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Radiation recovery



  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    Do be careful for a good long while (until all rads are complete and other treatments) about using ANY chemicals in your wash (or face or skin or household cleaners you can get away without using) (BTW, bleach I feel is necessary for bathrooms, but I had my DH do that part and got out of the atmosphere during that time).I use (and used) ALL clear or TIDE free for *all family* washes and then did an extra wash cycle after with vinegar added

    If you weren't sensitive before, you may very well become so now and you don't want to aggrivate anything that is already vulnerable.

    Stay away from perfumes too, air fresheners, scented ointments, and use mildest body soaps and lotions possible.

    It is better to know this ahead of time.

    (I, myself, was sensitive to chemicals before I encountered cancer and since then, even more so. I no longer use deodorant, but I wash that area 2-3 times a day -including showers- pat the underarm area with white vinegar (it helps eliminate odor causing bacteria) and use a gentle baby type lotion instead of deodorant. I also take magnesium, which will reduce most underarm odors too. I almost never have any odor under my arms with this routine and if I do, an extra wash or quick shower is all that's needed. I just have to be more conscious of it than I did with deodorant. I used a gentle deodorant, when I did, but I have heard they are not so good and many even be/become bad for breast cancer, so why take chances when there are alternatives. There is also a whole thread here on various alternatives to deodorant - so lots of alternative options.)

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Thanks for the advice Bunkie. I have kind of sensitive skin to begin with so good to know about the Tide and All rather than using my usual Arm and Hammer. As for deodorant, I was reading about that one already and also about using a milder soap. I have been using a body wash from Bath and Body works and the matching scent and lotion but I guess that will be out. DH just bought me all of it for Xmas as I was getting Guess I can give it away or wait until tx is over but even then, not sure it will be a good idea...sigh. Life changing this stuff, no?

    It is the little things I don't know that I appreciate. I just read today that people with BC almost all have low iodine levels. Gonna do more research on that one.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    April, I used to use "Moonlight Path" from them, veryy yummy scent...but they have the dreaded parabens so no more.  Lots of lovely paraben and phtalate free products out there if you look.  Whole Foods has some at prices better than you might anticipate.  

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    SAB, that has been my scent for the last 5 years and it was the one I was referring to! I am sure gonna miss it. I get so many compliments on it...sigh. Still getting used to all of the changes! Plant based diet is in my future too due to being so highly ER+. My doctor disagrees and feels everything in moderation, but all of the literature points to lots of problems with red meat, white flour and all those other yummy things. Sugar = poison for BC according to so many articles. I am not a huge sugar fan, but I like a piece of good chocolate here and there. Seems as though quality of life will be a little less from now on, but LIFE in general is worth it!

    Have a whole lot of work to do!

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    The best stuff I've found for grease stains is something I bought at the dollar store! It's called Awesome, and it's the only thing that gets tough stains out for me. Even set in ones. I used it on a knit shirt with a set in grease stain, and it came out. I've been really happy with the stuff, and it only cost a buck! If you have a Family Dollar or something like that, check it out. It's in the cleaning section.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    April read "anticancer a new way of life" if you have a chance. Library might even have it.  It was a great guide for me and some other ladies on the boards. Diet, lifetyle, environment...written very clearly and lots of science to back its claims.  Also, if you have Netflix watch "Forks over knives."  Definitely some flaws in the film, but its main points are solid.  And I apologize if I mentioned these before.

    I like the Shikai Gardenia, and the GUD Orange Petalooza (by Burts Bees) for a lighter touch.  My sister in law uses Korre Jasmine and it is absolutely delicious, and close to moonlight path, but it is expensive.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited February 2013

    Sab...I knew we could get you to mention that wonderful book! April, that anti-cancer book is truly fabulous. The plant based diet isn't hard least not after awhile...I've been a vegetarian for over 30 years! Course, it didn't keep me from getting cancer...but oh well, it's one conversion I didn't have to make.

    April, glad you're keeping low. Be sure to let us know when your full path report comes in. You've got the cancer out, and just rads to're doing just great!

