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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Rachel, I thought they take lymf notes while operating to check on mets...

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    They do. My dad says they used to do chest x-rays and liver function before surgery just to find out if it had already spread to those areas. I guess nowadays they just wait until they get the nodes and treat it then. I just wish things would move ahead...!

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Hi all. Good to hear everybody's updates. Hang tough, all of you who are in the post op stage. We're all rooting for you!  

    Rachelvk, I had some of the same worries about waiting so long (I was diagnosed 7/20 and my surgery is 9/22).  But I asked my younger brother who is a doc and my sister-in-law who worked as an oncology nurse with bc patients about the wait. They both said it was a slow growing cancer (DCIS) and that they were comfortable with that date and would even be comfortable with Oct 22 (which would be three months like the amount of time you're having to wait.) I hope that helps you feel a little better. The waiting, even if it's indicated/okay, is very hard.

    As of today, I have two weeks to go. Now I'm shifting from numb denial back into panic! Good to hear how people are moving through this and to remember that we're all going through this process to get this dreaded, unwelcome host disease out of our bodies. And then on we'll stride forward to full and glowing health. I wish that for each of you!  

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Rachel, I understand... I worry too... But I thought stage 1 did not have any mets yet? My situation was so weird. They diagnozed me stage 1 july 12, scheduled lumpectomy with radiation later on July 26.After operation they found DCIS in margins, radiologist was adamant. She told me Dsic cannot be destoryed by rads or chemo, so I had to have another lumpectomy-clear the margins. They did and found cancer single cells, after that they  and I decided not to wait anymore and do BMX.I had it a week ago, 2 months after the diagnosis..Both breasts did not have anything-nor cancer cells, neitherDSIC.I still have chemo and hormons ahead of me...It will be a long battle.

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Therese9 - I have been in Panic - I am scheduled for 9/20 -- moving beyond it to some type of acceptance - but still freaking - I think all the way.

    Met with my PS today - realized I am going home with 6 drains not 4 - i dont know why i forgot about the ones on my back - but I didn't realize it was so much I guess.   Kinda discouraged there.

     I am going shopping for button-down PJs tomorrow - somehow having clothes to wear feels like some sort of control

    Although - Having a CLEAN house would be better - but I have to pick my battles.

    Praying for those in recovery this week - Rejoice in being cancer free ---- T.

  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Yeah, Tina, I think I'll be freaking out all the way--with odd, periodic moments of calm (perhaps like a hurricane??).  Six drains--that seems like a lot, particularly if you'd forgotten about the two on your back. But I guess that's what it takes. I'm worried about the four I'll have. That seems like the biggest pain in the post op phase. Well, that and recovering from major surgery. :)

    I haven't done my shopping yet. I need to get some camis with room for the drains and some shirts that button in the front (something I have none of). My house is pretty clean (with the exception of my office, and that's been a mess for the past three years so I'm not going to set an unrealistic goal of getting that clean in the next two weeks).  Hope you find some really cute pjs! Funny the little tings that seems kind of exciting.

    Just got my surgery packet in the email. THAT makes this all seem real. Yuck. Not looking forward to it. I double checked on the nail polish and also heard from the physician's assistant that I should have no nail polish -- hands or toes. Bummer! I'm so not into the looking awful while feeling awful. And I know that's so vain, but what are you going do? They can have the girls--they've been misbehaving-- but can't I keep my mani pedi??  Oh, yes, I know how to focus on what really matters. 

    Thanks for all the updates. This board is filled with terrific women. Sending you all wishes for safe surgeries and full recoveries. 

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    I am going to take the polish off next week - and plan for a mani/pedi- post-surgery - something sparkly and fun!! It's true that you want something pretty when you are going thru this and feeling YUCK - that's why i want some CUTE PJS and button downs ( I dont have any of those either)

     I am thankful this round - just like last round - to have sisters around me.

