The 'Journey' has begun!!!! aka Chrissyb's USA Adventure!!!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,836

    Come to North Dakota! (In the summer). It's great state!! Kiss

    Thanks for all the posts on this wonderful thread.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    ruth, my favorite times in ND are spring when the fields are green (does anyone still grow flax,  stunning in bloom) and at harvest time.

    The bad lands are stunning, especially if you drive through or go through by train at sunrise or sunset.

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506

    chrissyb, I haven't 'met' you yet, but I'm another texas gal and I was thinking about you and your posse this weekend.  I've had the pleasure of meeting timothea et al and sherryc in person, so perhaps I was there vicariously.  If you need another dose of beautiful beaches and salty seabreeze air, I'm just a couple hours drive south of San Antonio.  I'd be honored to meetup with you, take you to the beach and fix a heaping plate of King Ranch chicken. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    ok: so, now we need the recipe for King Ranch Chicken, althea. Chrissy, i'm sure , being a cook, would agree!!!......3jays

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Chrissy I had a wonderful time with you and the girls on Saturday.  I also feel honored that I got to be with you when you signed the pants.  I am so glad that you choose San Antonio as one of your stops.  I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip. 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Aside from enjoying the reports of Chrissy's travels, I am marvelling at the organizational masterpiece it is. Well done!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Joni - I posted that before but I think it bears posting again -

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thanks to Chrissy and all her hosts for all the photos and journals - allowing us to share your adventures - and the food!  Oh, Chrissy - you, and Marybe and many other women here, are such an inspiration to so many of us. 

    What a goodwill ambassador-tour! It reaches clear around the world, in real time. Blessings to you all, and Safe travels.

    Lassie, I agree, it is an organizational masterpiece!

    The traveling pants - made me weep.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409

    SoCalLisa - you may be the first person I know who has done all 50 states!  Well done!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Thanks Marie-how are you feeling?

  • TNBC-er
    TNBC-er Member Posts: 63

    Oh, how I've enjoyed this journey. I can't wait to read each installment. Thank you, Chrissy and all, for sharing so generously of your travels and fun.

    The feeling of kinship is powerful.

    Take care, all


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    Chrissy, more pic's?  I love this thread, it's like a story.  When I see those pants, I cry everytime.  Can someone explain the history? 


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Maureen the best thing is if you go to the website -there's a history on it (it's too long to type lol)


    Hi Joni - I'm feeling good!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826

    WOW, made me cry and I love those pins...much more than "pink"

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506

    3jays, and anyone else interested, here's the link to the recipe I use for King Ranch chicken.

    It has two versions, old school and slightly fancy.  I make the slightly fancy one to avoid canned soup.  For the sauce, I personally think the portion is a bit scant, so I add a bit more liquid and sour cream (actually, I use kefir, a cousin to yogurt with the same consistency as sour cream).  I've made this recipe several times and love it. 

    Chrissyb, so sorry I couldn't fit in a trip to San Antonio to meet you.  I travelled in Australia a lifetime ago and loved it.  I look forward to seeing the next installment of your venture, and good on ya mate!  

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590

    Thanks Althea....I printed out the slightly fancy version per your recommendation!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thanks Althea - I did too.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Me 3.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    just to be obstinate- I didn't:)

  • samsue
    samsue Member Posts: 599

    OK, I just found this thread.... I was living the trip vicariously through the other ladies as they posted pictures of the get together!  I started at the beginning of your trip Chrissyb so I'm not going to read this page.... will go back and catch up.

    I think it's fantastic you're making this adventure!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    OK all I just heard from the reporter that interview us on Saturday when Chrissy was in San Antonio and the editor loves the article and is looking at putting it in the Sunday Paper with the picture of our group holding up the pants.  I'll keep you posted.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,929

    That's awesome Sherry!!!

    This is so exciting for all of you, especially Chrissy!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well, as you can tell my time in Missouri came to and end and I headed for San Antonio.  I arrived a little after midnight and by the time the shuttle from my hotel came to pick me up and deposit me at the doors of the Holiday Inn, it was well on the way to 1.00am.  I ended up with a great room on the 7th floor so I got a good view from the window.  The first thing I did after taking off my shoes was check in with my DH, as the time was around 3.30pm at home, and after we chatted for awhile and he caught up with what I've been up to, I headed for the bed.  Before turning the light off, I put my breakfast order in for 10.00am and set my alarm for 9.45am to make sure I was awake when it arrived.  Thursday came waaaaay too soon!  Before I knew it the alarm had gone off and room service was knocking at my door.  I ended up sleeping on and off all day I guess just catching up on some much needed rest so I could be ready for the fun of San Antonio.

    Timothea PM'd me and we organized for her to pick me up and head out for a late breakfast/brunch at a Mexican eatery where her two gorgeous munchkins could play on the indoor equipment.  After eating and chatting, Timothea took me on a sojourn of some of San Antonio.  The first thing we saw was the biggest pair of cowboy boots that I had ever seen!  They were amazing!

    After traveling around for awhile, Timothea took me to see the Japanese Tea Gardens.  They were beautiful and very relaxing.

    We wandered around there for awhile and then headed for the cutest little train that took us on a tour of the area and showed some of the bush that contained native vegetation and other, some of which was introduced by the Indians when they settled in the area.  The train driver was full of remarkable information and I really enjoyed the ride.

    By this time it was getting late in the afternoon and the munchkins had fallen asleep in their seats totally worn out by the activities of the day so Timothea dropped me off at the hotel where I had a short nap before Gina picked me up to go eat. I was amazed at the road system near my hotel and how it was painted and looked really smart.

