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Radiation recovery



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013


    I'm so sorry about the loss of your Mom and the difficult time you're going thru. It's so hard to loose a parent especially suddenly. We always wish there was something more that could be done. I think it's good that you could grant her her wishes, and I think luvbug is right, she's now one of your personal angels. Please, check in whenever you can, it's good to hear from other "old timers" although I'm feeling younger by the day!

    Annemarie, welcome to you. And I'm so sorry you also had to go thru such a rough time with your mom. But you also stepped up to the job, and after all, that's about all we can do at that point. I'm hopping my daughter will be up to the task for me one day, if necessary

    PRW, I'm so sorry you had to find us in this way, but as long as you're going to go thru breast cancer, you might as well go thru it with some amazing women at your side.....and you'll find those people here! Right now you're probably in shock at the quickness/painstaking slowness of the whole diagnosis, surgery, waiting for results, figuring out what's next etc. etc. but, eventually it will be clear just what steps you'll need to follow to beat this beast. Waiting for test results was always the hardest for me. Anyway, right now just concentrate on getting over the surgery (extra protein, gentle walks, etc) are good. Once in radiation (probably 6 weeks or so from surgery) you'll have more to moisturizing, eating protein, resting, moisturizing, reasonable walks or exercise, did I mention moisturizing? Anyway, check in often, and good luck to you. would! Just when I finally decided I absolutely have to give up sugar, you post an absolutely scrumptious dessert! With chocolate! I suppose dreaming about it won't cost me too many calories, right Bunkie?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2013

    hi everyone.  i am so far behind but just had to say hi.  left handed typing is slow and so tedious.

    i can't possibly catch up but i first want to extend a warm welcome to all the new ladies.  our group is small but you won't ever find a better bunch of women to answer your questions and lend you a shoulder.  i am anxious to get back here and get to know everyone.

    gigi i am so happy to see you back, but so terribly sorry about your mom.  what a loss it is and you have my deepest sympathies.  gentle hugs sweet lady.

    elizabeth, thank you so much for being my voice here.  i really appreciate you keeping everyone updated.  not to mention all the comments on my baking.

    sew, sab, i read a bit about this thread possibly moving.  i was a bit confused, but i am staying here with all my original friends.  all newbies are welcome of course.  us older members are far enough out of rads that we can share our experiences with you and help you along as you enter this new chapter of treatment.

    joan, thank you for the lucious strawberries.  yum.

    thank you to everyone who sent all the good wishes my way.  i am doing well.....still in a lot of pain though and of course so limited in what i can do.  the fractures are in the upper arm bone but almost to the ball and shoulder socket.  the sling keeps my arm firmly pressed to mybody.  i am so bored.  no baking of course nor cooking, cleaning, anything.  we have snow on the ground and bitter temps so i am petrified to even step foot outside.  that is how this all started to begin with.  i go back to the orthopedic surgeon tuesday.  he will do fresh x-rays then and hopefully i am mending.

    again thanks for all the good thoughts....i read and your thoughtfulness cheers me.

    love and hugs to all.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    MostlySew - You are so right. I gave up sugar this summer. It is really hard and I fall off the wagon once a week. There is a place close by that makes homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. They are sinful and huge and about 400 calories a cookie. I have 5 of them frozen right now. I eat about 1 cookie a week. I gave up chocolate because of caffeine and I LOVE it. I was able to give up all soft drinks except a little ginger ale when my stomach is bad. I gave up all juices but I still get sugar in food normally so I am not totally free.

    I also lost 30lbs when I did it within 3 months.