    Ok, I'm off to sample some of thus lucious yarn I treated myself to today....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    April, do keep ahead of the pain.  You will know when you do not need it any more.  I remember waking up one day and realizing I was pain free so switched to OTC pain meds.  I love HGTV!  Makes me want to take a hammer to my walls!
    mac, so sorry to hear about your eye.  I hope it won't be too long before it heals.  Can you cover it when on the computer?  Feel better.
    Sew, you are sew right about the good feeling we get when all is well.  DH picked up my car today...I got home from work and forgot to even look at it.  Tomorrow is soon enough.  I love good news.  I am keeping my eye out for a good used car deal and every time DH or I find one, we call the dealers and the cars don't exist!  It's bait to get us to go there.
    Janis, did you get snow??  It was snowing in so many places I lost track. 
    I am soooooo glad it is the week end.
    SAB what an ordeal for a part time job!  Times are tough all over.  What type of company or product is it?  Did you do the writing piece at home and email it?  When will you know if you are in the final group for this job?  (sorry so many Qs)  If this is what you want, I really hope you get it.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Thanks SAB! I will defnitely get that book for my Nook as they have it available. I have seen "Forks over Knives " already as both of my kids eat as pure as they can (DD is a vegetarian and has been all of her life - not vegan though) and my son only eats organic everything and works out like the dickens so they made me watch it!.  As for the Korre Jasmine, my DD is always asking me what I want for my birthday so there it is! (she is an Attorney and can afford

    I am an Employment Specialist in CT SAB and I know what you mean about the job market. I work with the unemployed. EVERY job has way too many applicants, many of them equally qualified and if they aren't, the employers tend to cheap out and hire the younger less experienced people. It is illegal and discriminatory but that is what is happening. I do understand asking for writing samples though. We use a database that is connected with the State and they use it too, and the case notes I have read sometimes appear to have been written by a 10 year old (and not the smart ten year old, the ones who will stay back!) so more and more employers want to see what you have, and especially if the job involves a lot of writing! Job market is improving a tiny bit though. It was a lot worse from 2007-2011 than it is now. Still bad though. Tongue Out I hope you get the job!!

    I am glad my kids didn't take after me since I was overweight for about 25 years big time. I once weighed 303 and now I weigh 144 (I was down to 140 but I gained 4 lbs by stress eating) I lost it in two parts. The last two years, I have taken off over 80 with Weight Watchers online.

    Thank goodness because I know this battle is hard enough without the extra weight. The other good thing is I began walking 2-5 miles a day, 7 days a week and riding a stationary bike. I have a knee than needs replacing so can't do too much jumping around like zumba


    Joan, glad you have your car back!

    Mac, sorry about your eye! Hoping it heals soon.

    Andrea, thanks for the tip on the Dollar Store find!

    Mostly Sew, enjoy your new yarn. I can't knit or crochet or sew at all so I am always in awe of someone creative. I remember making a skirt in 8th grade Home Ec and the zipper was so crooked...snicker. Then I made simple curtains once and the hem was crooked. I stink at sewing! My forte is that I am an excellent cook. I love to cook and try new recipes or recreate a great recipe from memory that I tried at a great restaurant.

    Guess that part of my life will be at a minimum for a while too since I want to eat as healthy as I can and I am betting that Martha Stewarts Mac and chesse will be off the list for a while (we call it crack and cheese at my house since it is so addicting) even though I have figured out how not to eat the whole pan and fit it in my WW points finally! LOL

    Have a great day ladies. I will be doing more of the same for the next few days. Hanging out and healing and just pampering myself. Even though the doctor gave me a note to return to work on Tuesday, she said I could return on Monday if I feel up to it and I am thinking it should be fine to return by then. I don't want to use too much more sick time until I have to and especially after I begin rads. I might need some then since I will be driving about 45 mins each way, 5 days a week and may need to use an hour a day but maybe not if I take it at the end of the day and use my lunch hour at the end.

    What does everyone think about the time of day to do rads when you work full time? Morning? Late in the day? I was thinking of doing it around 4PM and leaving work at 3 as my lunch hour and then going straight home. Does this make sense as far as the fatigue? When if any time did you feel tired? Right after? The next day? 12 hours? I know, lots of questions from this scared newbie...sorry!Embarassed

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    I left work early for my rads treatment, which worked out well if they were running behind, or if I was really fatigued. I didn't want the stress of being late back to work on top of everything else!

