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Radiation recovery



  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    That photo is from early summer. I lucked out and didn't need chemo. Ironically enough, earlier last year I had said that if I ever got cancer and lost my hair from chemo, I'd let it come back in all it's gray glory, and I'd stop coloring it. Now I worry that maybe the cancer will come back and my words will have cursed me.

    Lol to not being able to get your leg that high anymore. Guess our days as Rockettes are over!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Chocolate is a food group! I went a little too far with it over the last two days. All my points are gone and so are your LuvBug...I ate them too! LOL

    LOL at the mirror and your dad.

    Sorry about your car Joan..that sucks.

    Andrea, that is what I like most about WW. I never deprive myself. I even eat pizza a couple of times a month. Of course it isn't half a large one like I used

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Happy 3 Day Week end...loving it...
    LuvBugs, the dent is kind of bad but it's drive-able.  DH and I have been car-shopping online all day.  I know what I want but of course too much $$.  We keep hoping...meanwhile, I'll have to keep driving my car with the dent and crack in the door seal that causes very loud wind noise.  Grrrrrrrr
    Snow has stopped but there's more around.  Cold next 2 days.
    Janice, where are you?
    cowpower, did you get back on the rads machine yet?  I hope next week is better.
    Andrea, I hope you feel better soon. 
    I am eating up my dainty little chocolates a few a day....they'll be gone soon.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    Please tell me how and why you get an endro... MD?  I have to pay out of pocket for my Chinese 25 hour urine test and if I could get it through my insurance (MDs) I would be so grateful to know. MY Medical Oncologist wants really nothing to do with me unless I take the tomox or AIs and even then should said she wouldONLY check for how poisoned or toxic they made me. I see you're in Michigan too. Do you go to Uof M Cancer Center?


  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013


    I will be starting rads in a couple weeks. I have read alot of great advice regarding creams, lotions etc for the skin. Thank you for all the advice I had read. I am curious if anyone needed to take anything for pain? If so what? And what kind of pain was caused? My RO told me that my ribs may get exposure, did anyone have any issues/pain in ribs?

    Again, thank you I read all your posts daily. Wonderful group.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Hi Lemon, other than skin issues which the RO was great at dealing with, I didn't have any pain issues. At least none that i remember. Of course, you need to remember to stretch out your shoulder during rads so it doesn't get too tight, and gentle exercise is great at keeping you in good health. Good luck with your rads, I think you'll do just fine, and if you have any worries, check with your RO or nurse, or check with us. Oh, and you won't feel any pain during the short's really like a huge X-ray machine that rotates around you while issuing clicks....sounds strange, huh?

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Trubff - Endocrinologists are doctors that manage diabetes, some autoimmune disease and thyroid stuff. This one I have has ordered way more than my PCP dr does but even your PCP can order one to look at protein, Vitamin d, calcium etc. I have never paid for one and I get them about 6 times a year. I went to U of Mi to get a second opinion and they were going to let me do treatments here at the local hospital so I stayed here. I wish they had done the surgery there.

    I have a few drs at U of Mi and really like it. I also go to Dr David Brownstein for my holistic stuff.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    Do youknow how to ask for an DR to helpwit all that ?

  • 5LuvBugs
    5LuvBugs Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2013

    Lemon I got pain in my ribcage after a few treatments and the other night (after Tx #8) I had to take Aleve but the pain is gone now and the Doc said it was normal...Wishing you few SE's

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    truebff - What type of doctors do you already have if I can ask. Your Primary care Dr can refer you to an endo if you need one. If not the PCP can also request the 24 collection a few times a year.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited February 2013

    hi everyone, I've had a busy few days, so wasn't around here, have just spent time catching up. I went up to the city to get a scan and while I was there went to the oncology boutique next to the cancer care center. The woman there was so nice, she fitted me with a bra that feels so much better than any other. She also recommended switching back to the 100% aloe and cornstarch baby powder to ease my underarm pain. She told me to go next door and ask for a script for a bra and my insurance would pay for it. Why don't the drs tell you this stuff? She said I still need a cotton one until I heal more. She was so helpful, I should have gone in there months ago. 

