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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    I just figured out the name of the website is shutterfly, and I downloaded photos there, but now I have forgotten how to get those photos here on Does anyone know how to do it?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Josie....ooooh...tomorrow it is All DONE, this will be such a wonderful, emotional day. I went thru a full gamut of emotions including a strange let down feeling as in ... What's next? But, enjoy your day as in ... Yippee. And yes, a celebration after work is in order.

    You know, I think that pain is the breast fighting back. I think the nerve endings are too. The rads are more concentrated and the surrounding area is already starting to heal, so perhaps that's what lessened the pain for awhile. I don't know, but if it continues and doesn't get better be sure to check with the RO.

    In the meantime...the finish line sure is in site......

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Hi just saying hello to all...and thinking of those who are having rads or procedures this week. 
    It's my late night ad I'm off to bed.
    Have a good night, everyone.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Josie!!!!!!!!!!! High five on being done!!

    Kate, has your doctor checked for LE? I know you said they took lymph nodes in your most recent surgery on your bladder so perhaps that is what is happening. Either way, hope they get to the bottom of it so you can get some relief. Hang in there!

    Only have a few moments to say good morning and then I have to get ready to go. Leaving 45 mins earlier than my norm in the morning is throwing me off. Yesterday my 1:30 appt didn't happen until almost 2:30 because they had a brand new woman they were doing and they could not get her in the right position. She was extremely large and having a hard time moving around. That used to be me. Made me sad. Thank goodness I lost most of this weight (although I packed on a quick 8 lbs since diagnosis with stress eating) before I got BC!

    Anyway, this morning I am having "tightness" in the skin area, sort of like a mild sunburn feeling. It is ok when I am not concentrating on it but it worries me that I have even mild pain 2 trmts into this thing....gah, whatevah. Can't turn back now, right?

    All in all, I am so happy I chose this shorter trmt protocol. I can't imagine doing this for 6.5 weeks! I think you are all amazing to have done it that way. I probably would have kept driving past Yale by the 15th trmt, only to be found on a cruise ship heading to the I know I would have a hard time with that long a period so you all get my utmost respect for doing that. I know we all do what we have to do, but seriously, my one week of 2x a day seems grueling enough!

    So, 2/10 done! 20% done! Tomorrow morning, I will be half way through with trmt #5! Seems surreal! Ok, have to run and jump in the shower. I have my marching orders not to "wash" the left breast, only gently stroke with my hand and the soap. Okey dokey, I promise.

    Ladies, love you and see you later! xoxox

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2013

    Hi, April.  By now you're 30% done and "enjoying" your six-hour intermission.  Yippee.  Just three days left (plus 1/2, of course).  I posted somewhere that my RO suggested Advil for holding off symptoms, most of which have something to do with swelling.  I took it, and, while I don't know whether it really helped, it sure helped me to think I was doing something.  It occurs to me that those of us with more traditional schedules were given days off by our RO's if symptoms got icky. Chances are that would also be available to you, so, while you are very, very unlikely to need it, that's always a nice escape hatch to think about. 

    Really looking forward to hearing more!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Josie - I was lucky that most of my stuff stored in the basement was already in plastic bins and up off the floor. What worried me was that water heater. It is sitting on the floor and fairly new. Another issue is that my walls are leaking from the water. I never had that before. Usually just damp down there with some areas along the floor that got a little wet. Need to get a sump pump and they are going to dry lock it this week. I guess that with the glue will hold the wall...we think. I will probably be hold up in my 3rd floor for weeks with all that smell. Another problem is my old air conditioner is not working. It is located right outside the wet wall. If that is gone I will have to turn in a claim. I really can not afford a new one and the sump pump work.

    I started that oatmeal cookie stuff. Yup I went to Great Harvest Bread Company fro their huge oatmeal raisin cookies. I buy them buy the dozen and freeze them. That way they keep well and are fresh when I want them. I do that with my Gingerbread Cake from Whole Foods also. I import that from Ca. It is funny that I gave up most sugar but still have to have those two things from time to time.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning Ladies.  I think I am going to make oatmeal cookies today.  Sab, I think you are the one  that planted that seed.  I'll blame you for this completely!  :)

    Josie you are probably nervous and thrilled to finally reach the end of rads.  Now just focus on healing, from here on out it should get better every day.