    I found I was actually more fatigued after rads than during it. I guess my adrenaline was flowing then!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Thanks Andrea! Question for you. I noticed in your siggy that you were diagnosed initially with DCIS in August and then IDC in Sept. Was that found in the pathology report from your mastectomy? Scary thought that there could be more than DCIS lurking in there!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi April, glad you are doing well post surgery. 
    Regarding rads, first you will be allowed to heal for awhile (I started about 3 months after working around holidays).  I had the same commute from home for rads - 45 min. and about 20 min. if I left from work (but then 45 back home - traffic too).
    I (like Andrea) felt energetic going into rads, then had to calm down and tune out during.  My fatigue was more from running around working and driving...I felt most tired at the end of the week. 
    My appointments were early before work or 4 PM.  Both were good for me.  I did not like leaving work and going back. 
    Here's where it took me by surprise - it was Nov. - January and since I work at a college, I had some down time in January when I could take off.  I did really crash in January...I think I finally had time to acknowledge the emotional and physical stress of BC.  Since then I have noticed the changes in me - just not being as energetic as always.  I am also on Femara, turned 64, and work full time with overtime 2 evenings a week. 
    I can say that rads did not truly interrupt my life - it just made me think about what my body is going through and it reminded me to take care of myself.
    Others have been affected more than I, so I am sure they will weigh in.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    regarding the anti-cancer book, I checked Amazon - why is it more for the kindle e book than for a hardcover?  doesn't make sense.  ($18.99)
    Anybody know a better source?

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Joan, the Nook version at Barnes and Noble is only 1.00 less than the hardcover 18.99 v 19.99. No real difference. I just like being able to take the Nook with me to read as my eyes are not the greatest anymore and I can up that font size big

    Anyway, the cost difference should be biggerin an e-version, but in this case it isn't!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Thanks, April...I can stop stressing over it now.  There are not many used versions...but I do not want hardcover.  No room on my shelf.
    Hey April, are you north, south, or just on the snow line today??  I'm getting the rain.  Good day to stay cozy and read an e book!

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    April, yes, they found a small area of IDC after the bmx. I also didn't have clear margins so that's why I had to have radiation treatments. I was really hoping to avoid them but guess it just wasn't in the cards for me.

    The main issues I'm having with rads is still getting fatigued, and this darn shoulder. Called the RO about it yesterday, and naturally she wasn't in. The nurse didn't think it was rads related since they "radiated the breast area and not the shoulder". I felt dismissed and like she didn't really care after speaking with her. She said she'd talk to the doctor on Tuesday, when she's back in the office. I'm tired of them telling me my symptoms are unusual.

    It's snowing here today. Looking out our work windows, it's really coming down! It's a winter wonderland! My malamutes are loving life!

  • Katski
    Katski Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2013

    Well, I have joined this group now.  I was suppose to start rads on Tuesday but Mother Nature said otherwise.  Wednesday was my first day.  I had set up transportation with an organization but it was more like a shuttle and it took four hours to get back home.  My husband is down South visiting our new grandson and he drove my car.  I am driving his manual truck.  I think I am prepared for any redness and soreness with the creams.  Mentally, this better work because I just can't stand driving the truck and even though the treatments are quick, it is the drive there and back.  Last time I did radiation, it was 15 days; however this time is 28 days w/o the boosts due to the skin of the breast being moved around with the removal of failed tissue expanders.   Just want to get to the other side of this not only physically but mentally too.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Andrea - Just know that they always say it is not rads. My thyroid is a mess now and that they say is not rads but my endocrinologist does not agree. I had a hard time with rads. Nausea, dizziness, constant dehydration, horrible fatigue and skin issues. Every time I mentioned it they told me it was not rads except the skin stuff. If not for this site and the ladies here telling me some of their stories I would have thought I was crazy. So that shoulder may very well be rads but hang in there. If it continues tell them again. I am still dealing with crippling fatigue but it will go away in its own time.

    I did not want rads either for my DCIS but after getting a good mammogram this week looking back I do think it was the right decision.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    spiney - good luck to you with that drive. Mental is just as hard as physical. Good your husband will be back soon. Hang in there.

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited February 2013

    Thanks, Bunkie. It's nice to know that I can come here and feel validated and supported. I don't know why our ROs are always denying rads have anything to do with our ongoing issues, but it's gotten old really fast.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Spiney.  I'm so sorry you have to go through this again. I agree with you that it;'s not the rads, it's the drive, the changing, the treatment, the changing, the drive....a pain in the butt really.  Hang in there! Maybe you can bring a book or music and use the transportation?