    I also got two genie bras to try out. They are also higher on my underarm so do not cut into the SN scar. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I didn't have too much pain until almost finished with rads. My RO prescribed OT for me at the PT dept. The woman tech there was so kind and specialized in BC patients. She was a god send.  My insurance paid almost all the bills. I like my RO almost more than my other drs. And the RO nurse, was like an old friend. I just went back for a checkup on Friday and we hugged b/c we hadn't seen each other in such a long time. She said I could still call anytime. 

    Lemon, I have a bit of scar tissue on rib under bc breast. But really did not notice til much later. Now it feels like I have a tight band across my chest sometimes. Like wearing a bra even though I don't have one on. Not too bad in the grand scheme of things. 

    We are having another winter storm with snow today so I am snug in my house with everyone here to keep me company.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Hi everyone...Joan, did i hear you calling?  I can't beleive all the new members (a good thing) and the activity here lately.  i have not been here for several days then there is so much to catch up on. 

    Welcome found the right place and will get so much advice, information and support here.  I don't think you will find pain to be a big issue during rads.  I had a couple of issues with deep pain in the ribs, it turned out to be costcochondritis.  The pain was pretty sharp and I did go to the doctor the first time.  They prescribed pain meds but I did not have to take them long.  The pain dulled within a few hours and was gone the next day.  It is a rare SE and not a lot of people experience this as everyone is different.  Don't worry, you should be fine and we will be here all through your treatments to answer questions and send cyber hugs!

    I am doing well.  I went to the doctor Friday and he x-rayed my arm, healed!  Just about.  He said it looks good and I can resume normal use of the arm gradually.  As long as it doesn't hurt I can do it.  My shoulder still hurts a bit but that is to be expected.  I am so happy it healed normally.  I am still wearing the Bone Growth Stimulator for my neck.  I asked this doctor about that, and he said it is likely that is aided in healing these fractures.  It rests around my neck and he said the vibrations would definitely go to the shoulder.  Interesting.  Anyway I am happily trying to catch up on some much needed cleaning.  January was awful here, super cold and dismal grey every day.  We didn't get above 20 degrees for weeks.  Then last week the sun decided to make an appearance and we welcomed it.  I can't walk both dogs alone....they are pretty good on the leash but they are big and I would only be able to walk them with leashes in my left hand.  Chuck just can't go out in those cold temps with his lung problems.  So it finally got into the 40's, then 50's.  The past week we spent more time outside.  We walked the boyz, we bathed one cat, Bella, and after towel drying she air dried in the warm sun out back.  We brushed and brushed the boyz and the three cats, we played with them...just nice happy days. :)

    Joan, sorry about the car ding.  Ouch!  I hope you are doing well my friend.  I am sorry I have been out of touch for so long.  No excuses really.  I was kind of in blah mode for awhile.  I see you posting a lot and that is great!

    Elizabeth, being without power for 19 hours is a big deal, especially when the heat goes. happy it was finally restored and you were safe and eventually warm. dear are such a sweetie and have been so helpful to all the new members.  I have read a lot here about those genie bras and think i am going to have to try them.  I have really worn out those bras Elizabeth sent me.  I love them, super comfortable and love the zipper front and Velcro straps.  I have heard good things about the Genie.  i can't go braless either with these girls, they have to be harnessed!

    I want you ladies to know how very much you mean to me.  You are like family......

    Hugs and more hugs all around.  Have a wonderful day!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Hey Janis....Here you are!  I just knew you were out there somewhere Smile  I'm so glad your arm is healed (mostly) and you can clean again.  I think the not being able to clean and walk your beloved 4 legged friends gave you SAD least, I'd be sad, I know I would!  So, in a couple of months I expect to get a new picture of you riding your bike with Pistol perched properly up on your shoulders. 

    I'm doing well.....for an extended time frame too!  You know how it used to be, get well, feel good, then wham, something else comes along....well, that's all past.  Behind.  I declare it so!  And, I'm The Mother Hen, right?  In fact, I command that for all of us......Foot in Mouth

    So, I'm off to my last PT for lymhedema.  It's really cured, but the massage feels so good, and we decided to one last treatment just to make sure........ 

    Good to hear from you,

    Mother Hen Mostly Sews

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Hello ladies!

