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Radiation recovery



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Josie, welcome! This is a great group of women here. They are so supportive and they can make you smile when you really need it.

    Janis, I can tell we are gonna get along great! You bring snacks! What could be better than that!

    Mostly Sew (aka Mother Hen) since I work with the public on a daily basis, I can attest to the full moon theory personally. I just never thought I would join the "crazy party" to the extent that I have. Was feeling a bit superior in that dept. Guess I got knocked down a few

    Definitely feeling better today! Could be the chocolate bar that one of my well meaning co-workers put on my desk today. Caramello no less. Some dang fund raiser and she figures she would avoid the calories and be sweet to me in one fell swoop. It worked. I ate it over th course of my I have lost 80 + lbs but still cave to chocolate. Sigh...

    As for BMI and which AH they prescribe, they better give me the extra strength since my BMI is still in the higher end of overweight at 28. something or other. Hey it beats where I used to be which was at one point, almost 60 ten years ago.

    Baby steps in all things important I guess.

    Nitey nite ladies. Thanks again for everything!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi to all the new ladies who are starting or just finishing up rads.  It is true that some of us get through with some fatigue from the grind of driving back and forth each day while juggling jobs and family.  I felt pretty good through and after rads. 
    Josie, you did great for the first day.  I was so anxious...didn't know if I could stay still or lie alone in the room...what if it took longer than I planned for....Before my planning session I took a xanax, then another half while waiting.. then when I walked in and saw the machine I took another.  I did adjust and found ways to tune out - I used an ipod mini every time and had some favorite songs that still are meaningful when I hear them.  I am an anxiety mess when I am confined but I made it.  I was lying face down each time until the boosts at the end. 
    Good luck to everyone...and keep in touch.
    I'm not usually here Mon. to Wed. but am glad I checked in.
    Hi Janis, SAB, Sew...and others who are new or old timers.
    Good night for now...

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited February 2013


    I am soooo VERY sorry if my story made you feel scared. Please don't be scared. Recovery varies and is very individual. And LIFE after cancer, no matter what the SE's, is Everything. With the cancer behind you, LIFE is waiting for you to hold you back in its arms.

    It's just that, too often there are SEs that Doctors don't address and we need to be pro-active. I hope they never happen to you. But should they, I want to share that there are work-around-able solutions. And ones you can live with and functon with. No one needs to suffer. That was what I was trying to say. And, hoping,praying, you will not suffer at all.

    Many Blessings and Prayers,


  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited February 2013

    Well.....Keep those cheers coming ladies. Just got a call from my endocrinologist and I need a biopsy of my thyroid. Apparently it is enlarged so he wants to look at what is in it. Great. I really think my body has been taken over by aliens.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    True, I was having a rough day. It was my first day back at work and I was just tired and overwhelmed by everything. I have a lot going on in my life right now besides BC that is stressful and so my overeaction stems from more than just this dang disease.

    (((Bunkie))) I will keep you in my prayers that whatever is going on is not serious. One would think once we get thrown into the dark waters of BC that we would be left alone on all other fronts as a matter of fairness. Guess that justice is not always meted out fairly in this life. Please know I will be thinking of you!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited February 2013

    Josie I am so glad that I helped ease your mind a bit.  That is what is special about this group, you will find a lot of love and support here.

    April the fear factor can be overwhelming at first, but once you get into the routine you will realize it is not as scary as you anticipated.  In the beginning it is all so scary then just gets easier.  Hang on girl, you are doing great!

    Bunkie I had a thyroid biopsy.  Initially I had a needle biopsy but they were not able to extract much.  My right thyroid had nodules on it.  My doctor assured me that most always these nodes are benign.  Once you have a cancer diagnosis they are a little more cautious so I ended up having my right thyroid removed.  The biopsy came back negative and recovery was very easy.  I have had my thyroid levels check several times and it is always normal.  The remaining gland produces enough hormore to compensate for the missing gland.  I hope your biopsy goes well and you get good results.  Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions.  My surgery was last April.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for all the great tips MostlySew .I am too stubborn for meds and I m so allergic to many meds that I will just deal with it.I did buy some of the recommended deodorant that is aluminum free.Thought I may just ask for some samples of the creams.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    It finally hit me today on the way to work .My hubby was inpatient with me on the phone and I just started crying and found myself crying and crying the tears just wouldn't stop.I know it's probably been building up since my diagnosis .I never really cried.It makes for a long drive to work when you cry the whole way there.I was a mess by the time I got there and pretty much exhausted the rest of the day.Luckily I work with some great women and they all know what I m going through .Thanks to everyone that has given me such encouragement and great tips.I'm glad I found this thread.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2013

    Josie, my rad center handed me a bunch of sample creams and said, try them and we will give you more of what ever you like!  Since I got sort of itchie, I used one that said it helped radiation dermatitise.  Did nice work on the itches

    After rads were over, I just slept!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited March 2013

    Janis - What was that needle biopsy like? After the breast biopsy I am sure I can handle it but just askin.

