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Radiation recovery



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Gals, gals, must put ICE in those drinks...remember we're looking for weight here....for those fork curls you know.

    Macatac....I'm totally impressed with managing to get lost, get found, and staying upright the whole time. Way to go, girl.

    Sab, don't even mention hills so sharp they have marine ropes to pull yourself up...I'm about out of breath just thinking of them. I'm totally in awe though. I did manage the little 2 mile jaunt on our street with my DH. No pulleys, didn't get lost once, no need to take a compass, GPS or even guide dog, but had a great time none-the-less.

    Nite all...

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Off to the shower and then off to the gallows (rads) for my 1st zap..second zap at 1:30. Weird way to do this  but hey, by Friday I will either be cursing or doing the happy hunch is I had better dust off my dancing shoes. Have a great day and for those of you with arthritis who are taking AI's, I hear ya. I am realllly nervous about that too.

    It is in the freaking 30's this morning! Should be high forties or fifties. WTH?

    Ok, gotta run...thanks so much for ALL of your support. Putting my warrior hat on now Cindy..thanks for saving me one! Wink xxoo

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    April I predict happy dance by the end of the week.  This is a big step in your treatment.  We'll be here cheering you on!  Big hugs to you as you begin this trek through rads.  Cheering for you hon!

    Saw and Sab and Joan and everyone who went hiking, kudos to all of you.  That has to feel great whether you were climbing mountains or walking on flat streets.  One of my dogs had a bum foot, and infection in his pad.  It is much better looking now but we haven't walked him all week.  As soon as he finishes the anitbiotics we'll get moving again.

    I have to go get a fasting blood draw this morning so no coffee for me, because I use creamer.  Then she will check my stool sample for the presence of h-Pylori.  If it is negative them she refers me to the gastro doc for a scope.  This heartburn is ridiculous and painful and I need to know what it is so I can fix it.

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone.  April, I'll be in your pocket so you won't be alone.  You can do this!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Kate - You are back home now and so happy you got to take that trip. I know you have appts lined up so we will be with you through all that stuff. Fight fight fight.

    I decided to go get my hair cut and washed this morning. Need some fresh air even though I have the windows open in the house. Also have to go to the store because I can not go down to my freezers in the basement right now. I am thinking a rotisserie chicken and some Lean Cuisines. I try not to eat a lot of them but....right now I will have to. Have some spaghetti sauce in the freezer.... will make some pasta for it. I should be fine. Really want some of my Whole Foods Gingerbread but it is in the freezer downstairs also. Guess I will have to go to the cookie place and get some big ole oatmeal raisin cookies.

    I have a lung dr appt tomorrow. Wish me luck because he is such a bonehead and I have some rads questions for him concerning my lungs. Next week is my endo appt about the thyroid biopsy. Can not wait for that one either.

    The sun is shining here in Lansing. My walls in the basement are drying but we have rain coming AGAIN tomorrow.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Bunkie I will jump into your pocket tomorrow and be with you.  Strength in numbers. 

    It is good to know you finally have some sunshine. 

    I am home from blood draw and fianlly ate, and best I got to drink my coffee!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Had some nausea and I can already feel a tiny bit of burning trmt? YIKES. The nausea was likely cause I skipped breakfast cause I was nervous about...well nausea. HA! How is that for circular thinking?

    I did feel the rads..just a tiny bit, but I could tell when that machine was zapping me, particularly from one of the four angles.

    Ok, that you have had your coffee, hoping you can feel better and have no heartburn. I hate heartburn and would be so upset if I had it all the time. Hope they find what is going on. In your pocket too!

    Bunkie, sorry you can't get your gingerbread today. I vote for some big honking cookies too Hugs to you.

    Hugs to all...getting ready to leave for round two in about half an least they valet park us (we are spoiled at Yale) so no walking for very far. That is probably not a good thing..LOL. I did 2.5 miles on my treadmill this morning anyway.

    I am in a strange office at a strange computer in our New Haven location and it is weird how hard I have to hit the keys on this to type!

    See you on the other side! xox

    Plenty of lubing, plenty of protein, plenty of H2O! xoxo

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    {{{HUGS}}} your pocket! Blowin cool air your way:O

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2013

    April, I had the standard course of 30 treatments, but I definitely felt something the very first day ... Slightly feverish (but no temp), sort of like I had been in the sun too long, a little queasy. So you're not imagining anything, but you may feel it more intensely due to your accelerated course. Hope it stays manageable for you -- good luck!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    I had a fabulous time in Chicago, but when I came home last night my leg was very swollen, and that makes me totally out of breath. My doctor does not think it is a blood clot, and neither do I, but just to be safe I am having an ultrasound at 1:30 today. Wednesday I have a morning appiontment with my MO. Even though I don't read the net any more regarding bladder cancer, when I did read it I remember something like the tumor presses on you leg to make it swell. So it;s either that or high blood pressure, but I doubt it is that either. Most likely the tumor or cells or whatever is pressing on my keg. I need to find out from my doctir if chemo will take the swelling away. If not I am in big troublle, becauwse I can't function whatsover when my leg swells like that. It makes it diffucult to walk, but most importantly it makes me completely out of breath and carrying a glass of water is too heavy for me.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    April - I hope you know that I have been following your progress. Been a little busy here with the water stuff but I know you are going through it. I had 28 treatment with 4 boosts. I had a bit of nausea from my first treatment. Had it off and on the entire time. Drs poo pooed it but after reading it was normal on this site I just let it go. I used to chew ginger gum and drink a bit of real ginger ale. It never lasted long. I also smelled a scent that reminded me of when I used to go to the tanning beds years ago. I called it microwaved skin and my RO just laughed.

