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Radiation recovery



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Darn it Kate!! I was hoping your visit would go so well and so far it has. Keep that leg up till you get home and you can go to your dr. It is very hard to go to places in another state but if you must then do it.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes on my flooding. Some areas were about 2 inches and others none. Apparently my basement floor is uneven so the water runs to the lowest point. Old houses have good bones but truthfully need an overhaul after years of wear and tear. This one was built in 1939 and we moved in it in 1962. I was raised here and it is a really nice old brick cape cod. When my folks died I being an only child decided to stay here and take on some remodeling. It kept me busy while I grieved the loss. Little did I know how much work it really needed. Living in LA for 22 years I always rented. I hired a house guy that I grew up with and we started to try to put it back together. Well now 4 years into it I am tired and have no desire to continue fixing all the problems. 

    So he dried it all out and because it is cold here and it was not like that long there is no far. He plugged a couple holes with some glue and has to dry-lock it? Not sure what that is but I am reacting to the toxins in the glue. I have all my downstairs closed off and I am hiding in my bedroom with 2 purifiers on till it dries. I was always sensitive to strong cologne but this is crazy.

    Do any of you have issues with smells and toxins after rads?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Lemon....have I said this before...that you should be looked at for lymphedema?  The still swollen breast this long after rads is usually indicative of truncal LE.  The thing is, most RO's and surgeons expect LE to be in the arm, not the breast, but the breast involvement without any arm involvement is becoming much more common.  Just something to look least it'd make the girls be the same size!  Glad you forbore wearing the bra today, healing truly is more important than beauty...and you're almost there.

    Kate, I was just reading an article a friend sent from the SF Chronicle about LE, and it mentioned a woman with LE in her leg following removal of several abdominal lymph nodes.  She can retain as much as 15 pounds of excess fluid in her leg.... The good news is she's able to keep it under control with water exercises, stockings and LE massage.  Which is not to say that's what you have, but it is a thought if you still get this swelling.  I know you just had lymph nodes removed.  Hmmm

    April, I'm sure sorry they can't keep your entire heart out of the rads path, but believe the way they do rads now is unlike 30 years ago when they caused extensive damage.  I think it has little to do with your particular protocol, right?  This would have happened regardless, I expect.  It sounds right that the burning shows up after rads stop....I've seen that happen to the shorter term rads gals too.  In fact, Kate might have been one who sailed thru rads, but did get red and itchy days after rads were over, my memory is hazy on that one.  The fatigue sounds normal too.....I'm glad they cautioned you about it.  Some gals complain that the RO's never tell people about the potential for fatigue. 

    Bunkie and Josie...hope the rain is still at bay and you've made progress on your flooded rooms today

    My next tip of the day is for Sab and Janis......I've found out a truth about reducing the flab in your upper arm.....the truth is that even if you lift your arm from the table to your mouth twice as much, you won't firm up the flab.  In fact, contrary to normal truths about exercise, that's one exercise that has the opposite effect. Wink

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Bunkie...yes, I'm quite a bit more sensitive to smells since rads. Perhaps less so now, but more than I was before...

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Sew, Darn it!  I was counting on those "fork curls" to fix me up!

    Bunkie, There is a spray I used to prevent mold on our cottage after it flooded.  Seemed to work.  Sorry, threw the can out but it was at Home Depot.  Should wear mask when you apply it.

    April, it's good your RO is being straight with you.  Lots of us just got a pat on the head, and "don't worry." I hope it's a non-issue.

    Kate, Sew is right.  Be sure to ask about LE when you get home because that's another issue that the docs seem to miss so often!  They put me through two courses of antibiotics before going "duh! It isn't an infection after all."

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Lemon, I am so sorry you didn't get to do your bra today. I know that was a bummer. It won't be too long. I feel your sadness.  My radiated side did shrink, but not right away.

    My trip went too fast I am leaving tomorrow, and I don't know how the heck I will say goodbye to my daughter and two oldest grandchildren tomorrow.

    . Tonight we took the kids to a bowling place, that also has a great restaurant. The kids had a ball bowling. My daughter's boyfriend is a dentist, and does lectures around the country. He flew in from New Jersey, and didn't go to bed till 2am. Then he had to be up at 6 am for dental surgery today. He was beat, and didn't stay for dinner. He came for an hour, and said he only came to see me. I asked him about my daughter Mindee, and he said I feel it in my heart for her. That brought tears to my eyes in a heartbeat. Tonight I had to say goodbye to my son Michael, and his family. I won't see him tomorrow. My daughter is taking me out for lunch with my two oldest grandchildren, and then taking me to the airport. When I said goodbye to my son I hugged him, and cried hard. I pray to God that is not the last time I will ever see him. I did have a fantastic day and evening. I thank you so much for your support. Keep your chin up. I have a little bit of esp, and I feel good things coming your way. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Brookside,

    I am going to ask my doctor about a lymphodema therapist. Thank you for suggesting it. I've had a fabulous time with my family. Tomorrow lunch with my daughter and two oldest grandchildren, and then off to the airport. Gosh the trip flew by. Thanks for your support. Hugs, kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Run free thanks so muc h for your support

    April Thank God your dd is safe. My heart breaks for lives lost and injured citizens of Boston.

