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  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Gigil I hope your grandson's surgery goes well. Sorry your dad is having trouble.

    I am going to my urology appointment in 2 hours. I will be glad when that is over. Then I can enjoy the weekend.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Given that Murphy's law always rules, what happens on one of the hottest day of the year right after a sweaty workout?  We lose our water!  At home waiting for the water truck and the well guy. I'm supposed to take my dd out to a community service orientation this afternoon, and I am not fit for going out in public (I will spare you the details!)

    Gigi-I hope poor Cole is better.  Thank heavens you are there to help with gd.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Thank you all, again for the wonderful birthday wishes.  They felt so good!  On to a mucho better year, for me and for all!

    Gigi, I just don't know what to say.  I can't imagine what that poor kid, his parents, and you are all going through.  Hugs, prayers, hope.

    Kate, hoping your appointment went very, very well and that your weekend will be awesome.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    GiGiL, you sure have your hands full, and so does your whole family!  I hope the surgery goes well, or went well, and Cole can start recovering from this latest setback.  And your dad too.  Way too much to handle! 

    SAB, that is terrible!  It's totally the wrong day to lose your water!  I hope it comes back lickety split.

    Kate, I second the hope that your appointment was easy physically and emotionally.  I know you won't know anything until you meet with your MO. 

    Brookside, may your next year be so much better!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Sab sorry about your water I hope it comes back soon.

    I had a cystocopy at my urology appointment. Not fun but it is over and done. Now I find out all the results Wednesday. After the cystocopy I needed a treat so I went out for chinese food. All is well.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    GIGIL, I'm sorry your GS has to go through all of that.And to have your father I'll too.Boy when it rains it pours.

    Kate you go ahead and have your treat you deserve it!!

    I got some bad news at work today.They called me into the office and told me that their cutting my hours to 3 days

    A week.That means they wouldn't have to give me benefit.So no more dental insurance.And I don't know if their trying to get me to quit because they know I can't financially afford to work only 24 hrs a week.They want to give me 2weeks to decide what I want to do.I can't imagine since it was just announced that they would be losing a doctor and probably her patients and They would be selling part of the office back to the hospItal and will be losing my bone desity room and 5 exam rooms and 2 doctors offices.My bone density room will be moving to area and that will be turned into the bone density room.Right now it's a waiting area.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2013

    Oh Josie, that is very difficult news to bear.  The notice is so short and it doesn't sound like there are options for more hours there. I am sorry you have to deal with this stress.  I get upset when people talk about how well the economy is doing (blah blah blah) when we all know of friends and family who are deeply affected by the job situation.
    Hugs and prayers ...

    Gigi, so sorry for little man Cole who seems so brave and accepting...this is just too much.  I am sure your heart is breaking....but you are a strong family.  I hope Maya is able to hang in there.  Maybe someday this summer will bring back a mix of special memories.  Hug and prayers for you, Cole, your father, and your entire family....

    Kate, you know I'm thinking of you....glad the appointment and test are behind you. 
    Hugs and prayers while you wait for your appointments. 

    SAB,do not speak too soon....I lost 8 lbs. all together, but tonight went out to eat and had a "trigger" moment so fell off the plan.
    So, you lost water....UGH!  yesterday I lost the hot water but a cold shower was fine in 90 degree heat and humidity.  Today I drove 100 miles on the way to meet a BC sister for breakfast in New Jersey.  We have been planning to meet since before April.  Last time she got sick; today, my car was leaking transmission fluid on the Verrazanno Bridge.  I found a repair station and had lost 4 qts. of fluid.  Amazing I didn't  break down on the bridge.  Got it fixed, sat 2 hours waiting in 100 degrees no AC...did not meet up with BC sister and she is moving....I just went home.  I also missed going to DD's in NJ for Gd's swim meet.  DD starts in Boston Monday and offer fell through on her house.  Chaos.... 
    Got home, and fridge was complete meltdown...tossed guy tomorrow. 
    It's been a bad technology week!
    DDs 40th BD at her home tomorrow night...have to take the ferry...supposed to be stormy.  I stopped at Nordstrom's on the way home and got her a necklace. 

    SAB, I hope your water is fixed....
    Enough from problems are all trivial to what some are going through.
    Hoping everyone will show up here soon....

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Josie, how absolutely rotten!  What happens in two weeks?  Are they offering you an enticing package deal if you leave, or just hoping to bamboozle you into a quick, "Yes," or "No?"  Unless there's some significant financial benefit, why would you do anything other than plug along until you find a better job?  Luckily, you're in a metropolitan area, so other opportunities will appear, sooner or later, but probably not within two weeks.  One silver lining is that more free time will allow you to beat on all the right doors.  And also enjoy a bit more summer. Still, it's rotten, rotten, rotten, and more rotten.