  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie your last sentence caught my attention!!! Surprised You lost 30 lbs giving up sugar?  Tell me more...I gained 24 lb when I quit smoking nearly 5 years ago and I haven't lost an ounce (not even through this chemo).  I use sugar all the time and know it's not good especially for the cancer thing but if I could lose a lot of weight, well I just might make the sacrifice...I love my chocolate, caffeine too but I will have to make changes, did you exercise or what? I know this is off track of the radiation but I need help. Thanks Laughing

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    5LuvBugs - Yup I did. I gave up all sugar except that I get from regular foods.  Like a lean cuisine I eat sometimes or oatmeal in the morning. Fruit has sugar but I eat apples and bananas. I also started eating smaller meals...more often. I get up at about 6...I know I am nuts but go to bed at 10. I eat a piece of whole wheat toast and some water. Two hours later I eat a pack of oatmeal with raisins and some water. Then about 12 I eat a half of sandwich, turkey or chicken breast with a banana and some baked chips. Three hours after that I have some fruit OR yogurt if my stomach is doing good. For dinner I eat baked fish, chicken or turkey with a baked potato and veggies with more water. One hour before I go to bed I eat a small bowl of Cheerios and some water. That keeps me from getting hungry at night. If it is the weekend I have a half of that big ole oatmeal raisin cookie instead of the Cheerios. I still need more water because of the prednisone I take but can not seem to get it down. I can not exercise because of my energy level from my disease. I do the stairs all day long and that is all I can manage. There is variety in there. I eat some pasta sometimes with turkey spaghetti sauce or have a small steak when I need red meat with some rice. I am still learning about food.  This may not work for you but it did for me. I used to eat anything I wanted and I miss that but the pounds came off about 3 a week. It took about 3 months. I have been keeping it off so it must be the sugar I gave up.

  • annemarieh
    annemarieh Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie~Thats great news! You found what works for you! If you have protien in your meal, try to eat that first, that will fill you up, especially if you eat slowly. Congrats too on staying away from the sugar!!


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Bunkie....good job. Glad you're keeping the weight off that's perfect. I actually don't eat much sugar to begin with, but this weight is so stubborn I'm trying anything.

    Luvbug....the neat thing about this thread is that just about nothing is off topic....after all recovery encompasses so many things want to tell them about the book or should I?'s soo good to hear from you. I was once in a sling (velcroed around my waist and had an attached holder for my wrist and my upper arm) for 8 weeks. 24/7. Couldn't even straighten out my arm when it finally came off, so I can appreciate how totally

    helpless you must feel.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Sew, you better go ahead and do it, I sound like a groupie when I do! (And I guess I am a groupie.) 

    Today DH and I went on a long hike and waaaaay back in the back country we run across this man who was running a 50k race...he was lost.  So we pull out our map and promptly, wait for it, send him off in the wrong direction!  I felt so bad!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Omg, Sab, makes a great story, and I'm giggling....but I do just bet you feel awful!

    Ok, I'll tell about the book to get it out so I've got the name right. For those breathlessly waiting, it's an anti-cancer diet book, written buy a guy who had brain cancer and is a dr. And researcher. It's really good reading, and covers lots of great ideas about nutrition, health, his story, research etc.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Checking in...
    Janis, so good to hear from you.  Your typing is great!  I hope that your pain lessens each day.  Glad you are keeping in touch.  You sure don't deserve this...

    Welcome to new ladies.  Hey, we discuss anything and everything here from SEs to food (lots of that) to family and general health.  It's all part of recovery.
    To those still in radiation or starting, everyone's experience is different.  I was really dreading it because of hating confinement.  But I armed myself with eucalyptis rub to help me breathe, Listerine tabs to help keep mouth moist, and most of all, my iPod which became my most important diversion tool.  When sessions were a bit longer than anticipated, or when I felt fidgety, I would tap out words in categories by spelling them frontwards and backwards.  All of these things took my mind off the panic I'd feel when left alone and told not to move.  I worked almost every day during rads, and life was quite normal. When it was over, I took off a few weeks over holidays and used sick time.  I think my body is still recovering  I finished a year ago 1/10/12.  Good luck to you.
    Have a good rest of the week end!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Janis, nice to hear from you.  So sorry you are sounds like a terrible spot to break.  Heal well and quickly!

