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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah  --  if you are into Pilates check out this link.  My PS nurse gave it to me.  --  I am a pilates instructor and plan to get this special certification once I am over this stuff.   I order the book and showed it to my PS yesterday as far as exerises for post surger.


  • Just back from Pilates - Margie thanks for that link - my instructor is actually certified by them! I obviously need to get cleared by my PS, but my instructor is all set to guide me back to mobility once my implants are set in place . . . I am toying w/the idea of getting certified for Pilates or personal training or something after all this. Pilates saved me from complete immobility due to psoritatic arthritis - could do so much lying down and really built my body back up. Now, after breast surgery it'll be great. I did a ton of upper body stuff today - just 'cause I CAN! They also are a RedCord studio - dunno if you've heard of that, but it's pretty great and can be as intense or as tame and therapeutic as you need it to be.

    Olga - also a litigator? Also a cryer? There is a reason we're here together on this board.

    I'll check in later - gotta shower up before I get my daughter. Relishing these showers for my friends here who can't shower yet . . . . like Caryn said, it'll be the best shower EVAH! 


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Olga- So happy to hear from you and that you're doing well!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Olga, No, it doesn't sound funny at all. My heritage is Eastern European so we are a great prune people too. I have tried prunes,prune juice, gallons of water and every fiber food known to man. I have been drinking senna tea and taking Colace and Dulcolax with only minor success. I think my body is just ultra sensitive to opiates so hopefully leaving them behind will take care of it. Viva prunes! Caryn

  • Caryn & Olga - I'll go on record as saying that I love stewed prunes - even as a kid - and they're something I'm looking forward to after surgery . . . 'cause Caryn, I do terribly on opiates too . . . .

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Olga and Sarah, I may have mentioned this before but I had small argument with my parents over prune juice the other day. They insisted that I was having a problem because the hospital was serving generic,watered down prune juice. They kept asking what brand it was and couldn't believe I didn't know. They didn't let up until I assured them that I had Sunsweet brand at home. Apparently that met their approval ! Caryn

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Olgah - so relieved to hear no infection and drains gone - woo-hoo!

  • Want to make sure I wish KatheW and Tappy good luck tomorrow! Hope all goes well for you ladies.


  • Oh Caryn - didn't see your post re the prune juice disagreement - that's hysterical! I'm sure the hospitals water it down to save $, like the alcoholic drinks at all-inclusive resorts, right? Wink


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    Olgah---I start chemo Tuesday the 20th with Taxol first then dose dense AC  Probably different meds cause I am triple negative type!  Glad you got those drains hit the showers!


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    thank you, dancetrance, but I am no  woo-hoo now, I am feeling shakes, like fever slowly coming back, and the vest is holding my chest tight, so it hurts. I am not taking any meds, like a hero, because I would like to know how high temperature is gonna be. I so don't want chemo, especially feeling like that.....

    Prunees actually are very delicious, we had them growing in the orchards and madesome reserves for cold winters.Now I can do it only on Frontiervillee..

    KaheW and Tappy- good luck

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    I went to my first "in person" breast cancer support meeting today.  It was a great group of gals, and they were all so sweet and kind...but I left feeling a bit worse than better. :-(  Two reasons:  (1) I was the youngest one there so it left me with that not fitting in and "why me" feeling and (2) one very nice lady tried to be helpful saying that it was good not to wait long b/c once you start having pain in the breast, it's is often later stage...and then proceeded to say how her biopsy made her cancer grow like crazy all over her breast in the 1 month time she waited...uh...I've been having new breast pain the past few days, so that didn't make me feel too good!    

    No I'm not freaking out - I doubt what she said has much I have no choice but to wait til next week, so I'm not gonna worry myself silly over her statements.  But it was a disappointment to have it not be a really uplifting experience.  So glad I have this board - has helped me through some very tough times!  You all are so awesome!!!

    Here's to getting this freakin' thing OUT of our bodies and moving forward with our lives!!!  

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Oh, dancetrancer, I'm so sorry your 1st meeting wasn't a good experience. If you choose to return, I hope it's all you want it to be.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Oh no Olgah, so sorry to hear that!  Please be sure to let your doc know about the fever coming back.  It is best to be proactive and catch things early.  I sure do hope you feel better soon! 

  • luanneo
    luanneo Member Posts: 2

    luanneo   9/16  UMX

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    KaheW and Tappy - wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery tomorrow!