    Joan, the position is at a local university.  You may remember that I have taught as an adjunct, but I also have a fairly extensive business background so I have decided to pursue a staff position at the U. Because CA has budget problems the hiring model has increasingly utilized part time and temporary contracts.

    April, I didn't mind writing for them (it was a publishing firm,) but the assignments were extensive, and I think they should have narrowed down the field first. They asked for the assignments in 3 days (over a holiday weekend.) Now they say they will let us know in the next few weeks. It's rude. I do agree with what you said about the age issue.  I'm also happy to hear that you see things improving a bit out there!  Anyway, the Korre Jasmin is a cream, I don't think I was clear.

    Joan, my aunt picked up anticancer at the library.  I don't have an e-reader yet, but it irks me that they charge so much for the books.  Must be a great space saver though.

    Sew I didn't know you were a vegetarian.  I'm trying so hard...and now you can be my idol of the month! I am down to about 4 oz organic chicken breast a week...almost off the stuff now.  I grew up in Ohio and was a big beef gal.  Haven't had beef (or seafood) in 1 1/2 years. Don't miss it much anymore since finding new veggie recipes. My biggest challenge is sugar, and I am experimenting with sugar free baking all the time. (So far my experiments have mostly failed!)

    OK, back to "House of Cards" on Netflix (guilty pleasure.) Hugs to everyone!!!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    (((Spiney))) A 4 hour ride is brutal! Hoping the time goes by quickly for you.

    SAB, wow, a 3 day writing assignment when you don't even know you are one of the finalists is rude. I agree with you!

    I bought the book Anti-cancer: A new way of life yesterday and already read the first 4 chapters. WOW is all I can say. A lot of changes will be in my future for sure. I am guilty of so many of the things that are correlated to BC. I think the ONLY one I could not relate to was the sedentary as I have been pretty active for the last couple of years. So happy I began walking daily and have been lifting free weights for strength. Also glad I have lost a lot of weight. My BMI is still in the overweight range but at least I finally left the obese category. (albeit less than 10 pounds ago)

    I began making some positive changes to my lifestyle two years ago for my health as I realized that I am getting older and did not want to get sick. Little did I know I would anyway! If I could reduce the stress in my life that would go a little way toward helping me as well but alas, with my DH out of work and our money slowly dwindling (hit his 401K last year) stress is a huge part of my life right now. Just glad I got this weight thing (or most of it) under control prior to having to fight this battle. I was so very unhealthy just 10 years ago with a BMI off the charts! It was 59.2! Now I am around 28. Baby steps.

    Thanks for the tip on the book. I am going to devour every word and do all I can to minimize my chances for a reoccurance. I just need to get the results of that path report over with. I am so worried about clean margins and if there are any invasive cells in the path of the lesion they removed. will be what it will be.

    Have a great day ladies. If you live in the NorthEast, hoping you don't get too much snow! Just two weeks ago, we were digging out of 37 inches! CT got slammed with that last blizzard. Today they are saying "wintry mix" so hoping they are right.

    Back to work tomorrow! Party is over Smile

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Welcome Spiney.  I would hate the long trip too, but a book or magazine would make it bearable.  Hopefully your DH will be home soon.  Congrats on the new grandson!  Hopefully you can meet him soon.

    April you have done an amazing amount of work losing all that weight.  Congratulations!  I know how difficult it is.  You should be very proud of yourself.  :)

    Andrea oncologists are often evasive about SE's.  Mine finally agreed that the Arimidex is causing my joint pain, but says there is nothing they can do about it.  Great.  The pain is always worst in the mornings but I do take a pain pill and it helps.  I hope they can figure out what is wrong with your shoulder. 

    I am really looking forward to spring.  Winters are not bad here, but we had a very long cold spell in January and part of February.  It is in the 40's now and that feels wonderful.  Full sun so it feels much warmer.  I know you ladies that live in the east have really had some foul weather.  I am sure spring will be welcome to you as well.

    I am feeling good and starting to get busy again.  My arm is still sore but I can use it now and that makes me very happy!

    Sending healing hugs to everyone!