    Joan, I grew up about a mile from the Verrazano, so have no trouble visualizing you chugging across.  I can practically hear your !#$%&* mantra.  What an absolute bummer that you missed that lady again.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Joan, sounds like you had a pretty rotten day too.Thanks for your comments.Glad you made it home safely.

    SAB, so sorry to hear about your loss of water.Hope it's fixed by now.

    Brookside, yes I think it's pretty rotten too.Who's going to hire me for 2 days a week?

    I'd probably be better off finding a new full time job if I can.But in the meantime I will have to deal with the24hours a week.I doubt that I will find something that quickly.Believe me I would love having the luxury of only working part time but can't afford it.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Josie so sorry about your job.

    Joan sorry about your aggravation

    I am looking forward to this week without chemo YEAH! I am anxious to find out the news from my MO Wed. I will find out if my lung nodule shrunk, and I guess that is the most important news. I know the chemo has worked on my lymph nodes. I do not know if my bladder timor came back. As mentioned I did not want to find out any news from my urologist. I am also hoping to find out if surgery is possible. The surgery isn't a piece of cake either. I guess there are two types, and one is with an outside bag. I would never have that. The other surgery is neo bladder surgery, and my urologist said bladder control is a problem at night. Before I research neo bladder surgery and get second opinions etc. etc. I will have to find out if my MO says I can have surgery. I think that will depend on the results of the CT scans.

    Have a nice weekend everyrone

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited July 2013

    RunFree - You are right moms dementia was brought on by a surgery. I am adopted so no worries there but it also says I could have anything brewing. I was lucky they agreed to do the Braca test for my BC.  I am thinking right now if I want to open that can of worms because I just got my original birth certificate. Now I know my birth moms name. I might reach out just for medical history.

    Josie - Well that just sucks that this happened now!! Hopefully you will find another job and not have to struggle with that 24 hours limit.

    Sab - I hope your water is back on now. That is awful and hard to deal with. Power and water are very necessary. We forget how much we need them till they are gone.

    Joan - Sounds like your house is having some bad moments too. Too bad you could not meet the BC friend. That would have been so nice.

    Kate - I know you are doing good with this time off. Yeah!! Enjoy it all. So glad the tests are done.

    Janis - I think you are on vacation. Have fun.

    I have been doing nothing all day. The heat is trying to calm down to normal and is about 84 with lower humidity. That was a tuff heat week for us all. Never have I seen a complete USA map in red for so many days. We were supposed to get rain last night but did not so after my guy cuts mine tomorrow I am going to ask him to hose down my Lillie's and water some of the yard. We are getting rain this week so it will green up again I hope.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Joan, it sounds like a bad day, I'm sorry.  I have been eating poorly too, but not much other than the junk so my calorie count is still OK.  It's just not like me to eat garbage, so I have to take a deep breath and get back on track.  It's so hard to stay consistent. I think the first step is to stop baking for a while, since my company has come and gone but I keep making muffins etc. Second step is not to eat out too much (Chow mein 1300 calories) I am going to check my past food journal and make a grocery list of approved, easy foods before my next shopping trip.

    Gigi, hope there is good news for you this weekend.

    Kate, I could never wait for results, and I admire your patience.  I hope that you have the very best of news on Wednesday.

    Josie, I guess you just have to hang on until you find something else, and I hope it will be soon, and that it will be a great job.  One consolation is that there still seem to be opportunities in the medical industry, and I hope that holds true for your specialty. So many times bad news turns us to new opportunities, and I hope that happens for you!

    We had a water delivery yesterday, and the well guy is here right now so I hope things will be back to normal soon.  I hate the taste of the trucked in water, I guess I'm spoiled from our well water which is delicious.

    Hubby lost a crown yesterday, and then twisted his knee hiking today (thank heavens it was near the end) and when we got back to the car someone had broken the glass out of the passenger side door (nothing stolen) I thought the saying was bad news in threes?  We got at least one bad thing too many!  Anyway, like Joan said these are all small inconveniences of life, and should not be given too much energy.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    BUNKIE,glad to hear that it's starting to cool down for you.

    We have had such a hot week.Today DD DH and I went to grocery store and it was so hot when we got back that I vowed to my hubby I would not be stepping foot out of the house for the rest of the day.I've been working on my messy kitchen all day.

    Kate enjoy your weekend off and week off chemo.Sounds like your feeling ok.

    SAB, I'm sorry about your day .That's terrible.You deserve some good luck now after all that bad..

    Thanks for the encouragement.I need it.

    I've decided to start my Tamoxifen tomorrow morning.I'm really kind of scared but I know I don't want to go through this Cancer ever again and this is supposed to keep it at bay so I guess I will.My hubby works tomorrow.But my good friend is encouraging me to take it so I will. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow. Thanks

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Josie, I hope it is a non-event for you.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Kate - enjoy your time out from chemo and Dr appointments. Breathe and enjoy yourself...:) you have a fun schedule planned!