    It was still early enough to see some things so she took me to see the out of the way Missions.  They were derelict except for the church but they still oozed history.

    We checked out some of the early homes and then headed for a place to eat.  I was really hankering for some veg so Gina took us to the 410 Dinner where we had a delicious meal.  We sat chatting for so long that the staff were putting the chairs up for cleaning so we took the hint and left.  Gina took me back to the hotel and we arranged for her to pick me up early to go to the Farmer's Market.  I was very lucky as Gina's DH drove us around after we had been to the market and he truly is a wealth of knowledge about the history of San Antonio and its settlers.  Before we realized, it was time to go to the Spaghetti Warehouse for our get together lunch.

  • debbie6122
    debbie6122 Member Posts: 2,935

    Thats awesome, who knows they may make a movie out of those traveling pants and all of you who met along chrissys adventure!!

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Hi Chrissy - I'm there with you in spirit!!!! Keep having lots of fun - love the pics!!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks for keepingus updated. im keeping  track; its like going along "for the ride"....3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well through a little ingenuity and the use of Lanes computer I am once again able to post and carry on the story.

    We arrived at the restaurant just as Jana did and hugs were exchanged.  Not long after, like acouple of minutes, Sherry and Jo also arrived and there were more hugs and laughter.  Rather thanstand in the parking lot we moved inside and you can guess the first place many of us visited inside the establishment and then the real conversation got under way .........believe me when I say there was a lot of conversation going on!   We were shown to our table and drinks were ordered which were mosly iced tea or water .....we were really being good girls!  Lol.  We were still checking out the Menu when Tinothea and the munchkins arrived and within a few minutes orders for food were given.  While eating. Annette arrived and it was so good that she was able to make it!  Because of the long drive, she had already eaten but joined in with a coffee and conversation.  The lunch was an amazing event!!!!!

    When we were done, we moved to another part of the restaurant to take some group photos and check out the Traveling Pants and take more pics which have already been posted for you to see.  We all wanted to be in the pics so we asked the young woman who greeted us if she would mind taking them ......... poor girl, she ended up taking them with seven different cameras!!!   She was such a sweetheart to take the time from her work to do that for us.  When I signed the Pants it was almost a heart stopping moment and I feel very privileged to have been able to do that.

    It was unfortunate that some had to leave at this point, Timothea because the plans for the rest of the day would have been too much for the children and Jana and Annette because they had to get back, so once again hugs were exchanged and we parted.

    Gina was elected our driver and tour guide and she took us to the Mission San Hose.  It was truly breathtaking to think that over a hundred years ago there were families living, working, defending and worshiping there.  The church that still stands there is a working church and Mass is said there by the Franciscan Monk each and every Sunday.

    This was the entrance to the Mission grounds.

    These were the living quarters.

    And this is the exterior of the Church and the alter.

     A little history here if you don't mind, but I found it facinating.  When these were built, Spain, as all the kingdoms back then, was taxing it's colonies very heavily.  There were four Missions built in the San Antonio area but this particular one is the only one that did not go broke.  The story goes that on completion of the bulilding process, the taxes were raised and the comunities of the Missions could not pay and they became rundown and eventually ceased to be but, the Mission San Hose was smart, it never completed it's second bell tower and so was never heavily taxed and so survives intact to this day.

    After leaving there we headed back into town to see the Alamo buildings and check out the Museum housed within.

    And this is the memorial monument to those brave souls of yester year who fought so bravely to defend this area.

    When we had finished looking around, it was heading onto 5.00pm and time for us to find somewhere cool to sit a get something cool to drink so we headed across the road to a hotel where we made ourselves comfy.  It was here that the reporter met up with us and did the interview for her article on the get together and the Traveling Pants and I have since found out that it will be published on this coming Sunday ........but I'm looking to Sherry for confirmation of this.

    By the time this was completed it was almost dinner time so we headed for downtown and the River Walk where we decided to go on the River Cruise before we ate.  The cruise was fabulous and very beautiful as the daylight was going and all the lights along the banks were being turned on and the reflections were magnificent!  It is unfortunate however, that earlier in the day my camera battery decided to run out (taking too many pics I guess) and I was unable to take any but all is not lost as Gina has promised to send me a copy of some of hers so I will have proof of memory.

    After the cruise, we ate and then made our way back to the car and then to the restaurant parking where we had left Ginas' car.  Here we said goodbye to Sherry and Jo.  It was a sad parting for me as I have found nothing but love and welcome from all the women I have met and I truly fell they are my sisters.

    At the hotel I said goodbye to Gina and made my way to my room to once again pack my bags and get ready for the morning departure and the next leg of this amazing trip!    Next stop? ......COLORADO!!!!     WooHoo!!!!!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wow! great pics, Chrissy.. can't wait to get the link for the newspaper article.. great pr for the traveling pants... i cried when iwent to that site, and to know you're name is now there.. you NEED to be one of the survivors that have signed them..for a LONG>>>>>time. have a ball in coloradeo.......3jays

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Oh Chrissy---you are a star...the pics are everywhere.I hope the rest of your trip is just as good.We are watching you....very closely....keep it up are our HERO.....we all love you.I sure hope they make a movie out of this..xoxoxo hugggggs K

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Chrissy yes I spoke to Pam the reporter today and she confirmed that her editor loved the story and wants it to get the most exposer so it is planned for the Sunday paper which has the largest circulation.  I will post the link as soon as I have it. Miss you already hope you are having a wonderful time in Colorado.