    You will do fine. My skin was a mess under my breast but the rest did well and we were worried because I have hypersensitive skin. I have been done for 5 mos and I still use the aloe vera everyday afetr I shower.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi April is today your first treatment? Sorry, but with all going on in my life I have fotgotten. I am praying that all goes well for you. Love,Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Bunkie good luck at you lung Dr. appointment tomorrow. I am off to my ultrasound appointment now.

    Hugs, Kate

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Janis, I hope you find out what's going on quickly.  You've already had your share of problems, and I want you to have a nice, relaxing spring.  You have lots of discipline...I actually bring a thermos of coffee to my fasting blood draws so I can sip right away when they are done!!!  I hope the pup is better soon so you can get some air together.

    Bunkie, Don't waste a good excuse for cookies!

    April, in a week you will be so happy for this short but intense schedule.  Hang in there.

    Kate, I'm glad that you are taking care of your health right away.  Keep us posted.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    SAB......thanks for all your support, so appreciated.  :)  I did bring a thermos of coffee....actually my honey thought of it.  He gets extra brownie points!  It was most welcome for sure.  Poor Murphy is still not healed and so we may be off to the vet again soon.  Visa and the vet love us!  All our animals came from rescues, including our cherished Golden Retrievers.  Three cats as well but they have been really healthy.  Actually the dogs have been healthy just normal dog things!  We had to hang the 'No Vacancy" sign out though.  Two large dogs and three cats is more than plenty.  They are all very spoiled of course.  As they should be!

    Kate hope you get to the borttom of that leg swelling. 

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited April 2013

    April-  I thought of you first thing this morning. This is my 1st chance to get on to see how you are doing. I am not surprised you felt something and the nausea. How did #2 go? Sounds crazy its still the same day and your getting #2! No matter what remember by doing this you are helping those that will come after us, walk PROUD!

    Kate- I am so glad your getting them to look at the leg. I hate to see this happening and then starting chemo, I am hoping your in tip top shape before that starts you dont need anything else bothering you. Savor as I know you are your trip memories.

    Janis- I hope they figure out what is causing this for you. Enough already!!

    Bunkie- you got me on Oatmeal Cookies...mmmmm my favorites!! Have one for me.

    Thank you all for making me feel so welcome here and caring so much, means so much.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Oh darn, I just feel the need for a sweet so bad.  Going to the kitchen to do a mad scientist sugar-free, whole grain experiment.  It's just NOT the same! 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Hi April, so day 1 done...cross that off the list!  Sure is lucky you added that you were hydrating, eating protein and I don't have to mention it!  If you have any question about having soreness under the breast (as in, if your breast is large or it's near the tumor point) you should think about using cornstarch as a "pounc".  it really helps keep the area dry.  the trick is finding a time to do it between your schedule, the lubing and etc. to day 2

    bunkie....for sure you need oatmeal raisen cookies.....several!  After all, a gal who's relegated to the upstairs and facing the lung doctor AND more rain deserves several cookies in my book

    Janis...did they ever tell you the caffeiin is not good for digestion?  My suggestion is to mask it heavily with your x-DH who drank like a fish and had an ulcer used to drink drinks in milk so he wouldn't harm the ulcer......hmmm, not a good plan.  Should have realized that one sooner, come to think of you doing with the flood clean up?  No more coming your way I hope, although i do read about all the rivers back there giving everyone fits.

    Lemon...we're glad you've joined us.  Even though rads aren't fun, the parties are!  I think we're having 3 this week?  Hmmm...guess I should go get my laundry done so I can party up a storm

    Kate...I'm glad your trip was such a fun one.  Keep us posted on your progress...we worry....

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Sab, let me know if any of it works...I'm about to try agave nectar in green tea.  Right after I taste the peanut butter chocolate chip cookie my sister has!  (just to make you really green, what are friends for? and anyway, Bunkie started it..tehehehehe)

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    My second ultra sound for my leg was negative too thank goodness, but I need to get to the bottom of what is causing the swelling. My leg is swollen again tonight, and the extra weight makes me feel short of breath,unable to carry anything. I don't think its high blood pressure, because i am taking a blood pressure pill, and still I am swollen. I think its because the tumoris pressing up against my leg. I have an appointment

      with my MO Wednesday morning. I have a zillion questions to ask about this, and I am hoping to get to the bottom of it. MY ,

    leg is ok during the day,after having it elevated all night, but it is late afternoon or evening when it starts. I hope he has an answer, because I can't function at all when it happens.