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited February 2013

    Anyone else had lung problems since radiotherapy?  I had rads on right hand side yet left hand side lung is constantly feeling tight and congested and I seem to let little air in on my right hand side........and during exercise I get very out of breath as though my chest will burst whereas I did not before

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Lily - I had some tightness with mine also and then after rads caught a cold. My lung specialist took an X ray and I am fine but they do watch for some sort of mild lung reaction. Talk to your dr.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    I have read that lung issues (short-term) are a common SE of rads along with a host of others. I have decided to have a second opinion on my pathology report if I get clean margins to find out if rads will make enough of a difference in my reoccurance stats to warrant it. It seems that with DCIS it is always the next step in tx, no matter whether it even lowers your reoccurance rate enough to warrant it! If mine is 4% and rads brings it to 2%, I may opt out. But, if it is 10% or something like that, I will definitely do it.

    DCIS is obviously different than those of you who have an invasive BC diagnosis. I am going to send my slides to Dr. Lagios (an expert in DCIS) if everything seems borderline. I want to save the rads for if I really need them down the road cause I know it is a one shot deal. Many women with DCIS have opted out of rads and/or an AI or Tamoxifen based on the VNPI score. So, hoping mine is really low! I may even decide to do the radiation even if it is low cause I know I want to do everything possible to minimize my risk of this coming back, but there are so many unknowns. So confusing! I am a little freaked out. That is why I am so grateful to all of you who have walked these miles ahead of me and are telling me I can do this if I have to.

    We shall see. It all hinges on that path report! And clean margins Surprised

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    April - I found out about that Dr and his report after I committed to rads. I wish I had sent my slides to him. I chose the rads for my DCIS and I know it is a one time thing. Good luck with that. I hear he is really good.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited February 2013

    Hello all, and welcome to the new ladies. I think we all need to listen to our bodies and be open to changes that are right for us. I was always comparing myself to others and trying to get through with a stiff upper lip. I beat myself up for not being able to "do" tx right.

    I found that rads did me in completely. Because of the traveling I had to do to get to the center, my appts were mid morning and I got home early afternoon and it was all I could do to collapse into bed. I ended up closing down my business because it was too phsyically demanding. The best supports I found were PT/OT  during rads for a very sore shoulder and skin care. I truely think the docs did not know how to treat me. I had a horrible cough and such SOB that I could barely walk. I went to a Mental Health therapist who helped me through the feelings of doing it "wrong". It was just the way my body reacted. I was treated as tho I had COPD with a lot of inhaled steriods and I was on prednisone for most of the year. I am recovering now. I finally feel that I can take a deep breath. I used biofeedback and now am doing Yoga. LOL until I hurt my eye last week. There is some talk about my body rebelling about ever reopening my business.

    Two weeks ago, I went back to my RO for a check up. As much as I felt she was not listening to me then, she was very concerned and happy to hear that I was feeling so much better. She gave me one of the most complete exams I have had lately.  The nurse greeted me with a big hug and she felt like an old friend. I forget that this is an ongoing process. The relationships that I am forging with doctors and nurses do not form overnight. I have learned so much this year about myself and who (medically speaking) I want handling my care. 

    Anyway, this is not to frighten anyone. It is in case someone who is reading this is feeling like this is "not a piece of cake", and we are all joking and talking about the weather and baking. We are all different and in different stages of dx & tx, but we are not alone. And we are not going thu this alone. This forum has been so encouraging and the women I have "met" here, keep me coming back. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited February 2013

    April,glad to hear your able to get back to work so soon.I took a week off for my first Lumpectomy .But only 3 days off for my second one 3 weeks later.I'm also full time and will start my Rads next week.I'm lucky I guess because I work at a OBGYN practice at the s as me hospital as my Rads so it only takes me about 5 min to drive around the other side of the hospital to the Cancer center.I'm doing my Rads at 8am and will start work by 8:30am.I'll let you know how it goes.My sister lives in Connecticut also so I know what you mean about the snow.Wonder how long it took you all to dig out of that blizzard.We had a snow storm Thursday and it caused all kinds of problems but it was mixed with ice.

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited February 2013

    I have a ? is anyone who has had CHEMO or no HORMONALS.  Are any of you having issues with achy joints.  I haven't had any tests but my GP thinks it's Arhtur in my hip, hands.  It comes & goes.  Some I am more inclined to think it is the RADS or from node removal.  My left arm is achy, more at the wrist & both shoulders.  But not all the time.  The left hip feels funny but only hurts if I sit on it wrong.  I can't sit indian style anymore or it's painful for days as apposed to just this strange tightness ache.  I'm 46 & 6 months out from RADS.