    Bunkie you poor thing.  That basement is a mess and it will take some time.  Sounds like haveing everything om containers helped a lot.  This just has to get easier for you soon.

    April you are going to be graduating very soon.  I'll make the cake balls okay?  Don't let the pain scare you.  The feeling of tightness is very normal.  Lots of lotion Sweetie, lots.  Sew already told you I know but hearing it from me as well.  Plenty of fluid, protein, etc. 

    Kate I have no idea how to post photos on here.  I hope you are feeling better this morning.

    Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a great day.  You ladies are so very special to me!

    Hugs to all.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi April,

    So sorry you are feeling tightness and mild pain. I pray it goes away soon. I had a shorter version, but not as short as yours. You are having 10 treatments and I had 20. but mine were only once a day.

    I have a zillion questions to ask my doc tomorrow. Sure I will ask about le, but The first time my leg swelled up bad it was the day before they removed lymph nodes

    Hang in there you'll be finished before you know it, and I will pray that you have an easy time.



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    OMG what you are describing sounds horrible. Holed up for 3 weeks with a smell, and your air conditioning not working. I really feel for you. These are horrid conditions. I pray this will be over for you soon. You know Barbara Walter's favorite saying "This too shall pass". and I sure hope it passes asap. Hugs, Kate

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Yippee Josie! Happy Dancing ;))) you are done ring that gong Loud!

    Speedy new skin! And a beautiful renewed girl :). Anything for our girl.



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Janis,

    I am feeling better this morning. Murphy's law I have a 10:30 am appiontment with my doctor tomorrow, and today my leg is barely swollen. In Chicago I was eating a lot, and I was eating only salty spicy food. I am wodering if that could have done it. The first time I had it, the day before my biopsy,that was not the case, and that day was the worst swelling I've had. I would say my leg was 4 times the size of the other. With this episode it was twice the size. I have 12 single pages of questions to ask my doctor tomorrow, and many of the questions are about the swelling. So I am hoping to find out the cause. My friend surgeon thinks the tumor is pressing on my leg, and that it will resolve when I do chemo.

    I have a nice relaxing day planned for today. I am going to my hairdresser to have my hair flat ironed. If I look good I feel good. After that I am going to my neighborhood donut shop, and spend hour talking to my friend Kelly.

    April I am thinking about you, and i am in your pocket praying 3 and 4 will go easy for you.

    Janis I forgot what day you said you are having that lump checked out. I hope soon, and pray its nothing



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    April - 3rd zap done! Way to zap through rads GF! Hope you don't have to wait to long today and the arm does well with the unnatural backwards stretch! Such a glamor pose.

    Caress the girl softy...she is worth it...and maybe add a few sharpie marks a bit lower for a laugh. LOL serious laser tag requires humor with some cake balls and wine!



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Hi y'all

    Bunkie10, Janis, Kate, Joan, Brookside, Sew, SAB &

    Warm oatmeal cookies, cake balls and wine and BC sisters are the best!

    Here's to dry basements with minimal water swollen lost hikers...beach walks are fun...handsome fork curl trainers...aleve for inflammation...pocket buddy trips to exotic beaches...and an end to rads and cancer. We are survivors. ((hugs)))


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Report of clincal trial so far-

    Whew! I am starting to feel the exhaustion I heard tell of. I can barely function. I am not sure if by Thursday I will be working in between or driving the 45 -50 mins by myself. I feel kind of spaced out (is that what you all felt like?) and dragging big time... not myself as I am usually fairly energetic. This morning I barely made 1/2 mile on my treadmill and I stopped. Normally I pump out 2.5 to 3 miles every day.

    Also, the sting is starting. But, as a frame of reference, I am on treatment #13 in two days if I was having the regular 33 trmt protocol..13 is approximately 40% of 33 in case you are wondering how I came to that. But, tomorrow morning, I am HALF WAY THERE!! 50% done with trmt #5/10!  A tiny tiny bit of pink near the nipple but no other color/skin changes that I can see. I don't suspect I will see that until after I am done as that has been what has happened for others in this trial. Only ONE person had really severe peeling the RO told me. The rest was mild to moderate.

