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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    I've been exhausted today.I overslept this morning yet felt like I didn't sleep at all.I've really been having trouble falling asleep at night.I'm too stubborn to take anything for it.My chest is a little tight when I take a deep breath but I have been sneezing alot the past couple days so it probably just allergies and not the Rads.Although when I mentioned it to the techs today she said if it continues I will have to see a doc.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Josie123 - my allergies have kicked in sneezing runny nose eyes how do you hold still during rads? We had earthquake here yesterday during a procedure hope the shaking is over...

    Hope your fatigue is better...get a good nights sleep take something if needed. Amazing how much better things are when you are not exhausted.

    Sending the sandman your way zzzzz

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    RMlulu, I heard that earthquake yesterday was a real kicker. 4.7?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Luckily I haven't sneezed during my Rads session.Can't say we've had any earthquakes either!!I hope you didn't mean it happened during your Rads session.I shouldn't speak too loudly though we are very close to a area that is overdue for an earthquake.Thanks for the good thoughts.BTW why do they take Xrays weekly during Rads?

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited March 2013

    Hi Josie, remind me how far along you are in your treatment? I hope your chest tightness isn't related to rads. I'm at 21/30 tx as of today, and any time I cough I'm paranoid that it's rads-induced!

    It's my understanding they do the weekly images to make sure we are positioned properly so that the beams are going where they should. Probably not the most scientific explanation, though. ;-)

    BTW, I'm originally from the 'Lou! Don't have family there anymore but lots of friends and try to get out for a visit each year. One of my HS classmates is an onc nurse at a breast center, somewhere in west county, but don't recall the exact name of the facility.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Gemini4.I'm on my 5th tx .I go to the Pratt Center at Mercy .I guess I 'll ask to see Doc tomorrow.My breast is kind of itchy tonight.I havent been told which kind of creams to use on it so I haven't been using any creams on it yet.I have read slot in posts on this thread about creams and pre treating the Breast.Guess I'll ask about about that tomorrow too.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013 really need to use creams. Slather it on right after your tx. If you're starting to itch you could try aloe, which works great (the kind that is a gel, and aloe is the primary ingredient). Do talk with your dr. tomorrow.. Also...are you eating enough protein? As in 70 plus grams per day. And drinking enough water? And getting gentle exercise daily? All these things will help with the fatigue and should help the sleep issues. That said, I also couldn't sleep well in the beginning of rads, and did take a half an Ativan or half a sleeping pill every 4 or 5 days as my doc insisted. The sleep issues did straighten out after the first couple of weeks. Good luck, you will make it thru...just remember your body in working overtime to heal itself and go ahead and feed it......with lots of protein. (Or some of Janis's fabulous treats. :)

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited March 2013

    Definitely use cream -- slather a good bit on in these early days, and I believe it will help when the skin starts to react later. I use Jeans Cream which is marketed for rads. It's pretty mild and simple, just aloe and vitamin E. I also have My Girls cream, another specialty rads cream. I bought it at my hospital's gift shop. It contains calendula. It's a nice, non-greasy cream, but my doc told me to stick to one cream when I started getting a rads rash in order to rule out a cream reaction. So I'm just using Jean's now but use the My Girls as a general body cream.

    Also your fatigue you mentioned in your earlier post might be related to the dang spring-forward clock change! I love spring but hate when we lose that hour.

    Hope you start feeling better soon! Drink lots of water -- really makes a big difference. I felt downright crappy my first week and learned I was mildly dehydrated.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    I talked to a nurse today and she agreed that it's probably my allergies the tightness.She told me I could use any cream or lotion as long as it's not within 4 hours of tx .Since my appt is first thing in morning I can use any cream or lotion after my tx then bedtime.I was a little surprised this conversation with the nurse took place in the hallway of Rads Center.We were alone but I thought maybe she would have liked to see the skin or listen to my lungs.I also saw my MO today she wants to wait till after Rads to put me on . Tamoxifen.As I was leaving the exam room I mentioned my Aunt(dads sister)couldn't take Tamoxifan because she developed a blood clot and my Mom has also had a history of blood clots.Then she said it would be safer if we some labs to see if my risk of Blood clots would be large enough to not use that drug.Well since I work in a OBGYN that has a lab right there I decided to get drawn at work.Well 13 ...Yes I did say 13 tubes later we finally finished.I was brave though and it was such a clean stick that you can't even tell we're she stuck me.Didn't sleep much better last night so maybe tonight will be better.Not sure how I can get 70 grams of Protein in my diet a day but .I 'll try .Just noticed tonight My lymph node in my throat is inflamed a little about the size of pebble.Maybe I did have a little virus and just didn't notice.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Josie....Greek yogurt is the answer to protein. It's 18 or so grams for one small container. I hadn't heard of it before rads, and being vegetarian, tons of protein (above 50grams) can be problematic. The Greek yogurt was perfect for breakfast. Looks like your docs are looking out for you.....15 vials of blood sounds excessive though.....hope they gave you orange juice...

