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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Groovygirls & TMX, thinking of you today, hoping things went well.  Odie, will have you in my thoughts tomorrow.

    Olgah, sorry you are having such a rough day and hoping things are better tomorrow.

    Caryn, nice to hear your activity is up. I have been using your progress to plan my own recovery! I just cannot see me being down more than a couple of days, but keep getting the eyes rolling from family and friends.  I have a tremendously more positive attitude now than I did 3 weeks ago, and it is because of all you ladies who have been posting from the beginning of the month.  Thank you thank you thank you!  I know I have been through worse than this before, and surgery has GOT to be a little less time-consuming than chemo was!

    Pfitz, I truly appreciate your quote about tying a knot and hanging on!

    Peace to you all tonight,


  • Odie - will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow - hope all goes well and we see you back here soon . . . 

    Olga - hope you got some answers on your fever. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, and that you had a bad day w/the family to boot? I had hoped it'd be a nice distraction.

    Linda - I've heard "great" things from women who've done chemo and then surgery - that the surgery is easier to handle b/c you make gains every few days/every week . . . as opposed to chemo where it can get worse as you go along. After 4 cycles of A/C I could hardly walk up 3 flights of stairs, I was so weak - despite having worked out regularly before and during the initial 2 cycles. So I'm hanging on to this, and to Caryn's reports of walking. Also spoke w/another friend today whose MIL had a UMX at 75 and was up and walking day 2. I figure at 42 and being a 7 day/week exerciser, I should be up at at 'em pretty quick. Fingers are crossed.

    Hope everyone has a restful evening,


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    My thought are with all you ladies who have just had, or are having your surgery soon.  I went to ONC today and will have port placed for chemo to begin next Tuesday.  My recovery from BMX is going great...scar looks good and getting more movement in my arms everyday.  Best wishes to you all and speedy recoveries!


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    odie16 - best wishes to you for your surgery tomorrow!  

  • Rockysg1
    Rockysg1 Member Posts: 11

    Hello Ladies,

    I was supposed to have surgery on the 8th of this month now I am waiting for it to be rescheduled later this month. Not really scared or worried (Yet) just want to get it over with, I was diagnosed in July. I don't start chemo until after then followed by rads and then reconstruct. I am glad I had a chance to read everyone's post I feel I can handle it a bit better knowing how others have coped with the surgery. I am looking at a DMX which I just chose to do at the last minute.

    TAPPY Member Posts: 39

    Sept 14 for me - I dont even know all the terms and lingo yet.

    But IDC in one breast - but having both removed due to cystic breasts and other calcifications.

    Dont want to go thru this again

    Opted to wait on recon because I do not know what I am looking at in terms of treatment.

    Tumor is more tubular - than a mass but a large one, surgeon keeps saying chemo.

    Truthfully I am more scare of the chemo than the surgery.

    Question, can you still do expanders/impants if you dont do immed recon ?

    I canceld apt with plastic surgeon (dumb I know) - because I just did not want to deal with anymore right now

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Hi Tappy,

    Glad you've come here for support. This forum has been very valuable to me. I understand your reasons for wanting a bmx as I just had mine on 9/7. Although I don't know what follow up treatment will be, I did choose immediate reconstruction. I believe you can have expanders/implants even with delayed reconstruction. Even if it's a lot to deal with, go see the plastic surgeon so you can fully understand all of your options. Good thoughts for you as you go through this. You will find that everyone is eager to support you and somewhere on this forum there is a list of abbreviations! Caryn

  • Rockysg1
    Rockysg1 Member Posts: 11


    I am getting expanders due to having to have chemo and rads after the surgery. I have not seen the plastic surgeon yet (still waiting on appointment) so I can't give you more details of what the procedure involves yet.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Hi Tappy and Rockysg  ---  welcome to the group - sorry you have to join us, but this is a great group and very supportive.

    I had my pre-op with the PS yesterday.  All went well but he did say 1-2 nights in the hospital Yell  I had been planning on 1 night.  I have a fear of hospitals so the thought of staying 2 nights doesn't thrill me.  My DH is planning to stay the first night with me.  The PS did tell me the BMX /sentinel biopsy part of the surgery will be approx 2 1/2 hours and the recon part another approx 2 1/5 hours.

    Odie16 good luck and best wishes today 

    KaheW and Tappy good luck and best wishes tomorrow

    TracieN and silia good luck and best wishes for Thurs

    amylynn - wow it is your week for surgery I hope all goes well for you Fri --  have you had any of your hair start to grow back yet?

    Jazz3000 good luck and best wishes for Fri.

  • Tappy - Glad you found this thread - just in time! Remember, this is THE WORST part - trust me, I've done this all before (well, not surgery, but diagnosis, getting the treatment plan, chemo, rads, tamoxifen) and until you have the plan in place and are moving forward, it is awful. So know that things will settle down - and that we're here for you! Wishing you all the best tomorrow.

    KatheW - thinking of you tomorrow and hoping all goes well for you, too. 