    I don't have much of an appetite today. I felt nausea again this morning and I made sure to eat some protein (Greek yogurt) before rads. I brought soup for lunch but couldn't eat it so I left it in the fridge at work and might have it tomorrow. That is about it so far. Just really really tired. Could also be other things though, who knows?

    Janis, cake balls for my graduation sound divine! Any kind you want to make :) Also, hoping all is well with your lump.

    Bunkie, hoping you get everything resolved with your basement soon.

    Josie, how was your first day of freedom from Rads?

    Brookside, hoping that I don't have to take one moment off from this. Want to be done and on with my life...still deciding whether an AH will be worth it but I will likely try it and see how I do.

    Kate, hoping you had a great day at the hairdresser and no further issues with your leg. Also hope you doctor gets to the bottom of it.

    Sew, xoxoxo - that is all

    Cindy - need some of your amazing energy! You rock at

    Everyone else - xoxox

    So tired and this took me a long time to type and to think. Normally I am reasonably sharp of mind but today, not so much.

    HUGS and thanks for your support!

  • Andrea623
    Andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a while and there was a lot of reading to get up to date.

    Kate, you have been through so much. I hope you start hearing more positive news soon. Stay strong! You have all of us in your ever growing pocket!

    Bunkie, hope everything turns out all right with your thyroid biopsy!

    To all who have started rads, I wish you a SE free treatment. It will pass quickly and soon be behind you.

    To those who have finished, congrats!

    I saw the MO today who said unless I have a recurrence or a new primary, I'm done seeing him. Yay! I'll just continue seeing the RO for follow ups. I plan on having my horrid TEs replaced for implants some time in July. I hope that will be the end of my cancer journey!

    I did start PT two weeks ago for my stiff, painful shoulder. I think jumping around like a mad woman at the Bon Jovi concert didn't help it though! But, hey, it was worth it, lol!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    Josie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2013

    RMlulu I love your menu for the pocket party.  We have several ahead of us I believe.  You just can't ever get enough of those goodies.  Although SAB and I may veer off course a bit and have some White Russians.  I'll have to double my cholesterol medicine though.

    April you are almost halfway there, that is absolutely awesome.  Fatigue is normal and you might be uncomfortable, but soon you will be finished and can focus on healing.

    Andrea congratulations on graduating from your MO.  That has to feel wonderful!  Good to 'see' you again!

    Kate my appointment for my new lump is tomorrow afternoon.  I hope yours goes well for you.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Janis thanks for the fireworks that is awesome.the oatmeal cookies sound wonderful too.Forget the wine pass the cold milk!!

    Cindy thanks for the happy dance

    No bells for me to ring but I gave hugs and goodbyes to Rads techs!!

    It is wonderful to be done.I even smiled at nurse ratchet!!

    They asked me how I'm celebrating at Rads I said I'm not sure.I'm making spaghetti dinner.Nothing special though.I didn't tell them about our virtual part here though.

    April thanks for the good wishes .HOpe your doing ok.Sorry about the fatigue Hon..Hugs to you..

    Kate hope the ultrasound and doctor visit came out ok.

    My fatigue was better today just kind of caught up with me when I got home.But the cook is off tonight so I'm in the kitchen sitting while my dinner cooks.Oh yeah someone gave the maid the day off too but that will have to wait.I could only imagine if I really had a cook or a maid.Oh wait.....I do have children just haven't been successful in training them to do all that yet.Although my 10yr old daughter loves to cook .

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Cindy you truly are a sweetheart, and such a cute well worded post. Thanks for your support.

    April I am sorry you are feeling exhaustion, and also sorry you are feeling a sting. Also so sorry you have nausea. Hang in there 40% down 60% to go, and before you know it it's over. Count me in your pocket all week. I am having a very nice day. Its sunny and 70 degrees in Santa MOnice. I had my hair flat ironed and it looks good. I am at my favorite donut shop talking to my friend Kelly and keeping my mind off of cancer.

