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Radiation recovery



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2013

    Sheila, welcome to the group. I, too, can't really answer your question as I didn't have chemo either, but I will give you my insight into all this. I've read of gals that found that rads were much tougher than chemo, and those who thought they took just about the same toll on their bodies. As you've said, each person has a different experience, so we don't know how you'll fare. I think, though, that if you really really love teaching this intense 4 hour per day for 5 days class and you'd be heartbroken not to do it, then I think you probably will be able to get yourself thru it. You might have to take the following week off just to recoup though. If you're also juggling your normal job, I'd think it will be really really tough to do this one too, and you might feel much better removing this added pressure right now. Also, plan on rads taking 4 or 5 business days longer than they say. Not that there are more sessions, it's just that machines go down and you'll probably miss a day or two for that. And some of us ended up with skin breakdown ( like burns) that end up requiring a day off....and I think you'll have a few normal holidays thrown in. Everyone finds rads fatigue shows up sometime, or so it seems. Some sooner, some later, some is intense fatigue, some is just a general tiredness. i also wonder if you're going to start taking an AI before or after rads? that does seem to cause some minor "brain confusion" or "chemo brain" as most of us call it as does chemo itself. whether you'll be feeling this more intensely by January is anyone's guess at this point.

    It appears to me that the best way to deal with all of it is a positive attitude ( which you seem to have), careful attention to diet ( plan on eating at least 80 g of protein daily and eat as healthy as you can), exercise daily even if its only a short walk and don't overdo it, and take a rest as soon as you feel you need it. Sometimes all you need to do is just sit for 5 minutes then you're ready to go again. I'm not sure this is helpful, but hopefully so. Good luck, and let us know how you're doing.

    Hi everyone...glad to see everyone's back, except Gigil and Joan....and I agree Bunkie, I do hope Cole is ok. And that Joan had a great trip to Boston. Things here are good, except my 94 yr old Mom has lost her drivers license. That's a good thing as far as my sis and I are concerned, but it makes her feel very trapped, and not as free and is sort of disheartening to her. This on top of my brothers death makes it much tougher. She's a trouper though and maintains a positive attitude. If I can only be the same at that age...

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    So I finally got into the pool for the first time this summer.My daughter Claire begged me the other night when I came to get her at my MIL after work.Well had had to live up to my promise.She wore me out!!But it was fun.

    Sew I'm sure it was hard on your mom to lose her independence.But 94 and still driving? wow!!

    BUNKIE, my cousin works for ATT.That's terrible that the squirrels are eating the wires.

    Kate I'll be thinking about you tommorow.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2013

    Josie....yep, we've all got something to aspire to...long life of independence. Oh, and she's being interviewed for a book about "happy Women". A friend of hers (a woman my age) recommended her to the author. Ah to be so young at heart!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Sheila, tough call on the class in January.  I would think you could do it--taking Brookside's point about setting up assistance of various kinds, and maybe finding someone to be ready as a backup just in case--but you might be a bit wiped after chemo.  I think the key is to decide how important it is to you to do it.  I also teach and had to ditch a course this past spring at the last minute to clear time in my schedule for rads.  I felt bad to leave those students in the lurch--but then I got over it.  I think Sew is right that if you really want to do the class, you might need to stake out some extra time off your regular job.  I heard that rads fatigue hits a couple of weeks afterward, but I was just a bit extra tired on a few afternoons here and there.  I never got slammed, and my skin didn't burn.  Go figure, such a range.  But I didn't do chemo either.

    Thanks to all of you who cheered our day at the lake.  It was really lovely. My son and I swam a little, and then we went out on the speedboat for a while.  My son and husband got towed on the innertube behind the boat.  Not my thing.  My son, husband, and daughter all kayaked, but I took a pass on that too.  SAB, I own a sleeve but I've never worn it, just got it for air travel on the advice of my physical therapist.  I did remember people saying on this board that kayaking can be a bit much.  I found I could not get myself out of the water onto the dock without using the ladder.  No upper body strength.  I'm eager to get back to my old pal Nautilus when the semester starts, but gently.