    Sew, I give up.  You don't have to dig, I have the book here, literally on my desk all the time (see, I'm a groupie.)  Anti-cancer A new way of life by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. I go back to it all the time when I need the strength to stay away from bad decisions (like sugar.)  I also "liked" the facebook page, and they post tips all the time that I find helpful.  This is one of those reads that literally changed my life for the better.

    Hi Joan, I forgot about all those wonderful tips you had for making it through treatment. Hard to believe it has been a year..congrats to you!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Thanks Sab,,I knew if I whined enough you'd bail me out!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    SAB, does that mean I'm repeating myself?  I think I sound a bit neurotic with all the things I did during rads Tongue Out
    Today is Day 1 of fighting off the sugar monster.  (I should be in bed 'cause I'm hungry)  I gained back some of what was lost since August.  So, what I am looking for is things that I can eat and prepare easily instead of what I should avoid. 
    I have a gift of a gym membership but until this week was sick so didn't use it.  I hope I can make the change of routine and make time for the gym.
    It's been quiet around here....hope everyone is well.
    Good night for now,

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    Joan, giving up sugar is hard.  I found that using a little stevia for coffee helped, and when I felt I MUST have a sweet I would pop a sugar free candy (Werthers) into my mouth.  It's like smoking, if you hold on for a few minutes the urge will pass, and lessen over time. I have faltered a bit, and allow foods with 5 grams of sugar or less.  I found some great whole grain cereals, a whole grain pancake/muffin mix, some coconut milk chocolate fudge bars, etc. The problem is that some of the fake sweeteners also have a high glycemic index, so you have to do a little homework and shopping takes forever!  This chart is an excellent beginning for those of us giving up sugar (I suggest sticking with natural stuff and watching out for fillers)-

    Hope this wasn't unwanted info :-)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    Sab...I wanted the info, so thanks :). Joan....I've joined the no sugar train also....except I also need to cut back on my almonds which while healthy pack lots of calories, and I seem to be addicted to them.....guess that's better than chocolate bars, but not by much.....

  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2013

    Ok girls, cutting out sugar will probably work for us in the weight loss department but the big question is:

    Are any of you going on the 5 year hormone therapy Arimidex (anastrozole), for post menopausal women? I don't want to take it, it makes you gain weight, , hot flashes and many more SE's,  including bone loss(for which I will have to get 2 shots a year, which causes more side effects).  Does anyone have this in their treatment plan?

    Anyone know of any alternatives? I trust my doc but surgery, chemo, radiation and 5 years of pills and shots is just not what I want to do...

    PS, I finished my last chemo yesterday - yeah!! rads appt next week

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited January 2013

    Let me say it is very hard to cut it out. I still struggle with it when I go out to eat and I miss my iced sweet tea and organic ginger bread. I fall off the wagon a few times a week but I think at least I cut most of it out. I have discovered that when you go off of it for awhile and then eat some.....your whole body freaks out. I get shaky and dizzier than normal and then a mild headache.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    LuvBugs, I was on the cusp of meno, so my MO started me on Tamoxifen instead.  I do believe the general plan is for me to switch over after a year or two, but if I can stay on Tamox I will, since the SEs are more or less manageable. I congratulate you on finishing chemo!  Yay!  As you make your next treatment decision I would just say that SEs are so different for eveyone that you might want to just try the therapy and see how it works for you.  You can always discontinue or adjust with your MO if it doesn't work out.

    Sugar is more than a weight loss issue.  OK, here is a non-science person trying to paraphrase:  The spikes that sugar causes in our glycemic indices and insulin production has been directly linked to a higher incidence of breast cancer (Journal of National Cancer Institute, 2009.) The best way to lower insulin production in the body and level out glucose levels is to give up sugar and white flours used in breads and pastries.  

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited January 2013

    5LuvBugs, I agree with SAB about Arimidex. The SE's really are different for everyone. I have been on Arimidex for 16 months. I have not gained weight, but I have had joint pain and bone loss. Both of these SE's are under control with meds. Some people have no SE's at all other than the best SE which is staying alive. Good luck with rads. You have had a long journey.

