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All about Xeloda



  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2018

    HI Laka, there are all sorts of regimens. I take five pills a day 14/7. My onc says I could go to 7/7 if I wished but I think I'd need to take six pills.

    Some women do 14/7, some do 7/7. One woman took 3 pills a day with no break.

    The idea here is to mange the side effects well. 7/7 will keep your hands and feet from getting bad. My usual effects start at Day 11 so I wouldn't have them on a 7/7. You're taking the same amount of medication over time as I am. I'd guess that's what's most important.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    i think all doctors give dif doses based on you and there ideas. I am on 4 pills am and 4 pills pm, it is working for me so i wouldmgo with what your doc suggest

  • quiltersue
    quiltersue Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2018

    DianaRose.... Nsaids are not to be taken with Xeloda,  not Aleve, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Anaprox any of those - due to risk of bleeding

  • quiltersue
    quiltersue Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2018

    My Pharmacist just told me on Friday, NO, no.... lucky as I was on my way to Costco next to get a new bottle.  maybe that is why my Paclotaxil stopped working after 3 yrs, as I didn't clear it with Dr.... Ill never know

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,516
    edited May 2018

    Thank you so much for your valuable feedback, Quiltersue! Welcome to BCO, we're so glad to have you in our community, and look forward to reading more.

    The Mods

  • MJHJAN1014
    MJHJAN1014 Member Posts: 622
    edited May 2018

    14 days on, 7 off. 4 pills AM, 3 pills PM. On third cycle now.

  • nbnotes
    nbnotes Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2018

    quiltersue -- The information on the Xeloda website states that it interacts with blood thinners like Coumadin, but there is nothing about NSAIDS - So, if you have issues with that it might be a concern, but in general, it does not look like it is a problem with them. Maybe someone else has more information.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,531
    edited May 2018

    Goldie-after Gemzar and Herceptin put my liver into remission, I was on Herceptin only for 6 more years.  Then when I had chest node recurrence, I tried Aromacin, Faslodex, Gemzar with no improvement.  Then 4 years of Kadcyla (but I can't get that info to show in my tx statement).

    Question-is there a numbing cream that I can use for the skin around my big toenail?  Voltaren was suggested, but my skin is also split there. I am still using Bacitracin there to try to heal the split, then maybe Voltaren?

    Shetland-both of my big toenails have the black marks, and a bit on the second toe on right foot. Mine aren't lifting yet.  When the one nail lifted for me on Taxotere, it wasn't painful, if I recall correctly.  My podiatrist cut it down for me....ugh.  But that didn't hurt.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited May 2018

    denny124- I suggest seeing a podiatrist for your toes. I spent over a year trying to get mine to heal. Then I went to see a podiatrist and he treated me like I had an ingrown toenail and I’ve been good ever since.

    Worth atry

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    I think I will be doing the podiatrist route as well. No black or lifting but been trying to deal with in grown toenails, gads I can not even bend over to even try to clip them. And my pt person said no BL.T as in no bending lifting or twisting! I have a tumor on top of spine that is not cancer but also not operating

    Of to gym and lunch, later

  • RayneLanie
    RayneLanie Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2018

    Hello everyone,

    My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 tnbc with lung mets de novo in 2016. Her first treatment was FECx6 and gave her a 9 months NED. Then the tiny lung mets came back and she started taxol/carbo x24. After one year, she is NED again and her MO want to put her on Xeloda for low dose meintenance chemo. Anybody using Xeloda as a meintenance chemo for tnbc? What should we expect besides the hand/foot syndrome? She has gallbladder stones, anybody had problems with gallbladder stones with X?

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2018

    RayneLanie, often side-effects depend on the dose. And [at least for me] they vary from cycle to cycle. Most likely you can expect some diarrhea. Some women (not me) get fatigued. Otherwise this is pretty easy.

    Except for the HFS of course. But that also is person and dose-dependent. Your Mom shouldn't go into it assuming she'll get any particular side-effect.

    I can't comment on gall stones as I lost m gall bladder many years ago.

  • Lillymillie
    Lillymillie Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2018

    rayne lanie, glad your mom is Ned. My friebd introduced me to a very insprational lady who was on low dose maintenance xoleda. She has been on it for at least 8 years and is still ned. This lady walks an hour a day and makes sure she drinks 2 litres of water to get rid of toxins. She also works part time at the local church doing admin a couple of days a week. She says she has little or no side effects. There is hope.

    Im on a really high dose starting off so have all the side effects but hopefully as your mom is on low dose she will escape the bad side effects.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    that is an inspiration, to live that long on this med, hope to acheive that but also want to get the side effects under control

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited May 2018

    Quiltersue- I’m allergic to nsaids so I wouldn’t be taking them anyways.

    Denny- I use a numbing cream for when I have shots or when they access my port so it might help you but you would have to keep reapplying it.