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    No OJ but They offered me water.I just walked back to my bone density room and ate a little organic chocolate.Chocolate cures everything.Actually it was 13 tubes of blood not 15.Please don't make it more.Maybe I 'll find some Greek yogurt at store.Thanks

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited March 2013

    Hello ladies - I am new to the forum. I have finished my chemotherapy and am waiting for the beginning of radiation treatment. Having read through several posts here - I see that many of you share my concern about the left breast being so close to the heart. This is pretty scary for me - although at my mapping session the technician got me to do deep inspiration breath technique which is supposed to move the heart out of the ray of the radiation. Did anyone start using creams before rads or is it OK to wait until it starts. I am thinking of using Keri lotion as this is what was recommended at my cancer agency.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    Yum on the yogurt.  I started using the plain greek instead of mayo...just made a nice boneless/skinless chicken breast salad (gasp, meat!) with greek yogurt, grapes, nuts, fennel and dijon.  So good over lots of spring greens. I also love to mix greek yogurt with a touch of honey and frozen strawberries for breakfast.  

    Anyway, MO appointment today.  I asked about pain, and (it must be the answer of the month) he offered to take me off Tamoxifen for a few weeks to see if it was exacerbating the problem.  I pass, unless it gets unbearable I think I will try other therapies first...massage, yoga, exercise and medical marijuana. Overall I'm pretty pleased. Everything else seems going pretty well with my next visit in 6 months.  After that, if things are still going well I will start seeing him annually.  I never thought it would happen, and I just want to pass along to the newbies that there is another side, it does get better, there is a new normal and it comes faster than you think.  So hang in there with your treatments!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013


    Welcome .Rads isn't too bad I was pretty freaked out the first 3 days but now I'm trying to take control over the situation .I asked today if I could bring my own music also it helps since I've been visualizing it as having my own tanning session daily.There is a cross carved out of the ceiling tiles above me with a green light shining out of it I think they use it to line you up on the table Anyway I use that to center my attention on instead of the big ugly Rads monster.I am just now starting to use creams and plan on doing that religiously so I don't get too bad of skin reaction.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Sorry can't relate to having the left breast done but that's why sometimes they do it with you on your tummy hanging your breast into some kind of hole in the table or use a form made specifically for your breast.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Sab...excellent news on the 6 month appt! Dinner sounds excellent too! I'm still on 3 month follow up since whatever allergy I got last fall really messed up my blood work. Feel great now though so am hoping that in May I'll also get to the 6 month schedule!

    Adagio, it is scary to have rads on the left side, but they are really really careful now, so try to trust your techs (they're your new best friends for the next several weeks) and do the breathing they tell you. They'll also X-ray you once a week to make certain they're getting just the right area. Yes....definitely use creams. At least 3 times per day during rads, or more if it starts itching/burning and you're using aloe or something soothing. In California, they were also insistent we used a mild ph soap like dove so your baths don't dry your skin. Good luck and check in often

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited March 2013

    Hey everyone, It does get better and we learn so much along this journey.  Be easy with yourselves and listen to your body. I had to learn how to do that since I was used to just pushing through all previous issues. 

    sab, yay on the 6 month schedule. dinner sounds so good. 

    I am still using 100% aloe gel (Fruit of the Earth). Whatever creams you use make sure they have no alcohol. My RO gave me strict instructions about what creams to use and when. It is true to not use any thing a few hours before , so I always brought mine with me and smeared it on right afterwards. I was also told to use Dove soap and a mild detergent for washing my clothes. I ended up buying some 100% cotton tshirts to donate to the cause since they got all greasy, but the shirts would be all greasy and cool when I put them on and it felt so good. 

    I remember the green light on the ceiling. When I had a DEXA scan a few weeks ago I noticed one and said something about it and the tech was impressed that I knew what it was for. I said I have learned so much in the last year and a half.

    Anyway, hang in there and come here with your questions.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited March 2013

    Thank you ladies! I am waiting for the phone call to let me know my start date - perhaps I will get the call tomorrow. I would like at least 3 weeks between the end of chemo and beginning of rads - just to have a little reprieve!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Adagio, welcome to rads recovery...rads is tiring, but the process goes quickly.  Try not to worry ahead ... it is intimidating but many of us do well throughout.  Skin discomfort is pretty common, so be prepared for that.  My RO had very specific products for me to use.
    How cool that you live in BC - one of the places on earth that is a piece of heaven!
    RMlulu, I get emails whenever there's a quake above 3.0...saw that one coming through as multiple shakers.  Andit IS hard to stay still during was the worst part for me...I had to keep my mind occupied in multiple ways and just hope I'd not wiggle.
    Josie, I sure hope the Missouri fault doesn't start moving and shaking in our lifetime!  I am glad you are taking charge of your treatment time.  Music is amazing for calming and drifting away during the the procedure. 
    Sew, good advice about staying on top of the nutrition...I never think of that in specific terms...
    Janice, happy early spring...only a week away from the end of winter, hopefully.
    SAB, so glad to hear you had a positive visit with the MO.  I feel the same about staying on the drug and getting the 5 years in...I always worry that just when I get within a few months of the finish line, they will change the A.I. drug to 10 years ... you are just a month ahead of my dx so I feel encouraged that the day will soon come that I won't have a cancer appointment every 3-4 months. 
    Best thoughts to everyone this week.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    Joan, it is so much fun to have a geologist buddy on the boards!  Anyway, I did ask the MO about the ten years--having read about it recently.  He feels rather strongly that the incidence of serious side effects far outweigh the benefits after 5 years.  So unless there is new, compelling evidence we only have 3 1/2 years to go Laughing.