    After your appointment next week...PM me and I will share info on hubby's neobladder. It is doable and takes time...we are happy and thankful.

    Now get out there princess warrior with the skinny keg and big smile :)))

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Josie, I'm so sorry about the job problems.  I hope it turns out to be the beginning of something else good.  Are there other places nearby that you could find a full-time job with your particular skills?  I hope the Tamoxifen goes as easy on you as it has on me so far.  My appetite seems elevated, but even that may be getting better; my memory is a little dodgy, but that could be from radiation or the chaos of cancer or perimenopause; I might be having some hot flashes, but who can tell in this outrageous weather?  All in all, it has been very mellow, almost as if I'm taking a placebo--but the level of side effects has nothing to do with prevention effectiveness.  It's quite possible your ride on Tami will be as gentle.  My MO said most side effects don't start for about 3 weeks anyway (2-4, but usually around 3), so try not to get jumpy if something seems odd right away.  Well, that advice helped me, anyway.

    Joan, that was one crazy hard day, and you have a lot of other plates spinning too!  You too SAB, too much bad luck all at once.  Glad you've got some water at least.  Bunkie, that's amazing that you finally learned your birth mom's name.  Must be kind of mind-blowing.

    Kate, glad your cysto is all done and you have some time to relax now.  Meanwhile I am waiting to hear from GiGiL about little Cole and also her dad. 

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Hi y'all!

    Well it's starting to warm up down here in TX!

    Josie - that 1st gulp, the 1st week, the 1st month, and the 1st's a 2nd to a nonevent...ugh 2 ws to determine career options...yikers. Talk about stress and bad timing...hope you are able to come to a choice that brings comfort or gives options for the future.

    Bunkie - lilies:) good luck with that can of know to many difficult choices...yeah, on cleaning and garden:)

    SAB - no H2O:((( now you are a master iron chef can't imagine you eating poorly, but with all the family and chaos X3 it happens...what's for Sunday brunch :)

    GiGil - praying for Cole, dad,family...:( you have so much going on! Breathe...somehow the special Grammie always brings (((hugs)))

    Brookside - still glowing from all the Bday celebrations :) a great new year:)

    Joan - sorry you missed your BC date, but yeah not stranded on the bridge...then frig meltdown...what's this with all the chaos...calm waters for ferry crossing. One weekend on our boat my mom got up and said it was her best nights sleep ever and she was ready to go ashore and take us all out. We laughed a storm had come in we were stuck on boat...too rough to take dinghy ashore and 3 boats anchored near us were dragged down harbor it was nasty...calm crossings:). Like Nordstrom necklace :)

    Where is

    We went to a Cajun dance last night...oh my never again :( fun but no variety. Getting antsy for the beach...thinking of camping ha! Hubby looked at motorhomes today...think a trailer is better faster resale when he's done...there's no moss under his feet always a new project or dream. Just gotta keep up with him...:)



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    SAB, Cindy and RunFree thanks for the encouragement.

    My friend said she would call me this morning to remind me to take it .Well the phone rang at 8:00 am on the dot.It was her but it took me an hour to finally swallow that pill.

    About the job situation.My co worker who was originally just a temp that they hired full time was let go.They gave her a 2 weeks notice .I am lucky that didn't happen to me.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Josie, I started arimidex with great trepidation.  Didn't quite dare to dive in completely, so I took half a pill for the first week, alternated whole and half for week two, then went to whole, with the occasional half thrown in for the first month.  Just in the last week or so (three months later) I realize I am soooo happy I'm on it--it really gives me confidence that I am doing something that really, really protects me.  Yes, I have side effects, but, so far, they're very doable.  Messing up my body's hormonal stuff was a very hard pill to swallow (pun appropriate), but, well, I did it and am doing it, and I think and hope that in a couple of weeks, you will be pretty comfortable with your pill as well.  Now the job thing, that's something that rtotally sucks!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Sab I am sorry about your hubby's aggravation.

    Cindy as soon as I find out if surgery is an aoption I will PM you. Thank you for the offer. I am dying to find out all about it. My urologist was not very encouraging about a neo bladder, and said bladder control will be a problem. If my MO allows me to have surgery I will get a second opinion. My urologist is old maybe he doeswn't have a lot of experience doing new bladder surgery. In the first place my Dr. recommended a different urologist., but she is with UCLA, and I didn't want to go to UCLA, but with a surgery this important I will have to go whereever the best doctor is. I think whether my MO allows me to have surgery will depend on if the lung nodules have shrunk. I am praying they have shrunk. Only 3 more days to find out everything. Today I will just chill.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Josie - instead of an 8 am swallow pill call...ha ha...try a pill box...yes what our dear sweet great grandmas!