    Sab, Janis, Lemon, and Sew thank you so much for your concern.

    Mentally and emotionally I feel so good. This trip was exactly what I need to fight cancer in the butt. After having love bestowed on me from children, and grandchildren I will fight like a warrior. I have photos that I vizualize of my family, and it makes me feel so good.

    I agree about you Janis. You've had way to much, and I hope the lump issue gets taken care of asap, and I pray its nothing

    April I am thinking about you, and hoping you are feeling ok after 2 rads treatments today. I am in your pocked praying rads will be easy for you.



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    April,Sorry to hear your feeling nausea and burning already.I also had nausea and a slight headache for the first couple days.Nausea seemed worse on the weekends.

    Sab, you cracked me up with your post about the hike.

    BUNKIE,did you get your Oatmeal cookies?

    Kate,glad to hear their doing a ultrasound.Have they checked your kidney functions?That can cause edema .

    Well I've been pretty fatigued today.Feels like someone but 10lb weights on my ankles.kind of a bummer since I had to work.

    Needless to say I didn't get my basement started this weekend.My hubby wouldn't help me and I didn't feel like tackling it myself.Most of the water is dry just have to deal with the wet stuff that needs to be thrown away.My pain the right Breast was like a 7 or8 this morning as I rolled out of bed and gravity took hold of the girls.Man I would really be in trouble if My breasts were more than a B cup.

    My Ro couldn't believe it when I told him my pain scale this morning.He ask me what I take for the pain and I told him nothing because it stops hurting after a little while.Sometimes I need to not be so stubborn.I told him it felt like a meat grinder got a hold of my Breast.Sorry to complain so much.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Josie,

    I am so sorry you are fatigued, and experiencing pain today. I hope you feel better soon. There is one piece of good news regarding my health, and my doctor said I have great kidney function. Feel better Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    I am wanting to post a few photos from my trip, but lastyear when I tried to post photos I had trouble. I don't have mac just using windows vista. Last year someone suggested a site that I could post photos on, and then download them on here. Does anyone remember the name of the website?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Glad to hear that Kate.Thanks for the concern for me .It is very frustrating to me .I'm not used to being held back by my symptoms.I should of took my poor dog for a walk but I didn't want to push myself to hard.On the bright side I found a pretty perfect chair by the side of the road today and snatched it.I don't usually do that but my son kind of broke our computer chair and our good junker neighbors (they literally are scrapper)took it as soon as we put it at the street.At least they could make a dime off our trash.This "New" chair is white and leather.It swivels and reclines.Not even a tear in the leather.I sanitized it with Lysol and its good as new!!My hubby would have been mortified but I bet he will sit in it.Yeah I know hopefully No one judges me.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Josie your new chair sounds wonderful So glad you got it.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Oh did I mention my youngest daughter(10)claimed the new chair as hers.Good thing she can't fit it into her room!!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013


    It's a good thing you didn't tackle the flood aftermath, that's really nasty work, and it will wait! Sorry about the fatigue. I found some days were like that (your 10 lb weight describes it quite well) then the next day is better ..... So here's to tomorrow. Do make sure you're drinking enough water, it seems rads and its aftermath really drains us. Are you burning too, or is the pain "just" that blasted nerve ending business? You know those miserable, sharp make you want to scream pains? I found that if I couldn't quiet the nerve ending pains that an Ativan would do the trick, of all things. I do hope it gets better soon for you....

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Kate, I'm glad you don't have a blood clot, that's good. I'm confused now though. Didn't you just have that bladder tumor removed in surgery 2 or 3 weeks ago? Could it have grown back so fast to be pressing on something? Awful, whatever's causing it

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Kate thanks so much for your concern.  I know I will feel a lot better once I get it checked.  Then on to tackle the stomach thing.  I do sound like a train wreck, but honest I am a very positive happy person.  Medically though all these problems.  Last time I saw my PCP I told her I was never sick in my life until I went to a doctor!

    Josie I feel for you hon.  So much going on with that awful flooding.  It is a lot of work and I know you want to get it back to normal, but pace yourself please. 

    Who started all this talk about oatmeal cookies?  I am going to have to bake some now.  The power of suggestion....and when it comes to cookies I am so weak......:)

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Sew and Janis for the concern.I hope for a better tomorrow.Sew,no burning if you meant like on the surface.It just hurts like mad(deep pain)then slowly turns into a mild ache as the day goes on.But what's weird is that a few days after the normal Rads were done my pain seemed to subside.That's why I'm surprised it's back again.I guess because as of tomorrow my Rads are officially done.Last one tomorrow.Let's celebrate after work.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    By the way I'm doing the race for the cure in June does anyone know how to navigate through that awfully confusing website so my friends at work can join the team?