  • TML
    TML Member Posts: 10

    Surgery yesterday 9/12 - Monday

    Went in at 7:30 a.m., centinal node dye at 9:00 a.m.  2 tiny needle pricks - never felt anything.

    Got wheeled into a room after that and met with the Anestisia dr.  He gave me a 'precursor' and they wheeled me into the surgery room, moved me to a table and that was the last thing I remember.

    I had a bilateral mastectomy with TE reconstruction.  I think I was in at 11:30 and back into my room a little after 7 pm.  Wide awake, talking and texting my family who couldn't believe it was me on the phone.

    A little bit of pain throughout the night but stayed on pain meds and by 8 am, started bugging the nurses to let me leave.  I was walking by 9 am.  Had 2 drains in and a little after noon on Tuesday the BS came in and released me.  I was home by 4:30 pm and I feel ok.  I have a little pain, but crawled in bed.  It is 7:44 pm and I am ready to go to sleep.

    All is well so far.  Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with the plastic surgeon and will discuss removing the drains.

    Oh....most importantly, sentinal node negative - removed 3 total.  Final pathology report in 3 days.  

    My cats are all curled up surrounding me in bed.  Good night everyone!


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230
    TML- what great news! Glad that all went well for you Smile
  • Tracey - SO excited for all your news - sounds like it went the best it possibly could - and all three nodes negative is awesome news. Rest up - glad you're home!

    dancetrance - I'm so sorry your support group didn't uplift you. They're a crapshoot, those groups - can be awful like yours or sometimes you meet some of the most inspirational, wonderful women you connect with and stick with for years. Or somewhere in the middle. I went to a bazillion when I was dx'd 10 years ago - I was 32, just married, no kids and I was there with grandmothers and mothers sending kids to college, etc. I felt very out of place and alone. And yes, then there are the women who tell you stories that make you freak.

    There is NOT data that poking around for a biopsy can spread cancer all over your breast. Trust me, I've worried about that one, too - so much pushing and shoving w/the two core needle  biopsies I had to get for this go-round. Did research & asked my onc. - I have breast pain all the time in my newly-affected breast (did in the last one too) - you're young, probably still pre-meno/hormonal, and that's most likely the cause. I have "very active" breasts and this is what's causing my pain. Anyway - as you know, we're here for you - but don't give up on those groups 'cause another one might be better for you!

    Hope everyone has a good day today.


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Tracey, I am so happy for you..Wish you speedy recovery!

    I did not want to go to any support groupe, it was enough for me to deal with PEOPLE...They tried to compare me with smbd with advanced cancer, or even cried in front of me...Made me mad. A lot of people have no clue about medicine, but still try to explain you something. Somebody even said to me: chemoterapy will be fun , rememeberSamantha and girls in Sex and the City had popsicles!Cool

    I am still having fever, and feeling week, I guess I got some flu or virus. I need to call oncologist today and try to talk to me instead of nurses. How can I start chemo feeling like that? All sweaty and sick? My PS told me if fever is less then 101, it is not a big deal... really?

    good luck to everyone, my prayers with you.Olga 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    luanneo - good luck tomorrow -  sorry you had to join our group, but it is a great group of supportive women.

    Tracy-TML - glad to hear things went well for you.  I am sure we all hope to have a surgery day like you.

  • Olga - the groups aren't for everyone - but I would say that my experience has been that the women at the groups, even if they're not your type, at least "get it" that this is hard, that there is nothing fun about it, etc. That's ridiculous about Sex and the City - in that vein, though, the woman who does my waxing told me the last time I was there that she was jealous of me b/c I'd have beautiful, perky "boobies" after this and she has saggy post-nursing breasts. Really? If she wants to have BC and have a BMX and reconstruction and take it off my hands - have at it!!

    Also - you should definitely call your oncologist - if you don't have an infection, you probably do have a virus and you should talk to him/her about whether to start chemo when your immune system is already fighting something. S/he might say it's fine, but don't let the PS tell you what's OK and not OK chemo-wise. That's not his/her field. I know my PS, for one, is clueless about that stuff. When I was on chemo, any fever above 100.5 needed to be reported to the oncologist - can be sign of neutropenia (which I did have later, another story). So not crazy at all to talk it over. Don't worry, they've seen it all before.