  • numbersinger
    numbersinger Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2013

    April - Today was day three of radiation treatments.  Unfortunately I am having to stay in a motel room, 3 1/2 hrs from home during the week to have treatments.  The first day was a long day and as hard as I could try, I cried a lot.  The Radiology Tech told me that I would be having 33 treatments when my doctor has said 25.  That hit me very hard, plus just the uncertainty of everything and not knowing what to expect.  All said and done, I will only have 25 treatments as I was told in the beginning so the prospect of an extra week and a half away from home just put me over the edge.

    I got a call from the psychiatrist office at Duke yesterday wanting me to call and make an appointment as I had been referred for an evaluation!  Damn, it made me angry.   I have cancer and I have a right to cry.  

    My hardest problem right now is boredom, no SE yet, although I am sure those will come.  

    Hang in there, what you are feeling is normal.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Number have to go thru cancer AND spend the week alone in a motel doing it...of course you should cry! Man, wish I could think of some way to amuse you during all your "at the hotel" hours...let me give it some thought.

    Josie, I never take meds either except the occasional tylenol and my thyroid meds, but I did find the Ativan didn't make me feel weird, or anything....just allowed me to gain control of my emotions....which sorely needed help thru this as for some odd reason I took up getting teary thru all this stuff. Just keep the name in the back of your mind because it might just help during the rough times. Although, they are going to get better and better...

    Bunkie, good luck with the thyroid biopsy, it's certainly scary, but as Janis said, if you end up with the surgery, it's really not that bad. I had it 35 years ago due to pre-cancer nodules. No problems since, although I do have to take thyroid daily.

    Hi Joan, glad you're doing well.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    (((Number Singer))) You absolutely have a right to cry and to be pissed off! I am sure they mean well and want to pre-empt you from having serious depression. Most people view crying as a sign of depression instead of the important release that it is. I haven't had my good cry yet either...I feel it coming but it hasn't come yet. I know you can do this! It must be so hard to be alone in a hotel away from home though. Maybe you can write a book or something about your experiences or journal, just for your own reading so that years from now when you are strong and don't have cancer, you can look back and realize how amazing you are. How you came through this a stronger person.

    Also, you can maybe explore the City you are in and do some sightseeing. Is it a big city with fun things to do?

    Do you knit or crochet? Could be relaxing. Soduko? Crossword puzzles?

    Come here and talk to us! We will be here!

    Josie, I agree with Sew. Ativan can help to take that edge off. I know it helped me through a stressful time in my life and it did not make me feel zombie like or any different really. It helped me to fall asleep much more easily.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited March 2013

    Welcome to everyone just starting rads. For me, rads was not much of a problem physically, but it was definitely the most emotionally painful part of my cancer journey. Please do not hesitate to request Ativan if you are having a difficult time. Ativan certainly was a huge help to me. Good luck with your rads journey. I hope it will be quick and easy.

    Bunkie, prayers and hugs to you about your thyroid. I hope you will be all right.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited March 2013

    wow this thread is hopping. Sorry for all the new ladies to have to go thru this but glad to have the company. 

    The feelings are so overwhelming at first. My RO team also had me talk to a social worker, which turned out to be a good thing. I have come to appreciate all help I can get. But at the same time I have come to be pretty stringent about who I allow to be on my medical team. 

    I was walking my dog today in my neighborhood. A friend stopped to talk to me, she said she would never have the stamina to get thru cancer treatment. I said well, it's not that we decide to go thru it. We just do what we gotta do. Life is so precious, and so fragile.

    I have a cold now. My BFF brought me chicken soup for dinner and also a sweet sam's cupcake. Guess what I am eating now?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013 sorry about the cold. A miserable one is going around out here, so do take care. And, man, your cup cake sounds great. Next thing we know Janis will be posting pictures and we'll all gain 3 pounds!