    On a happy note, Janis saw her orthopedist yesterday and her arm is healing well. She no longer has to wear the sling 24/7 so I hope we will see her posting here more often. We miss you, Janis!

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited January 2013

    I have been on letrozole for 7 months now and no weight gain unless I over eat or eat the wrong things!  However you can look up Indole 3 Carbinol on www.canceractive dot com if you want an alternative but remember this is not clinically trialled but has anecdotal and other research support

  • annemarieh
    annemarieh Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2013

    I was on Arimidex for 3 months. EVERY BONE in my body hurt like hell. All of my joints creak and ache still, and I have been off it for 2 years now. It also made me absolutly crazy, like I was going to literaly jump off  a bridge! (and yes, I got fat) lol!! Good luck!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited January 2013

    I've been on Arimidex 15 months and only have mild SE's. a little creaky when I first stand up, joints might ache until I get moving, and I have gained weight....but I really can't blame it all on Arimidex....I am getting older and like to think of myself as a young spring chicken, but alas. Oh...and my husband has the same issues, but he's not on Arimidex! I like my survival odds much better taking the drug . That said, every woman and case is different and it's a personal decision.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Hi all, it's been difficult to keep up now that I'm back to work.  Yesterday I had to "clean" my house before the cleaners came.  They are ladies who work at my school who really need $$ (DH has a fit) ... but it took me 4 hours to put away all the holiday things and special dishes and stuff that really doesn't fit anywhere.  I was exhausted!  But now the house looks great.  Just 2 of us here and it's usually cluttered again by the week end Surprised

    Hi Janis - I know you are reading!  So glad to hear you are making progress (thanks for the update, Elizabeth).
    Soon you'll be typing again Laughing

    SAB, thanks for the reference about sugars and substitutes. The info was very informative - I had no idea! I am using artificial sweeteners in moderation and am trying to cut down each day.  Right now I have to stay off sugar and bad carbs so I am looking for a satisfying sub.  Many sugar free items still contain carbs from starches or other food additives.  (read labels) So...3 days off most sugar, and already more energetic and clear-headed.  Hope it lasts!

    Sew, I'm glad you are doing this too.  I eat a lot of almonds and pistachios and yes, they are addictive.  But they have zero to very low glycemic index and are fulfilling.

    Gotta check out the end of American Idol ... it's a rare night that I'm home to watch TV.

    Hugs everyone!


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited January 2013

    American Idol!  I forgot that it is starting up again.  I used to watch it a lot, then less, then much less.  So Joan, any interesting talent this year?  How are the judges?  Is it worth tuning in?

    I know I could do better with finding lower carb stuff, and I need to get strict with myself again.  I am just so tired of reading labels and trying to understand them!  Shopping just takes forever.  Other than the stuff I mentioned above, for sugar fixes I have another tactic and that is fruit.  I think most fruit has a glycemic index of 25-50 and so it is much better for you, and the fiber in the fruit mitigates the blood sugar spike.  Servan-Schreiber doesn't regulate fruit at all, nor does Weight Watchers (I've been told.) Also, I do allow myself a small amount of very dark chocolate (72% cocoa) in the evenings.  

    Oh, DH is home, and dinner is ready--a nice healthy salad and turkey breast burgers :-) Have a nice evening.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    SAB, sounds like a great dinner underway!  I have used a modified South Beach plan and there is no fruit for first few weeks; however, this summer when I followed the plan, I freely ate fresh fruit, especially berries.  I cannot see any reason not to have that.
    One problem for me is sometimes I just need something that is ready made and there is no Whole Foods Store or other market nearby.  I think I'd try a lot more foods if I could sample some of their ready-mades.  Then I'd learn to make new things.
    Speaking of small amounts of chocolate, I like the cocoa covered almonds with very little sweetness...and no harmful effects so far.