    Brookside, I don't think it was overstretching because I haven't been that diligent, although it was that high reach that revealed the sore spot.  I'm also wondering, Bunkie, about kidney stones.  Or mets to the bone, but I'm trying not to worry about that.  It really feels more like a soft tissue thing, just kind of a weird one.  Bunkie, where do you get cranberry pills?  My urinary symptoms (unless the sore spot is a kidney) seem better, but not entirely gone.

    Beachwalker, we've been to several of those places near Loon Mountain.  So fun.  That's about half an hour north of us.  Brookside, great point about letting our neighbors take our tomatoes.  It won't be a big jackpot so one neighbor can cover it.  SAB, I can't believe your daughter's backpack was stolen!  What next!??!  I hope she didn't lose too much valuable stuff and I hope she can keep her spirits up.

    Kate, I know you will rock that chemo tomorrow!  You are so good at managing your emotional flow.  We're with you, cake balls and all!  Fingers crossed for a milder week too.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Runfree so glad you enjoyed your day at the lake. Sheila I have done rads and chemo, and I was never tired at all on rads, and I get wiped out on chemo. I definitely think you will be able to handle your job on rads.

    Runfree I so much appreciate your support. Today I lifted weights and took a very long walk, and just that little bit of exercise made me feel great. I feel that I will be able to rock it tomorrow. Hopefully I won't feel too sick Wed., Thurs, and Friday

  • Lifeim-init
    Lifeim-init Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    It just goes to show how different we all are when it comes to reactions to treatments and drugs. I had 28 sessions of radiotherapy to my left breast, including dense dose to the tumor site x 5.

    My rad onc dictated only pure Aloe Vera to be applied throughout the treatment which partially worked. I felt drained immediately after treatment so used to grab a coffee to perk me up enough to get home. I had to stop radiotherapy 3/4 of the way through as I developed what I was told was a rare reaction - cellulitis. I couldn't lift my arm at all and it was swollen, red and painful especially in the armpit area. 20 days of IV antibiotic via PICC line followed by a further 20 days of 2000mg a day oral antibiotic finally shifted it. They then moved me to twice a day regime to just get me through it quickly. I had very good mobility after surgery going into radiotherapy but poor mobility at the end partly due to the cellulitis and partly down to also getting AWS.

    I was determined to regain mobility (which I now have back). I saw a lymphadema specialist weekly who gave me safe stretches and exercises along with massage.

    My sister in law had radiotherapy and sailed through but she suffered from chemo which I avoided. My advice is take it a day at a time, listen to your body and remember there are no medals for pushing yourself harder than you need to. I hope you sail through but if you don't think about making it ok for you to rest up and give your body it's recovery time.

  • SheilaB330
    SheilaB330 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2013

    Thank all of you ladies. I am going to plan ahead so my class is very very easy to manage.

    I am sending you special ladies prayers - especially Kate as you walk through treatment for bladder cancer. May you all be cancer-free and pain-free from your side effects.

    {{{{{{{{{{RAD WOMEN}}}}}}}}

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Kate - Good Morning! Your princess warrior coat is ready...yes, we are all here and ready for your long day...breathe. Just slip your hand in one of the pockets {{{squeeze}}}

    Oh my you pinched Bunkie and about a wake up twirl...beautiful:) the troops are moving now...we got you surrounded:)))


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Sheila and Cindy thank you for the support. I am wearing my princess warrior coat and can't wait for the party. Can we have margaritas, chips, and guacamole besides cake balls? Gigil I hope you, your father, and Cody are all ok. Post we miss you 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2013

    Cindy, too silly!  Now, if you would just move your elbow, I could enjoy my morning coffee.......Ahhhhhh, thanks

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited July 2013

    Kate - Good luck to you today with your chemo. I would complain about my ear ache but with what you are going through I think I will just shut up.Smile Shields up we are marching in there with you.