    Andrea Glad you are done with your MO. Sorry you need pt, but I agree Bon Jovi is worth it lol. Thanks so much for your support.

    Janis I am glad you get checked out tomorrow, and I pray it's nothing.

    I have a 10:40 MO appointment tomorrow with 6 pages both sides and 1 extra page of questions. This is the last time I will see him before chemo Monday. I am starting to get scared about chemo, but I will be ok with that after the first treatment. Fear of the unknown always gets me. I am going to bring a photo of my gorgoeus granddaughter Riley all cozied up with her dog Roxie, to my chemo treatment to comfort me, plus I will be pounding away on my laptop for the entire 5 hour treatment. So, I will be posting here while I get chemo.

    Sab, Do you remember how to transfer photos from shutterfly to here.

    Joan, do you know how to do it?

    Somebody helped me last year, but I forgot who.





  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Josie....let the parties begin, and the final healing. Congrats girl, you made it! And, yes, don't ya just hate it when some one fires all the help just when you want them? I will say though for this weekend I recommend you take 2 mental health means you get to do just what you want, when you want. The kids will get a kick out of it. Just explain in advance that you're doing it.....

    Andrea, it sounds like you're doing great, I'm glad to hear it. Feels,good, doesn't it?

    April, well hon, I'm afraid you're right on schedule for the SE's from rads. Your skin doesn't show because of the short version apparently, but the rest sounds exactly right. After treatment I'd sit in the warm car and just sort of space out. By half way thru my husband was driving me luckily. I know you're not hungry, but you're going to need to watch your protein intake. How about some of those 25 gram energy bars or whey protein. I think they might help, and it's really not too much to get down at a time. Just mother hen here....

    Janis and Kate we're with you both tomorrow....and what do you mean "healthy" snacks.....that's an oxymoron for me..... As in, I'm NOT bringing carrots! I'm bringing my dancing shoes, or am I bringing those to April's tomorrow so I can celebrate 50%? I get so confused.

    Bunkie, you'd better come with us tomorrow....way way way better than hanging out in the house of chemical smells....and Janis is an awesome baker....lemon bars, anyone?

    Cindy, I think you should demo or at least explain the creative use of sharpie marks for us tomorrow. The subject intrigues me...sorry I didn't think of it during rads..

    Lemon, how's that swollen breast....getting better? If you squeeze in to all these pocket parties, it will probably compress enough to make the swelling go down, just a thought

    Joan, were expecting you to play hooky for a bit tomorrow and join us. Just bring your ruler to whack us if we get too raucous ... Oops, my age is showing, guess that isn't allowed any more.

    Sab...we need you to bring those marine ropes and your running shoes so you can get us all corralled and set the pace so we're not late anywhere!

    Whew...I think that just about covers it.....hope I didn't leave anyone out as I just love a big party.....(more snacks, not to mention the support)

    Have a great evening everyone

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Yippee JosieYippee:))) can you see my Happy Dancing....woohoo! So happy for you:)

    Tears of relief tears of joy...tears of I Survived!

    Take care these next few weeks as rads continue to do their work on the girl. Celebration...a charm or two for pandora bracelet or honeymoon get a away with the hubby. Whatever makes your heart happy and validates you & those you love....



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Sew sounds like you covered everybody.Your so sweet!!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Janis -

    Love the fireworks! RV- Day...victory from rads! Each rad zap done is a celebration:)

    We will be in your pocket tomorrow ... Munching cake balls...fingers&toes crossed...sending good thoughts...oh no SAB too many White Russians...we gotta be able to jump pockets without any under the influence accidents...Kate jumpin your way:)



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    Oh my goodness, I had to skim, and I'm sorry if I miss anything.  April, hang in there.  Faster also means more intense in every way.  Janis, Uh Uh It was Bunkie who did it!  Teasing us with her big old oatmeal cookies.  I made nasty little 5 grain cookies with banana, egg whites and stevia and I promise you they would NOT tempt anyone! Of course, I also used whole grain baking mix and bittersweet chocolate chips to put together some banana wlanut muffins.  But that won't get me into trouble until morning. Josie, YAY!  Don't forget to keep up with the lotion, protein and water for a while. Kate, Once your pictures have an internet address it will be easy.  I have a mac, so I right tap on my picture and copy the address, and then enter it here.  I think someone helped you last time who had a pc. 