    Just got back from genetic counseling. They are checking for BRCA 1&2 and something called Bart's syndrome. Now I am almost afraid to hear the results, especially for my kids. But, if I come back positive for BRCA, off come both of these girls! This lumpectomy may do the trick for now, but my understanding is that a positive BRCA changes the game big time to an 80% chance for BC and ovarian etc. Ugh....

    Since my dad's mom died of OC at 58 and he lost two brothers and a sister to cancer and I also had carcinoma in situ in my cervix when I was 24, they thought I should be tested. Scary stuff! Anyway it is FREEZING here in CT today!

    Only 2 more days and then it will be Thursday and out with this cancer. Just knowing it is till inside of me makes me nuts!

    Have a great day!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Mother Hen.....awww, were you worried about me?  A tad concerned?  What a sweet note you wrote.  I think I had a touch of SAD......had a rough month, but feeling so much better now. 

    I have been worried about my niece Renee.  Sigh.  She is not managing her illness and meds well and has really been having some terribly difficult times.  She published her book through Amazon and sent me an autographed copy of course.  If anyone is interested in purchasing her little book she could use it.  "I Choose Life" by Renee Hughes.  I think it is $7.95.  Very short read but you can see how talented this young woman is.  So full of promise, but some days she is barely hanging on by a thread.  :(

    Enjoy that final massage my friend.  I know how good it feels!

    I am going to try post a picture of Renee when she came to visit last year.  Pistol!  Such a funny hitchhiker that boy is.

    Ladies I have not been around much I know.  I wanted to share this photo of Renee taken last year when she visited.  Happier times.  She is really struggling to come to grips with this illness.  It takes so long to find the right combination of meds.  Please say a special prayer for my girl....or positive energy.  She is cratering and we are very concerned.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Janis, is this your niece? She is lovely. Does she have this crappy disease too? Hugs to you both if that is the case. My BFF has SAD really bad and uses one of those special lights. She said it does help a little bit. Wishing you sunshine!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    I just looked it up and saw that she suffers from Bi-polar disorder. My brother has this as does my BFF's husband. A very difficult disease to manage. Hoping she is doing well! Love the kitty. Looks like my Simon an all black rescue kitty that we have.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    April yes, my niece.  My sister's daughter.  Susan and I are very close and this is her only daughter.  Renee is a very gifted young lady but the illness threatens her daily.  She has been pretty unstable lately and it is scary.  We have a sad family history of suicide.  Our unlce was bi-polar and committed suicide.  Eight months later our brother did as well.  I hate mental illness as much as I hate cancer.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    (((Janis))) My husband's brother commited suicide in 2000 but his was fueled mostly by severe alcoholism and an arrest the day before for his 2nd DUI. They were very close and it was a horrific experience for him and his family. So sorry hon. Hoping that she fights as hard as she can. Mental illness is very misunderstood and yet a lot of people share this nightmare. So sorry about your uncle and brother too.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    Janis, what a beautiful young woman she is. Mental illness is a terrible disease. My cousin committed suicide over 20 years ago, and I know how devastating it can be. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle and brother also died this way. (((Hugs)))

    BTW, I notice we are almost neighbors! You're in Idaho, I'm in Utah!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Janis, great picture of Renee and Pistol.  I do hope they can help her with the meds.  A cousin of mine commited suicide when he was 20.  Very sad.  It sounds like lots of us have been touched by people who have mental illness.  It is so difficult to help.  I'm so glad you're back with us though.....I'm going out to Amazon to look for her book.

    April, scary days for you ahead waiting for the Braca test results and facing your surgery.  But I'm SO glad they've tested you before the surgery.  And it sounds as though they should too.  So....while scary, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the results and sending calming thoughts for your surgery.  Oh, and since I'm Mother Hen today, I really really really recommend a sleeping tablet or Ativan or something for the next three nights.  It's something my PC doctor insisted on (I never take meds or sleeping pills) because, as he said, you need to go in to this procedure well rested and healthy......  So, I'm passing that tip on to you.
      Be sure to let us know your test results.....