  • Annette47
    Annette47 Member Posts: 108
    edited March 2013

    Wow numbersinger - having to stay in a hotel room while doing this would make anyone cry!    I realized the other day that I haven't cried at all since this all began - I wonder if I will have a huge breakdown once I finish treatment or not.   Could go either way, I guess!

    Two more to go - fatigue has stabilized and I am just now turning pink for the first time, so holding up well, I think!

    Good luck to Bunkie on the thyroid biopsy and ((HUGS)) to all who need them.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    (((Number singer))) personally I loved going to therapy.  I found it more relaxing than a spa treatment!  What fun it is to bitch and moan for 50 minute to somebody who has to listen!

    Annette, I'm excited for you...almost done!  I will share that I did cry a few tears of relief after my last rads appointment.

    Bunkie, and everyone else that needs a hug ((((())))).

    Have a relaxing weekend everyone!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited March 2013

    Bunkie the needle biopsy was easy but in my case not helpful.  They could not draw enough sample tissue out of it for an effective reading.  It did not take long, it was x-ray guided, they prep your neck and a quick shot to numb it.  Then the doctor inserts a lottle longer needle to try to extract the sample.  It is uncomfortable, but you feel pressure and no pain.  I was there less than an hour I think and not in a surgical area just a treatment room.  Since they could not get a sample later I had to go get the right thyroid removed.  It was a very easy surgery and recovery.  I sure hope that helps.  Please keep us posted.  :)

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Janis. I was a little taken back at the call. Your thyroid is swollen and you need a biopsy. We will call to schedule. The end. I was like what? What will they do etc? So I will call Monday to schedule and ask questions. After all I went through this past year am not feeling this. Tired of Drs and tests but also want to feel better. So I will  do it.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    (((Bunkie))) So sorry hon...we should be EXEMPT from any other health problems for life after this crappy BC stuff. It should be a law or

    I know you will get through this and it will all be behind you soon.

  • Waitingforthenextstep
    Waitingforthenextstep Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2013

    Hey everyone,

                          I am new to this thread, will be starting rads on 3/18.  I am worried about the fatigue as I am still fatigued from the chemo tx's.  Only getting a four week break between chemo and rads.  Any ideas how to combat the fatigue, I sure can't afford to be out of commission. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    I'm just popping in to say hello Waitingforthenextstep and welcome you to the thread, though I'm sorry you have to be here.  I did not have chemo, but somebody who did will be along.  For rads fatigue we have had widely different experiences...but usually suggest light exercise, extra protein, plenty of water and moisturizing as the best way to get through.  From what I understand it will be a piece of cake compared to what you've already been though.  At least I hope that it will be!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    I was getting out of the shower last night and noticed a small spot on my lump scar.When I pulled it off it started to ooze.Just by applying pressure to it with tissue it kept seeping out.I think it was a small amount of fluid built up under the incision.At first I thought it was blood but I think a seroma.Should I mention this to my RO or just not? I start Rads this week and I don't want this to make them decide to postpone it.It was just a small opening at the end my my incision.It's closed up now.No open wound or anything.Any thoughts in it?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013 need to tell the RO before you start rads. It will probably be fine and they'll go ahead, but definitely do NOT start without telling them. You might let the surgeon know too. I'm sure you don't have a problem, but sine rads will cause the skin to break down (which is why we moisturize) you want them to know about this.....IMHO.....good luck

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Ok I guess I will by the way what does IMHO stand for?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Oops, sorry seems to stand for In My Humble Opinion......I had to learn tons of abbreviations when I first got on this forum....half the time I couldn't tell what people were talking about! Ned was my hardest to decipher (no evidence of disease)

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Thanks for the explanation I'm not up on my text lingo or abbreviations!!BTW It hurt when this Seroma was draining last night.Now it actually feels better since it drained.Sorry hope I didn't gross anyone out.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Josie, I'm sure you didn't gross anyone out....we've all read about those things, or had them! I'm glad it drained, they're quite painful when they fill. And I know it would be terribly disappointing to have rads delayed while this heals, if that's what they choose...but I've read of women having big problems later with you need to trust your medical team and let them know what's going on.....oh mother hen voice is showing thru here! Let us know how it goes, or post more questions when they arise....we're all here to help each other thrust this.....

  • laurascott1016
    laurascott1016 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2013

    You just reminded me Bunkie10, that I had a thyroid biopsy the same day as my stereotactic biopsy of my breast. The breast biopsy turned out to be something, obviously. The thyroid, all clear. So, sail through it. Hopefully, yours is nothing too!