    My friend has cervical/uterine with Mets to her lungs in trial at Dana Farber and she is jealous of the BC community because she feels so very alone - not enough attention given to OTHER women's cancer - and I can see that now - knowing how much attention is given to BC - but STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR A CURE.

    Women -- support each other - we are STRONGER THAN WE KNOW!! <3 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    I got to come home this afternoon. I don't remember anything about the surgery or the recovey room. I didn't think the dye injections were that bad. My surgeon came out when he was done and told my DH and family that cancer was in the nodes, so he had to get them out and chemo is likely now. Not sure how many, I will see him next Fri. to get the tubes removed. Hope everyone that's had their surgery are doing well. I've been thinking of those that went, and those that are coming up. Good luck!

  • Well, glad to know I'm not the only one who's been thinking about her mani/pedi! See, no one understands like you ladies. Wink

    Olga - I am with you on parabens, etc. - I spent the last 10 years researching all that stuff and really changing our lives w/respect to the products we use, foods we eat, etc. There are some things I will still do (manis sometimes, pedis all the time, some junk food on occasion, etc.) but for the most part, I am a poster-child for clean, healthful living. I would just encourage you to not give up something if it feels too painful, 'cause you know what? I still got cancer AGAIN, despite doing "all the right things." So moderation, I say, and enjoy life in addition to being cautious. Decide what makes you feel best now, post-cancer, and do that!

    Lori! Nice to see you back. I'm sorry it was in the nodes . . . that's a bummer. One step at a time, but again, while chemo is not fun, it was not a diaster and it's another tool in your anti-cancer arsenal, if you need it. Rest up!

    Tina - that's a lot of drains . . . it sucks to hear news like that. You will do this, you've done it before! And we're all here to support you as you make your way through. 

    And re freaking out - I'm getting more and more erratic as my date gets closer (9/19) - had a good cry in the car today. Tearing up at certain songs on the radio. Get misty when I think of leaving my daughter the a.m. of surgery. Just weird. I'm sure I'm getting harder to live with - maybe my husband could provide some perspective on that? You think? Smile


  • Therese9
    Therese9 Member Posts: 58

    Tina, make that mani-pedi appointment now! Something to look forward to. And, yes, we are so lucky to have this great support system. I wish it were there for your girlfriend who is struggling with cervical/uterine cancer. Sending out support to her and all women/men/folks with any kind of cancer. May science lead to cures for the process of cancer, so that the cure can work on any type of cancer, at any stage. 

    Lori, glad you're done with surgery and home. That's a bummer about the nodes, but good that the surgeon found them. Now you can go about healing and getting rid of all the cancer.   

    And Sarah, it is nice to know that there are several of us who are thinking about our polish. :) The erratic emotions make perfect sense to me. When the surgery/chemo/whatever is safely in the distance, we can ignore it--or do a close approximation of that psychological defense mechanism. That option vanishes a bit when the date gets closer. It's not songs that get me (or at least not yet--no doubt that will happen tomorrow) but rather stories of anyone in pain. It feels as if the membrane between me and other people is super permeable right now. I know what it feels like to be scared or in pain-- and I don't want to feel that or for anyone else to.

    But my husband would say I haven't gotten any moodier; I'm my usual easy going self. :) Yeah, right. He's out of town so I can make such false statements and not risk having him glance over my shoulder and burst out into laughter.   

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    diana and stjude - congrats on getting through your surgeries.  stjude, you will get through the chemo - one step at a time!

    re: the mani/pedi discussions, I'm jealous because from my chemo Tx's, I have 0 toenails and only 3 partial fingernails left...  I keep seeing fun nail colors and thinking "I need to polish my nails" and then remember I can't do that right now!

    rachel, have you seen a medical oncologist yet?  I ask because I originally thought I was having March surgery and then scheduled with the onc just because I wanted to get him on board.  I was very surprised when he wanted (and the bs agreed) me to have chemo first and then surgery.  Since it's being pushed in Oct anyway, you might want to bring the onc into the picture...  Best of luck regardless of what you do next.