    For anybody who still watches, here's the BCO American Idol thread for this season.  The thread gets pretty lively and can be fun. First show - typical; new judges are OK; some talent; lots of crazy bad ones.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2013

    Sorry to be clogging the airways tonight....
    I took Arimidex for 3 months last fall:  Instant leg and joint pain, general feeling of blah, frequent feelings of intolerance of people around me, and arthritic growths just below my thumb joints.  Honestly, I never had these all at the same time and I worked through...and my body adjusted to occasional only occasional symptoms. 
    I switched to Letrazole right after rads - I've been on it for a year.  I still have the arthritic joint pain in hands which is not better . .I have occasional warm flashes but nothing interruptive.  I take other meds to deal with stress. I explained to my MO that taking these AI drugs is like having PMS and menopausal symptoms at the same time. 
    That said, my body has adjusted to Letrazole and I hardly notice any SEs.
    There is a third drug which I could try if SEs return.
    In general, the AIs and the rads seem to have left me with some focusing difficulties and short term memory issues. 
    I am committed to taking the drug especially since I had a lumpectomy. 
    annemarie - sorry you had such a hard time with the drugs.  I know that there is a broad spectrum of SEs and you got the tough side.  I wish you good health!
    OK time to say gn all


  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2013

    RE: American Idol - Sarah Restuccio the girl from New Jersey who sang 2 songs , I've known her since birth, she's an awesome girl and has a great voice, it was nice to see her do so well. 

    Now back to these weight gain/joint issues, My doc says Arimidex for 5 years, I can't afford to gain any weight, I need to lose 30 lbs (gained 24 since quit smoking 5 years ago. Because I also have osteopenia already and my mom has servere osteoporosis, and the fact that I am 65, he will give me 2 shots of reclast a year *which causes more side effects!!! I really don't want any more meds but worry, like all of you, will I be risking a recurrance - who knows, none of us really.

    On to the sugar, I am really trying to cut down and have been using splenda, Truvia is better but very expensive - I know I need to get rid of this sugar in my diet but I'm only cutting it out of my coffee/tea.  I want my chocolate and fresh fruit!!! The carbs are a real issue for me.   Thanks for all the valuable info girls...Keep well everyone.

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning Ladies, just checking in. Glad Janis sounds so much better- maybe we will get virtual cookies for Valentine's Day:) I am on tamoxifen and Everything I eat seems to stick now. I even retain fluids, so water is even making me gain. Oh well, at least my skin is closed and I will soon be out of these compression bandages and into a sleeve! One step at a time.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited January 2013

    elizabeth thank you for updating for me.  i am a bit disappointed my mobility is still so limited.  even though i am sling free, i still can't use my right hand.  it hurts too much.  i was so hoping to be able to use it more.  i am allowed light usage, but so far it causes too much pain.  no cooking or baking yet.  i feel bad because my dh's birthday is saturday.  he will have to make his own cake if he wants one.

    joan yes i try to read every few days and i do like keeping up with everyone.  i am sorry you were sick and sure hope you feel much better.

    5luvbugs congrats on finishing chemo.  happy dance for you.  of course i can' even bake a virtual cake right now, so will send hugs instead.

    sew and sab, you are both awesome.  i can't wait to post more often.  this one handed thing is just too hard.

    cowpower i hope i can bake by valentine's day.  unlike so many of you ladies with willpower i have not given up sugar.  cutting down is fine but i am not likely to quit for good.  i gave up cigarettes several years ago so i am done for awhile.  lol.

    again welcome all the newbies.  this is a great group as i am sure you know.  we have lots of fun here as well as trying to give everyone the benefit of our experiences. 

    elizabeth thank you again for being my voice.  you are a wonderful friend.

    have a great day everyone.  hugs.

  • cowpower
    cowpower Member Posts: 91
    edited January 2013

    Janis, glad to hear from you. Tell your DH happy birthday on Sat. My son and I both share it with him. I am also a former smoker- talk about having a hard time giving something up! Took about four serious tries, gained about 60 lbs. Hope you get mobility back soon.

    Mostlysew- I need commiseration. Finally finished Xmas sweater for my son and it is too small. All this time I have been begging him to eat and grow and he picks now? Argggghhhhh.......