    RunFree - I get them at the local health food store. Nothing special but they work when I remember them. Nature made has some also. I used to drink Ocean-spray all the time and it worked but wanted to avoid all the sugar because it gives me the shakes. Funny when you stop using my case most sugar the body gets all crazy when you use it again. I can use pure maple syrup and some raw sugar in things but sodas, juices with that HFC in it go right to my brain and I get all shaky. Same with caffeine. When I worked I drank 3 cups of coffee a one cup can make me dizzy all day. Crazy body of mine needs to go on the auction block!!

    I see my RO next month as well as have my 1 year mammogram. Scared of course but want to tell him I too am having a stretch pain issue with the armpit area of my radiated breast. I noticed it when I reached up for some soup the other day. It hurt all day long afterwards. They never told me to do exercises.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Bunkie thanks for your support. Sorry about your ear ache. I am at chemo waiting for my blood draw

  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28
    edited July 2013

    Kate-All I can say is "this too will pass" and you are on the mend!!  Hangin there while you go through your wellness program.  You have so many friends rooting for you and saying prayers. 

    Yesterday after shopping all over for little island gifts for my 2 grandsons, I got an upper back ache for the first time.  Of course my first thoughts were I hope it's not from the rads or even cancer.  took 2 aleve and layed down feeling much better after a couple of hours.  G-d life has really changed for me but trying to stay cool about it all.

    Flying to Orlando tomorrow and looking forward to getting away for a little while to visit several family members.  Hope to go snorkeling and spend quality time with grandsons. I miss them so.

    runfree-glad to hear you had a nice time at the lake yesterday.  summer is flying by so we have to get in what we can.  for UTI I have used organic, raw,no sugar cranberry juice.  It's VERY tart but I added a little raw sugar and it did the trick pretty fast.

    good thoughts, good day all

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Beachwalker have fun in Orlando with your family. Thank you for reminding me about the expression "This too shall pass". I agree. Thanks for your support. I am in the chemo chair getting fluids. Hopefully I will be done by 2:30 and will be dying for a margarita

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Bunkie, I'll check our very tiny health food store, and if they don't have cranberry pills, I'll try the web.  Good for you for kicking the sugar habit!  I would like to avoid the calories of drinking a lot of cranberry juice.  Even the lower sugar ones are too high.  Your stretching pain sounds like mine, except I still have a tender spot on my rib cage in back four days later.  I think this kind of thing is as much from the surgery as the rads.  So both the RO and the BS can say it's not their exact job to help us with follow-up--unless we push.

    Kate, of course, margaritas and guac and chips, we are all over it!  Yum!  Nice mild salsa verde?  Sour cream?  Melted cheese?  Whatever you want lady!  Hope your chemo hours are sailing by fast.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    2 more hours and i am done. Salsa verde and melted cheese yum. I don't like sour cream. Just have it on the side for the others. I especially can't wait for the margaritas

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    I'm ready for my marguerita, and all the goodies.  (Mostly the marguerita!)

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    I am home. Bring on the margaritas. guac, and chips. cake balls would be great too. For those who want it I will supply the wine.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Glad you're home.  Eat, drink, and be merry time.  Thank goodness for Mexican food and drink--just hits the spot.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2013

    Cheers Kate!

    Pocket Party! Sew pass the pinto noir!!!

    Yes, Brookside very merry time :).

    (((Hugs))) 2 U Kate

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited July 2013

    Lordy I almost missed the party!  Feel well Kate.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Congratulations Kate!  Margarita, chips, guac, the works!  Hope you feel good tonight and all week.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2013

    Brookside,Cindy, Sab and Runfree. I so much enjoy your support and this party. I am high on margarita's and it feels soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. i am loving the chips and guac too. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    Kate, I usually don't drink but would definitely have one for You.Did you save me one??