    Adagio, my RO said there have been many advances in technology for targeting tumor sites...I hope that your rads go quick and easy for you.  Remember-- creams, water, protein, light exercise and rest. I carried a little daypack with me to rads with my 100% aloe, and a bottle of water and protein bar for the car afterwards.

    Janis, what do you bake for Easter? I can't eat it but I love to hear about it.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Hi y'all

    Adagio - Welcome rads are very doable you will be fine. Expressed my concern about rads with my RO. She showed me where the beams were focused and my heart is not in the area. She also said laying on belly for rads would not provide the best benefit for whole breast radiation for me...showed film of my breast and where I need to be zapped for best kill of strays. Made me feel very confident also high reduction in recurrence so that is good:))

    Josie123 - Pray you are feeling better...hydrating eating protein (love plain organic Greek yogurt with pineapple and almonds) and lube that breast.

    SAB, Joan811, macatacmy - thanks for the encouragement and words of advice...

    Now for some aloe, yes fruit of the earth, glad today was so much easier than my mind thought. But isn't it the case for most of our treatments our minds just get way ahead of the reality...gonna make it :))

    Go rad sisters!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Hello ladies (and welcome to the new people!) I went back to work today after my re-excision on Monday. I thought I would be ready to go back yesterday but this one really kicked my ass! I was so surprised but this cause it was a 25 minute surgery, but I felt like I got hit by a freight train. The BS explained that because it was the margin closest to the chest wall that she dug really deep in there and that is why it hurt so much. Ugh..anyway, today I am down to a 3 out of 10 on the pain which is great. Work flew by since I came back to about a zillion voice mails and emails. I did not work Friday either because our little 3-6 inch snow storm ended up being 16 inches!

    So, I meet with the RO on 3/25 and will like start rads in mid April is my guess or maybe a little sooner. I hope they don't make me start on April 8th cause that is my Birthday! Not the way I want to spend my 58th BD, that's for

    Hoping you are all well. "See" you soon!Kiss

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited March 2013

    April - Ouch!!! Get some rest and hope it heals fast.

    Got my ultrasound report back. I have a thyroid goiter and a nodule. Oh joy. Scheduled for the biopsy first week of April. I just toss it up to rads pissing off the thyroid.Undecided

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    April - glad you are feeling better. Take it easy at work don't you just love voicemail and email you can spend the first half of the day just chasing calls... Make April Ty official Bday month celebrate each day ...fingers cross that rads won't start on your big day.

    Did my 1st today it was easy 1 minute each angle so fast now what was I thi ,I g very doable :))

    Bunkie10 - sure do hope it was not caused by an errant rad ray:((. Hope all goes well in tx.

    Take care


  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2013

    Glad you are feeling better, April

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2013

    Glad you're feeling better April.  Back to work on Thursday sounds fast enough to me! If you have to start treatment on the 8th let us know and we'll arrange a big pocket birthday party.

    Bunkie, you knew something was going on!  Now hopefully it will be taken care of quickly and easily.

    Cindy, Way to go!  It's always worse in our imagination.  I hope you have an uneventful series.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Glad to hear from you April.I'm happy your recovering well.Bunkie I've been wondering how your doing.I'm so sorry about the thyroid.let us know how the biopsy goes.Cindy glad you did ok on your first day.I felt a little dizzy after Rads today as I was getting dressed.I need to go get me some protein.I haven't really been to the store lately.I slept better last night and felt like a new person today.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Josie123 - I learned after a horrible experience with my hubby that hydration & proper nutrition are so important to the healing I make my self a protein smoothie with 5 cups ice morning and late afternoon. Ensures I'm hydrated and getting extra protein. Make a list send DH to store...after all its a partnership :))

    Sleep well makes you fell great! (((Hugs))) & sweet dreams...

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited March 2013

    Is it too early to have fatigue?Tomorrow is only day 8 but tonight at shop n save it hit me.I literally felt like I couldn't walk across the store.At that point I headed straight to the check out.I feel guilty for asking but I think I'll ask tomorrow about a handicap temp tag.I will only use it If I really need it but may need to park a little closer for a while.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2013

    Nope, not too early Josie. You will probably get used to this too and then it won't hit quite as hard. For me after the first few episodes I found that I only needed to sit for awhile and then I'd be able to function again. Watch your fluids and good luck....