they said the reason for it is my surgery is scheduled for 8:15 and if waited till morning of injection would not get thru my system till 10am. Anyone else experienced this? They said my husband and I could get any hotel room for 50 dollars to stay closer to the hospital the night before surgery, but I guess I will find out more on Fri. Hate leaving my poor animals. But my dear neighbor lady said she would look after them. Curious to find out if I only have to stay overnight I am hoping so, This will be my first surgery of my 42 years of life. I was put under for a tubal once is all. The anistesia made me feel sick so they kept giving me naseau meds. Sure will just be glad when it's over and done. My husband will be home with me for 2 weeks,. Got my iv of herceptin yesterday so don't need another until sep.21. I was gonna post a picture but my webcam is acting up. Am getting more hair back everyday but not fast enough and still no eyelashes or eyebrows. Sure you ladies feel the same. Gnc sells a shampoo and conditioner with biotene in it someone says works real good to make it grow faster. My neighbor lady who is 76 wants to get out and go to the mall tomorrow to get my nails done. She is so sweet says she is gonna take me for a girls day out and get us prettied up to ease my mind awhile. Praying for those of you in pain. Glad for you doing fine. And may God be with us all. Thanks for adding me to your group.
  • abatellik
    abatellik Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2011

    I got my path results back yesterday- the Radiologist called my oncologist to ask what she did besides chemo because it had shrunk so much. YEA!! From 1 cm to less than .1 cm. And no more lymph involvement. So that was about as good as we could ask for. The only downside was that they did diagnose it as inflammatory for sure based on the pathology. This is discouraging since it has such a high recurrence rate. But, I am going to continue to focus on the good news and praise the Lord for my healing. Now it is on to the radiologist to discuss what is the next step after the plastic surgeon is done inflating.   In other good news, I got my drains out today and boy does it feel good! Just wish the nurse hadn't reminded me that I now have "holes" in my sides :-)

  • Jandot
    Jandot Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    Hi all,

    I'm a little late to this group, and to this site in general. Wish I had known about it sooner, so much good info and support here!

    Had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Aug 11. Initial path was negative. Final path showed cancer in the node, what a let down! Scheduled for axillary dissectio Sept 1. First overnight hospital stay ever.

    Had chemo preop, which shrunk my tumor enough to have the lumpectomy. Surgeon did a great job, and the incisions look great. Anxious to be sure all the cancer is OUT!!! Good luck to everyone here.

  • Jandot
    Jandot Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011


  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited August 2011

    Hey gang! I'll catch up n read posts later, but wanted to pop on with an update. Doing really well. Goin home later today. Nodes all clear! Truly, whole thing easier than I expected. Love to all!

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2011

    SUSANWMBG, your experience sounds like mine.  They were awful about giving my pain meds, so I walked out of the hospital, but DON'T DO THIS AT HOME.  Smile. 

    I decided to post today because I am overwhelmed with sadness.  I have these days, I know it will pass, but gosh dang, this thing has gone on SO long, I guess it's wearing me down.  February is when I was diagnosed (on Valentine's Day) and here we are almost September and I still have rads to go.  Sigh.  I find myself alternating worrying about whether rads will kill what's left in my breast after surgery, and about when I should get a maid service in here.  I'm just SO tired I cannot think straight.  See, I gotta have the rads not only as standard treatment, but my Inflammatory Breast Cancer is in the skin and so needs good coverage, which it's that one of three cancers in my boob that worries me the most, not even he melanoma scares me as much.  I'm three weeks out post-op, I am feeling much better with movement and pain, drove my car the other day and that went fine.  But hey, girls that still have your ops coming up, I am an exception in many ways, but I must share my grief, or else it will eat me alive.  I suppose others feel just as sad as me, and I am holding hands with those sisters, maybe together we can pull through.  Love to all, GG 

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2011


    I'm sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time.  This disease is so difficult, both physically and emotionally and you describe the "grief" well.  I am still grieving the loss of my husband, but find that I have very similar emotions regarding the cancer.  And you are right, it will eat you alive if you don't get it out.  

    Do you have a start date for rads?  Have you talk to your doctor about future monitoring to help you feel more at ease about the future?  I meet with the RO today and am looking forward to moving on to the next step so that I can put this behind me as soon as possible.

    Stay strong ladies!



  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614
    edited August 2011

    Profbee ~ Glad to hear things went so well for you!

    Susan ~ Good to be home.  I hope you are resting more comfortably in your own bed.

    Is this for real ~ Hope all went well with your surgery yesterday!

    I got my final path report yesterday and it was very good!  YEAH! Clean margins & 0/4 nodes.  (This means I will most likly get to skip rads!) I also got the drains out yesterday. I was expecting the drain removal to be painful, but I was pleasantly surprised, it didn't hurt at all. Now on to MORE excercises...I can easily raise my arm to level with my shoulder, but have to work on getting it higher.

    To everyone on this side of surgery ~ hoping we all have a calm and peaceful, yet rapid recovery. ((HUGS)) to all of you.

    To those of you preparing for surgery ~ wishing you the best! 

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478
    edited August 2011

    It looks like the Aug surgery group may turn into the Sept Rads group. I hope everybody posts what their RO says. I see the onc tomorrow and get a hereceptin infusion. I also go get more fluid drained off my chest. If i have to wait longer than a half hour in the office i am coming home and doing it myself.