    TracieN and silia - good luck tomorrow, ladies! We'll be pulling for you.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Tracey - thank you for the detailed description of your surgery day. I am so happy for how well you are doing and for the 3 negative nodes!!!

    Sarah - thanks for the feedback on the groups and the biopsy - good to know!

    Olgah - I've been told it's normal for some to run a fever for a bit after surgery, but I would still, of course, keep a close eye on it. I ran a low-grade fever after my appendectomy (only 99 degrees) for about a week after surgery and was told that was normal. However, on day 8 it started climbing (only to around 100 degrees) and my abdomen became hard in that area. I called the doc only b/c I wanted to go out of town for the weekend (camping - I was young and stupid!), just to make sure it was safe for me to go out of town. The doc made me go to the ER immediately - CAT scan revealed post-op infection. Had to be admitted for 6 days to treat it with IV antibiotics...uggh! I don't share this story to alarm you - and I hope it doesn't b/c your fever may indeed be nothing - but I just want to make sure you don't dismiss it like I did!   If I remember right,  post-op infections peak around days 7 to 10.  Maybe you could ask what other signs to look for which would indicate signs of infection?  I hope you feel better soon!!!  

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    KaheW and Tappy-We're all rooting for you gals to have a speedy recovery!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    they want to see me tomorrow and decide...Frown They think, probably, I try to find an excuse...
  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    One week post bmx reflections:

    In some ways it was both better and worse than anticipated. Reacting badly to morphine through me for a loop but once we figured out the problem it was quickly fixed.

    Constipation, ugh, enough said.

    Drains, not great but not awful. I'm used to dealing with them now but will not miss them. Hopefully they'll come out on Friday.

    Tight, tube top type garment on my chest; annoying that it is so snug but it's purpose is to push my foobs down when they want to go up. It's getting itchy and quite likely stinky under there but since I don't want foobs under my collarbone, I can deal. Hopefully, this will be changed on
    Friday too.

    My memory of some of the less than pleasant moments is already fading and I am just looking forward.

    One thing I've thought about that might be helpful for those awaiting bmx is to try to gain strength in your legs and abs. You won't be able to use your arms to push up so strong abs and legs are very helpful. I am very grateful for my strong abs/legs as they have really compensated for lack of upper body use. And speaking of arms...I had a surprising amount of range of motion and use of my arms. I thought this would be far worse. Even my left arm, with axillary node dissection,is doing well.

    Last thought (for now) is that recovery is about finding a balance between adequate rest and activity. Activity needs to increase daily but you need to balance out withnperiods of rest.

    Love and healing wishes to all, Caryn

  • chonikel
    chonikel Member Posts: 71

    Caryn - Thank you for sharing your experience - I am getting ready for 9/20 - and this board is so helpful to keep me prepared and from completely freaking out...

    Good luck to everyone coming up - and glad to hear all the good news from those who have gone before me.

    Prayers and healing thoughts to ALL!!!


  • Yes, Caryn, thanks! 

    Just got off a long call w/the nurse anesthetist who did a pre-op interview and gave me some info. for my surgery on Monday. All the usual questions re health history, etc. Two most interesting things - pedi is OK (so of course I got off the phone and scheduled that for Friday!) and I'm going to get some shot in my neck which will be a pain block for my chest area. Should last for a day to a day and 1/2 and will reduce my need for morphine . . . never knew about this - anyone have that? Little freaked about a shot in the neck, but I guess compared to what's coming later, a drop in the bucket.

    Oh, and unsolicited, she told me I can take an Ativan the a.m. of surgery - I think I just might!


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Sarah- I've never heard of the shot in the neck. It certainly wasn't offered to me. About the Ativan, I would definitely take her up on that. I took a Xanax before I left the house that morning, and another in that waiting period before the second scans for snb. Made it much easier to relax.

  • TracieN
    TracieN Member Posts: 13

    Hi all, I have been spending my days cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  Keeping busy and away from the computer to keep my mind off of surgery.  I had a wonderful weekend in Oregon, and am ready to move forward.  I am catching up on everyone.  Good luck to those with surgery this week.  We will do GREAT!!

    Olga- Sorry you are having such a rough time, praying for more progress.

    Caryn- sounds like things are just plugging along, which is good, but hoping for more.:)

    Tracy-Congrats on negative nodes, and what a good surgery story.  I will hope for that, but won't be disappointed with less.

    Silia- GOOD LUCK my surgery sister.  WE GOT THIS ;D