    I will be in your pocket for rads and pray that all goes smoothly for you

    Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    I've had such a wonderful time here. Now when I go home if I am not feeling well or have negative thoughts I can replace the negative pictures with the memories of my family and the fun I've had here. My leg is fair, and not as bad as last night. I will be ok on the plane and I have an appointment with my MO Wednesday for him to examine it. xoxo Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hello again Bunkie,

    I do have issues with smells and toxins too. I am so terribly sorry you have to go through this. OMG enough is enough already. It is time for things to go right for you, and I hope that is soon. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sew,

    Thanks for the ifo regarding the article you read. I will ask my doctor about that. I pray to God I won't have to wear stockings for the swelling. As you have probably guessed I will dislike that.

    I did have an issue after rads, but it wasn't too serious, and now I can't remember what it even was. Could have been itchiness. I am a terribly itchy person. I had surgery 7 months ago, and my doctor said the itching should stop in a month, and I am still itchy. Thanks for your support. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sab,

    I definitely will ask my doctor about le. The swelling issue has to be taken care of asap. I have numerous questions to ask my Dr. about it when I see him Wed. morning. He was out of town when it occurred, so now he can examine my leg and see the swelling for the first time. Oh my gosh I just remembered that the first time I had swelling, and the worst swelling I've had ,happened one day before my pelvic lymph node biopsy.

    My son's father-in-law has lung cancer. Thank goodness they caught it in an early stage. He has an issue with his leg swelling, and in his case they say it is from high blood pressure and stress. If you remember when I had surgery 7 months ago right after I came home I had to go to er with bp of 220/120. My blood pressure is normally 120/80, but if I get upset or stressed it skyrockets, and I don't take pills for it. So, I also need to ask my doctor if my blood pressure could be causing it. Hugs, Kate p.s It is not my doctors fault that I am not taking bp pills. At that time I refused them. Now that I have bladder cancer I will reconsider, if my doctor thinks my bp is causing the swelling.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Kate, so glad you accomplished this trip.  I know it means the world to you and your family.  Before my BC surgery, I traveled to see my DS in San Francisco and we stayed in a dream home on a mountain top.  I so needed that time before surgery and the great unknown of BC.  I had seen all my kids and grandkids back east.  I know what this means to you.  Your memories will sustain you in the weeks to come.  I hate cancer and how it impacts lives.  I am counting on you having an uneventful trip back - then you can start to unravel the causes of your symptoms. 
    Hugs and prayers.

    April, am in your pocket.  Try not to worry about the SEs...the whole rads experience is so hideous...we cannot even comprehend the scale of it.  Be positive and visualize your total healing - cancer free. 

    Lemon, I had significant swelling on the BC side, and it took about 2 weeks to go down BUT it never did go below my pre-rads size.  It is still slightly larger even after lumpectomy.  I discussed with my BS yesterday and I was told to just let them know if anything besides breast is involved.  I'm lumpy and tender even after 15 months.  But all is "normal" they tell me.

    Yesterday (actually, Friday) I had my annual appointment with my BS.  I waited from 2:30 to 5:00 pm to see her.  She asked me if I had been there all day.  My reply was "I remember how much time you spent with me on my day of diagnosis.  I don't mind waiting at all."  She was surprised.
    I got a good report and she "graduated" me to her NP for next year' visit.  I will only see her if I have a questionable mammo or lump.  I forgot to tell her about the Mondor's syndrome but it's inactive right now.  I told her about the large egg-shaped mass in my axillary area (had it pre-BC) and she couldn't find it.  I couldn't either.  It's always there, but not Friday.  Guess that's a good thing.
    DH and I ate out or did take out every night but one last week.  We are so tired...and tonight we went out with a free dinner coupon and after we sat, they said it's no good on the week end.  So we ordered anyway...

    My flowering shrubs are planted in my barren yard and I love how they look.  I sprayed commerial deer repellent (predator urine) on the leaves and it was so strong I gagged.  I am super-sensitive to any chemically active odors...this was bad.  They say once a week for 3 weeks and the deer will take the hint.  Hope I survive.

    Gotta get up in 5 hours...going to NY city tomorrow taking students to the Museum of Natural History.  I can rest on the train...
    Nite all.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Joan,

    You are so right about me having memories from this trip that will sustain me through anything rough that comes up. I have no idea of how I will be able to say goodbye to my daughter tomorrow. It will be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do

    I am so glad your yearly visit to your doctor went well. Getting up in 5 hours to take kids to the museum sounds like fun, but you need your rest too.