    Maggie - awesome news on your great recovery! So happy that that's going well. Lots of women complain about their ports, but I didn't have one and I wish in hindsight I had - even w/4 cycles of A/C, my veins had a tough time - they are still scarred up on that side. Nice to have a easy-peasy portal for blood draws too - lots of those ahead as well.

    Margie - I hear you on the not wanting to be in the hospital thing - I haven't been inpatient since I was a kid getting my tonsils out! I am not a good sleeper even at home, dreading the noise, lights, roomate, etc. etc. I think we might be on so many drugs, though, that it might just all be a blur . . . sick, but that's what I'm banking on! However it goes, you'll get through it - just like all the other stuff you've powered thru so far.

    Hi Rockysg - it's great you're not worried or scared - not everyone is - I'm sure you're anxious to get underway - like I was saying to Tappy, this part is the worst.

    All - today's a more "up" day for me, so far - as I close in on my surgery day I'm ALL OVER THE PLACE, hour by hour. My husband (laughing, lovingly) called me a lunatic last night as I burst into tears randomly. Defnitely go more haywire after 9 p.m. - just need to put myself to bed, LOL.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Rockysg and Tappy- Welcome to what will probably be a new "home" for a while. I hope you both find this site as helpful and comforting as I have.

    Tom Petty sang it best, "the waiting is the hardest part"

    Thinking of Odie today. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Tappy and KaheW- Wishing you both a speedy recovery

    Margie-I'm with you. Sleepovers at the hospital suck!

    I'm feeling pretty good, just getting frustrated w/the sleeping accomodations. I'm getting tired of sleeping on my back, and the drains are just getting to be a pain in the ass. Cutting down on the pain meds, yay!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237

    I had my rt mast with TE and axillary nodes removed on sept 8. Am just waiting on final path.she said it could take up to ten days.

    TheHospital stay was horrible. I assumed I would get a pca in pacu. I'm a nurse and know how things should go. I woke up on, agonizing pain. They said it was protocol to get pca if you had B M

    And things went south from there. I traveled far to go to this place Mskcc in NYC. My roomate was up all nite. I think I have PTSDO now from hospital stay stay. I guess I should focus on the positives

    I, have tumor out.I am alive. Its just left me not being able to trust drs and nurses sister is helping me file complaints about then today.

    I an so sick on of the tubes and my numb part of arm. Pain is minimal

    Bring earplugs and things to cover eyes are a must for hospital stays

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Welcome to all the new ladies, can't believe have quick we are growing. Glad you found us.

    Tappy- I'm waiting for reconstruction also. Not sure what I wanted, and wanted to wait till after any treatments I might have. Plus it was delaying my surgery date. Only had umx and I'm wondering if I should have had both done. when I get results I will decide.

    I see bs on 21st to go over all results so I'm just biding my time now till then. Been doing well. No pain meds, just at night to sleep. Doing more each day. Did some dishes yest. Feel alot of tightness in the chest area and am pretty sore in arm pit. Been having some tingling in both areas. Feels like someone is poking me with needles or a sparkler is going off under my skin. not really painful and it only happens once in awhile. Drain is still in and I have it will come out tm but I think I'll have to way till fri. I go see nurse every other day.
    I have a travel neck pillow that has not left my side. I use it tp keep under my arm at home and in the car it's perfect to put under seatbelt on my chest area. (one item I couldn't live without)

    Good luck to those that stll have to go this week

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    fredntan- so sorry to hear of your ordeal. It's bad enough what you're in the hospital for, the least they could do is make you comfortable. I too had nodes removed and the numbness is really becoming irritating! I hope you find a team that you can put your trust in. I brought my ipod w/me, and when my roomie came in at 2:30 am, and snored all night, boy was I glad I did! You and your sister go get 'em!

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Fran. Sorry for what you went through. I had the same numbness but it's starting to get better. Surgery was 1 week ago for me. Good luck with your complaints and you should file them (let us know how it turns out),

    Gentle hug to you

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Sarah --  like you I haven't been in the hospital since I was 8 years old having my tonsils out.  Last night after I started getting freaked out about possibly 2 nights my DH said he would be there and mostly likely the first night they will have me soo doped up that I would sleep most of the time.  I am hoping that is true.  I am also taking my MP3 player and bose noise cancelling headphone DH got my when I started chemo. 

    I also know what you mean about moods all over the place.  I am finding myself going up and down a lot.  I think it is the unknown and the worrying.  I am a planner type and not know is hard on me.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Margie- I think that you are right to bring some noise distractions. You will be loopy and not care that first night. To be honest, I don't remember a lot from the next day either, and I went home. My PS and BS worked like a tag team and had everything done in 3 hrs. I was the first in my town to have it done that way. I told them not to rush, they had all day. Wanted to make sure it was done right the first time!