    I know I had more to say in response to various postings but my brain is conking out.  G'night everyone.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Silia - Since I've basically just done second/third opinions, I haven't gotten to an onc yet. I'm debating between 2 surgeons (with one, I already met the PS as well). Part of me wants to find out which can do it faster, but I suppose once I choose, then I can get going with meeting their onc and perhaps moving ahead that way. I just heard from someone else who was stage 1 but after pushing for a PET scan, was found to be stage 4. That's my (and I guess everyone's) biggest nightmare. Not sure if I'm comfortable waiting for the SNB if that's not going to happen for 4 weeks. (Okay, rant over!)

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Rachel- I agree with Silia about the oncologist. I met my on August 3 and was scheduled chemoterapy in the middle of August, but then another operation came first, so they had to delay and it was not good for him He told me Chemo usually has to be scheduled approximately 6 weeks after diagnosis, and if I did not have to have BMX September 1, but later, chemo would start september 1, instead. Stories from people...I have heard already enough...People love us , but sometomes they tell us what we don't need to hear. If I could, I would not engage to any conversations with anybody, but our groop, or professionals...

    stjude 10, I am happy u are home.. good luck with drains , I still have them 9 days after operation and hate them!

    Diana, I am happy for you!

    Sarah... I

    thihk this time you beat it forever and it never comes back! Just believe it!When I was waiting for my biopsy in Radiology place, the lady next to me told me story. She had thyroid cancer first, then , later it came back in breast, she had operation, treatment, now she is cancer free for many years. 

    I was encouraged, and then I realised, that I probably have cancer too, and I had to listen to this  story to be encouraged for my future. Heaven sent her to me for my support..Innocent I really believe, that our positive thoughts and believe that we get  rid of it helps!

    I will pray for you and for everyone who is waiting for operation...and chemo..

    And we are still lucky, living here, in America..I am US citizen, live here for 14 years , and love America... But I just read, that in my native country, Lithuania, where medicine is free, right now Hospitals DON'T HAVE ANY CHEMO MEDICINE...Of course,patients can buy it in private pharmacy and pay thousands, butit is only for rich...They had video- chemo center was empty, no medicine, no hope... This is horrible...

    I try not to take pain medicine day time, but still need it at night .It hurts after streaching my arm, and when I lay down and stand up after.Yesterday we went to the mall and I was tired.Slowly getting better.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Rachelvk --  When I meet with my BS in May I expressed to her how worried I was that the cancer had spread.  Her team check and my insurance would cover bone and cat scan which I had that same week and thankfully they came back clean.  Because of my type of cancer and the fact that it was in three areas of the left breast she ordered chemo first.  I know how you feel worrying and waiting.  I was diagnosed Apr 21 and my surgery is Oct 4.   Once you pick you BS ask them to verify with your insurance if they will cover the scans.

    olgah34, diana123, chefmom, exbrnxgrl, stjude10 and babycakes  ---  I hope you all have a restful weekend.

    groovygirls, tml, odie16, kahaw, tracien, silia and amylynn  --  I hope each of you go out and have a fun weekend.....  Try not to think about what is happening next week....  

    I was so bummed to read no mani-pedi I was planning to have one the weekend before my surgery.  I haven't been able to have one since April (no mani-pedi while on chemo).  I guess I will get my girlfirends take me a couple of weeks after surgery.

    I have to tell you all about yesterday.  I work virturally and yesterday afternoon when I walked out of my office after a very long day my DH had throughly cleaned the whole house (even scrubbed the toilets  :) )  It was so special for him to do that so I can have the weekend to do fun things and not worry about the house - which he knows I would.  Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have suck a wonderful DH to help me through this. 