    Got one at Walmart so I load it up on Sunday tiny white pill...too tiny to cut in half to sneak up on...then vitamines/supplements my nutrionalist and natural Onc recommended.

    Keeps me on schedule and I can tell it who's the boss :) gulp! So far nonevent.

    And like Brookside said there's a feeling of power...yes, I've got this:)

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Cindy, I loaded up my pill box this morning too.  Had to get the thing when I started arimidex, with glucosamine and chondroitin to counteract the side effects, vitamine D3 as recommended, my multivitamin, and my new baby aspirin.  Simply could not remember what I had and had not taken.  I might not care if I missed something, but sure did not want to take double the arimidex!  Now I'm supposed to add calcium, but kind of fighting that.  Not sure why. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    I wish I was on vacation, that would be so nice.  We have not had a vacation in over ten years.  It would sure be fun!  Nope, just been a little busy and preoccupied.  I feel bad I have been gone so long and it sure be impossible to catch up.  This thread moves really quickly.

    Josie I am sorry about your job.  I hope you can figure out something that works.  :(

    SAB sounds like you have had some difficult days between the loss of water and the hike and related problems.  I am glad nothing was taken from the car but losing is a window is sure a problem.

    Brookside I meant to wish you a happy birthday ON your birthday, but somehow it got away from me.  Sorry and happy belated!  Mine was Tuesday so we are just a couple days apart!

    Gigil I sure hope the little guy is okay.  I know how rough it has been between that and dealing with your dad not being well.  Big hugs Sweets.

    Bunkie I hope every day just gets better and better for you. 

    Joan I envy that Colorado trip.  I left a part of my heart there when we moved away many years ago.

    Kate, you sound good and positive and that is great.  I hope you get great news when you see you MO.

    I know I have left someone put and I apologize.  You ladies are the best and I think of all of you every day!  I hold you all close to my heart.  I know how lucky I am to know such warm and brave women.  Love to all!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Cindy and Brookside I thought about a pill box.The phone call was actually her way of making sure I finally took that first pill.She knew how apprehensive I was and she has actually called me a few times already to make sure I was ok throughout the day.Unlike my hubby who hasn't called me once.I'm actually feeling fine though or he would be the first to know.I am a tiny bit achy but that's all.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Janis it's so nice to hear from you.I'm glad your ok.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2013

    Josie,  I'm glad you finally took that pill, but please....don't over think it.  It's empowerment.  It frees you from worry.  It's the only thing (mostly) that you can do for yourself now to keep yourself cancer free.  Think of it that way.....not that it will sneak up and bite you or something equally horrid!  heck, Gigil faced her mammo and had great results.  think positively girl, you'll do just fine.  And yes, I'm on Arimidex and have been for 1 year 9 months 22 days and 32 hours but not counting! Wink  Oh man, there's the problem, there aren't 32 hours in the day are there?  The job thing does suck, but I'm looking for the golden lining for you

    Janis.....   Happy Birthday...You sure sneaked that one by us.  Maybe you're not counting them anymore?  Glad to have you check in though and hope you're doing well.

    Brookside...take the calcium.  and magnesium or 5 prunes.  Made my nails least I think it is the calcium or the D3 doing it.  Amazing. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Brookside, I took the calcium chews with D3 (I got them at Costco) chewing caramels or chocolate!  

    Josie and Cindy, I agree with Sew.  Honestly my Tamoxifen is mostly a non-event and taking it does make me feel like I am doing something to fight back.  For me I think it will be harder to stop taking it than to start. 

    Janis, there you are!  Sew!  Have you two been off somewhere together? Maybe over the border celebrating Janis' birthday with tequila? Hope your birthday was happy Janis!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    Sab my birthday was great but no tequila involved.  A little rum though.  We were able to go out to dinner so I chose Outback.  Had a great meal and a few drinks too.  My DH went to Costco to get my favorite cake....some layered torte thing that is to die for.  He broke the rules and bought some roses there too.  Gorgeous, I need to post a picture.  I'll see if I can do this.  Thanks Sew, it was such a nice day.  Lots of calls and cards and greetings from so many! 


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Janis Happy Birthday!!Wow that dessert/cake looks delicious.Beautiful roses too.

    Sew thanks for the encouragement.Glad to hear from you.How have you been?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2013

    Josie I am glad you finally felt confident enough to take your first Tamifoxen.  Sew described it so well.  it is empowering...think of it as one more step to keep that cancer away forever!  I have had joint pain from the Armidex but nothing I can't live with.  I think of it as my little white pill to slay the big dragon!  I think you'll find you won't even notice any significant side effects.  Stay strong!  I think I have been on Arimidex just about the same length of time as Sew.  She and I had surgery just three days apart.  :)