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Radiation recovery



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

      Birthday wishes, Sew...that's what it's all about!  I hope it was good and that you will have the best year ever.  And I'm right behind you in candles.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Wow all this California Dreamin' -- It is a beautiful state...something for everyone from deserts to glaciers, ocean and bays, and earthquakes and volcanoes! I am happy to visit every year.
    Andrea, the past 2 years we have rented a house in Mariposa which is not far from Oakhurst. It is beautiful and peaceful there with clean air and sun.

    SAB - am in for the poker game LOL...
    Janis, glad to hear you are baking again! How in the world did y'all get haven't been out much, right? Have you been around a doctor's office? That would do it...Hope everyone's feeling better. I knew something was up when you disappeared for a few days.

    (((Cowpower))) so sorry to hear you have these health issues taking priority in your lives right now. Do you have good doctors who you can trust? I hope the path is not too challenging for you and your son.

    I've been busy with work and classes starting....needing more sleep and having less time. Once Thursday's here, I get a little break for the week end.
    Sleep time....nite all!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited January 2013

    Ladies, thank you all for the kind words in regard to the loss of my mom.  Checking back in tonight and feeling more normal.  We just got back from a week in Florida.  It was nice to soak up some warmth and sun.  I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest, but alas I was plagued with a UTI that hit before I left.  I allowed myself to be in denial about it, so I suffered all week with a slight case, that suddenly got worse at the end.  I finally got on antibiotics today, my first full day home.  My doctor was a saint to work me into her already busy schedule.  I am grateful tonight.

    Sew, Happy Birthday.  I join you in trying to cut the sugar out of my life.  I have been working at it for several months.  So far I've lost 15 lbs.  I can usually stay away from it, although I love it way too much.  The longer you stay away, the better fruit tastes, and the easier it is to leave the sugar treats alone.

    Joan, sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.  I know that pain, and as I am told, time will help.   I am finding as the days go by, I am not as shocked by the idea when I wake up each morning.  That is a start.

    Janis, glad to see your are getting back to normal.

    Andrea, I saw your post about shoulder pain.  I have had quite a bit of trouble with pain in my shoulder on my radiated side.  It almost felt as if my shoulder were frozen at times.  I used some Aspercreme on it whenever it got too bad, and I've been doing gentle stretching and trying to use it gently to lift light things, do routine stretching and housework.  It has improved greatly this past few weeks.  I know this kind of thing can be quite chronic however, and I know it will maybe flare up again.  My ribs on my right side get sore now and again as well.  Not fun.  I have read many reports of others with similar types of pain and stiffness on the radiated side.  We are forever changed in some ways, I fear.  Right now though, It feels great.  Let's hope it continues.

    Good to catch up with eveyone.  Talk to you soon,  GiGiL

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2013

    Sew.....I posted on here I swear, a photo of a cake and of course birthday wishes.  Did it not stick?  Oh well, you know I would bake my heart and soul out for you and would if we lived closer.  Very happy belated my friend.

    SAB I am always up for some good old fashioned fun.  Count me in on any party you ladies are planning.  I have never really played poker but I get the general idea.  I have played cribbage since childhood.

    Chuck is sick now so we are definitely laying low.  Joan, I did have a couple of doctor appointments prior to getting sick.  Also we did have to go to Wal mart once...kiss of death!  Chuck always cleans the cart prior to letting me touch it but that is no guarantee.  We try to avoid crowded aisles but it is a germ haven. 

    Gigi I am glad you are feeling somewhat better.  I remember so well the first year after I lost my mom.  Every 'first' is difficult.  My youngest son was 19 when Mom died.  She died in January and he wanted to take me out for Mother's Day brunch.  I had told him I greatly appreciated it but just could not go.  He was angry and did not understand.  I told him I knew I could just not sit in a restaurant surrounded by happy people with their moms.  I thanked him over and over for his offer but he did not get it and remained angry.  He accused me of sulking and not moving on, etc.  I was back at work days after she died, and she was out of state.  My Dh and i were separated and it was a difficult time in general, but I managed.  i just did not want to go out that day.  I told him I would happily let him take me out any other day, but he is not about compromise.  The following years of course have been fine.  My heart truly hurts for you because I understand what you are going through.  I expect many of the ladies here have also experienced this sad loss.  Hugs Sweetie.

    To everyone else....I am still slow about catching up but I am glad to see more activity here.  I hope to get to know everyone much better.  My arm is better, i have not worn the sling all week and am typing with both hands again.  I still get very sore and am trying hard to pace myself.  It is a good thing the weather has been miserable this past month.  Had this happened in spring or summer I would either be in a body cast or the looney bin!  :)

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited January 2013

    Thank you, GiGiL. I will keep stretching. At work I've been putting one of those microwave heat packs on it when it gets too sore. Makes typing a bit difficult though. I am sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Big hugs to you!

    Cowpower, I hope your son's situation improves soon. I can understand what a worry that must be for you. I'll say a prayer for him and you too.