    I hope everyone has a great weekend - try to get out and have fun everyday. 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    Just calle PS, they told me to keep drains till Monday, it will be11 days after operation, they also put me on anti-biotics again...Frown
  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Margie- loved the story, that is one of those priceless moments that are not forgotten

    Olgah- have a great time at your baptism, (even if you have the drain still in.) My fingers are crossed that they will take it out today for you

    Still taking my meds and had a pretty good sleep last night. Actually slept more for 5 hours without waking.

    Just a reminder to everyone NOT to push yourself after surgery and give yourself time to heal. Get lots of rest. Yesterday I felt better then I felt in a long time but I think I overdid it a little.

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Olgah-just saw your post after mine went up.. Sorry that they won't take them out. 11 days is so long- they suck

    Try to enjoy yourself.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    thank you, Diana!

    wish you good and restful w-end!


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    olgah34 --  enjoy the baptism....

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Just checking in to wish everyone a good day, full of healing and peace.  May our fears and anxiety be manageable, may we focus on how much we love our friends and families (which is the main reason we will go through this horrific battle) and how much they love us (the other reason we will go through this horrific battle).

    I am getting back into my military mindset: planning to win, knowing there will be casualties (breasts, scars, pain), knowing there is always the unexpected (like positive lymph nodes), but knowing freedom from cancer has its price.  I would like to take the more peaceful approach with negotiations, but that just hasn't worked, so this is war. I am changing my picture to reflect my attitude, assuming command at this time!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564

    Linda - Thanks. Those are great thoughts. I need a little fighting spirit in me at this point.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Margie - what an absolutely wonderful thing for your DH to do!

    Olgah - bummer about having the drains a few more days. I'm scheduled to have my drains pulled 1 wk after my surgery, but I know that may not happen depending on how much they are draining...if they don't get pulled, I'll be flying home with drains...uggh.  At least I'll have a strong hubby by my side. He cracks me up. When I question his ability to carry all of our carry-ons, he smiles, says not to worry, and makes big muscles at me with his arms. At least he doesn't lean over and kiss his bicep. LOL

    Diana - glad you are getting better sleep! Makes all the difference in the world.

    Hope everyone else is recovering well!

    Overall, right now, I'm feeling surprisingly in good spirits. I have to say that when I look in the mirror I can see more changes in the L breast every day (the nipple had some slight discoloration, and I'm seeing that get more and more prominent as time goes on - scares me - things are definitely growing in there). That creeps me out but is a very good reminder that I need to get the cancer out of my body, no matter what it takes. I know I will be more and more nervous as time gets closer to my surgery, but I am going to try and focus on doing what I need to do to get this out of me!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Linda - love your attitude - I feel the same way.  Fighting this cancer all the way, doing whatever needs to be done to get my life back!   Great profile pic! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Linda  -  love you attituded.... 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Thank you, Margie!

    Linda, Dancetrancer, love your attitude!

  • TracieN
    TracieN Member Posts: 13

    Heading to Oregon for truck pulls.  Last group event with my real boobs.  Looking forward to seeing all of my friends, but hope I won't be emotional.  As my date gets closer, I find myself very unfocused, and trying to stay busy even if it means pacing trying to remember what I was doing.  Thank you to all the brave women that have had surgery before me.  Your words are comforting. Good luck to those next in line.  Will catch up with you all on monday.  Have a GREAT weekend.

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Today was my last day at work with my boobs too! I work in primary care and have let a few patients know I won't be in for awhile and why. One of my favorite patients was asking about BSE and how can you tell...I asked her if it wasn't too wierd for her I would show her what dimpling and skin changes looks like....she now knows!

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Going out to dinner tonight with my girlfriends for a bye bye boobie party- perhaps I will have one lemon drop martini (just one!)

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Go for it groovy girls!  Have fun!!!

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    I am hoping the other surgery gals up til now are doing well. I think I'm doing pretty well. My DH changed the dressing today and got me cleaned a bit. I've been up several times today to just walk around the house. I still have a week w/the drains. I can honestly say I don't remember a lot from surgery day, or the day after. I am feeling like myself today, and a bit bored. Hope everyone has a good weekend!