    Mostly Sewing Hen.....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi Janis, and RR friends.  Yes, April, very cold here. I did go for a very quick walk on the beach today to get fresh air - have been sitting in the house for 3.5 starts again in a few hours.
    Janis, the ding in my car is the entire passenger door and the frame got bent.  I have to have extensive repair on a 12 year old car.  I looked for cars all week end on line and did not find an affordable gem.  Gotta take my time, so the old car gets fixed.  I need a visit to the money tree but it ain't bloomin'.  
    April, the last thing I said right before I went to sleep for surgery was "I can't wait to wake up cancer free"  I agree...if you have anxiety or can't sleep, do ask for meds if it makes sense to you.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and sharing your experiences.

    I am enjoying reading all of your posts.


  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    Blessings and Prayers and Hugs.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Thank you all! I am feeling strong today. I slipped yesterday and smoked a couple of cigarettes and I was so mad at myself. Not going to let this derail me now. I need to get those out of my life and move on to being as healthy as I can be. I lost a lot of weight and now I need to address those stinking cigs. Thanks for the hugs. I really mean it. I needed them!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    Have you looked into the smokeless cigs? I have several friends who still "smoke" but now use the smokeless cigs which I've heard(but don't know) are safer. Ask your doc what they think?

    (One thing for sure is that they don't pollute, so my friends can puff away inside or at work and no one around them is offended. They have the smokeless version for medical marijuana too.)

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    April do not beat yourself up for slipping.  It happens, and you just have to continue to stick with your committment.  I know how hard it is.  I am a former smoker and quit 3.5 years ago.  I used Chantix, but just for the first two weeks.  I have never had a cigarette since, not even a drag.  It was hard because my DH continued to smoke and I just had to avoid him when he did.  One good thing, we did not smoke in the house so that made it easier.  You are strong, losing all that weight is so difficult and yet you did it!  Congrats.....don't give up.  If you are really determined to quit, you will make it happen.  Sending lots more hugs!

    Joan, I am so sorry about your car 'ding'.  I totally misunderstood!  My car is 12 years old too and like you, rthere is no money growing on the tree.  I have never had a problem with it and sure hope it stays that way.  I do know it has a strong rear bumper.  We have been rear ended here twice in the last year.  Didn't leave even a tiny mark.  Good news for the idiots who hit us!

    Mother Hen, I had a link to her book and lost it.  I can sure get it again if you have any trouble.  It is a very short book, but you will certainly be able to see how gifted she is with words.  I will be happy to send you my copy if you would like.  I have no worries, I know I will get it back.  I really appreciate you taking an interest in this very special girl. 

    Today is cold and gloomy after days of sunshine.  I am anxious for spring, although I dread summer.  It is way too hot here.  I just don't function well in the heat, but fortunately it is not humid. 

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013

    Truebff do you go to the University of Michigan Cancer Center -The Breast Care program? I was dignosed in January and had my surgery there in early February.  I am going to do my rads at the UM-Cancer Center in Novi because they are UM RO.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013

    Hi Pacools!

    Yes, I go to the U of M Cancer Center. I feel I got the very best treatment there for surgery and rads, (hated rads), occupational therapy, and after care. I also have complementary holistic help - Chinese medicine. 

     Ask for the occupational therapy appointment now and a especially for a recommendation for a breast cancer specialist which will greatly help you after rads. Even if you have to drive to Ann Arbor for it! It might take months to get you in the schedule, so ask for the referal and the appointment at the beginning of your rads so you can begin it as soon as your skin heals, probably in the 4th or 6th week after rad is complete and get a string of appointments or you will have to wait again. It will help so much.

    They may not tell you this but my Rad Nurse told me and too many women suffer not knowing this is available to them.

    Also, keep up the after surgery arm exercises one time a day 4-5 times a week from here forward for the rest of your life. It will save you from losing flexibility or pain that can come with radiated muscles which can get hard and shorten. It's THAT important. (They also don't tell you that - but they are important all around and not just for after surgery.)

    Any other questions, please IM me anytime.

    Sorry you have to go through this, sister(s)  all.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Hey ladies I just wanted to paste this link to Renee's latest short story.  Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers.  She has been really having a difficult time.  You can tell by reading.  i kow this thread is for rad recovery, but did not think anyone would mind.  You all know what she means to me.  Thanks!  :)