    Janis, glad to see you back and that you're starting to do better. Don't overdo though!

    And to all our California Girls, hopefully I'll be back there someday soon! We would actually love to live in Mammoth Lakes; our favorite place in the world! DH used to live there in the 70's, but unless we win a lottery, it's doubtful we'll be living there!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    janis...the trick to playing poker is to wear LOTS of least that's what I learned in college! Cool

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    I just want to know when I am going to get some energy back. I have none.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie, I know how frustrating it is.  Hang in there and things will improve.  It may seem like forever, but you just finished rads...{{{hugs}}}

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2013 will happen.  I know it is difficult but your body just needs to heal.  It is different for everyone, but know that this phase will not last forever.  Be kind to yourself and try not to focus on the fatigue.  Baby something small every day that makes you feel good.  Tackle a small project even if it is something as simple as cleaning out a drawer, or dusting one room.  Gentle hugs!

    Sew.....oh, THAT kind of poker.  Well, seriously this old flabby body wouldn't interest a soul.  Maybe back in the good old days.  I think I will be safe dressing lightly!

    Andrea I understand the lottery thing.  Sadly we are stuck where we are at unless we win!  WHEN I win maybe I'll buy a big old cabin up in northern CA.  Anyone can visit anytime.  Free lodging for all!

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Andrea, It is great to see you here.  Thanks for the thoughts coming our way.  My son is doing fine right now- his attacks where the potassium bottoms out are infrequent and the endocrinologist said on Monday that his reccomendation is to just ride out the attack and it will resolve- they always have in the past, but I did want to make sure that we shouldnt be doing more because this past attack scared me.  Sounds like you are doing well with recovery from rads?

    Mostlysew- I tried playing poker your way, but with all the tamoxifen, I just sweat too much- not pretty!

    Bunkie- I still feel like my butt is dragging, too. I guess we will have to wait patiently since we have no choice. I try to do a bit more each day, but end up having to have a day "off" once in a while-  knitting and netflix.

    Gigil so sorry to hear about your mom. Losing your mother is a really hard transition- something you are never really ready for.

    Janis- does free lodging come with baked goods?  I am a really good house guest.....

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited January 2013

    I find that no matter how tired I am if I make myself go to Zumba I do have more energy after and for a couple of really has been my sanity saver.....(just)

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Lily, you are so right about feeling great after workout...I am not as good as you though!
    GigiL, it's true that we don't feel as raw after a loss as time goes by.  But every so often, as I am sure you know, something will trigger a memory that is bittersweet.  I was just thinking about my mom today and how when she was aging and could have enjoyed more focused attention from me, I was back in college and totally preoccupied.  No guilt...just thinking about what I may have missed.
    Last Saturday I went to the memorial service for my friend (she was 37) and it was quite emotional.  So hard for her daughters (high school age) and DH.
    Bunkie, sorry you are feeling so fatigued.  Have you seen any docs lately?  have you had a blood test?  I am slightly anemic post rads and am getting tired much more easily than in the past.  But you deserve to have some good days.  I hope you can feel more energy soon.
    Past sleep time so I am wishing everyone a good tomorrow and Super Bowl week end.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Just checking in...quiet here!
    Saw MO today and it went pretty well.  I am grateful that I am healthy and not so interesting to her....but she did address my SEs (no solutions though). 
    Cold here....18....
    Guarantee:  groundhog will see his shadow rain, snow or shine Smile

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Yup I just had a CBC/diff blood test. I was good. Potassium a little low/normal need to eat a banana but otherwise good. Just me and rads I guess. I see my RO/PCP & surgeon this month and will ask.They need to look at my thyroid again. It was low normal before rads. No telling what it is doing now.

    Every year I threaten to go get that groundhog and slap him but I should be used to it. I have been stuck in Mi for 8 years now. It is 15 here today. Buuurrr.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    I guess I shouldn't mention that it was 59 today and 67 - 68 the prior 3 days? Yep...northern cal is the place for me, tehehe

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Stop that Sew. I am homesick.Cool

  • sherry358
    sherry358 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    Hi  I am in Sarasota Florida, I had a lumpectomy  and radiation close to 5 years a ago and am still on Tamoxifen, recently had biopsy due to bleeding after about 4 years biopsy was inconclusive, so had to have a D&C 4 days later ended up in ER because i could not breath........ so surgery or whatever threw a blood clot to my lung so now I have been diagnosed  with pulmonary fibrosis so now I am on oxygen 24/7  Upon doing some research I find that it could be al related


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Sherry...I'm so sorry you've had to go thru all that. Hopefully once they get the clot dissolved you can get yourself back to normal. It's possible you might find the tamoxifen discussion thread of help, but we're happy to have you here. Hugs to you....

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    Sherry, So sorry to hear about your troubles.  Of course, your unfortunate outcome describes the deep concerns we all have about these very serious meds we are on.  There is no way to know the future, we can only make our best decisions at each moment.  I hope that your condition improves.  Did your Doc give you any prognosis? I send you my best hopes.