    I need one after today.I hadn't talked to my supervisors yet because they gave me 2 weeks to let them know what I wanted to do and this Friday will be 2 weeks.Meanwhile they didn't give me a date on when my new hours started.Well today we get a memo with the new Bone Density hours in it and when it starts.Really they can't tell me first?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2013

    Hi all,
    Checking in after almost a week....I am still away in Utah taking an outdoor course.  I hiked over 5 miles today and have blisters...tomorrow is the last day and another hike is scheduled.  It's been wild....starting with a rafting trip that was like no other...more later about that.
    (((Kate))) I am glad you have one more long chemo behind you.  I hope you sail through the next 3 days and that the SEs will pass quickly.  I am sorry about the conflicts about your possible choices for surgery and future treatment.  It makes me really angry that you have to go through this and face so much uncertainty.  You are entitled to be depressed about the treatments that you don't want.  But we also need to make each day our best day...and to find joys in the simple things.  I know you are doing all you can to be positive.  Hugs and prayers and positive thoughts for you.
    Sew, glad to hear you got a good report.  I do hope you can find a way to alleviate some or all of your symptoms. Your mom sounds sorry she and you had to endure the loss of your dear brother.
    Josie, I am so sorry that your job has become so impersonal. You deserve better.  It sounds like you will have to stay there for now and try to get more work or find a different job. 
    I read took awhile even though some days were "slow"!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2013

    Gee, Joan, summer school sure ain't what it used to be.  So glad you're doing something you love, breathing all that clean Utah air, and hiking, hiking, hiking.

    Janis, I don't think we've heard from you in a while.  I hope all is well and you've gotten just the right doc referral.

    Kate, isn't the margarita a wonderful thing?  Hope you're feeling good this morning.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited July 2013

    Kate - I had a drink with you just forgot to post. These three days will go fast hopefully. Hang in there.

    Feeling depressed today. Just found out that another friend I worked with and a three times BC survivor has pancreatic cancer and it spread to her liver. There are so many of us managers at ATT that have had cancer it makes me wonder sometimes what was in the environment we worked in. Sad news. I lost one of my best friends to BC in 08 so this is just another hit on life. I have another endo appt today where I am going to corner this Dr about his sort of hyper-parathyroid diagnosis. Is it or isn't it and stop fooling around with my Vit D if it is. He wants me to take 50,000 units of Vit D a week because mine was so low overall. It was 7.9 last check BUT my Sarcoid causes low Vit D when it is active in my kidneys. We have to keep a balance here and this Dr is not really wanting to understand that about me. Too much Vit D for me will cause kidney failure. So here we go with another fight where he tells me he knows EVERYTHING about Vit D and I need to take it like he tells me. I still am dizzy and have a mild ear ache but I am going to get my hair washed and hit the grocery store for supplies. maybe some sunlight will get me out of this mood.Undecided

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2013

    BUNKIE, ((((hugs)))) hope you can work it out with your doc with the Vit D .I hope your day gets better .

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited July 2013

    Joan, your trip sounds epic!  Can't wait to learn more.  Rafting on a lively river is something I can skip, but if it were peaceful water, I think I'd be into it.  Sorry about the blisters.

    Josie, so sorry you're being treated this way.  It isn't right, and it would be easy for them at least to give you better notification and stick the schedule they gave you before.  I guess that's all the more reason to start looking around.

    Bunkie, that is awful news about your friend.  Three times BC!  And now this!  It's too much to bear.  I hope you and the doctor can come to a meeting of the minds about the Vitamin D plan.  It's so frustrating when the information just doesn't mesh. 

    Kate, I'm glad you got your margarita and chips and guac last night!  That all sounds divine and well deserved.  I hope this week goes easy on you.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited July 2013

    Josie & RunFree - Thanks for checking in. I am ok. Just went to a bad place when I got that news this morning. Going to call her tonight if I can. Always brings up my own insecurities with BC.

    I went to the endo today and we had a good meeting of the minds. I asked him questions and he answered. He said he really does feel I have an autoimmune thyroid disease brewing but my labs do not show it and my biopsy was inconclusive. Without proof he can not treat me so we will watch it and take another ultrasound in 9 mos. He said if I can get down on my HRT and my prednisone he will order more labs and if anything changes he will do another biopsy. So we wait. He did agree to compromise on the Vit D issue and let me take an over the counter low dose if I get a little sun also. So it went well. I won't fire him.