    Got back from our trip to Bermuda. It was beautiful there! The trip over was rough. Twelve foot waves and stormy. I was very sea sick. Found a drug store in Bermuda and got some acupuncture bands. They work great. Wonder if they will work for nausea from our lovely meds. Will Try next time I have nausea.

  • intothewoods
    intothewoods Member Posts: 179
    edited May 2018

    I'm like pajim- my side effects have varied with each cycle. 2nd cycle was not fun AT ALL, but I just started cycle 4 today and cycle 3 was easy-shmeezy. We shall see what this one is like. My biggest consistent issue is fatique and watery eyes (still) My oncs nurse left a message today. She said not to freak out that it was good news and to call on Monday. Had tumor marker draw this week so I'm guessing they have gone down. My onc likes to call with good news especially on Fridays. Usually he calls himself. :-)

    I try to remember to enjoy each good moment and know that the bad ones will pass.

    Sending good thoughts to all


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2018

    I get my labs before my onc does. I get them at Sonora Quest, have an account with them, and they are there the following day.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018 are the first person i have met who is nsaid alergic, me too! Dang but it sure makes it hard when pain hits. I rely on old tylonel or just tough it out. I end up with serious asthma attack from a simple aspirin. I can take tramadol for about two days till itching makes me nuts!

    So last night I hit my big toe against the wheel of the rollator, i now have dribbles of blood on the carpet as I headed up the stairs to find some bandaids. I am not sure but think the toenail may fall off. Dang but it hurt so today i am not wearing sandals around house. I am a mess!

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited May 2018

    remembering those we’ve lost and their families.

    Love to all the rest of you.

    I’m a mess this mother’s day weekend.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2018

    What's up Lefty? Why a mess?

    Proud, so sorry about your tootsies.

    I use some coconut oil, with a few drops of Tea Tree oil in it. Rub it on the nails 2x a day, or when I think of it. Also try to get some under the nail. Prior to that, I kept a syringe from my Xgeva injection, fill it with Braggs apple cider vinegar, and would put it under the nail. That helps too. But sometime you get the pulp that's in there under the nail, making it look "dirty"? But since I don't go out with my feet visible, it's ok. No more open toe shoes, sandals or flip flops for this girl!

    Happy Mothers Day ladies.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2018

    Forgot to mention, my TM's have been creeping up thought I was going to have to quit X. My last labs they were down, not a lot, like 10, but it's better than an increase. However the CEA continues to creep up. But will take the tiny drop.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    well went to urgent care place, she said i have 50 50 chance of the nail falling off but she said she has s emen worse! Oh well, seems i will live! Tylonel on tap

  • Kidmanliang
    Kidmanliang Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2018

    goldie, my cousins CEA has been going up too while CA153 has been going down. I’m thinking it might be other issues, not MBC, that causing it to go up. She took a break on X, hope the next CeA will go down.

  • NO1-2NV
    NO1-2NV Member Posts: 90
    edited May 2018

    Xeloda is failing me so I will be moving on to Afinitor and an AI. Have progression in bone and liver.

    Thanks for lettng me hang here with you all over the past few months.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2018

    NO1, so sorry to hear that. I've said it before, so strange how some drugs work for one, but not another. You have been on several, praying the next one is the one for you!

    Kid, my other markers, one only went down 1, and the other 10. As long as it's down, I'll take it. and even if it only goes up a tad, I'm staying with X.

  • Kimchee
    Kimchee Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2018

    I'm on xeloda last month my tumor mark was around 48 , then this month went up 69 . I'm freaking out!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    gee i was on affitor plus aromasin but it failed me, then i tried infusion taxol and now on tbe xeloda which has worked for now. Dang wierd how we are all dif.

    So my peeling of my hands had stopped for a while and now, it seems to be starting up again. Dang it all, feet and hands hurt today. I do the pills 7 days on tben 7 off, glad today is my last day for a wee,

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited May 2018

    HFS is cumulative. Nothing to make it go away, except not taking the drug. Doing the 7/7 regimen might be a bit easier on the hands and feet. I am going to take a 2 week break, my feet are cracked and even bleed. They also take forever to heal. Also itch like crazy in the middle of my foot, on the bottom.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited May 2018

    hmmm, i sort of assumed then HFS was cumalative but confess to hoping i would not be peeling again. I am using lubrederm as the pharmacist at Briova recomended it and said be sure to keep mostureized so slathering as much as i can

  • Reneeswan
    Reneeswan Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2018

    Kimchee, I had the same thing happen recently, my tumor markers had gone up 35 points in a 3 month period. My oncologist ordered a CT scan and it was good. A month later, they went back down. I hope yours come back down. Mine have have gone up and down over my 5 years on xeloda. We just watch and scan when we think we need to. Wishing you the best.