    FlWarrior-so great on the path report. just keep working those arms. My exercises get easier every day.

    Profbee-neg nodes are some of the sweetest words.Glad it went well-it will be even better when you get home.

    Jandot-welcome. Never too late. I have learned so much from this group.

    Abatellik-yay on the drains and your "holes" will close up really quick.

    Lorenar-thanks for the tip about GNC and the shampoo. I have looked at a couple of places but just didn;t want to spend $50 or more on shampoo. You will be so glad when your surgery is done, it's sogood to put it behind you.

  • RangerMom
    RangerMom Member Posts: 205
    edited August 2011

    Hi all - Just checking in. I still have my drains in but get them ou tomorrow and get the path report also. I will update you all. So glad to See Profbee is done with surgery and you have clean nodes. FL Warrior, so glad you got good news too and your drains are out. 

    Once my drains are out, I want to go to get fitted for prostheses and get something foam like in the meantime. I definitely feel very self conscious when going out in public and strange being flat chested when I used to be a 36DD.  

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies!

    Hope you are all doing well.  I have a question for my 'group'-- have any of you done this?  I was taking a shower and knocked off some of my incision 'scab' (for lack of a better term).  It bled a little and now looks like the incision is open.  I have a call in to my PS NP, but since she hasn't called me back yet, I'll ask you all--is this something to freak out about?  Because if anyone will freak out, it is me:)!

    RangerMom--I understand completely, I was a 34 DD and now I'm probably a C.  My little boy told me he was sad that my boobies were teeny tiny now.  Just what I needed to hear...

  • dontworrybehappy
    dontworrybehappy Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2011

    please add me to the august group i had my surgery on august 3rd, bmx immediate diep reconstruction, i am definately part of the club. thk

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited August 2011

    Good Evening  All~

    prof~ Oh I am so happy to hear that you're doing well and that your nodes are clear!  I bet you're already home right now! :) 

    dogeyed/GG~ Glad you reached out and I'm so very sorry that you're having such a rough time.  While I haven't been formally diagnosed with bc yet, I have had the very unfortunate scare of melanoma.  Happy to say that was 9 years ago now.  I pray it doesn't return in another area.   My son was just shy of 2 when shit hit the fan... 
    dontworry~ hello and welcome.  wish you didn't have to be here but we're in excellent company. 
  • Natters
    Natters Member Posts: 19
    edited August 2011

    IsthisforReal -thinking of you and hoping your surgery went OK. We're all rooting for you!

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2011

    Saw the radiation oncologist today and will go in for my "planning" appointment on Sept. 6th and likely start rads on Sept. 12th.  I see my MO on Monday to get his recommendations regarding chemo.  Apparently the entire breast cancer/tumor team at my hospital talked about my case this week :)

  • rockym
    rockym Member Posts: 386
    edited August 2011

    Eema, I hope you got a call back by now.  The same thing kind of happened to me the day after surgery.  The only difference was that the area was swelling and then the incision did open.  Doctor on call told me to wrap some sanitary napkins around it and put an ace bandage on it to stop the bleed.

    I did this and looked in the mirror and realized this wasn't a good idea.  My husband and I drove to the hospital and my doctor called while we were on route.  It was an arterial bleed and it wouldn't have stopped.  Lucky for me my doctor got me back in the OR within a hour and fixed it all up.

    So... sometimes a bleed is just that and other times it can be more serious.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2011

    Wow, rockym! That is pretty scary! And pretty stupid for the doctor to tell you that, no? Good thing you went to the hospital! Mine isn't that bad... The NP wanted to see me, but alas, my DH had my my car as his is in the shop. I see her tomorrow at 1 at the hospital, just in case. So far the bleeding has stopped, but I feel really nauseated and the incision looks gross. This is the same one that was infected a little, so let's pray it is ok. It hurts like a _itch! My left one has been nothing but trouble since I was 12!

  • dogeyed
    dogeyed Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2011

    BLONDE, thanks for the encourgement, and I am sorry to find you lost you husband.  I was divorced long time ago, remarried.  The depression went away this morning.  I slept like a log last night.  I was uncomfortable all day yesterday, very tired, so I reckon that's why I got sad. 

    EEMA, I assume you put some sort of antiseptic on there, I use hydrogen peroxide, and in any case, a bandaid vertical to the incision should help protect that woundy part.

    ALL, I got two calls yesterday, one to set up my rads appoint and the other for my melanoma appoint.  They will both be next week.  I took this past week off to get myself together and it has paid off.  I enjoyed reading you all's posts, some were amusing to be sure.  Love to my sisters, GG

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2011

    Thanks, dogeyed! I put bacitracin and taped a gauze pad on--we're thinking on the same wavelength! It still looks pretty gross. I'll know more at 1 pm. The appointment is at the hospital, so at least I'm there if I need to be. It probably isn't as bad as I think (at least I hope!!!)

    Was your melanoma detected at the same time as your breast cancer? I am also a melanoma warrior (I'm not a survivor, I fight this crap!)... I had melanoma as a 17 year old and it messed up my head for a long time. My genetic oncologist told me it is the same disease, just in a different part of the body. I wonder how many other melanoma warriors had or have BC?