    Again I want to than you for sharing how you handled breast cancer. It made me feel so good that the way I handled mine resonated with you. We have a lot in common. Love, Kate

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    RunFree what a wonderful plan to have so many people come out to help you.  That is awesome, and just shows there is still goodness in this crazy world. 

    Sew, I am so bummed about the forklift exercise!  Maybe we just aaren't eating enough.  LOL.

    Bunkie I am so sorry with all  the problems in your house.  I do understand just wanting to give in and quit.  It can get to the point where it becomes too much and we don't want to deal with it anymore.  I know you will figure it all out.  I am happy the basement had finally dried out. 

    Joan congratulations on your MO appointment going so well.  That is always welcome news.  Have fun at the museum!  HUGS.

    April rads is different for everyone.  I didn't mind going and I was always the 'cheerleader' for the patients in the waiting room.  Since we all had to put on those beautiful hospital gowns (hehehehehe) I told everyone we were having another pajama party. 

    Kate enjoy this last day of your visit, I know how hard it will be to say goodbye.  However it really is more like 'see you next time'.....I know you are strong, but tears are okay.  I understand how hard it is.  Both of my sons live in other states and I really miss being closer to them.  Just enjoy the wonderful memories, and think about how much fun you will have on your next visit. are so funny! I was so counting on those fork lifts to help!

    Happy Sunday everyone....enjoy your day! 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Janis,

    I ALready do have my next trip to Chicago planned for January 2014. In the meantime I hope that my children and grandchildren can visit me. Still saying goodbye today will be tough Hugs, Kate

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Janis, perhaps we don't have to eat that much more...just heavier!  I'm thinking pound cake?  you make a fabulous one, right?  Just use agave nectar instead of sugar and it'll even be more healthy....  lol

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Sew yes, my poundcake is wonderful.  The agave necter will help, but the real baby boy in the recipe is butter.  It is heavenly!  Buttery....not using anything but pure butter in my baking.  So it will be halfway healthy anyway! 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Janis, Ok, fork curls here we come......  we'll have some for April's party next week, or maybe you can play hostess and serve treats for your party at the mammo on wed...  Sab, you in?  It's got agave........

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Kate - I agree with you that your trip will help with what you have to go through. I wish my favorite cousin lived close so we could bond some. She is in Atlanta.

    The house guy was here this morning and so far the glue is starting to work. Now that stinky dry-lock. Looks like I will be in my bedroom all week only coming down to fix food and feed my outdoor birds and squirrels. If I stay down there more than about 10 minutes I get dizzy and slightly nauseated. When we remodeled the kitchen I lived upstairs for a month.

    Next step is a sump pump. Money money money. I keep watching it blow away.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Sew yes we will have parties galore!  It will be fun for everyone. 

    I don't have a Mammo Wednesday, I go to the onc to have the lump checked.  Actually I will be seeing his Nurse Practitioner and I am curious what she will say.  I would think they would want an ultrasound at least.  I will keep everyone posted.   I am also going to discuss switching to something besides Arimidex.  My joint pain is getting worse.  My neck is a nightmare, now my knees are really bad. I'll see what they would change it to.  I assume this joint pain is from the Arimidex.  I have to at least take a break from it.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Joan, We finally gave up and just planted "deer resistant" plants, but somebody forgot to tell the deer and they eat them every now and then anyway.  I always figure they were here first, and they're hungry and try to let it go.  

    Kate, What a beautiful trip.  Safe flight home, and then I know you will move through treatment with your memories sustaining you.

    Oh yes, Janis and Sew, I'm in...don't start those fork lifts without me!  Poundcake? Brilliant!!! Let's make a commitment to a great workout and add heavy cream to our coffee.  Or white russians.  Whatever.

    Bunkie, Money pit?  I hear you. Today DH and I were talking about how much we have sunk into our place, and how it is never enough to get the job done.  Oh well.  

    A wonderful weekend with hiking yesterday and a long beach walk today.  Worked around the yard this afternoon.  So sorry to see the weekend end.  

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    I am just so terribly, terribly sorry that you have to go through this.

    I am typing this on the plane. I will be landing in an hour.

    Today was just so nice I was with my oldest granddaughter Maddie and Mindee (my daughter's) other child Riley. I broke down crying when I had to say goodbye. This trip has been so wonderful for me. It has given me the memories(ammunition) to fight like a warrior, and kick cancer in the butt, so I can be with my family again. To Love and be loved in return is the best. This was the best trip of my life

    Hugs, Kate

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Hi y'all

    Busy weekend!

    Kate - yippee a wonderful trip:))) ready for battle full of loving memories! Get that leg checked out 1st thing! Go warrior!