    My dd celebrated 4 years sober on Monday, and I received a text message from her at 6:30am thanking me. I know it's off topic, but I am taking a moment to be grateful for this amazing child who has turned into my teacher in life.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Sweet Kate -

    Can't wait to see the pics:). We may be a little worn from Janis pocket party, but we will be there crumbs and all! You may need more adult backup to ensure your 6 pages of questions get answered and recorded properly...the pocket sugar overload may make us a bit fuzzy but we are here (((squeeze)))


  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Mostly Sew -

    Today rad tech removed my stickers and drew 2 new boxes on my girl! 1st is red ink ( like my whole girl isn't red already) to mark tumor bed head on. The 2nd is on the left side under arm where my 3rd boob is...looks like someone missed class on drawing how the sates got their name and tried to draw MO or AR. Took a pic or two...yes RunFree I've got some bad girlie pics too! LOL. Makes my stick figures look good...ha

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Josie, Mazel Tov! ( Jewish for congratulations.) I am so happy for you.

    Sab, Mazel Tov! on your dd's 4 years of sobriety. That is fantastic

    Cindy, I know you will be in my pocket tomorrow. I so much appreciate your support. You would love the photos, but I can't figure out how to get them on here. I don't have a mac. I have a pc, and last year somebody told me how to transfer the photos from shutterfly to this site, but I can't remember how. If anyone knows anything about this please help



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Speed Rad Zappin April -

    Yikes! I'm exhausted just thinking about your whirlwind laser tag...truly physical and mental.

    You're amazing:))). Keep hydrated, moisturizer, eat...skip the treadmill and rest. I'm exhausted just thinking about your schedule. I had to leave a meeting yesterday cause I was a bobbing head...ugh.

    Have Hubby stop at the health food store and get you some all organic no junk gluten free soy free high protein fudge brownie Protein Bars! I have 1-2 a day along with a morning/evening protein drink with 3-5 cups crushed ice...I eat no matter hubby was on TPN infusions for a month after his cancer so I eat cause I'm not going there.

    Hanging there...we are all in your pockets and so proud of you! You're making BC history.

    Caress the girl and whisper cool calming loving thoughts...she's a good girl!



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    I'd love to join...Wednesdays are not good for me I'll see if i can make a little progress with this paperwork now.  I have a publisher bringing lunch to our department so I can listen to her spiel about why I should have students buy a book that costs $185.   But I will try to show up and sneak into a pocket for awhile.

    So many needs here...Bunkie, Janis, Kate, you are on our hearts.

    Josie, glad you are through!  It takes time to heal from the inside...follow your body's lead - drink a lot of water, rest up, and pamper yourself as much as possible. 

    April, I meant to ask you - are you getting whole breast rads or partial breast rads?  I was offered partial for 10 sessions; but I chose conventional.  About your progress -- you are doing great.  Twice daily is probably pretty draining.  I know you are a lot like I was - working right through, keeping up with things I usually do, and things I want to do...but I did take a week or more to really rest after it was done.

    Kate, I have been trying to get my Shutterfly pix to appear here and no luck yet.  I can't copy/paste any more and I know some ladies do that.  I'll keep trying to figure it out.  I have my own webpage at work and I can upload photos there and link them and nobody can see the only the people I give the link to can see my photos.
    Sorry I can't help you right now.  A photo needs a web address to use the "insert photo" link here.

    Hugs to all...

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Cindy.....guess you could have Florida under But...sounds like you're on the last leg, and that is a really good thing. Your protein snack sounds great, especially the bit about fudge brownie. What's not to love about that? Keep feeding those girls, they love it. And about those pictures? Good thing there's digital these days......

    Joan, it will be way more fun with I'm sure you know!

    Sab....a big congrats to your daughter. That's a tough thing to overcome and your should be proud of her.