    And for you and Sarah, I get the mood thing. I too used to have everything planned, and didn't much like surprises and the unknown. I can tell you that after my daughter got sick, all of that changed for me. It may for you both too. I am much better at going with the flow than I used to be. I did find myself "nesting" before my surgery. I never wanted to clean so much. Must've been all that nervous energy!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Ugh!! tonsillectomy, the most traumatic memory of my childhood. OK, time to get over it:)

    The noise/privacy issue has always bothered me in hospitals. I have had 2 stays for childbirth and one for abdominal surgery. For my Bmx, I was in a hospital that is less than 5 years old. I think they took great care to address these issues. Almost all rooms are private and well furnished with private spacious bathroom, extra seating and tables, pull out chair bed for visitors to stay overnight, flat screen TV/DVD. There are signs all over the hall ways urging quiet because of the "healing environment" and lots of soothing art work and posters celebrating great staff and positive life habits. Visiting hours are completely open. Menu choices were varied with lots of truly healthful options. Hot towels were brought in for freshening up before meals ( I used to do this in first class when I was a Pan Am flight attendant!). That being said, it was still a hospital and after 3 nights I was happy to go home. There really is no place like home! Caryn

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    Lori--  my PS/BS are doing the tag team thing too.  I think he told me 2 1/2 hour for each of them total of 5 hours to pad the time a little.  Too funny about the "nesting" I have been doing that too.  I have cleaned closets over th past couple of weekends and this weekend I plan to clean my kitchen and pantry.

  • Nesting! I've been a mad nester all summer - this week I'm trying to tone it down, relax more, get myself mentally prepared to go w/the flow next week. Lori, I learned to go w/the flow more twice - first during Cancer Round I, then having a daughter. But I used to be a litigator, and while you can take the lawyer out of the office, you can't take the lawyer outa the girl . . . so in my usual fashion, I will prep up until the last minute and then wheeee! free-wheel it from there-on-out. Only so much we can prepare for, after that, just have to tuck & roll.

    Caryn, your hospital sounds as great as one could be! I'm curious what Mass. General holds - pretty old place, pretty sure I'll have a double room, but you never know - maybe that'll be a nice surprise!

    I'm off to Pilates - one of my last 2 before Monday. Going to ask for lots of arms and lots of stretching out . . . I know I'm going to get all bound up lying around, even if it's only for a day or two.


  • luanneo
    luanneo Member Posts: 2

    luanneo    9/16    MX

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Margie-here's hoping it's a quick surgerySmile

    Sarah-enjoy your pilates!

    Caryn-wow! your hospital sounds like a resort compared to mine!

    luanneo-will be thinking of you Fri. and hoping all goes well

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    My mind is also all over the place as I try to get ready for Thurs's surgery so I'm not even going to try and track who wrote what here.  I will say that the input from everyone who's already had surgery is truly a gift - thanks.  My thoughts are with those who are having surgery this week along with me.  I will be SO HAPPY when we're able to check back in and report how we're doing...  I want this part OVER WITH.  Margie, thanks for bringing us all together on this thread!  luanneo, welcome.  Hope this group is as helpful for you as it is being for me.  Will think of you on Friday.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Hello everyone, I am back!

    First about me. I am finally oficially drainles...Yesterday they checked blood white cells, they were normal, chest did not look bad, according to them( PS and GS.Why did I have fever? Nobody knows.I still had it last night, 99.6. Yesterday PS did a test with me. I still had a lot of liquid, so they

    said me to keep drain bulbs ( or how to call it?) differently , without squezzing air for 6 hours, then squeeze it again and measure.This way they can see, if my body can absorb it. It worked, so today they took drains out. I feel very happy and relieved. They also put a big gurdle tipe vest on my chest with plastc fome underneath and told me to wear it for aweek.I start my chemo Thursday, I still don;t know how it is gonna work with antibiotics , fever, if I have it  and pain pills.I don't know if I need pills tonight.

    And I can finally shower tomorrow!

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Margie, they told me about 5 hours too, but, actually , it was 4 hours. As them about anti- nausea medicine, it did help me las time.cannot wait to hear from you after operation. I will pray for you.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Maggie, I am happy for your recovery... Port is good I have it since August 11, if you have any questions about it? I think we both have chemo tretty much the same time, what do you get? I get TCH...

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Sarah, I used to be a litigator too...And I was crying before all 3 of my operations..And yesterday, when I look at my chest. But I remember pictures of somebody 32 y.o. breast reconstruction from the very beginning which my PS showed me, and the last one was very beautiful BREAST...It helped me through hard times, the image.

    Now I am afraid of chemo. I also thinking , how to communicate with all of us , when we start chemo? Do we stay Mastectomy september 2011 or all of us go to another place? I don't want to lose my firends.Any suggestions?

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    Olga, Glad things are better and the drains are out. I bet that when you take that shower, it will be the best one ever! Can't wait to take mine. I am starting to feel itchy under my bandages. Yuck.

    Stjude10, yes it was pretty luxe as far as hospitals go because it is so new. Still, it was a hospital.

    Although I've had some relief, constipation is still dogging me. I have gone off prescription pain meds completely and hope this gets things back to normal. Keep healing everyone and thoughts and prayers to those in surgery. Caryn

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Lori, I am happy you feel good...Good luck with the drains..

    Hope everyone is recovering well and I pray for everyone

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    Caryn, thank you...Had you tried prune juice? I took it togethrt with other laxatives. In my country we have a recipe: put dried prunes in col water for few hours, then eat prunes, and drink water.It soundsfunny, but it helps. I don't know if they sell dried prunes here