    Joan and Lily, Sew, hiked 9 miles today and it was almost balmy (sorry bunkie!)  Then I came home to bake for a superbowl party we are going to tomorrow (GO 49ERS!) and ate all my exercise calories in "sampling" my work!  I completely blame JANIS for this, because her creations have put me in the mood to bake. And because I am having trouble taking personal responsibility Embarassed 

    GiGiL, I have started to write a few times, but have trouble finding words.  I miss my Mom every day, even after almost 13 years. I hope your pain turns into loving memories.

    Well, time to get in the mood!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Sherry, sorry to hear about this unfortunate turn in your health.  I hope that soon you will be restored to a good place and that these setbacks will be behind you.  It's true, each of us never knows when something will pop up unexpectedly.  It is difficult to know if things are related or not.  It must be discouraging for you.  Sending good thoughts. 
    Bunkie, I am glad that your blood work raises no major concerns.  Following up on the thyroid is a good idea.  I hope you feel stronger each day.
    I had a chance to move to MI in the 80s...the towns we liked were expensive so we decided to stay in NY.  We are usually warmer here on LI than inland.  Just 6 more weeks of winter!
    SAB, 9 miles?? where did you hike??  I'd be napping through to the next day after that.
    Happy Super Bowl Sunday to all...I am low key on the day, but it does have a 'life of its own'! 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    PS - spent the day with DS from Chicago...he came to NY to be with his friends for SB and his BD.  We had a great dinner in NYC and gourmet cupcapes from Crumbs.  He leaves Tuesday, and I won't see him again before he goes.  We got him a pile of lottery tix...hope he wins and moves back.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Joan I am happy to hear your DS came home for the weekend.  I know how much seeing him meant.  That is wonderful and sounds like you had a great time.  The fun and food sounds great.

    Bunkie it is always a relief to know your blood tests are normal.  Your energy will return in time.

    SAB....go ahead and blame me for the Crock A Thon.  So what did you bake?  Have fun at the party.  I sure hope SF wins.   We are staying home and watching quietly.  I have no idea what I am making, no baking I don't think though.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi Janis, good to see you..

    Am home today planning for my 2 classes on Monday.

    Tacos tonight and homemade guacamole. Simple. DH said there was a wings shortage at the grocery store. LOL

    I never eat any chicken witk skin


    Our inch of snow from last night is nearly gone.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    First of all let me be a big baby...BOO HOO!  My superbowl party turned into a support group!  Janis, I made chocolate chip macaroons, 5 grain cookies with agave (the "healthy" alternative) and decorated the trays with red and gold Hersey's kisses.  Lost the superbowl, but gained a few pounds Surprised

    Joan, we found a lesser used "unit" of Henry Cowell State Park called "Fall Creek Unit" just above Felton.  It is primarily coastal redwood, very pretty, and steep/challenging in spots. Worth it.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone, I have been offline for a while because DH and I took a trip to New Orleans, my hometown. We did not stay for the Superbowl, but we enjoyed watching all the preparations. Mostly, we just enjoyed the company of family and friends and we ate too much delicious food. The treadmill and I will be good buddies for a long time.

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited February 2013

    Bunkie, I will gladly hold the groundhog down for you while you slap away!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Cowpower - I am gearing up because we had snow yesterday and again today and they say tomorrow. Ugh!! You better be ready to help me get him.Laughing

    My breast seemed to be healing so I wore my genie bra yesterday for several hours. Well I woke up this morning with pain so I am not wearing anything today. I go to the RO in two weeks so I will have questions for him. I know it has been just a bit over 2 mos but I thought my skin would be better. I feel like a 70s hippie with my boobs swinging under these t shirts. Back then I thought it was cool to not wear a bra. My body is so shaky all the time and my fatigue is really constant. This is new for me and the two may not be related. The endocrinologist is going to do some testing on my thyroid because I have symptoms of being hypothyroid. This happened after rads. Anyone have issues with thyroid after rads?

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Beautiful photos SAB.

    I was rooting for SF to win but I have to say the Ravens came to play. Wish I had been there to eat those treats!!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    Yah, the Ravens played well, and we made some serious mistakes.  Thank you Bunkie, sorry the photos are giant and phone. I had thyroid issues before, so I can't give you input there.  Hope you feel better.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Sab, when you manage to hike in and then out of such a beautiful place, and walk 9 mils doing it, you're allowed to eat anything you want....for days and days! Great photos...that'll make all these gals mired in snow jealous for sure!

    Bunkie, I also already had thyroid issues, so can't help either, but it could be that. Could be an AI too if you're taking one. Baby steps..... For me it's been 15 months since I finished rads and only now am I able to get back to the exercise level I had before all this. And i only found a bra after a year, and it was recommended by my lymphedema PT. most comfortable thing ive ever worn. all my old ones are way too uncomfortable even now. You might also consider your diet....some women feel that gluten plays a part, but I never found that. I do think sugar and sugar substitutes can wreck havoc with us though. Good luck, I'm sure you'll figure it out.