    Bunkie - we're on your pockets for Wednesday (((hugs))) money pit ugh:(. My aunt I live just 20 houses apart fun...she is cool and just a few years older than me so big sis:)

    Janis&Sew - carrot cake ball with cream cheese I'm lifting my 10# forks! Oh nd there may be a few extra pounds at the take off the sweater before your pockets!

    Joan - my yard is a candy shop for the deer...munch munch! Oh look more roses yumm

    Josie - rain rain go away...hope you are dry now. My AC is on 95 here in desert. How are you doing post rads:)

    April - go warrior! We're in your pockets (((squeeze))) what we do to save 2nd base and keep working on our relationship with the girls. A lifetime commitment :)))

    Good Night and Happy Monday!


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Cindy (RMlulu) Great post, you're too funny. And how are you doing with rads? Are you just about done too? there are so many going thru right now I get the times confused.....(not old age, just plain old forgetful lol)

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited April 2013

    Sab, I was thinking of you when I got lost in the woods walking the dog this weekend. I thought sab would be so proud of me hiking so far. LOL I finally ran into someone else walking their dog and they pointed me in the right direction. It was a 2 hour walk. And I did it!!!!

    Janis, I have been thinking of you, too. In the last few weeks my joint pain has gotten so much worse. In  my neck and hands especially. My fingers have even been going numb. One good thing to come out of the lock down in Btown was my MO could call me back. We have decided to give my body a break from the arimidex. I get a month off. Yahoo!!!! It is suppose to get out of my system in 2 weeks, then I have 2 weeks to see how much better I feel. I hope you get some answers from your dr. And the lump is nothing important.

    We are all so different but we have a common enemy. We all fight with different "weapons" and different strategies, but we offer we other comfort and support with love and compassion.

    ((((((hugs))))) to all who need one or two or three.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Macatac, yay!  You found your way out!  I am proud and happy for you.  I swear I am lost as often as I am not! On the plus side I have walked longer, harder trails than I would ever choose on purpose by getting lost and then I get to talk like I'm a big hiking stud.  This weekend we tried a new trail system, it looked so innocent on the map...oh lordy...there was one trail that was so steep that they had installed huge marine ropes to sort of pull yourself up the trail.  I begged my husband to leave me there for the mountain lion (yes, there was a mountain lion, but they didn't put the warning sign up until you were in the forest a couple miles)  or at least get me a handsome ranger to fireman carry me out.  No luck, I had to make it on my own.  It was a cool forest though.  There were treasure boxes, alters and hidden statues in the woods.  (Or maybe I was delerious and seeing things.)

    Today DH asked me where I wanted to hike and I drove us straight to the beach where you simply cannot get lost, and it is nice and flat.

    I hope you get relief from the pain, just imagine how far you'll be able to walk once you adjust those meds!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    RMlulu, you picked a perfect pairing.  Making me hungry!  I have to go for a fasting blood test tomorrow and a snack sounds good right now.  Course, a snack sounds good most of the time.  We are trying to behave, but I feel a real need to bake something soon. 

    macatacmv, My neck is awful despite surgery and steroid injections.  The pain is also in both knees, my right hip and often my hands.  I am so glad you are going off for awhile, and I am going to talk about it Wednesday when I go in.  I don't need my MO's permission to take a break, and I know I have to do it just to know for sure. Please let me know if you start feeling less pain.  I am so interested, but I expect I'll be right behind you in taking Arimidex out of my diet for awhile.

    Congratulations on finding your way out of the woods!  Good job!

    Sab, did someone mention White Russian's?  Count me in!  I bet I haven't had one of those in ten years.  I sure remember how wonderful they are.  No fat or calories there!  I have a rare glass of wine now and then, but nothing more sophisticated.  Those decadent drinks sound wonderful!  :)

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Janis and Macatac, I'm sure that you've heard this from others, and from your docs, but my MO said there was no danger in being off of these meds for a short time.  I hope that it will give you a clue, and some relief from the pain you are experiencing.  

    Yes, heavy cream for my 6 ounce curls. Was my favorite drink a long time ago.  Now I am a vodka girl on those rare occassions that I imbibe. Diet tonic of course.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    I love this food talk...but i can't remember where the party this Bunkie's pocket party? 
    I had a great trip to NY today...the museum is awesome.  It was 37 degrees this morning.  I went to the gift shop and fell in love with a polished meteorite slice with green glassy gems embedded...light could shine through.  It was $ I bought a silver necklace with colorful cubes of amber....much more affordable.
    Am still grading papers....and will be going to sleep in a few minutes.  Monday mornings are easy; but from 12:30 until 8 PM it is non-stop classes.
    Don't get me wrong- I love my job. 
    Have a good night to those who are still up...
    and Mac, I'll take a hug or two any day!